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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 07/15/2009

Golly Moses, that's a big load of crap. When are you gonna do something GOOD and USEFUL like FABRIC? :lol: "Four Bowls" is 4 separate bowls, yes? Can I get dibs on one of the brownish ones? I need something to eat my Cheerios out of.
(Lil Blue says hey by the way, and when can she hang out with Nunkle Kinny again?)

I really do want one of those bowls. I'll be nice.
The dimensional pieces look super cool - that must've been fun to experiment in 3-D!
And you know I especially love your Solomon Island style stuff...

Retro Modern Wahine......Kiki von Tiki on etsy

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2009-07-15 09:30 ]

MadDogMike posted on 07/15/2009

It's a tsumani of tstupendous tstuff!

The dimensional pieces are your inner sculptor trying to claw it's way out :)

Bowana posted on 07/15/2009

Pappy Haggler's is going to be busting at the seams!
You've got a long way to go, so you'd better get busy, young man.


Meheadhunter posted on 07/15/2009

Very cool stuff Kinny....you gotta let me in on your secret of how you get so much done so fast!!

Sam Gambino posted on 07/15/2009

Hey Ken- Those multilayered pieces are beautiful! Fine stuff! It's nice to see you pushing the standard into different territories. I saw the word "kookypants" and I knew it would be something else awesome!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/16/2009

Those pieces you did with Ben are just awesome!
More of those in a big way! Great improvising!
The rest are just plain amazing! Hooray!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/16/2009

"FourArm" is good.
Kooky pants good!

little lost tiki posted on 07/16/2009

Mahalos to you all!
i can't wait for you to see all these in person!
Sooooo much more IMPACTFUL!

Bill-AMPM? :lol:
i guess the jury has decided
3-D=Good! :)

Ben is really fun to work with!
He has this curious,playful approach
that just gives the surface a "Come and Get me!" vibe..
your cover this month puts all other covers to SHAME!

Jen-i guess you're right! Time to knock it up a notch! :lol:

Tikiville-Thanks man!
Possession does have its benefits!
love that PLEASANTVILLE analogy!

GROG-true dat! gravity sucks when you have to create at least 10-15 pieces a week!
i'm just glad i'm not as old (or feeble) as you are! :lol:


Unkl Ian-how funny! Brilliant work from a Dull Bulb! :lol:

Kiki-we'll talk about that whole fabric thing soon! :)
I'm selling those bowls as a set,toots!
they're not big enough for cereal.really
more like party nuts and chex mix size...
Hi lil Blue! :)

Mad Dog!
two mugs is enough for me!
Takes too long!
But surfaces i can paint....that's another tale!

You gonna help us feed the animals during Oasis?
The elephant only seems to like you!
miles to go before i sleep....

meheadhunter-the secret?
i dunno....after smelling the bathroom cleaner
i usually pass out
and awaken to a batch of new art!
it's the derndest thing....

I knew i could snag you and TikiShark with the word KOOKYPANTS! :lol:

Would love to see you tackle the 3RD DIMENSION with BooBen!

Iokona Ki'i! Thank ye kindly! hands Down..the 3-D wins!
ben and i have been talking about doing some more
fine-tuning em
making the playing field less daunting
and allowing for more experimentation! Hooray!

I thought of you during FOUR ARM!
wishin you and i both had 4 arms and how much faster we could pump it out!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/17/2009

I love you, man.
"Kooky Pants" love.

thick posted on 07/17/2009

Damn, Four Arm blew my mind.

Aw man! Shield Skull Tusk Boy! Dammit, super cool

laojia posted on 07/17/2009

Still as brilliant your paintings! Fireworks for the eyes!!! :o :o :o :o
Especially love "tropical nocturne"!
I like so much your "Booben Collab" serie! Something between paint and carving...

"Sky and water" by MC Escher (1938):

"Sky and water" by Ken Ruzik (2009):

great minds meet across the centuries! :roll:


tobunga posted on 07/18/2009

Wow Kinny! What amazing, fantastic stuff! The Bamboo Ben scrap pieces are incredible... love the way you took well, scraps, and made the most amazing art out of them!

Maybe you could start reclaiming all kinds of cast-off stuff bound for the landfill and transform it into treasure!!! How about a year of not throwing away anything, and making art out of it? Now that would be a Ruzictastic sight to behold!

Or what if you painted on the entire surface of a house, inside and out, including every object in the house?

You could probably start that project this weekend!


MadDogMike posted on 07/18/2009

little lost tiki posted on 07/21/2009

Aloha! Aloha!
a quickie reply session
a few new ones and Zing!
back to the rabbit hole...

"Kooky Pants" love
the kind that really stands out in a crowd!

Glad Four arm could expand your cranium
it was hard not to become hypnotized while working on those swirls!
and "Shield Skull Tusk Boy" is the working title.
but it is growing on me...
thanks for the visit!

Mahalos for your enthusiasm!
Tropical nocturne has a nice feel to it that i will explore further
perhaps on some more Bamboo Ben collaborations!
you never know what the future will bring!

i used to have an Escher blacklight poster of a dragon(Medieval-lookin)
standing on these crystals and biting it's tale...
looked great next to my Stripes poster and 6FOOT KIZZ POSTER!
it was Brueghel,Dali,Jack kirby/marvel Comics,and Escher,always the fascination
of how he tapped a certain mathematic spirituality,that overflowed into

Sky and water,that theme tries to capture the differences in the elements
thru the life that inhabits it
Escher took the long route,
i, unfortunately,was rushed into inspiration and
sometimes lean on simple themes,hoping the art will communicate something deeper.

it was Ben! he's the great inspirer!
it was his creative spark that motivated him to play with these materials
and it was his thoughtfulness to share them and see what happens..
man! now i feel like a total tool for missing his pool party and selfishly painting...:(
i used to find old toys at thrift stores ,take them apart,and reassemble them..
i did a whole series of Armageddon Assault Vehicles and crippled beasts and stuff...
fun! fun!

but,a year of not throwing out stuff and creating art?
How bout i just build a tiki tower out of empty bottles of Zipfizz,
filled with cigarette butts
and mortared together with coffee grounds? :lol:

i have a great book called Fantasy worlds
about all these environments people and artists have created for homes
I'll have to share it with you sometime
it's amazing the variety of execution and brilliance there!
i could see you making a whole world like that as well!
Miss you kids!
Hi Manuel!

Mike-now that is just....wrong
so wrong,but in a very wrong way
and i never wear red shoes!
what is THAT all about/
a yellow shirt?
oh jiminy!
wrong....so wrong

first off,if you havent checked out babalu's Clay camp thread...Go!
Anyways,Squid was kind enough to bring a luau pig greenware for me to carve up one eve at the studio
he also had some glaze tests that we looked at and discussed for various projects
so anyways,when he was over there he created a bunch of cool beans things
including a friggin DRUM! a bigazz drum!!!
but he also glazedup our collaboration and they kilned it up!
and here's what came out!

did a few more for oasis
got a little more labor-intensive with em!
these are from my friend croe67 legendary FOM member and overall cool gal!
"the wave"
i figured it was Surf City,so might as well do a wave...

some details...

then i got all fish happy
and did this one

something about it bugged me
so it had to go
it didn't feel right

3 hours later..

"the Shaded tiki"

"the jungle flower"

and this lil cuteypants
"Fern Boy"

he's soo cute.....but wait! is that a skull? :o

that is all!
miles to go before i sleep...

Meheadhunter posted on 07/21/2009

Cool new stuff!!

croe67 posted on 07/21/2009

Diggin' that Piggy & that Monkeypod! That monkeypod is looking SO MUCH better than the last time I saw it!! 8)

Kiki von Tiki posted on 07/21/2009

I thought you were stopping?!?!?
More good yummy monkeypod stuff!

Babalu posted on 07/21/2009

Howdy do Junior!!!

You and Pappy are sur fit to be hog tied....You boys is as hot a hefer in heat!! I jus cain't wait to stomp around at this here big Shingdig with you boooys!

And that there piggie of your'un...well, he looks might tasty with that there molasses and honey marinade you all put all over him. I want a bite!

Yours Truly,

Tink Tinkerson Esquire III

PS: I'm a bringing Leaster my coon to the pettin' zoo...keep them dang hounds away from him ya hear!

Lake Surfer posted on 07/23/2009



Loving all the new work!

And I get to see it in person in a few weeks!

Stoked to see ya at Oasis!

"Drumming to the Fish" is so rad... hope you bring it to Oasis, I'd love to add it to my collection!

Take a break, you earned it... PARTY in a few weeks... Oasis Style!

MadDogMike posted on 07/23/2009

SOOOOEEEEE Here Pi-yag! Pi-yag! Pi-yag!

I smell bacon!

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2009-07-29 11:43 ]

Clarita posted on 07/25/2009

Beautiful new ones, i just love your style! on canvas, on bowls, on surf boards or what ever, it's great to see how a common object is turned in to something magical (beautiful art), (i just hope the piggies won't be turned in to bacon!) :)

TravelingJones posted on 07/26/2009

On 2009-07-20 22:25, little lost tiki wrote:
**...and a PIG !(pronounced PI-YAG!) **

PIG pronunciation:(pig)


  1. a young swine of either sex, esp. a domestic hog, Sus scrofa, weighing less than 120 lb. (220 kg.)
  2. any wild or domestic swine.
  3. the flesh of swine; pork.
  4. a person of piglike character, behavior, or habits, as one who is gluttonous, very fat, greedy, selfish, or filthy.
  5. Slang. a slatternly, sluttish woman.
  6. Disparaging. a police officer.
  7. Machinery. any tool or device, as a long-handled brush or scraper, used to clear the interior of a pipe or duct.
  8. Metallurgy. a. an oblong mass of metal that has been run while still molten into a mold of sand or the like, esp. such a mass of iron from a blast furnace.
    b. one of the molds for such masses of metal.
    c. metal in the form of such masses.
    d. pig iron.

–verb (used with object) 9. to mold (metal) into pigs.
10. Informal. to eat (something) quickly; gulp: He pigged three doughnuts and ran off to school.

–verb (used without object) 11. to bring forth pigs; farrow.

—Verb phrase12. pig out, Slang. to overindulge in eating: We pigged out on pizza last night.
—Idioms13. on the pig's back, Australian Slang. in a fortunate position.
-14. pig it, a. to live like a pig, esp. in dirt. b. to lead a disorganized, makeshift life; live without plan or pattern.

1175–1225; ME pigge young pig, with doubled consonant appropriate to terms for smaller animals (cf. dog, frog 1 ) but with no obvious relations; almost certainly not akin to LG, D big(ge), MD vigghe young pig, which involve further obscurities; if Dan pige, Sw piga maid, young girl are compared, perh. < ON word meaning “young, small,” applied in Scand to girls but in OE to swinepig2  /pɪg/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pig] Show IPA

–noun Scot. and North England.

  1. an earthenware crock, pot, pitcher, or jar.
  2. potter's clay; earthenware as a material.

1400–50; late ME pygg

Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/26/2009

Pure magic Master Kinny!
Love the piggy piece and how
you improvise with those bowls.
Look forward to seeing all your
goodies at TO9!

little lost tiki posted on 07/28/2009

Alow-HA kiddles!
Got a lotsa goodies to share but first
let me send a BIG HUG and a Thank ye kindly to

Meheadhunter,crafter of bitchin PNG pendants

lovely Croe67,my international monkeypod supply warehouse

Kiki,who didn't think I'd really stop painting...honestly!

babalu-my clay guru,friend.and coon trainer ninja master

Lake Surfer,who MAY have a DRUMMING TO THE FISH piece
waiting for him at Oasis

MadDogMike-who really needs to get rid of that
truly awful funkee fresh thang

Clarita,my carving sister from the southern part of our globe

TravelingJonesy-who is always a font of wisdom and creativity

and Iokona Ki'i-whose velvets of beautiful wahines always amaze

a Big mahalos to y'alls!Can't wait to see most of y'all at oasis! :)
I'm so glad to have such an enthusiastic spastic group of visitors this week!

Speakin of Visitors...
Had squids and the Big Toe over on Friday for an impromptu
We done stayed up til 3-3:30 AM,folks!
YAWN! Double YAWN!
I'ma gonna post pics of the evenin on Squiddle's thread
so make sure ta visit it later on! thanks!
Soooo...after showerin and finally crawling into bed around 4-4:15am
i wake up JARHEAD style at 8:00 and get to the studio around 9:30 after scarfing down some frozen berries because a special day was to be had! hodad hank was coming to visit

  1. to pick up ULTRATANG from the Light gallery
  2. to help cherry pick some paintings and oddities for
    the Freaky Boutiki Gallery exhibition of the 3rd Annual Tiki Magazine Anniversary Show!say that fast THREE times! :)
    and what a day it was
    full of some intriguing conversations
    and hilarious surrealistic moments
    (we ate lunch at the Chili pepper in Orange
    it's like a Vegas idea of a CASA style restaurant
    except for the 7 foot NUTCRACKER
    and 4 6 FOOT WOODEN SOLDIERS!!!!
    odd! but great chilequilles (sp?)
    Anyways, at his CHOP last month,he gave me a 3-D drawing pad
    so,when he was a'visitin the studio,he happened to try them on
    and BEHOLD!

    the first thing he looked at was the Tiki mandala
    "Guardians of the Plumeria"

    and it POPPED in a most unusual way!
    Then he checked out "the Arrival" painting

    and ZA-YA-YAAAANG! there were certain colors and certain outlines
    certain atmospheric tricks i had applied with the
    acrylic/paintpen style that were ENHANCED with these glasses!
    What a discovery!
    so we chatted about a possible exhibit in the future
    (10 big pieces with that medium couldn't be that hard,could it?)
    So basically,my mission is to figure out WHAT works
    what effects/what combos of colors work/how to make areas come atcha
    and others recede into the background...
    another exciting development...yay.
    MOKO the CLOWN is finally finished and ready to
    roll on out at Pappy Haggler's Bargin Barn!
    Here's some lovely views
    on the dirty counter
    of my dirty studio kitchen sink
    When last we left our poor clown
    his brain and wig were white as bisque
    because they were...
    So first off,the brain...

    a purplish grey with fluro green hi-lights

    and indigo outlines in Squiddle's sculpt.

    it was fun to trace over the contours,echoing the master's lines
    and then be able to accentuate them,elaborate upon them!
    Thanks for sharing SOOO much of your talent and bisques and greenware with all of us artists! And look at all that awesome work that's comin from it! bravo!

    Next was the WIG...
    which,because of my ambitions for a cartoonic realism
    pushed me into a
    tell me about it....
    Here it is... the toupee de grace!

    yeah,you guessed it..
    stupid ken decided to make the WIG yarn,,,YARN!
    so first he laid down the indigo paintpen
    to establish the shapes of the spaghetti-like stringy
    matted by jungle heat yarn....

    This funny PNG guy on the back
    looks like an HR Pufenstuf Beatles fan!

    Anywhoo,Come visit MOKO the clown at
    Ask fer Pappy,he'll be Glad to Accommodate yews! :)

embellishment's fun because the surface is always a challenge
every artist's "line" is different
different hands,different sensibilities..
well, the rest of the weekend was spent in an isolated shell of
Yuppers,went to drop off my tribute to Ben
to thank him for that last batch of 3-D Scrap goodies
so he got this baby...

which is gonna look friggin RAD-I-KAL in his hut!
Thank you Ben!
so ,anyways,i get there and he has a LOT more
that he just threw together
and they was pretty fun and challenging-lookin!
Mahalos Ben you're Bona-FRIED! :lol:

Well, anyways, this weekend was a
rough and tumble Abstract/Messy/Stained glass/3-D art jag!

"Blue Ku"
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"Jungle Shield"
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here it is in a 3/4 view to give you an idea of Ben's 3-D canvases..
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i think i just wrote "MOAI" for the name of these two
until Moai-Dee and Moai Dum came to mind...
(ah,the subliminal power of marketing)
the way Ben arranged the elements on these
almost made it too easy
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Next,Hank grabbed the Wave (leaf bowl) for the show at his gallery
so all of a sudden I'm OUT of anything partially relating to surf
so i painted this
based on the leaf painting
here's the part we're talking about..
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Anyways, i tried this approach in acrylic
instead of gouache...
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By adding some shadowing
there were effects that pulled a Trompe De Loeil
resembling Boo Ben's creations a bit...

and this last one...another offering for the surf/ocean crowd
this one was a blast and slushy mushy sweepy dream to create
these really have to be seen in person!
make sure you visit squidz and meself at the Artist Alley!
"Ocean Floor"
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Also started working on
the magical pegasus pegboard of art for oasis!
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Please Come visit us in the Artist Alley
and speak yore mind to us....
and look around
and see em in person!

That is All for Now..
Over and Out!

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sleestak posted on 07/28/2009

youre a f'in madman damnit!

4 Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a0a2dc32416bf70e940b99885955f646?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
4WDtiki posted on 07/28/2009

Dear Mr. AMPM. You are INSANER!
TWO types of 3D paintings in one post!?!
Moku the Clown is gorgeously sick!
And the new Wave piece looks like a tsunami! :o

Don't stop.

PS I saw Hank's gallery space when I dropped off some pieces, it's sweet!

little lost tiki posted on 07/29/2009

Thanks Sleestak-lovin your ballpointed skateboards
can't wait to see some more o dat at Oasis!

Bill- don't worry about the stopping part,i think the brakes are out!
Speaking of being on a roll! love that standup Marq,
but the "Sphinx" one really tears it up! Beautiful!
Can't wait to see yours and everyone else's art
at the freaky boutiki gallery! Excitement MOUNTS!

Thanks for dropping by,chums!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 07/29/2009

You really did an amazing job on that clown! Seeing the wig before details were added and NOW, yeppers, you made it POP! I can smell the musty yarn in the humid jungle now!
And no, I really didn't think you would stop. :lol:

MadDogMike posted on 07/29/2009

"MadDogMike-who really needs to get rid of that
truly awful funkee fresh thang "

Done :lol:

I don't know acrylic from gouache but I love the colors on that blue/green piece.

RH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9fd26dddc45448f5dbd735bb21847b89?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Robb Hamel posted on 07/29/2009

DA - AMN!!

You're new stuff is WAY TOO RADICAL!

I think your clown piece is stunningly original. I doubt the world has seen anything like it. Damn boy (in Texas drawl) you is good. The hair is so different, so bootiful, I wanna eat it like gummy hair.

The abstractish pieces show your usual rock-solid artistic integrity, as usual.

I continue to say that you, Kenneth, have become one of the few artists in history who's style is so original it can't be mistaken in any way for nothin' by nobody else.

The world is not ready for this kind of originality, is it??

Meheadhunter posted on 07/29/2009

The idea to paint 3-D....
Totally Insane!! :)
This will be a very cool venture!!

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6145ad28c3f4c231a8ab388b65d9399d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hodadhank posted on 07/30/2009

On 2009-07-29 16:18, Meheadhunter wrote:
The idea to paint 3-D....
Totally Insane!! :)

Yeah! Dat's what I said! Zoy-Yoi-Yoink!

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f4a1af4b722a6b7925c92dcc88044a1b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
jpmartdog posted on 07/30/2009

You are an amazing artist Ken Ruzic! Your use of color, meticulous detail and solid sense of style is captivating, your energy and creative output is what legends are made of. Love the 3D collaborations with the B Ben blanks. Also love the monkeypod creations. 3D paint experimentation will be fun to watch. I've got my glasses right next to the screen - ready to view!

SF Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/75ccd1c465e92f923a3d65048b9b20c0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swamp Fire posted on 07/30/2009

3-D glasses?!! We don't need no stink'n 3-D glasses!! Your work is beautiful without any eye goggle magic my friend. Cool discovery though.

See ya at Oasis little buddy with the big hair.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/31/2009

Moko the clown is a real stunner! I especially like the back.
And that hair is crazy cool. What was that about a Koala and a rainbow
or something? Anyways, you are singing at the top of the mountain
my friend!

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/62cc40b381d43c73f2f6985a029d78ba?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
mp posted on 07/31/2009

Kenny, everything looks great as usual. Hope I sell some
stuff soze I can get one of your paintings.

TD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/366adf4c3b665463da36c9e8e98bfee9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Duddy posted on 08/02/2009

i've missed too much!

Mad work!

little lost tiki posted on 08/02/2009

Aloha Ohana!
Only 2 pieces done
and one photographed..
but first,let's chat a bit!

Can't wait for oasis where i am gonna GEEK out on Artchat with y'alls!
unless you're not going...
too bad so sad if that's the case...

Kiki! two weeks,girl!
Thanks for showin MOKO some kindness...
judging from the incredible creations you'll be offering in Artist Alley,i think many months of rent will be taken care of!
musty yarn! :lol:

Mike!-Mr. Funkeefresh!
Mahalos for refraining! :)
i'll explain the difference 'tween acrylic and gouache at Oasis...
after a jostling RAP BATTLE!

Robb-Thanks so much for the uber-kindness and words i don't deserve...
i think every artist strives to put themselves into a medium so strongly that it can recognized as that creator's work.As for the originality...we all got it,you just have to take a jump...who cares if it sells...the value is in the acquired knowledge made in creating something that pushes the genre,pushes the artist,and pushes the audience...pushypushy!
i think that's why i admire your work and what you're doing out in the boonies,Robb.You have a singular vision and a need to challenge yourself and get better and grow,and it shows!
bummed we can't geek out on art talk at oasis... :(

Glad this 3-D Oddball experimentation intrigues you...
i will release progress reports as they are formulated...

Hank! Zoy-Yoi-Yoink! indeed!
Hey if y'all haven't heered...Hank's FreakyBoutiki Gallery will be open and packed with tons of great art during Oasis!
Go cheggitout in between seminars!

jpmartdog-Mahalos friend!
can i hire you and Robb to write my obituary? :)
You guys need to quash the compliments
and gimme some art questions...
or challenges
or other artists to check out
or anecdotes...
or puns...i love puns....
Just posting the work must inspire a few folks
but add content and....
now you're cookin with gas!
This past few months,just playing with all these monkeypods
that friends have sent,
and being blessed by BooBen's generosity and art curiosity
and allowing us to collaborate..
to talking with hank
and artjammin with Squid and Toe
and Choppin with MadDog and Bowana and erik the red
and just so much inspiration
from so many individuals in this scene...
it's truly a Renaissance around here...
can you feel the energy?
as soon as more 3-D progress is declassified
you will be notified..

two weeks!
true,they don't need the 3-D glasses,but it somehow ENHANCES it more..
i bet it would work great with your work as well...
I'll bring the glasses! :)

the back of Moko is sooooo HR Pufenstuf gone Sepik river...
thanks for not gettin in my grill about overlapping Maori and PNG themes....
singing on top of the mountain?
(more like yodeling in a ditch! :lol:)
Actually, if you ask the koala
he'll let you take the rainbow to the top of the mountain too!
you and Claudette totally belong up here!
we need to start an artist colony!
bring a picnic basket!

looking forward to geeking out with all y'alls in the alley!

Duddy-thanks buddy!
what have you been up to?
getting any brush time in lately?

Figuring it's my last day of being 44 on earth
I thought i'd do one last woodburn on wood
it had been a while
and it's always good to encounter old friends..
plus i only had 2 for oasis!

"the Happy Drummer"
woodburn and ink tint on wood
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basically, i just quick sketched him in pencil
really lightly on the wood
woodburnt it
then grabbed a sepia ink bottle
a brush
and commenced to shading...

after finishing him,i soooo wanted to do 5 more
but alas...all the other wood was gessoed
or already painted over... :(

here's a shot of the little tiki
hanging onto this Shield Mask headdress thingie..
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Here's another detail
showing his face and hand action!

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Welpers..i also did a.....MOO-AI
but my digi camera battery went DEAD
sorry Caroline! I'll post it as soon as i can!

i did manage to take some progress pics
of the Infamous Pappy Haggler Pegboard of Perfection!
eat your heart out,Dawn! :lol:
(have you guys
seen Dawn's booth for the Artist Alley?
in-frickin-sane!a literal piece of art)
But not at Pappy Hagglers Bargin BArn
where we don't get all fancy with our booth
that ways we keeps prices low for y'alls! :)

but i digress...
Here's about 80% of the PAINTINGS i'll be a'bringin
(Also have 4 Clear-view folders fulla drawings for you to ESpy!
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You can barely see the Special Pappy Haggler pricetags on each item!
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Something for Everyone!

Anyways, i got a tomorrow full of relaxing to get to..
and then it's on to the FINAL LAP!
2 weeks!
Thank you again for all your kindness and encouragement!

RH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9fd26dddc45448f5dbd735bb21847b89?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Robb Hamel posted on 08/02/2009

The Happy Drummer is nothing less than mind-blowing, Ken.

Every line looks like you made love to the wood (heh), every shade is sublime, the result is magic. Damn, you seem to reinvent yourself every other day.

RH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9fd26dddc45448f5dbd735bb21847b89?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Robb Hamel posted on 08/03/2009

I told the missus about the piece earlier, and when she saw it a sec ago it shocked her with how awesome it was!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/03/2009

Hot damn! You da baddest mofo I know!
New piece is my favorite...until you post

Meheadhunter posted on 08/03/2009

The Happy Drummer is Totally Rad!!!
I'm really dig'n the monochromatic color palette!! :)

Sam Gambino posted on 08/03/2009

Digging your drummer, Ken! It looks like he belongs in a hip children's book - you know, the kind of children's book that even adults find interesting. Have you thought of illustrating one? That's something I've always wanted to do.

Lake Surfer posted on 08/03/2009

Aloha Ken!

Hope you had a splendid birthday!

A kaleidoscope of art!

A technicolor collection!

A multimedia celebration!

Your booth looks to be brimming with great stuff, I look forward to seeing it all in person!

I've been inspired by your pegboard method, and will be going that route for the walls of my tent.

Pegboard and j-hooks makes for easy hangin' and taking down. More time for talkin' art!

Babalu posted on 08/03/2009

My Gawd man...breathe....BREATHE.

So much fancy stuffs coming out of your studio there, it's just plain mind boggling.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/30f6988f1742751418ce2d5413b2e53c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TabooDan posted on 08/03/2009

All I can say is WOW Ken!! Awesome stuff!! You're gonna have to rent a Semi-Truck for all that Tiki goodness! One thing I really love about your work is from the smallest little piece to the biggest, there is always so much detail, color and plenty of character!!
Your art is really one of a kind and I can't wait to get something from you!!

Mahalo to you! TabooDan

MadDogMike posted on 08/03/2009

On 2009-08-02 19:50, Iokona Ki'i wrote:
New piece is my favorite...until you post again.

Isn't that the truth!!! :)

RH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9fd26dddc45448f5dbd735bb21847b89?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Robb Hamel posted on 08/05/2009

Ken, I really miss not being able to hang out at Oasis too...

But I'm planning on coming next year.

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