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NEW Benzart Black Jade Marq 3-6-14

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tok-tok posted on 06/12/2009

It´s been a while now. I started checking TC a few weeks ago and realized that I missed much of the good stuff going up here.
I did not recognize you were starting a new thread. I really love the deversity in material and ideas you have. We had urchin, jade, ebony, redwod, bone, koa and bone again so far. Very cool. I only can do wood.

This one is my favorite shot, looking naturally aged.

greentikipat posted on 06/15/2009

a real pleasure seeing you guys again, and your little guys, too! bumping into you guys for lunch was a nice treat. sorry i couldn't visit on the way out, i didn't leave any time. thanks a lot for the invite.

laojia posted on 06/15/2009

Green vs blue

Said good night to John, BenZ!

kingstiedye posted on 06/16/2009

it's great too see ya cranking 'em out ben! the marq is beautiful and an amazing rescue with the comb. the hawaiian warrior was a great concept and execution. especially that face! bravo! the signatures are works of art too. now let's get another look at the lono you were working on.

AlohaStation posted on 06/16/2009

What you guys haven't seen is the smaller duplicate head that he carved Saturday(?) morning next to the pool. Come on Benz put some wax on it and share with the rest of the class.

hewey posted on 06/16/2009

Nice work Ben :D Good to see you back at it again

tikipaka posted on 06/16/2009

Thanks T-Pak, Oh darn I almost forgot about # 100, guess I'll have to skip a few numbers, glad you like this stuff. See 'ya soon.

Benz, did you skip over the #100? I loved that comb, it would have been a nice hair piece for sure. And the smile on it reminded me of the class clown. :lol: Nice work... I suppose you dropped it and the comb broke? You're like that energizer bunny, you just keep going & going.. And we wouldn't have it any other way..

What you guys haven't seen is the smaller duplicate head that he carved Saturday(?) morning next to the pool. Come on Benz put some wax on it and share with the rest of the class.

Now this was a really quickie for sure.. Must be nice to be this talented and whip these things up so quickly and with such detail.. Keep up the good work my friend.

Benzart posted on 06/17/2009

Thanks Surfin, yes the siggie IS taking some time but not as much as the first one and it will be quick and eazy soon Yeah, I worked!

Thanks seeks but What comb, I don't see no comb? :o :lol:

tok-tok, Yes you can Never know what media you will see when you stroll into my threads here, it's always a surprise for sure! Thanks for the kind words.

Greentikipat, Thanks for the props and I Understand about the time thing, it Always is elusive at these things when it comes to changing plans. Soon though, we'll make it soon!

Laojia, thanks, green blue, green blue, I don't know which is best, we'll hacve to discuss it more soon. John likes the green though, he told me to tell you that, Specifically! :lol:

Bullet, Yes, it feels Great to be back on the bench, thanks for noticing the pieces, Marq coming, Lono coming soon, More of Lots of guys coming soon.

Aloha, yes, that guy was the Original Marq I started but I Lost him around the shop and started ole' Green eye you saw.
I'll post progress shots soon! Thanks.

Hewey, Thanks, NICE seeing you here for a change too!

T-Pak,,,,,It was SO nice meeting you and your man there at Hukilau. You both display those pieces very well. Don't know what happened to # 100, it hasn't been named yet I guess but will be soon.
Here is the Marq I was working at by the pool on Saturday Morning before anyone woke up? :lol:

Aaron's Akua posted on 06/17/2009

Aloha Ben! WOW, I've been absent too long. What a treasure trove you've been amassing here! Hmmm.... are you up to #100 already? Boy does time fly! 100, 100, now why does that number ring a bell? ...:-? ...:roll: ...:) ...:D

benella posted on 06/17/2009

Looks like a realistic alive human face with a marquesan beautifully inserted and done eye !
Should I add that I love it ? :wink:


Benzart posted on 06/17/2009

Thanks Aaron's, ring a bell? Why yes it does since you jogged my memory. We'll have to work something out!

Ben, Thanks, Glad you likee. Haven't finished the eyeball yet though.
More soon.

Benzart posted on 06/19/2009

Heres this little Marq all finished up but for the cord.

TIKIVILLE posted on 06/19/2009

That is really insanly beautiful!
you really have found your calling in that one !

FreddieBallsomic posted on 06/19/2009

Beautiful piece, BigBen.... That inlay makes it easily amazing... ...Need my address? :wink: :D
Lookin' forward to the next one.

Grapa-RuHa posted on 06/19/2009

Wow another amazing piece of Art. This inlay gives him great character.
As i now understand how to create a chord the right way, I suggest you send him over to me for a finishing touch :)

finkdaddy posted on 06/19/2009

Help me, I've been hypnotized!

pappythesailor posted on 06/19/2009

Fantastic. Raising the bar again, Ben.

tikisbytyler posted on 06/19/2009


MooneyTiki posted on 06/19/2009

Another Very COOL carving!!! I swear your carvings Do seem as if they are ALIVE!!! Like you could sit around a table and have a conversation with them!! Very SWEET!!! Aloha, Mooney

Benzart posted on 06/19/2009

Thanks Tikiville, the kind words are much appreciated.

Freddie, Thank you too, I Think I have your addy somewhere here :P

Thanks Grapa', Sure, I'll send him right over, but you'll have to send him right back so his new owner doesn't shoot me? :)

Finky Thanks, do you know how nice it is to see you hanging around again?

Pappy, thanks to you too, And it is so Great seeing you again! :o

Tyler, Thaannnkssss. :D :P :lol:

Almost forgot MOONEY, Thanks Jimmy, When you coming home, gotta get together soon!

Tikilizard posted on 06/19/2009

SWEEEEETT! Love the eye.

benella posted on 06/19/2009

WOW, Master Ben ! This eye is spectacular and sticks perfectly to this spectacular Marquesan figure.
Do you always got some eye ball in your pockets everywhere you go to do some masterpiece wherever you are ? I don't ask about knives or wood because I always got the carvin' Jack and some knives and wood in my pockets in case of boring moments :lol:


laojia posted on 06/20/2009

And how is calling this guy here? one with blue eyes?
Is what you talked to John? :roll: :roll: :roll:

The hairdress carve! And the nose detail: WOW!!

Your knive work is incredible BenZ!


little lost tiki posted on 06/20/2009

you hit the MARQ on that one!

congatiki posted on 06/20/2009

What's next wise Ben?
Nice to see that you could make it to the Hukilau and still sit
poolside and carve away.
Beautiful work on the Marq.

tikigap posted on 06/21/2009


As usual, this "raises the bar" again - and it is interesting to me, as a statistician, mathmatician, partytician, to know just how far that bar can be raised.

Very awesome!

Thanks, man.

Benzart posted on 06/21/2009

Thanks TikiLizard, the eye is from a paua shell sent to me by one of our Kiwi friends from down under.

Benella, Thanks for telling everyone my secret, Yes I Always carry around a pocket full of eyes in just case I go blind and lose my way, Or in case I have a piece that needs an eye, Or, or ? Thanks ben, Got a Hook blade in that there c-jack? :lol:

Thanks Laojia, Yes, he Can be called "Old Blue eyes", I'm sure Frankie wouldn't mind.
The details are all from the Hook Blade, I was just holding it when this guy came uo looking for more definition, the hook blade actually takes over and I just hold on for dear fingers. :)

Little lost Tiki, I hope you find your way . meanwhile Thanks for the props, (maybe I was aiming at a tang or a who knows what?) :o

Conga, thanks for the kind words. I was up too early do do much else as no one was around. One of these days we'll get you to one of these Hukilau events so we can really see ow it's done. :D :o Oh, not sure whats next?

T-Gap, Always a Pleasure when you stop by, it was Great seeing you at Hukilau, Finally. Oh, that Bar thingie, I don't pay much attention to it except for when someone is swinging it at me. Thanks for the comps.

Clarita posted on 06/22/2009

Oh wow! very very very nice!!!!!!!!!!

seeksurf posted on 06/23/2009

Killer looking fella there Benz. He has really come to life.

BUFFBAD posted on 06/23/2009

At least I can say I saw you working on that with your trusty hook-knife at the Hukilau. I was privileged to meet you and Aloha. Great work -- Love the eye. BUFFBAD

Aaron's Akua posted on 06/23/2009

Wow, the Marq is magnifcent! Those abalone eyes look like they've seen some visions... It's a weird and wonderful effect, kind of natural and surreal at the same time.

Lake Surfer posted on 06/23/2009

Beautiful work, Ben!

You know I've got a soft spot for the art of the Marquesas... and this one is a fine carving!

Love the detail work in the headress, and a perfect color for this guy.

drgoat456 posted on 06/23/2009

That baby is beautiful, nothing less. A work of art & love.

Babalu posted on 06/23/2009

I'm liking this one a great deal Ben. Might be my favorite this month.


JohnnyP posted on 06/24/2009

gorgeous! great work--as usual. :)

tikigap posted on 06/24/2009

It really is a great piece Ben - very beautiful and the detail is just over the top. The 3D chop is cool, too - very nice!

Benzart posted on 06/25/2009

Darn,, It looks like I got way behind here too, just too much going on 'round here

Clarita, Seeks, Thanks for the kind words.

Buffbad, I'm glad I got to meet you too at Hukilau, you should have sat down and talked while I was doing that guy. Thanks.

Aarons, yes I think this guy got into some of that stink-weed or sumpthin, his eyes tell the story. Thanks for the comment And for coming round again!

Thanks Lake, yes I know this is a Weakness you have and I can see why too, it was a real pleasure to carve and the "Chocolate Maple" worked out great, thanks.

DrGoat, Thanks for the kind words and yes I Loved doing this guy.

Babs, Thanks, nice to see you on this side and the Month's not over yet! :P :o

Johnny, Thanks for the comps, Much appreciated.

Thanks T-Gap, Really happy you like him and he arrived in one piece.

Here is the jade Maori I've been working on forever Almost done!

Babalu posted on 06/25/2009

Benzart posted on 06/25/2009

WOW, Babs, Thanks for the Fireworks!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 06/25/2009

Great work on the Marq piece and that
jade Maori is looking stellar. Such amazing detail!
Love all your art! Will check out the rest of your thread.

el Stingray posted on 06/26/2009

Many thanks Master Benz!
Your work is inspiring as always!

May Tikis fire forever burn!

[ Edited by: el Stingray 2009-06-26 16:13 ]

Benzart posted on 06/27/2009

Iokona ki"i, Thanks for the kind words, be sure to catch All my threads (Links on the first page) as I usually keep my threads to around 100 pages and this is thread 5 I think, Yes, 5 so sit down and relax awhile, you'll be awhile.

El Stingray, No Problem, Thanks for the comps.

Just updated the 9heading to show I finished this Jade Maori today but no photos yet.
Also fixed the front page to show links of all my previous threads. Cheers.

surfintiki posted on 06/27/2009

What a beautiful piece of Jade, and a beautiful design to make a beautiful piece! Beautiful!

Savage Daddy posted on 06/27/2009

Magical! I love it! :drink:

Benzart posted on 06/30/2009

Greetings, Here is a Maori chief with Moko who is 2.25 inches high by 1.50 Inches wide. This is from Synthetic jade from timid tiki. Judge for yourself. I Love carving this stone and it is very bright translucent. Although looking very Mottled when all lit up?

This fellow has about 10 hours in rough -out and is from the lighter of the two batches you sent me Timid. It Definitely carves nicely. it will be interesting to see how it takes the moko.


timidtiki posted on 06/30/2009

It's looking really good Benz . . . and should take the moko without any problems. Do you have any idea yet on what this material really is? It may be called "synthetic jade" but I cannot find any references to it on the internet. It is definitely harder than nephrite, very tough, and has a consistent grainy fracture like granite when broken . . . it is not glassy or conchoidal in fracture at all. The seller is Thialand isn't talking but he may not know. Any one else out there with ideas on this? There are some more photos of this material (including a red "synthetic jade") on Tama's Stone Carving forum.

wentiki posted on 06/30/2009

These carvings are great! But, I'd be careful with this "Synthetic Jade." It looks a lot like dyed serpentine, particularly if it can be scratched with a steel needle. Bowenite is a slightly harder form of serpentine but still easier to carve.

Don't expose synthetic jade to even a little sunlight, as the dye inside the stone will yellow to an awful color. Most of these dyed pieces discolor on their own within 10 years or so. There is no stable dye for jade, even if its polymer-injected.

[ Edited by: wentiki 2009-06-30 04:43 ]

Benzart posted on 06/30/2009

Thanks timid, I'll be sure to update you this afternoon on the finer carving properties of this stone. I cannot add anything more and haven't been able to find any more info in it either. One thing I did notice about the hardness, on the bottom of the slab (what I would assume was the bottom anyway) it seemed Very much harder than the top sections which was strange.
More later.

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