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Smuggler's Cove Announces Official Mug!

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martiki posted on 07/05/2009

martiki posted on 07/05/2009

I am SUPER excited about this mug! It's time for the long overdue return of the barrel mug! This was the result of a great deal of work with Miles- we looked at over a dozen classic rum barrel mugs to decide on the best features, wood grain, hoop placement, and much more. They are stunning in person and they are damn big as well. Again- this is the first time that Munktiki and Tiki Farm have worked together on a project, and I'm honored that they agreed to do it with me.

AND I can now announce where the limited edition mugs will go on sale: TIKI OASIS! I will be selling them for one hour only at Otto's performer vending table. Exact day and time to be announced. Stay tuned! (please no requests to buy them online, hold or reserve them, or mail them anywhere- I am sorry, but I just don't have the time to do that.)


tikitony posted on 07/05/2009

Awesome! My two favorite mugs right now that I drink out of daily are a munktiki "Amamas Amamas" (#100/100 by the way) and my Mai Kai Rum Barrel. This new SC mug is a great combo of those! Great Mug, can't wait to be sipping away on one at the Cove!

Live like a Beachcomber! http://www.TikiTony.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/tikitony http://www.cafepress.com/tikitony

[ Edited by: tikitony 2009-07-05 12:42 ]

kingstiedye posted on 07/05/2009

i'm already in line.

Tiki Kupcake posted on 07/05/2009

I'm in line, too. So excited to get one of these!

Tiki Kupcake posted on 07/05/2009

BTW, do we have a price, yet?

GatorRob posted on 07/05/2009

Beautiful mug. But the travel-impaired inhabitants of the east coast weep...

princessP posted on 07/05/2009

Nice looking mug there. I was just looking over my mug collection the other day and realized I didn't have a rum barrel. So now I don't have to worry about that now. I will have a barrel mug soon. YEAH !!

monet2u posted on 07/05/2009

awesome! can't wait to try and snag one. :)

Tikinomad posted on 07/06/2009

I think it's pretty cool that Tiki Farm and Munktiki are working together......and it's a nice traditional looking rum barrel Tiki mug which is also pretty cool! :)

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/06/2009

On 2009-07-05 14:22, GatorRob wrote:
Beautiful mug. But the travel-impaired inhabitants of the east coast weep...

If I can make it out to the Hukilau 3 or 4 times, i think east coasters can make it out to the Tiki capital of the world!

Well done Martin, Munktiki, and Tiki Farm. I can't wait.

Polynesiac posted on 07/06/2009

beautiful mug, martin (and munktiki and TF) Is the TF version going to be a limited # mug release too, or will it be an open run?

I hope I can get one of these!!!!!

tikiracer posted on 07/06/2009

Nice job on the design and production. Quality piece.

Can't wait to see the rest of the design.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/06/2009

.....a nice looking barrel...no doubt about it, but i have never been a big fan of barrel mugs....count me out.

ickytikitavi posted on 07/06/2009

I won't be able to make it to this year's Tiki Oasis. If anybody that is going could possibly pick up this AMAZING mug for me, I'd really appreciate it!!! Please contact me and we can make arrangements. I'll gladly gift a mug to whomever is willing... Thanks!

suzanne posted on 07/06/2009

That's a great looking mug! So excited about everything that is happening Smuggler's Cove. Hurray!


Bora Boris posted on 07/07/2009

On 2009-07-05 12:21, martiki wrote:
They are stunning in person and they are damn big as well.

How tall is it? Is it as big as the Mai-Kai Barrel?

:music: Barrel Mug.... I Love It! :music:

martiki posted on 07/08/2009

On 2009-07-06 20:30, Bora Boris wrote:

On 2009-07-05 12:21, martiki wrote:
They are stunning in person and they are damn big as well.

How tall is it? Is it as big as the Mai-Kai Barrel?

:music: Barrel Mug.... I Love It! :music:

The ltd edition is much bigger than the Mai Kai barrel, and the production version will be only slightly larger than the MK barrel. "Shrinkage!"

Bora Boris posted on 07/08/2009

Thanks Martin!!

kiya posted on 07/08/2009

These are awesome, they'll be for sale at the bar once it opens?

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 07/16/2009

Hope you don't sell these until Saturday, since I can't get to Oasis until then!

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