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THOR Shrunken heads ....etc.

Pages: 1 2 3 95 replies

THOR's posted on 07/13/2009

Dont forget to watch the special on head shrinking on Nat Goegraphic tonight!!!!

"Head Case" is now SOLD. Pressure here from my wide eyed daughter is getting me to do this here but I need this reolved asap. I am supposed to see this car tonight and lay down the moola if all is good!! PLEASE write me DIRECTLY at my e-mail if interested in this: stareeknight@aol.com Prices go back to normal if any left after today most likely. THANKS!!

I have received a good number of e-mails and reserved heads so far...and just wanted to start a flow here so I knew roughly what to make for Oasis. I am just finishing two new sculpts and making molds for some HYPER detailed heads. I will post pics as they progress and open to suggestions. I really have to watch it on time spent on these, as these are just a very obsessive side hobby and I tend to go nuts on getting these unlike ANY you will find anyplace...real or not. They are a LOT of hand work..custom tooling and detail.
I spoke to a great number of people...professionals and fellow artists and all agree without question that these are unparalleled to anything available. I had one guy from Florida who spent 5 years as a curator for Ripley's Believe it or not" and had close access to all their specimen archives of actual heads. He told me these looked better than the real thing!! Gaff's of this quality can cost thousands. So I think my pricing is offering a great deal here. I am charging $400.00 ea. I was a bit low last time and I have to at least begin to cover my time and materials.

All will be signed and beautifully mounted. Any not sold at Oasis will be shipped to publishers in Hawaii but they will be marked up at least 40% unfortunately. These are MUSEUM quality...not toys, hand crafted with extreme detail and research. From the feedback I get over the years...become a central conversation piece in a Tiki bar or other. I do a lot of research on these. This year I am pushing the character and realism.

If you want one reserved, please do asap. I have three already "reserved", 3 before this post and I would guess I can make at least a dozen by Oasis. I am shooting for 20! If you are unfamiliar with the quality..see my other threads on Thor's Shrunken heads. However, thee latest are another step up in realism without question. I have since added greater skin detail and am even perfecting a facial hair detail that , if works as planned, will be absolutely stunning.

I can't wait for Oasis!! It's my ONE break from the grind of Gallery painting this year!!! I plan to have ore socializing and less business this year!! lol Also, As posted, I am doing my signature rum painting of Marina. I created the rum painting as a way to capture my character in an original manor and I tell ya...it's a blast!!

All warmest Aloha's

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-08-20 07:31 ]

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-09-29 18:24 ]

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-11-15 10:27 ]

MadDogMike posted on 07/13/2009

PIC-TURES! (stomp, stomp) PIC-TURES! (stomp, stomp) PIC-TURES! (stomp, stomp)

Tiki Kupcake posted on 07/13/2009

I'd really like to see pictures before I decide if I want one or not, too.

THOR's posted on 07/13/2009

I hear ya!!! lol I will post soon ...they are just popping out of the castings and I will show as they progress!! Just wanted to start the thread! Stay tuned!!

TravelingJones posted on 07/13/2009


TIKI-TONGA posted on 07/14/2009

Here's one of last years models by Thor. This is Alfredo. Against the advice of his tour guide he strayed away from his jungle tour group while vacationing in Ecuador. Alas now poor Alfredo will now be a permanent fixture in my yet to be tiki room. He doesn't eat much, I occasionally give him baby food through a straw. He enjoys listening to Yma Sumac while I brush his hair. Oh and by the way, he was accompanied by his cousin Santos during his misadventure. I will post some pics of Santos as well soon.

THOR's posted on 07/14/2009

Tiki Tonga!! It's great to see the new homes these fella's get!!! I have seen some amazing displays!! Thanks for sharing!! I will post more soon!


TikiG posted on 07/14/2009

Aloha all -

I'm the proud owner of three of these beautiful works of art from Thor - I just wanted to say these are the art objects that everyone comments about while visiting my home - tikiphile or not. They NEVER fail to impress guests.

Well worth every cent for such a heirloom quality sculpt. I've said it before....Thanks Tom.

I'll see you at TikiOasis next month. G

THOR's posted on 08/03/2009

FINAL chance till next YEAR on NEW THOR Shrunken HEADS!!

Go to my last page entry to see message.... Thanks for al that picked up heads!! Just a few left!

These things are NO QUESTION as real as you will find. I have photographed them here in broad daylight to show how fine the detail, craftsmanship, sculpt and realism hold up! Lit in a Tiki bar or study or cabinet, these things defy all doubt that they are REAL and direct from the Amazon natives they were crafted by. In a bar, these will be a centerpiece of conversation.

I am making about 15 to 20 this year. Base price is $400.00. That will include 2-3 feathers, beads bamboo stake and base with all the aging and fine detail seen here. Upgrades would be feather head dress, or added decor. I will post more pics before Oasis. I cannot guarantee how many will be left by Oasis, but will display them all in my suite by the pool for the Oasis duration. To all how already want one reserved, please PM me again and I will give details as to down payment and how to either pick your head up at Oasis or have it shipped.

Enjoy!!! I will tell you the story of the lip plate style shortly!!


Suya Lip Plate #1 SOLD/RESERVED

#2 Skewered lip

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-08-07 14:03 ]

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-08-18 07:50 ]

little lost tiki posted on 08/03/2009

those look sooooo creepy!
You really have Upped it a notch with these!
the lip plate.etc etc..

now level with us.....
where are you keeping all those decapitated bodies?

Babalu posted on 08/03/2009

These guys are most INCREDIBLE!! The lip plate just smokes....

Dang Tom, your simply on fire brother!! I can't wait to see these in person.

THOR's posted on 08/03/2009

Kinny and Babalu!! Thanks!!

Oh... btw If anyone has any relatives or an obnoxius corworker they can donate, the smoking hut is not full to the chimney yet! I just like to keep "a-head" of schedule on thse for Oasis. Thanks!

teaKEY posted on 08/03/2009

Way Way better. If these pics got placed around the internet, people would surely think they were 200 year old real shrunken heads.

Mai Tai posted on 08/03/2009

Man, I thought your other previous shrunken heads were really great. These take things to an entirely new level altogether! Those are absolutely amazing, Tom! You have some mad skills!!! Can't wait to see them all displayed at Tiki Oasis!

Mai Tai posted on 08/03/2009

On 2009-08-03 10:24, THOR's wrote:
Oh... btw If anyone has any relatives or an obnoxius corworker they can donate, the smoking hut is not full to the chimney yet! I just like to keep "a-head" of schedule on thse for Oasis. Thanks!

I was going have a pie in the face delivered to my ex-boss when they lay him off and walk him out of the building, but I think it would be better if he payed a visit to Dr. Thor's Shrunken Head Academy!

HB TIKI posted on 08/03/2009

The shrunken heads are really a piece of art work. Will look forward to seeing the other when finished.

little lost tiki posted on 08/03/2009

GROG said he'd volunteer his head...

you take them without brains,right?

GROG posted on 08/03/2009

Kinny's lifeless shrunken head is in his pants.

THOR's posted on 08/03/2009

HAaaaaa GREAT!!! I will keep the light on for ya tonight!! Follow the green smoke!!(the other kind!). Side note here is that my story here is that a Jivaro warrior and one of the tribes more creative Tsantsa' trophy makers had an unpleasant encounter with a Suya Native from far East of the Jivaro village. Suya's traditionally wear lip plates..much like the African Natives have.

On a very distant trip, a Jivaro traveled on a sort of spiritual journey along the Amazon river to the territory of the Zuya. Just before dusk one eve, the Jivaro sent a poison blow dart into the trees to down a Monkey it would take as food for the night. A Suya warrior was in the area..saw this and was not happy.... The two fought visciously but the Jivaro won. He took the head of his victim, skinned and boiled it. He preserved it with it in an herb satchel. When finally back to his village a week later, he dried it in a smoke hut, and created small river clay lip plate and ear rings to mimick the dress of the Suya tribesman. A unique Tsantsa' indeed!! It is currently the pride of the entire Jivaro villiage. Now...you too can own the trophy..and share the story in the rum scented eves of your own home hut.

So, there you have this relic of this ageless and exotic tale.... ~THOR

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-08-07 13:38 ]

PalmCityTiki posted on 08/03/2009

Sweet barking tiki... love the heads... great skills and craftsmanship.... thanks for posting and please post more as they cure.

TravelingJones posted on 08/04/2009


Meheadhunter posted on 08/04/2009

Your Heads Rock!!!!
These, are by far the best recreations I have seen!!! :)
Very nice work!!!
I'll Take One!!!
PM Sent

THOR's posted on 08/04/2009


My goal was to make the ones selling lately out there on EBAY look like dime store rubber prizes TJ! LOL Glad ya like em!!! I will post variations as the week unfolds. You still coming to Oasis??? Some are being reserved and picked up already so let me know my friend!!

THOR's posted on 08/04/2009

Headhunter... I would think you have MANY already!! lol I will be postinfg the variations as the days progress here this week. Unless one spefic one is claimed as in the order a person writes their PM, I will mark it your's. I am back to the shrinking hut!! Have a great day!

AlohashirtBob!! Got your PM, No problem and thanks for the feathers! Thank your parrot tooo!!!!!!

alohashirtbob posted on 08/04/2009

Tanga is happy to donate to the cause. Sent you another PM. Looking forward to seeing you at the Oasis!

HB TIKI posted on 08/04/2009

The display has now been modified to houses the new shrunken heads

[ Edited by: HB TIKI 2009-08-04 11:44 ]

THOR's posted on 08/04/2009

Which display HB?

HB TIKI posted on 08/05/2009

I build a display case for a 30" tall shrunken head and modify it so it will accomondate a 40 inch tall display. What is the size of the base that will hold the bamboo pole to support the head. Thanks Roger

Robb Hamel posted on 08/05/2009


Mai Tai posted on 08/05/2009

Tom, check your PM's!!! :D

THOR's posted on 08/05/2009

Got it Mai Tai!! I am posting more heads tomorrow!! I have the first lip plate pictured reserved at this point but more lip and others coming!! I might do one or two it lit show boxes like the one Frankies' bought from me for the Vegas Bar. Stay tuned! I need to keep these going so I have some unsold for Oasis!! lol! Either way..I will bring them all to make a good window display in my pool suite! Aloha!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/05/2009

... I think they ARE real!

Murph posted on 08/05/2009

On 2009-08-04 22:48, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
... I think they ARE real!

Damn, I think you're right.
We should be checking the missing persons reports around Thor's neighborhood!

THOR's posted on 08/05/2009

YOU TWO TIKI TATTLE TALES!! GEEeeeeSH!! You think I get the heads donated to me as easily as parrot feathers?? Well...er, ah... ooops, I gave that one away!

Robb Hamel posted on 08/05/2009

My Auntie's gone missing!

BUFFBAD posted on 08/06/2009

THOR u hammered these outa the Park !!! Awesome heads. Realistic and very scary looking. BUFFBAD

THOR's posted on 08/07/2009

OK..per requested I am posting a few more of the heads here in progress. I will be working long hours to finish as many as I can close to a total of 20. What I am doing is responding to feedback here where there are some much higher end heads and some that are very simple and I can offer for a little less. This would be the case in a headhunters smoke hut anyway. Some heads would be a trophy, more elaborate if the victim was of higher tribal rank. Others would be more simple and less adorn.

These are turning out to be a LOT of hours of work. I have become VERY meticulous as to the details and I don't even want to add up the time per profit on these. But this is my passion once a year. I will be fully back to painting after Oasis. Because of this, it's not possible to do more heads after Oasis for special orders. I would take 6 months or more to find pockets of time I could devote to these other than next summer. One guy had to wait almost 9 months last year and I just don't want to do that to anyone.

Here's the next line-up. I have gotten a lot of PM's regarding pre-buying a particular head made as seen here. I am going to just number these in photos so that if someone wants a certain one and commits, it will be reserved. Again, it's first to show serious interest and payment..first serve. The first two posted earlier this week are, Lip plate Suya #1 and skewer lip #2. # 1 is already reserved. I also have at least 5 people asking to reserve one but waiting to see more pics. Remember to respond on this thread if you leave a PM and want me to check. I only "sign in" here once every day or two and just peek at thread response quickly several times a day. Ok......on we go!
Here's a line up! Some still need feathers or twine details or neck rings. As a side note..if anyone pre-buys and asks for a couple details I have not put on the head ass pictured I am happy to add a few things.

#3 Warrior given face paint. Symbolizes the skull as possessed now by the victor.

#4 Crowned warrior SOLD/RESERVED

#5 last years mold with this year's upgrades

#6 Ebony finish Suya. Grey feathers are just set here to see color. Pitch beads and grey and red feathers will accent this really deep ebonized Tsantsa.

#7 Suya lip plate variation SOLD/RESERVED

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#8 The "Head Case" This is a head that I took many extra hours on with fine brushes and detailing where it is absolutely shocking. It gives the feel of an old museum relic in a themed glass case. It will have a low watt light in the top that beautifully illuminates every hair and subtle pore. The hair is real human hair acquired from a wig shop and carefully attached to this head. I showed this to a few friends yesterday who wouldn't leave the thing alone. One said, "It is the most wonderfully disturbing oddity I have ever seen! Price is set at $950.00 for this and I guarantee one will agree it is worth every cent if you want a center piece to a Tiki bar or establishment. I am thinking of putting a small aged little label inside like a museum would have done 50 years ago...we'll see.

More to come.......I am back to my lab. Will check the thread on and off today.

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-08-07 11:19 ]

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-08-07 13:56 ]

HB TIKI posted on 08/07/2009

Please reserve #4 shrunken head for HB tiki Roger Brittan CROWNED WARRIOR

HB TIKI posted on 08/07/2009

i also send a pm with other information on it.

THOR's posted on 08/07/2009

Got Ya Roger!

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TasiTiki posted on 08/07/2009

Aloha Thor,
These are simply extraordinary!! The Jivaro tribe will be contacting you for your recipe once they see these :) PM sent...

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leleliz posted on 08/07/2009

The one in the case is seriously mind blowing! These are amazing!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cf868a723ed896dd48aabb30cdf3ee6d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TasiTiki posted on 08/07/2009

Wooooooooo, #7 is all me :D
Mahalo nui loa Thor!!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 08/07/2009

they are all amazing!

alohashirtbob posted on 08/07/2009

Sent you a PM

alohashirtbob posted on 08/08/2009

[ Edited by: alohashirtbob 2009-08-08 08:46 ]

alohashirtbob posted on 08/08/2009

[ Edited by: alohashirtbob 2009-08-08 08:45 ]

alohashirtbob posted on 08/08/2009

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Art the bartender now a shrunken head

Pages: 1 2 3 95 replies