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TikiBocce(tm) IV is ON 6-27-09, 11am Start

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Haole'akamai posted on 05/09/2009

Sorry for not posting about this sooner, I've been dealing with a (now confirmed) small medical thingie and haven't been around TC for a bit...


TikiBocce(tm) IV is planned for June 27th, with the usual start time of 11am. The MaiKai Gents are scheduled to make their triumphant return! All the other usuals to commence (so far). More to come, I promise!

Get Rollin'!

VampiressRN posted on 05/10/2009

Yee Haw...plan on being there with Corona Contessa to watch the action. :)

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 05/11/2009

Vamp, you and the Contessa just can't watch. You've gotta get in the bocce action. And, if you want a place in the tournament, I'm sure you two could beat me for a place on the board. I'm the worst bocce player Oakland has ever seen.

VampiressRN posted on 05/12/2009

I have never played before...but bring it SISTA!!!!

Tai Won On posted on 05/26/2009

I am hoping to finally make to this legendary event. I can't wait to see this years' shenanigans.
It'll be good to see you fine folks again. Fingers crossed.

TofuJoe posted on 05/30/2009

On 2009-05-26 14:29, Tai Won On wrote:
I am hoping to finally make to this legendary event. I can't wait to see this years' shenanigans.
It'll be good to see you fine folks again. Fingers crossed.

We sure hope you can make it up!

We are whirlwinding through the east coast, but once we get back it will be a full press to get everything set up.

Picked up some inspiration for new cocktails from the fine bars in New York as well as the discovering a funny little cocktail book from Hawaii in a thrift store in St Augustine. The drinkin' at Hinky Drinks is going to be good.

ron-tiki posted on 05/30/2009

any pic's???

suzanne posted on 05/30/2009

So I'm missing Tiki Bocce by about a week! Buuuuut... I'm moving back to the Bay Area and will be around the beginning of July! :)


dangergirl299 posted on 05/31/2009

Last year's party was so much fun - what i can remember of it - will try to make it again this year! Hopefully my team will make it past the first round this time...

Mai Tai posted on 05/31/2009

Team Quicksand is currently coordinating it's wardrobe.


P.S. Ray was recently seen last weekend coveting last year's Bocce trophy.

Haole'akamai posted on 06/05/2009

Aloha! With just a scant three weekends before TikiBocce IV (tagline: "Just what the Doctor ordered") and the evite has gone out!

Basic rundown:

11am: Hinky Drinks at Lund Manor throws its doors akimbo, to the enjoyment of all. Original punches and hand-made cocktails await thirsty travellers.

12pm-ish: The Mai Kai Gents will begin their Hapa Haole serenades. The BBQ grills should be fully engulfed by this point.

11-ish to 2: Hot Bocce Pre-lim Action! First 8 teams to win their open matches move on to the official TikiBocce Tournament.

3pm: TikiBocce Tournament begins, whittling down the teams, by hook, crook, and fight-to-the-death mano-a-mano combat (if deemed necessary), until one emerges victorious!

Before sunset: The TikiBocce IV Awards Ceremony.

*If there are out-of-town guests who wish to join the festivities and are hesitant to do so, due to lodging questions, Lund Manor proper has several accommodations that are currently available. Please inquire within. As with most everything in life, first come, first served.

JenTiki posted on 06/05/2009

Is there gonna be a tournament dress code this year?

PLEASE!!! For the love of Tiki!

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2009-06-05 13:11 ]

Coco Loco posted on 06/06/2009

The only dress code ever required for Tiki Bocci is clothing. Yes, we will all be wearing clothes. Zippers functioning etc. Beyond that it's up to you to address your own level of creativity in apparel. :)

Coco Loco posted on 06/06/2009

Suzanne, congrats on your move back!! Look forward to seeing you in the Bay Area!! :)

On 2009-05-30 09:56, suzanne wrote:
So I'm missing Tiki Bocce by about a week! Buuuuut... I'm moving back to the Bay Area and will be around the beginning of July! :)


TofuJoe posted on 06/06/2009

On 2009-06-05 13:11, JenTiki wrote:
Is there gonna be a tournament dress code this year?

Dress appropriate for the weather. We prefer aloha wear or bowling attire.

Safety pins will be handed out as deemed necessary by your hosts.

"Stay classy Alameda"

Bincho posted on 06/06/2009

Hope I can drop by, cheers!

Mai Tai posted on 06/07/2009

On 2009-06-06 09:29, TofuJoe wrote:
Safety pins will be handed out as deemed necessary by your hosts.

"Stay classy Alameda"

Heh. :D

suzanne posted on 06/07/2009

On 2009-06-06 00:24, Coco Loco wrote:
Suzanne, congrats on your move back!! Look forward to seeing you in the Bay Area!! :)

Thanks! I can't wait to see all of you either. :) Have a great time at TikiBocce!


midnite posted on 06/22/2009

Hello, I'd like to talk to you about the good roll.


Two years in a suit from Sears,

TofuJoe posted on 06/23/2009

On 2009-06-22 13:57, midnite wrote:
Hello, I'd like to talk to you about the good roll.


The good roll? Team Quicksand? perennial bridesmaid? They will definitely have their work cut out for them this year as the winning teams from both TikiBocce II and TikiBocce III will be in the mix.

The stage is set for the MaiKai Gents.
The drink menu is ready to pour.
The trophy is shined up and waiting.

Do you have the mettle?

JenTiki posted on 06/23/2009

On 2009-06-23 10:19, TofuJoe wrote:
Do you have the mettle?

Yes, but I don't have the shoes! Must shop on Friday.

Coco Loco posted on 06/23/2009

I nearly fell off my chair laughing! I can't wait!

Go Quicksand!

I look forward to hearing about the good roll. :wink:

On 2009-06-22 13:57, midnite wrote:
Hello, I'd like to talk to you about the good roll.


Two years in a suit from Sears,

midnite posted on 06/24/2009

The good roll?

Yes, ask us about the roll and how it can help; Quicksand has a plan. No matter how severe the circumstances, or fierce the competition, Quicksand is committed to spreading the good roll.

Team Quicksand? perennial bridesmaid?

Quicksand, yes! Although, the bridesmaid thing is really not part of modern-day Quicksand.

The one, the true...Quicksand!

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 06/25/2009

I've lined up a partner. Watch out! I may not come in dead last this year.

Mr. Aloha posted on 06/25/2009

Aloha All:

If we're lucky, that legendary(mythical in our own minds)team that won the only non-sanctioned Tiki-Bocce event may re-unite. Dennis are you in?


weirduncletiki posted on 06/25/2009

The Maikai Gents are revvvvvvvvved to go! Since we'll be preoccupied with putting our musical instruments to use, we're bringing along a bocce ringer to represent Napa Valley for us. Purple feet, hands of pure muscle, focus of a sniper... You cannot stop him, he's too insane (or insert some other fear-inducing intimidating phrase here)!

-Weird Unc

Haole'akamai posted on 06/26/2009

Bring it.

midnite posted on 06/26/2009

It's Preparation Day.

Quicksand is ready to roll the good roll.

May the one true team prevail!

PS Looking forward to fine Tiki Bocce snacks, as it is difficult to eat well in the Bay Area on a $130 monthly food budget.

Mai Tai posted on 06/26/2009

On 2009-06-24 12:55, midnite wrote:
The good roll?

Yes, ask us about the roll and how it can help; Quicksand has a plan. No matter how severe the circumstances, or fierce the competition, Quicksand is committed to spreading the good roll.

Team Quicksand? perennial bridesmaid?

Quicksand, yes! Although, the bridesmaid thing is really not part of modern-day Quicksand.

The one, the true...Quicksand!

Yes, do not let their verbal jousts discourage you, Midnite, for they know not the ways of The Good Roll. It will be Team Quicksand's new mission statement, to spread the word. That and some good cheese spread on crackers, with a decaf coke chaser.

Let this be a warning to all woeful bocce ringers and scorners of perennial bridesmaids: All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! For Quicksand will come out on the top at last!

Rum Runner posted on 06/27/2009

Team "MAN ABOUT TOWN" is ready to roll

Haole'akamai posted on 06/28/2009

Mahalo to everyone who braved the unseasonal (for TikiBocce(tm) )weather, sticky-ing it out until the finals of the tournament was concluded.

My better half has the full story...

TofuJoe posted on 06/28/2009

Team Pele's Revenge kicked everyones collective arses to take Top Bocce Honors.

Seriously kicked arse.

If they could have literally kicked the other teams, they probably would have.

The MaiKai gents kicked musical behind. Was that a Link Wray cover? Sweet.

I think we probably topped off at around 95 degrees. Jinkies. Good thing we a whole lotta ice on hand.

Thanks to everyone who came by and made this yet another success. We took zero photos. I'm hoping some of the people with cameras will send me a disc of snaps?

Oh. And can I tell you about the good roll?

RikiTikiTavi posted on 06/28/2009

Yes! Photos must be posted!

The bocce was a blast and the drinks were delicious as always. Great to see many friends and meet some new ones on the court! Team "Steve Holt!" will definitely be back to contend at the next tournament! Thanks again to the wonderful hosts at Lund Manor for another great event. The perfect way to spend a hot summer afternoon!

TofuJoe posted on 06/28/2009

For those sports nerdily inclined

Box Scores http://www.lundmanor.com/bocce/tikibocce2009_boxscore.html

Sgirl posted on 06/28/2009

Thanks for a great time, as usual, Scott & Thayer!

My dad is soo proud. I'll have to send him the link for the box scores. He actually plays Bocce 2x per week at their local senior center. My mom's theory is that all his practice helped me somehow. I've never played so well in my life! Still a bit shocked.

The trophy looks mighty sweet on our bar.

Lisa (of Pele's Revenge)

[ Edited by: Sgirl 2009-06-28 15:54 ]

VampiressRN posted on 06/29/2009

Congrats to the winners...looking forward to the pix.

midnite posted on 06/29/2009

Tiki Bocce IV: Missionary's Downfall"*

It was so hot I saw a tree chasing a dog.

The agony of defeat....and the feet. My socks literally melted into my sneaks. You know, I think I need to find a religion with a better dress code. The Buddhists with the long flowing robes, those look pretty cool.

"Oh. And can I tell you about the good roll?"

Please do. From about about the sixth qualifying match on I remember very little. A good time was had though, indeed. Sure, Quicksand beat a quick exit, but we do have spirit. Get it, spirit? Oh Lordy, even with mild dehydration and a too-high body core temp I still got it.

Many thanks to T&S for a great Tiki Bocce.

Next Year!
Elder Midnite

  • Always did hate that f&%@#in' drink.
Tiki Kaimuki posted on 06/29/2009

We had a swelteringly fine time at our first Tiki Bocce. Mahalo to Thayer and Scott for their generous hospitality and beautiful environment. I think I am now hooked on bocce. Just wait until next year when Team W.G.K.Y.A is in full
force(or fool force). We will live up to our namesake!

Coco Loco posted on 06/29/2009

Thayer and Scott,

Thank you so much for a wonderful time. This year was especially fun, despite the unusual temperature. You thoughtfully had the air conditioner on inside, so being able to pop into the coolness of Lund Manor from time to time really helped. And the crazy Elder Mai Tai and Midnite were as usual hilarious. Poor Elder Midnite was officiating, so his pith helmet took the brunt of the heat.

Thanks too for the birthday wishes. That was really fun...! Thanks so much! :)


Coco Loco posted on 06/29/2009

Okay I bite...what does W.G.K.Y.A stand for?

On 2009-06-29 09:23, Tiki Kaimuki wrote:
We had a swelteringly fine time at our first Tiki Bocce. Mahalo to Thayer and Scott for their generous hospitality and beautiful environment. I think I am now hooked on bocce. Just wait until next year when Team W.G.K.Y.A is in full
force(or fool force). We will live up to our namesake!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 06/29/2009

On 2009-06-29 13:11, Coco Loco wrote:
Okay I bite...what does W.G.K.Y.A stand for?

On 2009-06-29 09:23, Tiki Kaimuki wrote:
We had a swelteringly fine time at our first Tiki Bocce. Mahalo to Thayer and Scott for their generous hospitality and beautiful environment. I think I am now hooked on bocce. Just wait until next year when Team W.G.K.Y.A is in full
force(or fool force). We will live up to our namesake!

In order to seem like I'm maintaining some sort of forum decorum, I will just ask you to slip back into
a booze soaked state of mind and try to remember the obnoxious name I came up with for my hired gun team
of ball rollers. The "W" stands for "We're" and the "G" stands for "gonna"...

JenTiki posted on 06/29/2009

On 2009-06-29 13:19, Tiki Kaimuki wrote:

On 2009-06-29 13:11, Coco Loco wrote:
Okay I bite...what does W.G.K.Y.A stand for?

On 2009-06-29 09:23, Tiki Kaimuki wrote:
We had a swelteringly fine time at our first Tiki Bocce. Mahalo to Thayer and Scott for their generous hospitality and beautiful environment. I think I am now hooked on bocce. Just wait until next year when Team W.G.K.Y.A is in full
force(or fool force). We will live up to our namesake!

In order to seem like I'm maintaining some sort of forum decorum, I will just ask you to slip back into
a booze soaked state of mind and try to remember the obnoxious name I came up with for my hired gun team
of ball rollers. The "W" stands for "We're" and the "G" stands for "gonna"...

Well then we can only assume that the "K" stands for "Kiss"!!! :wink:

Thanks a ton Scott & Thayer! What a great time! By the way, who made the coconut rum balls? They were awesome, as were the drinks, the music, and the overall bocce vibe!

TofuJoe posted on 06/29/2009

Thanks a ton Scott & Thayer! What a great time! By the way, who made the coconut rum balls? They were awesome, as were the drinks, the music, and the overall bocce vibe!

Jon Howell brought the rum balls. Home made down in scenic Santa Cruz.
I'll pass along the kudos.

Sgirl posted on 06/29/2009

On 2009-06-29 15:20, TofuJoe wrote:
Jon Howell brought the rum balls. Home made down in scenic Santa Cruz.
I'll pass along the kudos.

Would you ask for a recipe to share? They were yummy.

Chief Bartender posted on 06/30/2009

On 2009-06-29 15:28, Sgirl wrote:

On 2009-06-29 15:20, TofuJoe wrote:
Jon Howell brought the rum balls. Home made down in scenic Santa Cruz.
I'll pass along the kudos.

Would you ask for a recipe to share? They were yummy.

More rum than balls in those things. Yes, they were very yummy.

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 06/30/2009

Mahalo times a million. I had a wonderful time. Even if Elders Midnite and Mai Tai brought the fires of damnation with them to heat things up.

Mr. Aloha posted on 06/30/2009

Just want to say a huge MAHALO!!! to Scott and Thayer for a truly wonderful time. As the other half of Pele's Revenge, I just want to thank them for the cocktails (I may have had one or two), the food (I enjoyed but missed the rum balls), the music (the Mai Kai Gents rocked...FREEBIRD!!!) and the bocce tournament (what great teams to play against) and of course the awesome trophy(which I give credit to my amazing wife).

Coco Loco posted on 07/14/2009

Okay, now that I have my fancy dancy new laptop, I'm catching up on pictures....The Mai Kai Gents played wonderful music that day and were very entertaining....

But they were sidetracked at one point... Ladies and Gentlemen: The Mai Kai Gents...talking to their wives!

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