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Makau Carving Lashing etc

Pages: 1 5 replies

Dagon posted on 06/20/2009

Hi, I am new to TC and relatively new to bone carving, though not to carving in general.
I would like to get some input on a few things I have been struggling with in reference to finding the right cord for both lashing and the necklace itself. while I have read every post on or relating to the topic and searched online for nearly a year for the right materials they have eluded me thus far.

which brings me to the question at hand... besides every single bead website, every store and manufacturer of poly/nylon cord I have searched thus far... anyone know a place to procure this elusive stuff?

I am sure there is some level of secrecy involved about it though because no one wants someone else to post a website and create yet another competitor, so let me put these fears at ease. I have no intention of ever selling my carvings. while I do enjoy the smell of burning bone and at the start of this journey my intention was merely to possess one rather than drooling at every one I see, and well it was a nice gift for my brother as well.

picture of my latest at the bottom. comments, advice are always welcome.

Pm me if you happen to know a place to get the cord! thanks

post your work if you want, I always love to see what everyone can do!

Thanks :)

Grapa-RuHa posted on 06/20/2009

Hey Dagon,
Welcome to the carving forum.
I have been carving bone a lot the past days and I to was having a hard time in the cord department.
Since i'm not from around where you live I can't help you with a place to buy the right cord.
But I did find that any cord they sell at the beads shops is fine for making a cord.
You just need to braid it and lash it to the pendant.
There is some info on that in the Bone thread here.

Keep up the good work and have fun.

Dagon posted on 06/20/2009

Great info thank you! I suppose if you know someplace local there, I have a few friends in the area :)

Benzart posted on 06/20/2009

You can get Braided polyester thread in 1mm size, in a few different colors(Black, brown and natural) from an eBay store, HERE
. Also on eBay is artificial sinew from a few stores, HERE'S ONE
Hope this helps.

Edit to add a web link


[ Edited by: Benzart 2009-06-20 13:21 ]

Dagon posted on 06/21/2009

Thank you very much for the links! I love unsubtle help !!

Irishcarver posted on 06/30/2009

Hey dagon.

Head on over to http://www.thecarvingpath.net/forum. There are some good videos on the techniques section which a few guys have put up. It is a hard subject to find out about but hopefully this will help you out. Check out the who's who section and look out for myself (Irishcarver), billy, novice carver and brent duty.

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