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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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little lost tiki posted on 06/25/2009

How have you been,Sir?
Thanks for poppin by!
(you're one of the few who actually takes his sandals off before entering!)
Last time i visited your post
that ocean/hazy A-frame/Tiki piece was coming to life quite splendidly!
i'll see it
it looks done
then SHAM-WOW! you add yet ANOTHER layer of lighting
and it comes o life even more!
Is there a word for a CANVAS Golem? :lol:

It seems like "Skull Collector" and "Sleeping Cannibal" are the winners of this batch so far,
judging from all y'alls comments and PMs....YAY!
3-friggin DEE? taking it up a Notch?
Once my Time machine/particle Accelerator/Division by Zero machine is complete
i'm goin Full-on 4-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Squid...yes it is...
but if'n you got more than most...
Waste Awaaaaaaaaaaay!

Tikiville-Thanks Drummerman! i had created a lil series of the Cannibals
their moods,their quiet moments,their moments of victory over prey captured
and even their moments of melancholy and regret...
I'll have to dig those up and put the series here together
it's always fun to see a series grow
without even realizing it.....

Jason- Mahalo Mr. Velveta! :)
(purposeful spelling to evoke the cheese giant in a sentence)
Painter of sexy wahines....
another vote for Skull Collector..
maybe i should try a painting of him...

raves-yuppers! That's what it looks like
after i haven't scanned in a month!
i kinda like it...
ART and SENSORY OVERLOAD in the 4th Dimension!
(echo inserted here..)
When you finishin your Art Swap piece?
do the Hustle!
(insert disco music here...)

Will be painting Moko's brain and RAINBOW WIG hair in the next week or two
trying to figure what a clown's brain looks like
without having to do invasive head surgery on meself....
there are some other 3-d goodies I'm working on
but you can't see them yet...

and Moko also has a sidekick...
Stay tuned!

Monstercoach... :lol:

Thank you
and Thank all y'alls for being so nice
and encouraging the weird kid!

GROG posted on 06/25/2009

the thread that never ends
and constantly repeats the same thing
but in a different voice.....

DON'T you all realize that this thread is a plot by Ruzic to keep us away from our work?

little lost tiki posted on 06/25/2009

outted again by GROG!
He saw right thru my scheme because he doesn't work at ALL
lazy talented bastard that he is!

GROG posted on 06/25/2009

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 06/25/2009

ALL great stuff lately, Kenny, but I keep coming back to that gorgeous "Night Blooming Lotus." You said it was Balinese-inspired. Are you sure you weren't reading "Siddhartha" while simultaneously creating the art? Hesse wants his "vibe" back!

Anyway, Grog's right. The distraction to get our own crapola accomplished is there.



little lost tiki posted on 06/25/2009

if that's your credo
then why did you work so hard to get
your niece
votes in that sham
of a contest
you've been crowing about?

GROG posted on 06/25/2009

Worth the work to help another.

Kiki von Tiki posted on 06/27/2009

"trying to figure what a clown's brain looks like
without having to do invasive head surgery on meself.... "

:lol: :lol: :lol:

'ahhhh. . . .
I been pontificating about "art" and "craft" somewhere around here and thought I'd stop by. Now I gotta go get some work done. Dang you Kinny! Wasting all our time on this art of yours! By the way I'm taking Sea Monster to get framed next week. Finally decided. I'll send you a pic when it's done and hangin on the wall.

Retro Modern Wahine......Kiki von Tiki on etsy

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2009-06-26 22:31 ]

little lost tiki posted on 06/29/2009

Andy-Thank you PALLIE!
I've been thinking about taking a visit back to Bali/Thailand with some more pieces...
There are just too many great cultures to rip off! :lol:

and if Hess wants his vibe back,he'll have to come and get it!

Thanks for stopping by! Missed you at the CHOP at Hanks!
we had fun for you,tho!
Cannot wait to see the Sea Monster framed!
too exciting!

well, just got back from the CHOP and BOY!
if you haven't been to one,you should GO!
A Great opportunity to mingle,create,and learn!
and sometimes you get TJ Dogs! mmmmmmmmmm!
thanks Mr. Red!
and thanks to the lovable HodadHanky for hosting!

Well, it's been a Busy Week
but managed to get a few pieces for Oasis finished!

"the Adorable Crabby Boy"
gouache on gessoed wood

please excuse the glare....noontime shooting..


gouache on gessoed wood


and i started 2 more
just laying some acrylic washes down on canvas
before doing a layer of paintpen...

here's one of them BEFORE i got some more work on it at the CHOP!


I'll shoot the other one and the almost finished one (above)

Thanks for all the happytalk
and visitin!

now it's time for bed..
Had to get up early on Sat to help the Toe move some office/studio equipment
and today,had to get up early for the Chop!
No time for naps this weekend...

kingstiedye posted on 06/29/2009

hey kinny, love dat crabby boy. he is adorable. see ya soon cuz.

MadDogMike posted on 06/29/2009

KINNY!!! So good to see ya at the Chop. The Chop piece (doesn't he have a name yet?) was lookin' awesome, can't wait to see the finished product.

Meheadhunter posted on 06/30/2009

Hey Kinny....Thought I'd stop and say I recieved "Drummer Posessed" today, It's amazing how things are soooo much better in person, I didn't even notice the leaf prints and many other fine details in the pics/scans...thanks so much...and thanks for the extras. I'll post a pic when I get him framed!!

little lost tiki posted on 07/01/2009

Hey Man!
Great to hear your voice!
CANNOT wait til August comes
and i can TRIP on your cool Hawaiian shirts at Oasis!
Adorable Crabby Boy will be just one of many
of the new friends I'll have to make your eyes smile!

Soooooooo fun meeting you!
that gourd is too much!
I'll be shooting (and titling the Maori boy very soon)
So be forewarned
or fore-armed! :lol:

Hey MHH!
Thank you so much for buying "the Drummer Possessed"
I try to post details of the pieces but they never capture the
mana of having it in front of you!
those leaf imprints stemmed from cigarette breaks outside in the yard
There's an avocado tree above...
and plenty of leaves!
Thanks again for adopting him!
he was keeping me up at night with that racket!
Post him when you get him all lovely and up on the wall!


Need a proper vessel for those hungover mornings?
Need an appropriate beverage holder while you're TCing at work?
Need to REPRESENT when the mother-in-law comes over for Coffee?
Need a happy Place to Visit in the morning?
Well your prayers have been answered!:)

Here's a sneak peek of four coffee mugs I'm creating with Brian over at Tiki Tees Screen Printing!

They're heat sublimated onto the cup and supposedly last FOREVER!
More details later!

and here's the original art "unrolled" so to speak...

More details later!

are you gonna get a set or whut?

Daddy needs a new Corvette!

Seriously,whaddya think?
i hope you like em...

and technically,they ARE mugs!

Bye NAW!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-07-01 08:37 ]

kingstiedye posted on 07/01/2009

no doubt, those are the coolest coffee mugs in the history of mankind!

ravenne posted on 07/01/2009


Let us know when you'll sell'em and how much :P

4WDtiki posted on 07/01/2009

I like'em a lot, but I'll probably wait for Buzzy to do some knockoffs at half your price. :lol:

hiltiki posted on 07/01/2009

They look fantastic Kinny.

leleliz posted on 07/01/2009

wow awesome . your style really looks swell on those mugs LLT.

Meheadhunter posted on 07/01/2009

Very cool mugs....keep us informed!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/01/2009

Beeeeeee u tee full!

RevBambooBen posted on 07/01/2009

Wyland move over!!

Here comes Kinny! :wink:

congatiki posted on 07/01/2009

Conga gotta get one too! LLT I really love the out-stretched arms on
your Moais...it's a great look.

TikiMango posted on 07/01/2009

Great stuff. The process really lets your vibrant colors shine!

AlohaStation posted on 07/01/2009


MadDogMike posted on 07/01/2009

Holy Crap!!!!!

Beautifully vivid color reproduction

Kiki von Tiki posted on 07/01/2009

Cool! I need those fo'sure. How big are they? I need a BIIIIIG cuppa joe in the morning to get me to a happy place. Happy tiki art mugs will surely help!

Skinny Dog posted on 07/01/2009

Oooh, I likes it!. Me wants it. Have to haves it!

Paipo posted on 07/01/2009

Diggin those KARATE CHOP! moai fellas! Will they only be sold as a set? I do like all of them but shipping on a set would kill me....
Sorry, there's just too much good stuff lately for me to cover it all, but your Maori pieces just get better and better and I LOVE that PNG study (shield?) a couple of pages back.

Babalu posted on 07/01/2009

WOW! I didn't see your muggies before... totally BOSS!

LOL Tiki posted on 07/01/2009

I think I need a set!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/04/2009

Excellent looking mugs Mr.LLT!
Those are gonna be a big hit!

Unkl Ian posted on 07/04/2009

Absolutely mindblowing.

If you smell something burning, that will be my brushes.

TravelingJones posted on 07/04/2009

On 2009-06-30 18:27, little lost tiki wrote:


...coffee mugs

and here's the original art "unrolled" so to speak...

Soooo...are you gonna get a set or whut? :)

HELL'z YEEEAH! I crawled out from under my rock today... and saw these Fab Four!! GROOOOOOOVY!!!
SsweeetT Kinster! Now i can ROCK the morning production meetings with a little class and a WHOLE LOTTA color... TECHNICOLOR!!! :D heheheeeeee :P

Swamp Fire posted on 07/06/2009


Will you have these for sale at Oasis?

Clarita posted on 07/07/2009

Great way to wake up, very cool set!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 07/08/2009

Flippin' Fantastic Ken! Super-vivid~ But, I'm not a java jiver...will these mugs reject Zombies? Mai Tais? Chief Lapu Lapus?

Great job, man. I hope they fly off the shelf!


TikiPops posted on 07/09/2009

Have to have a set!! Get 'em ready for Oasis.

tobunga posted on 07/10/2009

WOW Kinny!

Those mugs are FANTASTIC!!! My fave is the Hawaiian tikis, but they're all SUPERCOOL!!!

Skinny Dog posted on 07/10/2009

No, Tobunga is Super Cool!

Tiki Baï posted on 07/10/2009

OH MYYYYYY!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO Cooooooooooooooolllllll!!!!!!! Très jooooooliiiii!!!!! :)
I want them!!!
oh and Thank you to make my dream comes true!! a kenny coffee mug!! Bravo!!

[ Edited by: Tiki Baï 2009-07-10 10:24 ]

little lost tiki posted on 07/14/2009

i am amazed you all dig these little cuties of a coffee mug!
Thank you!
thank you!
a big MAHALO to..
Bill 4WD Tiki (hopefully we can undercut Buzzy on these! :lol: )
Mr. bradley TikiShark
Sir BooBen (there's gotta be some room at the top next to Wyland,don't you think? :wink: )
congatiki ( those Moais had been cramped up for Ages-i guess they needed to stretch!)
Kiki-will have some of that size info and stuff near the bottom of this thankie list!
SkinnyDog Jen
Paipo-yes! you can buy them as a set or separately!
You save a couple of bucks with the set tho!
thanks for the props on the Maoris and karate chop Moais!
LOL Tiki
Iokona Ki'i
Unkl Ian-don't burn your brushes..every stroke adds to your skill points!
Traveling Jonesy-Fab Four! :lol:
Swampfire-maybe a couple sets for Oasis,just to preview em.Then I'm gonna let the crowd loose on Brian,and let him handle all the bizznazz stuff.... :)
TikiJoe's Pop-these mugs will hold ANYTHING liquid!
from mercury to ZIPFIZZ to KWAWFEE to MaiTais!
it's incredible what technology can do today!
tobunga-i agree with jen..you are too supercool for skool! :)
and Tiki Bai!
I wish i could give you ALL hugs!
Thanks for saying such nice things about this project!
I hope my art can put a smile in all your mornings sometime soon!

I talked to Brian tonight
and we'll be selling these thru his
http://tikitees.com website
We gotta few lil fine tunings and they should be ready before you know it...
I'll throw up an announcement in marketplace when the time is ripe...
They will hold 11oz of mocha madness
the price will be around 8 bones apiece
and around 30 for a set of four
(you save DEUCE BUCKS when you get them all!)
they are not ready yet
an announcement will be made!
Thank you for your patience.... :)

I've also been talking to him about
having 10 XL white tees of each of the four designs
and doing a run of 10 prints of each of the four designs
That's only TEN signed and numbered prints!
they be rareified!
So get yours at Oasis this year!

Okay....now onto the NEW ART!

First off,this has been a week of nifty gifts from some nifty friends
First off,croe67, FOM member and too cool friend
sent me a friggin BOX of monkeypods
with which to create wonderful and delightful items of magic
for you,dear viewer,to enjoy!
Thanks Carolyn! I'm blessed and amazed to have such cool friends..

here's some of them lying in situ
awaiting transformation...
cheggout the pea pod one! :o


This is how i work
i lay them all on the floor
examine them
grab a few
gesso them
grab another batch
gesso them
until the first batch is dry
then i paint on them
until, they're done
and the second batch is ready to be painted
and so on...

The next in the Week of Gifts
was from dear old Uncle BooBen
who was over to get some of his achey mussels realigned and fixed up.
He had brought me these cool "floor scraps" nailed to some wood particle board creations
So,always up for a collaboration,especially with such a brilliant friend,
i finished them in about 4 days in an ART FRENZEEEE!
I'm gonna show them in order,so U can see the evolution of approaches
and the different styles used in such...
BOOBEN COLLAB #1 (only one is titled so far!)

Working with a dimensional surface was a bit challenging
for this first one, i followed the tiki face provided
and tried an abstract tight stained glass style for it



Decided to still use the original dimensional elements as a guide
this one departed from the rigors of the structured stained glass feel
with a bit rougher/looser/and more fabric print-tapa driven
almost like a combination of shapes that happen to form a tiki
kind of like Ben's original intent...


BOOBEN COLLAB #3 actually has a title
it's "One-Eye Moai" and it almost didn't happen!
here's what the surface looked like in the beginning..

turn it upside down....

Ah! that's better!

here it is after a good start
(not the stamping and type allowed to peek thru on the left..)

and here it is,after finishing!

i left some of the type,to kinda pay homage to Ben's Punk Rock aesthetic!
and approached the theme and style with a raw semi-abstract meets 50's space theme...


and here is BOOBEN COLLAB #4
this is one where i decided to break loose of the confines of the raised shapes
on the surface...

and there were quite a few to get around..
Ah SHALLANGE! (that's Challenge inna french accent!) :)

and here's the dreamy scene with a Monkeyman nom Nom guy beating some drums!

here's a side-ish view to show how thick the sides are..

that was a hoot!

here's "FourArm" (working title for now)
this piece was started at hanks CHOP
and now it's done!

Here's another booBen scrap that was yet another SHALLANGE!
because the surface was divided..
So, after 2 tries over a period of 6 months
it is finally finished..
"Drumming to the Fish"

details of each half..

here's another BooBen frame that was weathered with some acrylic washes of sepia...
"Jungle Spirits"


AND...just when you thought it was over....
another BooBen collab...the guy is unstoppable!
Thank ye Ben!
"tongue wagger"

now for some Monkeypod magic!

"Four bowls"

"Pineapple eater!

Here's a weird duck piece that carolyn had sent a while back..
why not?
"Sky and Water"

here's a side view so you can see the duck head...
i figgered a Solomon islands style would take some of the cheesiness from the piece

Thanks Caroline!

And these next two are objects from Sir Squid's thrift shoppe excursions!
the man has the EYE for surfaces!

this is a cutting board...
"Moonlight meeting"

and this cool object too!
"Shield Skull Tusk boy" (working title for now)

Thanks Brother Squids!

Here's some canvas pieces for Oasis
"Jungle Stomp"


and another imaginary tiki palace/bar
but this one is a boat!
"Moonlight Oasis"

here's a PNG shield inspired happy fellow!

Also painted on these skinny minnie wood shallow shadow box thangs...
"Pele's totem"

"Tropical Nocturne"

"Sea Spirits"
Humboldt bay,PNG,i do believe..


and sadly, i believe that's all for now..
i have about 6 new wee wee lil ones
that I probably won't take the time to shoot...sorry!

here's some of the babies awaiting Quality Control before heading to Oasis!

but now it's time to go to bed...work tomorrow...sigh!
Goodnight dear Ohana!
and thanks for visiting!

4WDtiki posted on 07/14/2009

Ken, you are the AM/PM of Tiki - Too Much Good Stuff!

Love those 3D floor scrap pieces! They really pop. :lol:

Swamp Fire posted on 07/14/2009

Awesome stuff Mr. Ken.

I've always been a fan of 3D paintings and I love the pieces you did with Ben, what a team!

Skinny Dog posted on 07/14/2009

Damn Kinny, why don't you get off your lazy ass and do something.

Wow, I love, love, love it all. Floor scraps, monkey pods. Now just stop it!

Love, Jen

TIKIVILLE posted on 07/14/2009

Oh, is THAT all ! lol
Your like a man possessed, but it seems to be working out for you quite well so hey , thats what paints are for!
opening your thread is like that scene in PLEASANTVILLE when the art book full of color opens....yeah like that !

GROG posted on 07/14/2009

That's all? Jeez, you're slowing down in your old age.

leleliz posted on 07/14/2009

Like the idea of the 3D paintings. Everything looks great

Unkl Ian posted on 07/14/2009

Brilliant work.

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