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new tikiville light fixture therapy ! pg 6

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TIKIVILLE posted on 10/09/2008

here is my first couple of attempts at the art ...


How does it look ?
....I didn't really map out a design I just sorta went for it and came up with my next move as I went along so ....I understand that a sketch is a good thing ,I just figured I'd see what happens.

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2010-01-08 10:54 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2010-02-19 11:13 ]

Benzart posted on 10/10/2008

Pretty darn good for your first ones, looks like you are on the right track. Just remember Carve Deeper, Deep detail is Better detail.

TIKIVILLE posted on 10/10/2008

Thanks ....I gotta get myself some gouges huh ?

4WDtiki posted on 10/10/2008

Great rich warm colors in those, is that just the lighting, or are they really that color? What kind of wood, and stain?

TIKIVILLE posted on 10/10/2008

part of it may be the lighting , but I used a stain/varnish on top that has a nice rich tobacco to it .
The wood ,I'm not sure it was in the firewood pile in the back yard but I think it's poplar...
I'll try to get the name off the can for ya ..

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/05/2008

here is the latest...!

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-07-09 13:05 ]

FreddieBallsomic posted on 11/05/2008

Nice stuff!! What is the size on these? I dont think there is anything wrong with creating as you go along... Thats how I do most of my carvings, BUT it is probably a good idea~ Once again, great work!

Benzart posted on 11/06/2008

The coloring is very unique on these 2 pieces, I Love the splotchy black and the shine is cool too.

Tikilizard posted on 11/06/2008

Those are amazing! How big are they and how did you get that color? Those are a great start.

seeksurf posted on 11/06/2008

Good looking little fellas!

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/07/2008

Thanks everyone !
the TIKIS are between 7-8 inches ( I know ,thats HUGE! lol)
they are treated with a combo stain/varnish called "MINI WAX poly shades" ( pecan )
a kind word goes along way and I feel that if I keep going I'll get better with each one !

surfintiki posted on 11/07/2008

Cool! The first one looks Kon-tiki'sh! And theres a Leroy in thar!!
Good job on those kritters.

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/26/2008

here is the LATEST!

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2008-12-09 10:49 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-04-17 10:33 ]

tikisbytyler posted on 11/26/2008

Very COOL, T'Ville!!! Is that frame something that you created as well, or a purchased item???
Suits it well, simple, but stylish.

seeksurf posted on 11/26/2008

I like! Simple strait at you looks classic.
Fine work.

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/26/2008

salvaged the frame from a goodwill store and added the leopard ,It does suit it so I couldn't pass it up .There was another great wood frame from Mexico but it was a little steep and I didn't want the beauty of the frame to overpower the art inside it ! lol ,thanks for the encouraging words!

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/27/2008

here is a couple more I did to dress up my mantle...( I just mounted them on some placemats/potholders)
(5 & 6 set)

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2008-11-27 11:22 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-04-17 10:34 ]

TIKIVILLE posted on 12/03/2008

and here ya have the latest for the first week in December!

what do ya think in a frame or without ?

I WENT WITH THE FRAME .....now it's done .

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2008-12-09 10:50 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-04-17 10:35 ]

TIKIVILLE posted on 12/10/2008


[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-04-17 10:35 ]

seeksurf posted on 12/11/2008

Nice work> I like the center one the best with the > eyes
and the texture on the face.

TIKIVILLE posted on 12/22/2008

here is last nights christmas avoidence ! lol

5 inches tall !

TIKIVILLE posted on 12/29/2008

since I dont have a girl to occupy my time .....



A couple of them are my copies of BOSKOesque/WITCOesque
carvings that I cant find in Canada so ....enjoy my attempts!

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-10-06 11:32 ]

Benzart posted on 12/30/2008

Pretty Cool stuff TikiVille and I Really like that you add different textures to offset the detail.

drasticwagon posted on 12/30/2008

Yes I like them as well.

TIKIVILLE posted on 12/30/2008

thank you for the words , just finished another one last night in ceder and though it was not quite as witco as I would have wanted but I am useing limited tools and supplies so ....gotta keep at it ! I'll post a photo of it tomorrow .

TIKIVILLE posted on 12/31/2008

here is the last one of the year !

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-04-17 10:37 ]

TIKIVILLE posted on 03/09/2009

and here is my latest !, I'm on cloud 9 !....figured out a new finish ...er' the Witco finish anyway !

....Finally feel like I'm headed in some type of direction!

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-04-17 10:38 ]

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leleliz posted on 03/09/2009

Really like that finish on the one above. Nice variance on your work!

Keep going in that direction -- I think you will come out with some great stuff!

seeksurf posted on 03/10/2009

Coming along nicely yes you are.

tikisbytyler posted on 03/10/2009

I really dig this latest one. Ya gotta spill it though. How do you get that separation of the grain? I'm working on a sign for a local survival product company and I need that exact effect.

Great work, my bradda from the North.


TIKIVILLE posted on 03/10/2009

Thanks!, Now I'm so pleased with the finish I may go back and dress up some of the other carvings I have done.Like a good hut I guess they are never really finished lol

TIKIVILLE posted on 04/08/2009

NEW WORK! ( I mean like ...pleasure!)enjoy!
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this is one of two that I just finished ....the other shots are coming...

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-04-17 10:38 ]

seeksurf posted on 04/08/2009

Very nice. you are going to town.
I like the smiling smirk he has going on.

TIKIVILLE posted on 04/09/2009

yes and here's another new one ....
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and now it's back to square one ....
Have a chunk of pine with some doodle on it should be groovy ....Mahalo!

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2009-04-17 10:39 ]

seeksurf posted on 04/09/2009

Right On! you have to love that grain.

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big daddy posted on 04/09/2009

man the grain, the grain! are you using pine and getting some great grain? very nice stuff. on your first posts did you paint the stuff red before staining cuz they're truly amazing.


TIKIVILLE posted on 04/09/2009

naw no red just the stain but the stain had a reddish color to it ,I was trying to find a stain that had a rich warm ceder tone to it ....cant remember now what it was called....thanks for the encouragement

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Brandomoai posted on 04/16/2009

Hey, Tikiville, are you selling any of these in town? I don't remember seeing any around Deluxe last time I was there... I'd love to pick up some of your framed pieces. PM me?

tikisbytyler posted on 04/17/2009

T'VILLE I am really diggin' your carvings, brother!
Lots of great character and that grain is so rich.

Keep em coming!

TIKIVILLE posted on 07/09/2009

just finished this last night ! ...took far too long lol
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Slacks Ferret posted on 07/09/2009

Looks great!

seeksurf posted on 07/10/2009

Looking good! Looks like its 100 years old.

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big daddy posted on 07/10/2009

wow, how you get that grain is just wonderful. very nice piece and very nice work.


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little lost tiki posted on 07/10/2009

Great batch on this page,TV!

the Moai's my favorite!

i'm a big fan of thick grains
Great work,man!

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PutiTiki posted on 07/10/2009

Awesome work man. What tools are you using? What type of wood gives you that thick grain? The closeups look like a piece of beach wood that has eroded over time, its amazing. I'd love to have that look in some of my future pieces - any tips?

TIKIVILLE posted on 07/10/2009

I use anything I got laying around ,chisels ,wire brushes , a dremmel ,propane torch , stain ....Tips?
I heard that cedar is bad to inhale like some other woods ( a guy told me he got a nosebleed cutting a piece of kokobolo wood without a mask,YIKES) so being that I'm not a fan of masks or helmets , gloves or glasses...I stick to wood like pine.At the home depot or where ever I root through the pile of scrap wood cuts and if there is nothing there I look in the stacks of lumber for a board that has a really strong and prominent wide grain with no knots. I don't always get really lucky but it's wood so there will always be another piece somewhere...
I take my time and I'll do the burn gig more than once on a piece if I cant seem to get that grain to pop dig? And of coarse a smooth finish before you attack to grain helps (thats the drag part trying to sand all the corners and sides before you play with the fire) but I'm still learning as I go along so ,
mahalo for the encouraging comments!

TIKIVILLE posted on 07/20/2009

some new projects......and a cant find it ...make it WITCO like mask!
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my first time swinging a chainsaw so I gotta little carried away! lol

seeksurf posted on 07/21/2009

Cool. I called one of my first chainsaw guys thin man for that reason.

Pages: 1 2 88 replies