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Glasgow Tiki Shakers @ Don the Beachcomber, Saturday July 11, 9pm - midnight

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GlasgowTikiShakers posted on 07/04/2009

Don the Beachcomber is legally ready for the Glasgow Tiki Shakers on Saturday July 11 (9pm to midnight).

Hope to see you there!

Don the Beachcomber
16278 Pacific Coast Highway
Sunset Beach (Huntington Beach), Ca 92649

[ Edited by: GlasgowTikiShakers 2009-07-04 14:48 ]

RoseRed posted on 07/06/2009

On 2009-07-04 14:47, GlasgowTikiShakers wrote:
Don the Beachcomber is legally ready for the Glasgow Tiki Shakers on Saturday July 11 (9pm to midnight).

Hope to see you there!

Don the Beachcomber
16278 Pacific Coast Highway
Sunset Beach (Huntington Beach), Ca 92649

[ Edited by: GlasgowTikiShakers 2009-07-04 14:48 ]

dag nabbit! I have tix to the 80's prom Night at HOB - otherwise, I'd be there ( sniff,sniff).

bigtikidude posted on 07/07/2009

I'm there.


GlasgowTikiShakers posted on 07/08/2009

Just got word from Don the Beachcomber that they are having a drawing on Saturday night for some tickets to the upcoming Egyptian Theatre's Tiki film fest.
Also, word is that Marie will be there to mix up some of her specialties!
Hope to see you there.
Spread the word and bring some friends.

bigtikidude posted on 07/08/2009

mmmmmmm great drinks from Marie,
can't wait.


aquarj posted on 07/08/2009

On 2009-07-07 21:13, GlasgowTikiShakers wrote:
Just got word from Don the Beachcomber that ...

Wowee, that's incredible! Did you have a seance or something? Did you ask him for some stories, or maybe drink recipes?

(I'm sorry, I couldn't help it - that's how I read it at first)


bigtikidude posted on 07/09/2009

the place is haunted you know,
so It could be.......


Coco Joe posted on 07/09/2009

new drinks???

bigtikidude posted on 07/09/2009

I know that Marie has added the "Reverb Crash" drink.
that Ran(Kick the Reverb) won the TC drink contest a few years back with.

whadya think of doing a So. Cal. bar crawl this weekend.
Turk's, to Taco Surf, to Don's , and back to Turk's


little lost tiki posted on 07/09/2009

i would but....
well, you know!

tikihai posted on 07/10/2009

In and In...A little GlasgowTikiShaking is just what is needed.
My bar crawling will be a little more concentrated...like the dining room to the bar, to the hidden village and back to the bar.

[ Edited by: tikihai 2009-07-10 09:27 ]

GlasgowTikiShakers posted on 07/11/2009

Those in attendance will have the opportunity to win 2 pairs of tickets to attend either a Friday or Saturday night screening during the American Cinematheque's "Enchanted Tiki Weekend Blowout" July 24-25. That's right--answer the Don the Beachomber trivia questions correctly, and you could win free tickets, courtesy of Don's friends at the American Cinematheque.
Check out http://egyptiantheatre.com/archive1999/2009/Egyptian/Tiki_Night_ET2009.htm

1961surf posted on 07/11/2009

This should be fun !!

bigtikidude posted on 07/12/2009


tikiyaki posted on 07/12/2009

Severe lack of TC peeps at this show...what's up with that ?

The Shakers were great !!!

Drinks were great !!!

Taboo Cove Bosko 8' Moai standing guard outside.....AWESOME ! More Taboo Cove Basko Tikis comin' in.

C'mon folks, support your locl tiki bar and tiki bands.

Don Brewski posted on 07/12/2009

I was at a car show in Long Beach with the race car and planned on coming after.

Until child-care imploded and I had to get back to Santa Monica... I so want to support this place and the Exotica/mellow surf bands.

I told a ton of folks about Dons at the car show. How was the turn-out in general?

August 7th at Dons--pass it on...

bigtikidude posted on 07/14/2009

there was about 25 to 30 people there.
more general public,
only a handful of TC people.


artsnyder posted on 07/14/2009

So that was you with that magnificent 427 Cobra? I was going around all evening looking for the owner. I hope that my staring didn't chip the paint! I had a beautiful black '85 289 with wide white stripes, blueprinted to the specs in the '84 coupe that won LeMans. Gosh! I loved my "Bete Noir." She won major car shows for her beauty, and several high-speed slaloms for her power. I transfered title and put her in storage when I ran for the LA City Council, and then sold her when I won to pay the costs of the campaign--$25,000. Bad image for a politician. Bad scene! The guy that bought her from me only lasted about 3 months when he killed himself running her badly through the Sunset Boulevard curves at 120. Well, anyway you have one beautiful baby there. Don't take it racing, please! Just keep it under your bed at night.
ALSO, did you know that I had a great big moai? Yep, it's true. People are starting to come around just to stare at it. It's not hard to see. Just drive by and you can't miss it, though you get a better vuew up close. Heck, I've had to chain it down just to protect it, and now I'm considering building a steel cage around it. I'm inviting everyone to come and have a drink to it! We'll let you know if we're having a naming contest. If you enter you can touch it.
Art Snyder
Don the Beachcomber

GlasgowTikiShakers posted on 07/15/2009

Thanks for coming and a huge thanks to Marie for making all those awesome cocktails and to Don the Beachcomber!!!
Hope to see you for more fun on July 25!

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