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Lounge music forums?

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tiki mick posted on 07/03/2009

I have searched the net, but can't find any lounge music or bachelor pad talk forums. I love tiki central, the way it is set up, the focus, but I notice that I am not on the same musical wavelength as a large majority of the people here. For example, I post stuff about bossa nova, lounge, Frank, other stuff with very little if any feedback or responses...it's ok, but I don't like wasting my time anymore posting stuff that few people can get into...so, can anyone direct me to a forum that focuses more on lounge music or bachelor pad stuff? I really want to dialogue with other people around the county (and the world) who are into easy listening music from the 50's and 60's, but don't want to keep pushing genres here that noone really cares about

GROG posted on 07/03/2009
Big Kahuna posted on 07/03/2009

You almost had me, Grog! :lol: I'm listenin' Lucas! Post away!

twitch posted on 07/04/2009

As for sites dedicated to the music, I can't think of any.
Best I can come up with is getting on rateyourmusic.com and starting a thread - call it The Lounge/Bachelor Pad Thread or similar - and see who latches on (there's already others such as classical, hip hop, metal etc threads up)... The user-base is wide-spread from legal-age to people up in the 70's, so ya never know...

As for me, I've got lots of the stuff on vinyl like Sinatra, Dino, Mancini, the Gleason orchestrations, etc but really just like the genre - not enough to talk about it at any length or even really know what in my collection falls in the parameters of the genre (unless I go by my "Bachelor Pad" CD series as a sorta Cliff's Notes). Man, I hardly have time to listen to the music I'm the most in love with, much less all the stuff I want to get more acquainted with.

Well, there's http://xtabaysworld.blogspot.com/, but obviously it's a blog... And ya gotta know about http://javasbachelorpad.com/groups.html
Other than that it looks pretty dry out there!

tiki mick posted on 07/04/2009

Yeah, it is dry out there! That's probably why I post the stuff here. I mean, I figure tiki is close enough to lounge that there must be a lot of fans here, right? I see that there are only a handful, but the question I have is, if most of the tiki people here are not into lounge or mid century pop, what are they listening to? Are most people really here only for the mug and tiki art discussions?

It's strange, because I find myself into all aspects of tiki, from the decor, style, architecture, fonts, music, drinks, to all the related genres and categories as well. It's not like I love a good tiki bar, but can't stand the music that fits into that same tiki bar. I made a similar statement about Kona's before, how they had this awesome tiki bar in there, but rap music was playing on the speakers. It just did not feel right to me.

But it's not just that. I feel that we on this forum have made a sharp distinction between tiki and everything else, but I don't feel it was that way back in the 50's. I feel that people back then could go to a tiki bar one night, and a jazz club the next, and much of the music was basically interconnected on some level. At it's root, I feel that stuff like Martin Denny is basically jazz. And if I am not mistaken, Arthur Lyman's first album was "Leis of Jazz".

I guess in my mind, though I like the neo-tiki movement that is predominant on this forum, I prefer the original scene, the way it used to be. Grog makes a joke about AARP, but he actually is pretty close to what I am thinking, and I see it with my own band's gigs. They are packed with older people, people that lived and where involved in the original tiki scene. I myself feel I was born in the wrong time period, definitely. I see that clip I posted with Frank Sinatra and Antonio Carlos Jobim, sitting in wicker chairs, smoking, wearing suits, and to me there is nothing cooler then that iconic imagery. The bossa Nova movement itself was jazz based music, very lush sounding, with fantastic chords that although complex, were very musical and evocative. The lyrics were about tropical themes, and the music itself came from a beautiful, tropical country. I don't see a huge difference between it, and some of the tiki stuff I love like Denny, baxter, Lyman, Tjader, for example. And much like exotica, bossa nova was not authentic, indiginous music (that would be more like samba or foro). The music had a cinematic and almost hollywood aspect to it, which explains why Frank Sinatra could sit down with the originator of the movement, and make it swing. Or why Tom Jobim could get Claus Ogerman to orchestrate so many of his albums.

If I was going to suggest a perfect bossa nova album that tiki people might like, it would be "Wave", by Jobim. That album has so many great songs, and even one called "Captain Bacardi"...it's about rum, so...........???

whorton posted on 07/04/2009


I can sympathize with your predicament. Like you, I like a little greater variety of music than just tropical/ tiki music.

There are lots of blogs out there that have lots of excellent lounge music available for downloading if you are interested. I've not really ran across one that has a forum regarding lounge music. Perhaps it's time to start one. . . any volunteers?

There are a couple of good sites that you may already be aware of, but this is a good start for someone who is new to the lounge music game:


As for a starting point to find that great music, someone mentioned Xtabays, and I agree. His site is here:


I know that is not a lot to go on, but it may be a start. If you find anything, please post it here, as I know there are lots of people interested in lounge music.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the ever popular Retro cocktail hour, which runs 2 hours and features a great mixture of lounge, tiki, space age pop and such. I have discovered more new music (that I had not been exposed to) on that show than anyone in years.

They are at:


and you can listen to a streaming channel of older shows at any time at:


Tiki On, my friend!

javabachelor posted on 07/04/2009

Well, as the head of a so-called "Bachelor Pad Empire," I hear ya. There aren't a lot of forums out there. I would suggest visiting the Lotta Living forum: http://www.lottaliving.com/bb/index.php

Lots of great Mid-Century Modern conversations going on there. Plenty of room to start a lounge/bachelor pad thread. Plus, when I'm doing The Bachelor Pad Radio Show live on Friday nights (http://www.javasbachelorpad.com/radio.html), we open up the chat for a kinda virtual cocktail hour party. You should give it a look.

Oh, and you have heard about this little publication called Bachelor Pad Magazine, right? (http://www.bachelorpadmagazineonline.com/) :wink:

tiki mick posted on 07/04/2009

Yeah, it seems like there are lots of podcasts and stuff that focus on lounge! I like them all!

I am going to check out that one forum, though!

tiki mick posted on 07/04/2009

Wow! I just checked it out! It's exactly the kind of subjects I am interested in, and I noticed some familiar names over there. I think I am going to defect from here to there!

Kaiwaza posted on 07/04/2009

I LOVE all kinds of mid-century music...."eames" era.....all the percussion lps, lush orchestras, Tijuana Brass cash-in LPs, LOVE IT.

koopkooper posted on 07/05/2009

definatly the lotta livin site plus a few of us cats hang out at thecad.net

tiki mick posted on 07/05/2009

This is fantastic: (From the cad)

"Who knows when it was all over? Some say it had come with a bullet fired from the Texas School Book Repository and some say the victim had managed to limp along for three years thereafter, finally succumbing to massive blood loss toward the end of ’66. All we know about the case is that it happened. Swank was dead, and no one cared. A public that had formerly got dressed and gone out suddenly decided they had better things to do with their lives. The nightclubs were abandoned for television, the cities for the suburbs, and even a neglected Las Vegas seemed to shutter its doors and dim its lights for a while. Yet, no matter the causes, consequences, or actual date of death, in 1969 there came a definitive goodbye to the old guard, and ironically, it was issued from the man who had done everything in his power to keep it alive."

mick9 posted on 07/29/2009

Hey I know what you mean, I prefer the very lush lounge sounds of the 50s and even into the early 70s. I especially like some of the production music that came out of the same period.ie. music for TV dinners . They have 2 cds.One specifically 50s and early 60s and one from the mid60s to late 60s. I listen to it over and over and never get tired of it.Also check out the jetset lounge on KFAI internet radio. Although it isnt all about the music you describe, there are some gems there. I prefer the instrumental stuff rather than the crooner stuff. Never was big on sinatra although I do like Sammy davis. Montovanni? Lush elevator music? I sure miss that stuff when I was in elevators and grocery stores in the 70s. Its all loud crappy classic rock now. I mean dont get me wrong, Im in my early 40s and play in a rock band , but if I have to hear billy Joels "for the longest time" or Rod Stewarts Maggie Mae whilst shopping just one more time i may never go out again. Bring back music as the mood setter. Just background and not pushed into your face.

Featherstone58 posted on 07/30/2009


I have only found the following lounge pod caste
but I have got onto some cool lounge acts such as Pink Martini's 1st album, SSSU and theres always the classics like Astrid Gilberto!


LoungeShark posted on 10/28/2009

Was thinking about this topic while getting ready for work today. A huge part of who I am revolves around music. As a result, I feel music goes hand in hand with enjoying the tiki culture. What's your thoughts on what makes the perfect soundtrack while enjoying a Beachbum Berry drink in hand? Is it purely exotica and nothing else? Does lounge music such as that presented on the Cocktail Nation podcast fit in? What about Putumayo World music or the various Ultra-Lounge CDs? Where does Surf music and rockabilly fit in? I'm looking for suggestions on additional music to add to my playlist, as well as looking for opinions on what you all like.

I'll begin by saying something I probably shouldn't say here on TC....for the most part, I'm not a big fan of exotica. It's usually too repetitive and doesn't carry a hook. Now notice I said "for the most part." I do have Martin Denny, Les Baxter, etc. on my playlist, but I have selected specific songs that I like and not just blankly added all of them. On the flip side, I LOVE Latin jazz and play that a lot in my home lounge. So, with that said, what do the rest of you think?

tabuzak posted on 10/28/2009

PERFECT soundtrack for a tiki cocktail?


But, hey, it's an imperfect world. You should enjoy whatever music you like whilst imbibing, I would think.

But please don't bring that world, folk, or rock 'n' roll over to my tiki bar! You'll upset the tiki gods that I court. ; -)


tiki mick posted on 10/28/2009

I can only speak for myself, I like pretty much ALL "cocktail" lounge music, and in my opinion, exotica is a subgenre of lounge. Basically, anything from the 50's, early 60's is great in my book.

Some things that fit great in a tiki bar (but are not exotica)would be George Shearing quintet, Cal Tjader, Jackie Gleason, Percy Faith, Sergio Mendes, and of course Antonio Carlos Jobim...

On this forum, the bias is "possibly" against hapa haole music, (which I consider to be the main music I would like to hear in a tiki bar). But there are many people who refuse to listen to it. I state that it is possibly not that well liked on this forum for several reasons, but mainly because few people talk about it beyond the collection of album cover art from classic hawaiian albums.

For Hapa haole, I would suggest the Hukilau hulas CD. It's a compilation of the Tavares brother's bands, is recorded in beatiful stereo, with expert musicians involved. Take a song like "keep your eyes on the hands" (from the same CD) and see if it does not fit in a tiki bar! it's a jazzy take on Hawaiian music!

There are several modern exotica influenced bands I adore, that are always a great fit for any tiki bar.
Tikiyaki Orchestra
Martini Kings
Stolen Idols
Don Tiki.

My theory, which guides all of my tastes, is that Tiki in general is just a facet of lounge culture. It only appears on this forum to be something that stands alone. From everything I have ever researched or read about, tiki bars were just one more cool place to hang out, and that people living in those days could be found at a tiki bar one night, a cuban club the next, or a cantonese chinese restaurant on another night.

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On 2009-07-03 10:10, lucas vigor wrote:
I have searched the net, but can't find any lounge music or bachelor pad talk forums. I love tiki central, the way it is set up, the focus, but I notice that I am not on the same musical wavelength as a large majority of the people here. For example, I post stuff about bossa nova, lounge, Frank, other stuff with very little if any feedback or responses...it's ok, but I don't like wasting my time anymore posting stuff that few people can get into...so, can anyone direct me to a forum that focuses more on lounge music or bachelor pad stuff? I really want to dialogue with other people around the county (and the world) who are into easy listening music from the 50's and 60's, but don't want to keep pushing genres here that noone really cares about

It's funny! I signed up with tiki central specifically because it seemed like a good place for that kind of music. (And because.. if I can find the thread that google found when I was searching for Jason Croft's podcast.. maybe I can ask him a question..)

There are a lot of forums out there covering that type of music, so many in fact that I've decided NOT to have "yet another one" one on my website.

Facebook has a "space age pop" group, there are an awful lot of blogs about it, etc..

So, it's not so much a matter of there not being anything, it's more a matter of needing some kind of aggregation, individually, all these forums seem kind of dead.

As for me, I'm always looking for music of the same style, but from newer, less known bands.

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I have found out recently that there actually are a lot of Tiki centralites that are into lounge as much as I am, they just don't post too much about it. There are a few, however, who have no interest in the actual music, but instead are only into the hype or image surrounding the genre. Sad for them, because if they really listened to what's out there, they would find a lot of good stuff! Bossa Nova, hapa haole and other styles offer some breathtakingly beautiful music!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8f9e3dd15bda3a4ceec714b1e81b5287?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2009-12-03 11:54, lucas vigor wrote:
I have found out recently that there actually are a lot of Tiki centralites that are into lounge as much as I am, they just don't post too much about it. There are a few, however, who have no interest in the actual music, but instead are only into the hype or image surrounding the genre. Sad for them, because if they really listened to what's out there, they would find a lot of good stuff! Bossa Nova, hapa haole and other styles offer some breathtakingly beautiful music!

Thats actually really funny!

I find tiki, "hip", lounge, etc.. culture to be some-what snobbish, I'm much more into the music than the other stuff. (although, I do like the colorful "retro flintstone" style)

I do think you're quite right about people who are into the music not saying anything about it, I don't get a lot of people listening to my little stream, but, those that do listen almost never call the number, make requests, etc.. it seems to be something they just play as a soundtrack. (I'm cool with that.. but I do wish I knew more about what they liked/didn't like)

There's a station here, AM1220 that plays some of that kind of music and the sweepers always say "/our/ kind of music" in a rather elitist sort of way, I think this turns people away.

Also, kids don't want to admit they like stuff that isn't popular rock music, so they don't ever tell anyone :)

Ssshhh don't admit you like Walter Wanderley!

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TikiG posted on Thu, Dec 3, 2009 2:39 PM

I admit I like to occasionally listen to new-age relaxation CDs too:
'Ocean Waves' - 'Tropical Rain forest' - 'Desert Sunrise' -

  • no music only pure sound effects. Music constantly plays in my head anyway :wink:

Anybody have the same interest? Maybe a thread about this topic is warranted?

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/77cb10d45d7729e0a1332e1553fc2890?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2009-12-03 14:39, TikiG wrote:
I admit I like to occasionally listen to new-age relaxation CDs too:
'Ocean Waves' - 'Tropical Rain forest' - 'Desert Sunrise' -

  • no music only pure sound effects. Music constantly plays in my head anyway :wink:

Anybody have the same interest? Maybe a thread about this topic is warranted?

I like that stuff too...a few reason for that...

  1. Tinitus...I have it....If a place is TOO quiet, it's nice to have some ocean sounds to drown out the ringing.

  2. Who DOESN'T love the sound of the ocean....that's why I put 4 minutes of it at the end of "StereoExotique"....for people like you TikiG, who like that kind of stuff.

  3. I recently starting doing Yoga. I'm considering doing a Yoga style music CD...I think it would be cool to bring some exotica sounds into Yoga and meditation music.

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don't you know that "tiki music" is just something that you put on while you discuss your latest tiki finds, while sipping tiki drinks?
:wink: ha ha ha.


IZ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0c019598b267e9674866dde7884ec9be?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2009-12-03 09:42, triviacompanion wrote:

Facebook has a "space age pop" group, there are an awful lot of blogs about it, etc..

A handful of folks, including yours truly, have been signing up. Just do a search on FB for the Space Age Pop group. I also posted a bunch of LP covers to go with the covers already up... Thanks for the tip!

glen leslie

[ Edited by: I, Zombie 2009-12-04 20:22 ]

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On 2009-12-03 14:26, triviacompanion wrote:

On 2009-12-03 11:54, lucas vigor wrote:
I have found out recently that there actually are a lot of Tiki centralites that are into lounge as much as I am, they just don't post too much about it. There are a few, however, who have no interest in the actual music, but instead are only into the hype or image surrounding the genre. Sad for them, because if they really listened to what's out there, they would find a lot of good stuff! Bossa Nova, hapa haole and other styles offer some breathtakingly beautiful music!

Thats actually really funny!

I find tiki, "hip", lounge, etc.. culture to be some-what snobbish, I'm much more into the music than the other stuff. (although, I do like the colorful "retro flintstone" style)

I do think you're quite right about people who are into the music not saying anything about it, I don't get a lot of people listening to my little stream, but, those that do listen almost never call the number, make requests, etc.. it seems to be something they just play as a soundtrack. (I'm cool with that.. but I do wish I knew more about what they liked/didn't like)

There's a station here, AM1220 that plays some of that kind of music and the sweepers always say "/our/ kind of music" in a rather elitist sort of way, I think this turns people away.

Also, kids don't want to admit they like stuff that isn't popular rock music, so they don't ever tell anyone :)

Ssshhh don't admit you like Walter Wanderley!

Yeah, or someone will refer you to the AARP website!!

Sometimes I think the neo-lounge movement has just gone it's course, and is dead and dying. I think the peak years were the 90's

I think if you really found out what people actually like, you might find it is anything BUT lounge, exotica, or any of the related genres. you would find they were into punk, rock and pop...and on this particular forum, there are actually a lot of people that truly love what I call "hippy" music, meaning, rock music of the 60's and early 70's..something I have never been able to understand since tiki/lounge and Hippy rock seem to be polar opposites.....

And in a similar vein, all it would really take for the scene to truly be "Buffetized" would be enough of the kool kid hipsters suddenly announcing that Jimmy Buffett was the greatest thing on earth! All of a sudden, Buffett would be cool! Just imagine if Buffett released an album with "tiki" art on the cover! Man, that thread would have 18 pages in 2 days...everyone going crazy and extolling the virtues of the buffett.

Not me. I don't need the hype, just good music. For me, it all starts with the music. The tiki scene would not be the same with out Martin Denny or Arthur Lyman! And for me, just adopting the trappings of that style of music just ain't good enough. It's just lip service.

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2009-12-04 21:19 ]

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On 2009-12-03 14:39, TikiG wrote:
I admit I like to occasionally listen to new-age relaxation CDs too:
'Ocean Waves' - 'Tropical Rain forest' - 'Desert Sunrise' -

  • no music only pure sound effects. Music constantly plays in my head anyway :wink:

Anybody have the same interest? Maybe a thread about this topic is warranted?

Yes, and in a major way! Speaking as a musician, I find non-musical sounds like this fascinating. Birds, wind, waves, and anything with water in it! Crickets are especially nice!

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On 2009-12-03 20:40, bigtikidude wrote:
don't you know that "tiki music" is just something that you put on while you discuss your latest tiki finds, while sipping tiki drinks?
:wink: ha ha ha.


Boy, do I ever know it! Everything has to "fit", right? And if any of the approved elements are missing, people will complete ignore it, no matter how good it is! If it has the right "look", even substandard crap will have people fawning all over it!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/eb25c2d253b411234424099865b089d2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2009-12-04 21:03, lucas vigor wrote:

On 2009-12-03 20:40, bigtikidude wrote:
don't you know that "tiki music" is just something that you put on while you discuss your latest tiki finds, while sipping tiki drinks?
:wink: ha ha ha.


Boy, do I ever know it! Everything has to "fit", right? And if any of the approved elements are missing, people will complete ignore it, no matter how good it is! If it has the right "look", even substandard crap will have people fawning all over it!

you seem to be talking about a certain cd that might be for sale now.
whatever could you mean?


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Well, let's put it this way, Jeff....I like music that is original, and not a carbon copy of someone else's stuff.

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9cac9607e8802d2d601a850ea3b4ea69?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I think there is a fair bit of interest in Lounge based on the number of views of my postings.

Personally I like both lounge and exotica which is why I play both on the show.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6478858abad84e395aa6d21d71ebcd18?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MrFab posted on Wed, Jan 6, 2010 11:02 PM

Here's one so new, no-one's even posted anything on it yet:


H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/2296/6421a9da2bd35.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=854494cab775613c7a6ef5a2949ece29

On 2010-01-06 23:02, MrFab wrote:
Here's one so new, no-one's even posted anything on it yet:

I deflowered it.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4d23770a236a326da199468b00ea5214?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiG posted on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 9:02 AM

Now here's a new genre? -soundbite collages taken exclusively off of vintage kiddie records. The comical juxtaposition potential alone warrants a go at it.

Maybe somebody already does this?

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6478858abad84e395aa6d21d71ebcd18?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MrFab posted on Fri, Jan 8, 2010 1:07 PM

On 2010-01-07 09:02, TikiG wrote:
Now here's a new genre? -soundbite collages taken exclusively off of vintage kiddie records. The comical juxtaposition potential alone warrants a go at it.

Maybe somebody already does this?

The Bran Flakes (based now in Toronto, I believe?) do quite a bit of just that:

Much fun they are.

I used some Babar action taken off kiddierecords.com:
and after WFMU played it a couple of days ago I heard from a New York museum curater who put together a Babar exhibit last year, and she's sending the song off to the old French guy (the son of Babar's creator) who wrote some of the Babar books!

[ Edited by: MrFab 2010-01-08 13:08 ]

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La Verandah had somehow thought tiki was a subset of exotica, which in turn she presumed was related to lounge. One never knows, does one?

But this is coming from a woman working up a raqs sharqi routine to that lovely vintage Latin-flavored lounge song known as "Sway."

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On 2010-01-08 16:53, Carmine Verandah wrote:
exotica, which in turn she presumed was related to lounge.

I have always thought of Exotica as a subset of lounge.

BBS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7554691aefb72460ba78096c17ea9c18?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Very intresting reading...

I grew up listening to Lounge/"Rat Pack" from my mom. Surf,Jazz/Exotica,Rock-a-Billy style from my dad
Then spent my 20's with Surf/Punk & Reggae and got sucked in to the Buffett as a SCUBA Inst. but still was listening to what I grew up hearing.
My friends thought I was very strange.
At some point in my early 30's I started to dig the "Latin/Cuban Sound" that Bossa/Mambo/Cugat stuff from the Ricky Ricardo pre Bay of Pigs days.

Now that I'm pushin 50 I am really liking Koop's Cocktail Nation, The Bachelor Pad, Buddies Lounge and of course The Quiet Village pod casts.
I listen to them at work where most of the folks are into hippy/jamgrass bands and get lots of strange looks... at least the owner of the store likes jazz.

But as much as I still dig the Surf/Rock-a-Billy to me it's just a little to high enegry even the first wave of surf...for my Basment Bar when the lights are dimmed.

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Beach Bum Scott knows where it's at! Great to see you dig all the podcasts out there man.

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Zeta posted on Fri, Jun 25, 2010 5:10 PM

I searched Tiki Central but couldn't find a better place to post this:

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/6558/4c254550.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8407569a4ce5c4191580199586dac7bb

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On 2010-01-09 08:37, lucas vigor wrote:

On 2010-01-08 16:53, Carmine Verandah wrote:
exotica, which in turn she presumed was related to lounge.

I have always thought of Exotica as a subset of lounge.

Exotica is more a subset of orchestral music than anything. Les Baxter recorded the first Exotica album Ritual of the Savage in 52 (?) that contained his song Quiet Village. Martin Denny recorded it a few years later arranged for a small group to play. It was when he re-recorded it around 1959 in stereo that it really caught fire. The people of Hawaii dug it, and soon the whole nation was digging it, so it really didn't branch off of anything but itself

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I totally disagree. Most bands and artists that played the original Exotica of the 1950's and early 60's were from the jazz-pop or easy listenting world.. What we now call "lounge". Les Baxter was really one of the few artists of this genre that used a large orchestra. The rest were small combos. Martin Denny, Arthur Lyman, Cal Tjader, etc..though some of these artist's piano stylings were influenced by Debussy or Ravel, I would hardly consider exotica to be a subset of orchestral music.


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-06-25 20:57 ]

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Well Les Baxter was orchestral, and he recorded the first Exotica album so...keep in mind that small group jazz as well as bands like Denny's really took off in the late 50's into the early 60's. By this time Ritual of the Savage was already 10 years old.

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Well Les Baxter was orchestral, and he recorded the first Exotica album so...keep in mind that small group jazz as well as bands like Denny's really took off in the late 50's into the early 60's. By this time Ritual of the Savage was already 10 years old.

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All Exotica is a form of popular music. Classical/orchestral music is not. That's the crucial difference. For example, just because led Zepellin had a orchestra on the song "kashmir" does not make them classical/orchestral.And PS, I am well aware of the time frame involving lounge music, jazz, exotica.


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-06-26 08:00 ]

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I think your missing my point, I'm not saying Exotica is Orchestral in nature, I was pointing out that Exotica sprang "out" of an album that was orchestral. Martin Denny was most defiantly a jazz based group as well as most Exotica that we think of.
Cheers :)

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On 2010-01-07 09:02, TikiG wrote:
Now here's a new genre? -soundbite collages taken exclusively off of vintage kiddie records. The comical juxtaposition potential alone warrants a go at it.

Maybe somebody already does this?

I "kind of" made an album like this called 'I Dream of God'. I'm not sure what the rules are around here, but I released it last year and got some airplay on radio.

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Zeta posted on Tue, Jul 27, 2010 1:02 AM

Cool nick socksoff!
Cool private island!
Cool art!
Cool concept!
Welcome buddy!

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Thanks for the kinds words and warm willkommen message Zeta. I'm still getting my feet wet on the board and reading all the earlier posts. BTW: keeping on topic, how does everyone feel about electronic lounge music? There is a group Tipsy that creates exotic-esque lounge music. You can check out their video on youtube for the song Mr Excitement as well as the slapstick Chop Socky starring the legendary Bruce Li (a Bruce Lee clone).

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