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The reviews are in - Tiki Joe's Ocean NEW Exotica CD on sale now.

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 07/11/2009

“the songs get even better the more you play 'em!” – Little Lost Tiki

“Pure exotica indeed!” - Iokona Ki’i

“One talented dude” – Squid

“This CD is so lush and evocative.” – Indigo Orb

“Excellent! Not a bad song on the CD” – Tikitastic

“This is really great stuff...go buy it today!” – Rum Balls

"Andy Nazzal's one man swan dive debut into Exotica" - Tiki Magazine, Summer '09

"I love the name of this song...Baxter Pad! Quite the tip of the hat to Les Baxter." -Darrell Brogden, DJ/host of "The Retro Cocktail Hour" on KPR

"A superb album. Absolutely fantastic." Koop Kooper, DJ/Host of "The Cocktail Nation" - cocktailnation.net

A part of the proceeds of the CD will go to help our oceans and beaches
( http://www.surfrider.org ) and to help musicians fighting cancer
( http://www.carlwilsonfoundation.org )

Mahalo everyone!

Andy/Tiki Joe’s Ocean


[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-08-20 10:17 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-08-20 12:35 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-09-03 10:21 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-10-05 14:23 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-10-05 14:34 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-10-09 09:47 ]

teaKEY posted on 07/12/2009

"Joe has great taste in artists as evident in the Tiki tOny album cover"-teaKEY

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 07/18/2009

Thanks teaKEY~ Having Tony do the art for this project was a fun experience. His insert and back cover are just as cool as the front cover!


Andy/Tiki Joe's Ocean

NEW Exotica CD on sale now!

A part of the proceeds of the CD will go to help our oceans and beaches
( http://www.surfrider.org ) and to help musicians fighting cancer
( http://www.carlwilsonfoundation.org )

kustomtiki posted on 07/18/2009

This is pure pleasure to listen to,a must have in your exotica collection!..nice work Andy.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 08/20/2009

Mahalo kustomtiki! That "must have" notion is very much appreciated.

I wanted to take a minute and thank all of you who gave me such kind feedback and warm alohas at Tiki Oasis. For the new friends and recent owners of the CD, from Manhattan to Maui, thanks for dropping by the Sophistatiki booth and supporting the music and introducing yourselves. For the other lovely people who've spun the disc throughout the summer, thanks for giving me some love about the CD you already have! Putting smiling faces to TC names is always a kick.

Sales at Oasis far surpassed my expectations and I almost sold out the amount I brought down! HUGE mahalos for that kind of support, everyone. That will surely keep the creation wheels rolling along into the next project~

A part of the proceeds of the CD will go to help our oceans and beaches
( http://www.surfrider.org ) and to help musicians fighting cancer
( http://www.carlwilsonfoundation.org )

Mahalo nui again~!

Andy/Tiki Joe's Ocean

NEW Exotica CD on sale now!

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-08-20 14:25 ]

Rex "!" posted on 09/03/2009

So cool. So groovalicious.

Listening to this CD always makes me
want to drop whatever I am doing,
pick up a brush and get creative!

Many mahalos for the quick delivery!
This CD will be on the playlist of our
Tiki Getaway Party in tropical downtown Mesa
this Labor Day Weekend!

little lost tiki posted on 09/03/2009

"I wanna drown in Tiki Joe's Ocean!" Natalie Wood


Jason Wickedly posted on 09/03/2009

On 2009-09-03 08:10, little lost tiki wrote:
"I wanna drown in Tiki Joe's Ocean!" Natalie Wood


Too soon, Kinny, too soon.

Swamp Fire posted on 09/04/2009

The CD will take you to another place and time. Great job Andy! Love it!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 09/07/2009

Thanks so much, Rex. I hope you are dropping everything and getting creative often! Here's the link to this multi-talented kingpin, everybody - http://lowbraupinstripingart.vpweb.com/
Hope your Tiki Getaway Party was a good one~ Cheers to you & Penny- keep spinning that disc!

Kenny - Yikes! WWRWS? (What would Robert Wagner say?)

Jason - I believe you answered the question WWRWS. Thanks buddy. Aloha to Dannelle!

Doug- BIG mahalo, man. Very very happy you enjoy it.

As always, a part of the proceeds of the CD will go to help our oceans and beaches
( http://www.surfrider.org ) and to help musicians fighting cancer
( http://www.carlwilsonfoundation.org )

Mahalo again~!

Andy/Tiki Joe's Ocean

NEW Exotica CD on sale now!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/05/2009

Just a quick note to thank you as indeed, within just over three months, the first run of CDs has completely sold out, far ahead of expectations. Thanks so much for making this happen with your kind feedback, your reviews and of course, your support of both this project and of the resurgence of Exotica music.

For those of you who have placed orders recently, the new batch will be ready and your CDs will be shipped promptly on the morning of this Wednesday, October 7th~

The next Tiki Joe's Ocean project is coming very soon- more details on that will be released on TC the beginning of November. Until then~

mahalo nui loa~

Andy Nazzal, Tiki Joe's Ocean


[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2015-01-28 20:21 ]

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