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Ribbing the new guys

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Aloha my Tribe,
Part of the fun of Tiki Central is the gentle ribbing we love to bestow upon the new guy. Judging from the numbers, our zany hijinks are the highlight of many TCers day. Oh sure some times it goes too far, but, who can fault a bunch of loveable lugs like us? However we did send these would be members of the tribe packing.

Zen Tiki

Kokomo B&G



Hula Lula
Hula Lula's Alias "Tcresrule"

What a bunch of bitches we are. However here is some info that the new guys don't seem to know.
1.There are over 1200 TC members. in the above cases less than one percent of TC voiced a negative response.
2.Our posts are E-mailed out to many TCers. many of us don't post things like "Cool mug" or "great sign", because of the potential number of Emails this could generate. This has been discussed. My point being is that many of us who would post a favorable response, simply don't.
3. We don't have to like your damn sale!!!
4. Manners are a way to show others we respect them. If you want to post an auction, read the rules. If you don't follow the rules you are as bad as a harvester-bot searching for E-mail addresses to sell Penis enlargement pills.
5. Be angry at those who desrve it, not 1200 people who have nothing to do with it.

The friction created in the above links has led me to post my second top ten list.

The Top Ten New Favorite Insults Posted on the TC Board
10. Dick-End
9. Dolphin Wanker
8. Your third eye was temporarily closed
7. Pig-ignorant
5. Atomic boobs why don't you stay in the basement
4. "Puppy Moai Penis Ear Boy" (my personal all time favorite)
3.You guys are more like my keyster.
keis·ter n. Slang
A. The buttocks.
B. The anus.
2.kiss ass with us fancy tiki types
1.Tiki for some a lifestyle and to others it's obviously a sick compulsive obsession! Get help!

Words to live by
Hanford on what's wrong with you #!@$%!s ?!!?

Hanford on being nice to the new guy


[ Edited by: alnshely on 2003-08-03 12:50 ]

http://www.tikienlarger.com ?

[ Edited by: thechikitiki on 2003-08-02 13:49 ]

On 2003-08-02 12:57, Alnshely wrote:
The Top Ten New Favorite Insults Posted on the TC Board
10. Dick-End
9. Dolphin Wanker
8. Your third eye was temporarily closed
7. Pig-ignorant
5. Atomic boobs why don't you stay in the basement
4. "Puppy Moai Penis Ear Boy" (my personal all time favorite)
3.You guys are more like my keyster.
keis·ter n. Slang
A. The buttocks.
B. The anus.
2.kiss ass with us fancy tiki types
1.Tiki for some a lifestyle and to others it's obviously a sick compulsive obsession! Get help!

Al, you forgot MY favorite:

Hoity Toity

Zen Tiki was begging to be taunted. He first posted in ALL CAPS (not just the title but the message, too) and I deleted it and asked him to repost and read the house rules.

He then reposted the same auction in lower case, but he didn’t read the house rules, as apparently he listed his ebay text verbatim.

I then posted again and told him to read the house rules, and I let him know he’s not supposed to post the ebay auction text verbatim. But he didn’t change it.

And finally, as some people have pointed out, it’s not even an ebay auction, really, because he appears to be using eBay to advertise a service of creating custom signs and to email him for details. I don’t think this is even allowed on eBay.


I hate locking topics. I hate topics that become adversarial. And when you post things like “SPAM” to an ebay posting, it causes most topics to turn into wars. What a pain in the ass. It only takes one negitive post to turn a topic into a war.

So, please please PLEASE don’t post “Spam” to ebay auction listings. I’ve asked people not to do this before, and people are still doing it. Let me restate to everyone:

  1. Ebay auctions of tiki-related products are not spam, whether the person has posted 1000 times, or never.

  2. Posting “Spam” in useless to other members: It’s obvious to everyone reading that it’s the poster’s first message, and that they’re selling something. You’re not contributing anything new to the situation, and throwing fuel onto a fire that’s about to start.

  3. It clearly states “eBay:” in the subject title now. If you don’t want to read auction announcements, then I beg you to just ignore it. If you just want to read auction announcements from long-time members, then look at the poster’s name and if you don’t recognize it, don’t read it.

  4. If you feel you must comment on an auction, please keep the comments related to the quality/price/value of the auction’s contents, and please try to comment in a non-rude way. My guess is no one would be bitching if the auction were a steal, so commenting on an auction’s contents is a much more informative way of claiming “spam”, since you’re pointing out to the auctioneer and to less-informed Tiki Central members why the auction isn’t a good deal.

For my part, I will look into providing more direct “read the house rules before posting” messages, and I’ll look into making the house rules easier to read (less text, more to the point).

Thanks for reading,


PS -- the vast majority of you have been great about it, and I appreciate that! Thanks! But it only takes one negitive post to turn a topic sour!

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-08-02 20:06 ]


A wise and just overseer of tikidom, that's our Hanford.

And Hanford, what about making every new member click an "agree" button after reading the rules and regs. Can't post until you agree.

On 2003-08-02 19:49, jungletrader wrote:
And Hanford, what about making every new member click an "agree" button after reading the rules and regs. Can't post until you agree.

Yeah, that will be part of my effort to make them more visible.

I'm worried though that people will just click the "agree" button without reading, so that's why I want to refine them and make them easier to read.



I'm sorry but dick-end should really be in the top 5.

Hanford, to be honest I rarely read user agreements. A little common sense goes a long way. Unfortunately without rules and a little courtesy, chaos reigns. Some people just don't get it.

And to quote a now famous line from my friend Hula Hula, "Can't we all just.....get a bong?" I love that line and the cool people here on TC. All the Rudy's can go somewhere else.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-08-03 08:42 ]


Hey Al, Thanks for letting me re-live some Great Moments In TC History. That Squawker fellow just cracks me up.... how I miss him!

Classics for sure! More importantly a big Tiki-Thank You (Mahalo, Mahalo) goes to Hanford for all his hard work. It's with this hard work that allows us "lovable lugs" to post such "meaningfull" banter like... this one (my personal fav)

And Yes, Hoity Toity has to be #1

laney posted on Sun, Aug 3, 2003 12:06 PM

Hi, Al and thanks for all those links, what a search! SCD must be envious of your searching abilities.
But the Hula Lula link is the same as the Squaker link. So here's the correct link, birth place of the infamous "hoity toity" title we love!


My Dear Laney,

Thank you for the link correction, but I shall not be envious of incorrectly posted links! Mine are exact and precise! After all...I AM Hoity Toity!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(for those not reading this post in a comedic fashion...this means I am ONLY KIDDING!...I am still Hoity Toity though.)

And Yes, Hoity Toity has to be #1
....in a manager sort of way, but Dirty South owns the joint.


If and when I make somewhat negative posts, keep in mind that a gentleman is never unintentionally rude...

(besides, I'd rather be 'rude' than 'boring')


I can't believe I coined Al's #2 insult! I'm not even sure it was an insult. That was a fine walk down memory lane, Al- thanks.

I, too, support a higher ranking for "dick-end".

'Taint Licker' didn't make it on there either!

Al -

I can not convey how honored I am to make the #1 spot on your top ten list! I don't know what to say...Thank you! I know I had some great competition out there.. I never thought I'd be chosen for the #1 slot. Is there going to be an awards show? Do I need to prepare a speech? Who do I thank?

I promise I wont let this award go to my head..

Loving Monkeypaw :wink:

About this "dick-end" thing..........I feel profane things of this nature are not or should not be standard practice on a posting board, unless they are in jest and between old posters that have interacted in the past.I know I did not take to it with a happy smile ,but with an evil"i'm gunna burn your ass" grin.We all know what followed, fun as it may have been for MOST involved, some folks got hurt.This is not cool.I at least tried to keep it clean.I love a joust better than anyone, but after reading some of the recent battles, I think we should try and be a little more inventive.Free of sin I ain't, but thats how I feel.

Maybe over in "Beyond Tiki" Hanford (or?) can post a new topic like, " Burn each other hear!" Then, we could keep all the rest of the post's clean and to the point? ( like, refer the post you are posting about but type in your responce to the "Burn each other hear" post if you feel like being a Dick-end or Taint-ass or had a bad day at work or just in a state of buzz) Or, maybe a "code word" like "D-E" or "T-A" (short for the above mentioned) if we don't dig what others/and or us, are saying. But then again, this would screw up big Al's next top ten!! What a crack up!!

Another thought is to "Hi-lite" the "Cancel Post" icon. Anyway, Hanford is da man for letin' us voice on his website!

I am confused by this topic. Kokomo was not a new member and should not be included on the list. I realize there are a lot of other fun people here and I included him amongst them. Wasn't he the one who invented the Puppy Moai? Its hard to remember that far back, maybe I am wrong. I still have a Puppy Moai fridge magnet, and I love it!

Well I'm glad to have helped eased the word 'dick-end' in the the national consciousness, but less pleased to have ever upset anyone that I wasn't directly replying to. In actual fact 'dick-end' is very low down the table in terms of offensiveness. It's the kind of word that might crop up during a teen soap aired at 6:30pm, so it was never meant as a brutal, cutting insult.
Fans of British swearwords can find a lot more of them at: http://www.viz.co.uk/profanisaurus/profanis.htm

I've been spending less time on North Sea trawlers, so I've refrained from using the crude language of sea-folk in recent weeks. (Actually, I'd forgotten about TC's name-calling rule, and Hanford was quite right to pull me and others up on that).

Tiki Central seems to have gone back to the happy place it once was, so my lesson has been learned.

Trader Woody


On 2003-08-05 00:09, fartsatune wrote:
Kokomo was not a new member and should not be included on the list. Wasn't he the one who invented the Puppy Moai? Its hard to remember that far back, maybe I am wrong.

Ah, hem... but I - Tiki Bong - was the originator of the ever popular 'penis eared puppy moai'. It was on a thread when Mad Tiki was bagging on Tikifish for posting her art or something.

Now, back to our regular programming...


Hey my two wheeled brother, I'm afraid the aforementioned phallic putdown has taken on a life of it's own and i'm sure that none of us are meaning to refer to the original dispute when invoking the term.

no problem, I am just a little worried about the newbies getting turned off by profane things being posted.I know in england that D-E is in fact very light on the scale as trader has stated, I mean, these guys call each other the "c" word daily over there!.I can take alot of ribbing and hang with the best of them, but in the process of our playful verbage, someone reading the post can get their feelings really hurt when they were not the intended target in the first place.The insult hurled can hit the bullseye,but flatten ten nice, good natured folks that read some of these "playful posts".Think of a bunch of guys shooting the s--t in a nice eatery,just blasting away at each other in jest, and around the corner is a nice elderly couple(or a table of full of cute,young gals) shocked and hurt at the exchange they just witnessed.

Sorry about that mistake Bong, you deserve full credit for that insult. It should always remain on the top ten list! Sometimes its your "subtle" insults that are best, this is my fave of yours...



On 2003-08-06 23:38, twowheelin'tiki wrote:
no problem, I am just a little worried about the newbies getting turned off by profane things being posted.I know in england that D-E is in fact very light on the scale as trader has stated, I mean, these guys call each other the "c" word daily over there!.I can take alot of ribbing and hang with the best of them, but in the process of our playful verbage, someone reading the post can get their feelings really hurt when they were not the intended target in the first place.The insult hurled can hit the bullseye,but flatten ten nice, good natured folks that read some of these "playful posts".Think of a bunch of guys shooting the s--t in a nice eatery,just blasting away at each other in jest, and around the corner is a nice elderly couple(or a table of full of cute,young gals) shocked and hurt at the exchange they just witnessed.


I know you got sent to the corner for a few off-color statements, but jeez, don't go overboard the other way. Are you going to sell you bikes and buy a Vespa too?

kctiki posted on Thu, Aug 7, 2003 2:35 PM

Coco Joe sez:

Two Wheelin' don' wanna pickle,
Just wanna ride on his motor-cickle.

You had a little trouble
for the verbal spar
but we still love you,
just the way you are.
Ridin' your Harley
and smokin' a big cigar!

You try and be a nice guy and POW!!, right in the chops!.The real meaning of my last statement is be cool unless you know the other A.H., then play/spar in a very direct way that won't hurt the FEMALES!!!(I was trying to be a good little P.C. guy).I got some flak from the gals for my stuff, and they were never the target.I think we should be able to play on "beyond tiki" without fear of the dreaded padlock,what say you?.


Wow that's awesome, I never had seen the original Hoity Toity thread. I love it.

Whooops, I mean, as a moderator, I cannot condone such behaviour!

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