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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

rebbelib, Stick Charts, navigation swell maps

Pages: 1 2 replies

coruscate posted on 06/15/2009

Hey folks for the longest time I've been trying to obtain even the most rudimentary tourist version of a rebbelib (this may be an insult to make and not exist).

Do any of you have leads on stick maps from any of the Polynesian island cultures that made them?


Ke nono au, e kala mua mai, i keia manawa ho'i.

[ Edited by: coruscate 2009-06-15 07:04 ]

VampiressRN posted on 06/15/2009
coruscate posted on 06/15/2009

Thanks VampiressRN I appreciate the links.
I'm looking more on the collecting side outside of major museums and what people may know of that world.
I have a list of the museums that have them on display as part of their collections.
Some people may have brought home the tourist quality ones, but not a lot of tourists go to Marquesas or Marshall islands.
Anybody own one of these, maybe a Mattang or other type? How did you come across it?

Pages: 1 2 replies