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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/25/2009

Yep, love drrum circles. Did some in Venice Beach, at Burning Man, and ahere on the Big Island.

Here's the transition to canvas so far....

Big Hodad-dy Reid posted on 07/25/2009

On 2009-07-24 12:31, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Big Hodad-dy Reid ~ Oh you are like the "ghost of unfinished art projects past"! Yes I know I still have to finish "The Wanderer", but right in the middle of it I realized I didn't like the whole lighting scheme, and it need a serious re-think on the light source. I need to make it a sunset, (like all my work right now) and I didn't have the mental metal to repaint it yet. I will. Also I think I got a little intimidated at each time I looked closer at the classic romantic painting I'm base-ing it on. So, I need a few canvases to get up to the level of rendering where I think I can do it justice.

Mahalo from the big Island~

Sorry man! Not my intention to harass the artist :wink: I just hadn't been around in a while and searched for the finish. I was kind of hoping it was something that didn't get the final posted on here. Carry on......

Beachbumz posted on 07/25/2009

Brad, very nice.. I really like this one a lot... definitely feeling it here...


Robb Hamel posted on 07/29/2009

You have a nice touch with your pencil work, Brad.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/30/2009

Aloha tiki Tribe!
Big Hodad-dy Reid - Naw, you're not harassing me, I know that painting
is still hanging around. I gotta address it and finish it.... one day.
And I'll PM you when I start doing so, so you know ta watch.
Robb Hamel - Big Mahalo!
Okay, I completely painted out the drum circle. I had a whole re-think
on "what is the point of this painting" thing. Idea is dis: The "Jungle
Witch" is conjuring over a rotted old tiki half buried in the sand.
Magic pin striping will arch through the air to the snazzy new tiki mug
floating in da air. Get it? She's metamorphosing the "old tiki culture"
into the "new tiki culture". All the little tiki guys distracted from what
she was doing with the tiki. It should be the only tiki in the pic, so we
know she's altering "tiki culture". Of course, that still is a Kava man with a
surf board in the background. But, he's not a from Hawaii, so I guess dat's
That, OR... I completely screwed it up

Still rough... lots more to come...


little lost tiki posted on 07/30/2009

i wanna see him! i wanna see him!

this is going to be a masterpiece,Brad..
It already captivates....

Swamp Fire posted on 07/31/2009

Looking forward to seeing this one progress Brad. What happen to the kitty playing the flute, who cares if it's not tiki, I like cats playing flutes, ha. Good luck with the re-think.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/31/2009

Happy Aloha Friday Tiki Tribe!
LLT~ Hey Buddy, I appreciate your thoughts, but I think that little guy (half tiki-half penguin) gonna have to appear in a different painting. Many strange and exotic flowers will be replacing the little tiki critters. And Thanks so much for the kudos...I hope I can live up to your expectations of coolness!
Swampfire~ Yes, the kitty playing the flute is also gonna have to be in that same future painting with the penguin tiki critter - some painting all about a drum circle.

Here's what was painted last night.
Have a great week end!

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/02/2009

Lookin cool, Brad!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/03/2009

Aloha tiki Tribe~
TD ~ Thanks, however, I totally scraped that version.

OK, I painted it out.

Came up with a new sketch.

Roughed in the new goth-hula-girl idea.

Lots more work to come...


little lost tiki posted on 08/03/2009

good call,brad!
and still so close to the beginning
where it won't present a problem...

You worked out all the bumps and are ready to gooooo!

:( about the lil penguin boy,tho! sniff!

Meheadhunter posted on 08/03/2009

Dig'n the Goth-Hula girl...
The addition of the skirt looks waaaay better!!! :)
Keep on paintin!!!

GROG posted on 08/04/2009

Is this going to be the Tiki magazine cover?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/04/2009

Aloha tiki Tribe!
LLT~ Yep, lots of bumps to work out! Is looking better, I dink, no?
Meheadhunter~ Thanks, I'm glad you like the skirt - made more sense visually. An now she's not nakked!
Grog ~ I was thinking the "The Exotic Traveler" was going to be the cover of Tiki Magazine - I even left the upper left had area open for the Tiki Magazine logo. But, if this gets done in time, and Nick takes a better fancy to this one, ya' never know.

Here's some more roughing in the Hula-goth-girl.

teaKEY posted on 08/04/2009

I guess I like all the faces you came up with so far. And the expression on each one is so very different. Kinda getting that Ryden Vibe.

Robb Hamel posted on 08/05/2009

Yeah, but only a little touch of Ryden.

Most lowbrow artists are Ryden whores and outta get the cold shoulder treatment until they go get there own style.

Our man here does stuff that all of us can recognize easily and outta be in Juxtapoz instead of the whores!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/05/2009

Aloha Tki Tribe!
teaKEY - Ryden! Oh baby, I LOVE my new Mark Ryden art book, and you can tell I'm looking at it at night under the coves with my flash light. Of course, this squid-hula girl may be "too old" for Mark Ryden. He likes his women a bit younger.... er hem... like abut 8 or 9 I think... (snicker!) Anyways, thanks, I'm falttered you think I even come close to looking like one of the great low brow masters!
Robb Hamel ~ Style. That's a hard thing for me to talk about. I always think I have "no style". I
ALWAYS start by copying other artist's work. It's a place for me to start from.

If I look like Ryden a little, I take that as a big complement! I'm completely setting out to be inspired by Mark Ryden, and Lori Earley, Todd Schorr, Robertt Williams, and Thor, and Swampfire, and LLT and Robb Hamel! Anyone who can show me how to get started painting tikis the way I think I need to paint them. I freely admit it! I need the help, the jump start, the spark!

THEN, I found out, that no matter how hard I try to exactly copy someone Else's work, the uncontrollable "organic power" that is the "creative process" leads it off into another direction and it ends up looking like something I never imagined. If I want it to or not! Really, it's amazing how little control I seem to have over the look of the final piece. I'm as surprised as everyone else with the look of the final painting.

I think it was THOR that stated some where in his thread, that all artists start out emulating another artist's work which inspires them. That's how we learn. Eventually our own visual language forms and we're create a new style. Our own style. If I even have one, yet.

I know There is no way I have the discipline to exactly copy someone Else's style for any length of time. I can barely reproduce my style!

Anyways, here's what I got in last night:

I'm off ot Maui for a few days, to peddel my prints to some galleries and see what happening on the "inner Islands". Back this week end.

Big aloha and big Mahalo!

(...and if it does look exactly like a Ryden, maybe I can get a ton more $$$ for it! Hey, could happen!)

GROG posted on 08/05/2009

It's the expression that makes it Rydenesque.

Tod Schorr is da bomb!

TikiG posted on 08/05/2009

As a artist/painter I understand/feel what you said above is true.

I start with something I identify with emotionally, then work my own prana into it. This force is subconscious. I've never fully copied anything in life; From writing to music to art - it's mine. If I feel good about my art, then I show it to others.
If not the piece gets re-painted. Simple. No idea is wasted - I'll get back to it at another date that's all.

I understand the feeling of starting off with a painting and then kinda standing back and realizing it takes form with a life of its own - organic power as you so describe it. Sometimes I have a canvas that changes several times before it stabilizes into something I finish.

And the statement "I can barely reproduce my style" is fully understood here, man! I haven't come to grips with a single-style myself.

Thanks for your insight as a painter and artist. Inspiring as usual. Now where's that brush...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/09/2009

GROG - Yes, and thank you for the comparison! Ryden - he's got that amazing way of making even wee little girls look slightly otherworldly intelligent, not really evil, but like they know something mere mortals do not. I was sort of going for a Mona Lisa sorta-semi-smile. Actually, I just happy it came out looking like a goth girl. I LOVE goth girls!

And Todd Schorr is my hero too! Check out his latest book "American Surreal" from Last Gasp Press- and there's a nice big piece in the latest issue of Hi Fructose magazine about him. I urge all sub-culture art lovers to go out and get both!
TikiG~ Hmmmm... yes thoughtful stuffs. Thanks! And soooo glad to hear someone else goes through the strange paint and re-paint till it works process. I don't know how anyone can slap it down correct the first time. It just grows and grows on it's own.

Just got back from a trip to Maui. While I was there it looked in on the new tiki bar called...

"The South Shore Tiki Lounge"
..........and they did the coolest thing! They took my piece "The Moon of Mankoora" (with my blessing) and enlarged it up into a big transparent window - and created this swanky back lighted art display next to the DJ booth. The moon in the painting has an extra bright back lighted eerie glow.

Sorry, this is a low light shot from a not-so-great camera. Believe me, in person It looks real cool. Even better after a few Zombies!
If you're in Maui, and find yourself in Kihei, ya' gotta stop in and see this place.
Very tiki!

PalmCityTiki posted on 08/09/2009

Very nice great to see art expanding and people getting recognition....

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/09/2009

Aloha tiki Tribe~
Palm City Tiki - Thanks, it was really nice to see the piece up in the bar. I guess in the back of my mind I'm always thinking "my work is made to be in a tiki bar"... while I'd clearly love to be in a gallery, and a shop or anywhere it'd sell.... but there's a cool mojo about being in a darkened Tiki Lounge rum drinks flowing. Special.
Getting caught up on a bunch of work today, but had some time to paint last night. Here is...

Roughing in da' ocean... lots more to come.
Waiting for the approaching hurricane...maybe... should bring some big waves down at the local surfing spot. Will be fun to go watch!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/10/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Working out the water, and re working the Moai head some.
Lots more to come.... waiting for the hurricane to hit tomorrow. Right
when I supposed to be flying over to another island... yeesh!

Robb Hamel posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-05 11:07, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Style. That's a hard thing for me to talk about. I always think I have "no style". I ALWAYS start by copying other artist's work. It's a place for me to start from.

Great honesty!

And I say, "go for it."

Because, I've been torturing myself (Todd Rundgren, "The tortured artist effect"), for years now trying to reinvent the wheel because I've wanted my own style my whole life. My wife says my stuff is distinctive, and that will have to be enough for me, 'cause I can't see it. Sometimes it sure isn't worth the depression, lack of any kind of life, 7 day weeks, and sometimes the lack of results for so little output.

Your work doesn't look like you were influenced directly by anyone, and that is what matters! The gothish girl is by far the closest, but it's no longer just Ryden doing that, it's now a whole subcategory of lowbrow art, so one little girl figure in one painting doesn't matter.

The result of your labor is that YOU are almost a whole subcategory of Tiki art. Not a mean feat.

And thank you for putting my name on your list, undeserving as I may be.


[ Edited by: Robb Hamel 2009-08-10 13:19 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/11/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe~
Robb~ Thanks for the deep honest thoughts.
I totally relate! Artists do put themselves through many strange and difficult internal dialogs with themselves. The hardest thing I've ever done is post unfinished work on TC, knowing it didn't look right and was far from being done - yet, showing it to who ever wanted to drop in to this thread and take a peek. I've known quite a few artists, many from art classes, who were far beyond me in talent, yet never went on to a art career. They couldn't cope with "putting it out there" and letting the world see it. I think that may be the biggest hurdle to jump to become an artist. TC has helped me get past that. There's a certain anonymity on the net, it's not face to face, and you can slowly build your courage to do a public showing. That's where, often, the real magic happens. Seeing real live people respond to your art, while you stand by watching them watch your art.

It's amazing to hear what other people say. Hopefully some good things, but sometimes things you'd never even thought of. Every one interprets art in their own personal way I guess.

And speaking of unfinished art not fit to look at yet..... here's what I did last night...

Working out the sky some. Lots more to do.

Flying to Maui today, along with the hurricane that's hitting the island (great!) back tomorrow.


little lost tiki posted on 08/11/2009

Be safe Brad!
She's shaping up perfectly!
love the unearthly hues....

as for style....even if you did a flat out study of Ryden on canvas
your hand would get in the way amd make it your style.....
that's what happens when our physical bodies get in the way....

Stay safe!

shred posted on 08/11/2009

Wow, I agree, I think it's shaping up perfectly too. It's been a treat for me to see the progress in the postings.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/13/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

LLT~ Thanks! Yeah, I think you're so right. My hand just does "Brad-Tiki Shark" style no matter what I tell it to do. Well, made it back from Maui safe, no hurricane trouble. But saw an AMAZING rainbow driving from Lahaina to Kihei. Incredibly bright and intense, went on for 30 minutes - it was actually stopping traffic.
shred~ Big Mahalo! I'm happy you're enjoying this... I worked on smoothing out the sky some last night when I got back on the Big Island. Still considering colors, working in some green into the shadows or secondary light sources.

Lots more to come...


Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/15/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe~
Got some snorkeling time in yesterday...sunburned! (damn Irish genes!)
Got some Giclees printed up

Here they are, printed on canvas, drying before they get stretched onto frames. Same size as the originals.

... then some painting. Still working out the sky, sea, and starting the sea cliffs


hewey posted on 08/16/2009

Its cool seeing a bunch of your art all sitting together like that :D

I for one LOVE seeing your progress pics (and everyone elses too). Just seeing the build up of a hot rod, I love seeing the work that goes in 'behind the scenes', I love learning about the thought process, and I love seeing how it progresses from the initial idea or concept. Its like getting the special features on a DVD and seeing how they did the special effects and set dressing! :lol:

Robb Hamel posted on 08/16/2009

I agree with hewey about the, "behind the scenes" aspect - more like, "inside the mind of an artist" since you are open about your thoughts.

AlohaStation posted on 08/16/2009

On 2009-08-16 08:29, Robb Hamel wrote:
"inside the mind of an artist"

Is that what that smell was??

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/16/2009

Hewey~ Thanks, I appreciate the good mojo. Keeps me going. And I really like watching other artist's work out their creative process, and that's why I lay mine out here too - mistakes and all. And, SHEESH, I just realized there's a huge mistake in this current painting.

I started painting in the sea cliffs, and decided that I toatally need to rethink the stone head. Here's a photo shopped rearrangement. I may paint it out completely now...
Speaking of DVDs - Elvis Presley in "Clam Bake" is on TCM today. That Tiki beach party scene is a HOOT!
Robb Hamel~ Like I say I dig seeing other artist's process, and a lot of the times I get really good feed back from TC. There are some very talented people here. Often I get PM's when I might be hitting a wall. GROG has art directed me from afar a few times with great results. He's a highly talented professional, ya' know - no matter what everyone sez.
Alohastation~ Ha! Thanks. I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to... but it made me chuckle when I read it. Being inside the mind of ANY artist (especially me) could very well be a messy (and odor-ific) event! Fo' Shure!

Well, today is Aug 16th. On this day in 1956 Bela Lugosi passed away, at age 73. I'm a big fan of Bela, so today I guess I'll throw on some dvd's - like "Dracula","Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein", and "Phantom Creeps"."White Zombie" is, I think, Bela's best work, and it's in his make up from "White Zombie" that I painted Bela in this painting:

"Bela Lugosi Has a Zombie"
This was my favorite painting I did so far. I sold this painting to a collector -strange, I thought this was such a obscure cross reference of "old horror movies" and "Modern Tiki culture" that no one would get it, but me. I'd have it forever. However, it sold, and it won entry into next year's "Spectrum: the Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art" book, and a "fine-art" gallery on Maui was interested in it. So, what I thought was deep sub culture and extreme "Low Brow" art was one of my best received pieces. Not sure what all that means, but that I should just paint what's in my heart... not worry about how it's received. (But, ya gotta' pay da' rent, so you worry.)
And speaking of not being able to pay my rent, I think I'm going to give away some art -free! Free! FREE! On the next Koop Kooper interview on Cocktail nation (so it'll be out next Saturday Aug 22nd) I'll give away a swanky giclee of "Bela Lugosi Has a Zombie".

Here's to you Mr. Lugosi!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/17/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Here's the re-working of the stone head. Looking less like a basset hound and litlle more more Rapa Nui now (whew!)
Plus, I'm roughing in the witch's hut. Hmmm... might need to be nudged over to the right and away from
that far left edge.
More to come!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/18/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Worked on the Mountains of Madness last night. Roughing in more on da' rapa nui head.
More to come...

Meheadhunter posted on 08/18/2009

Brad...I've been away form my computer for a week now and its great see the progress that has been made on this painting....
Absolutely Fantastic :)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/19/2009

meheadhunter ~ Big Mahalo. It changed a bunch.
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Got some sea roughed in, and a little start on the witch's hut

more coming...


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Sam Gambino posted on 08/20/2009

That fine detail is taking shape, Brad. I always love the way you compose these pieces and the detail you give them seems to be infinite until you finish them. Excellent work as always!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/20/2009

Sam - u know what they say? "The Devil's in the details." I often have to pull back from some close up rendering to discover I've gotta paint it out and adjust a larger piece. Like that hut I've started in on twice now.
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Here's last night's brushings... some color adjusting. Took out all the Green. Maybe SHAG can make orange and green work, but I can't! So it's blues reds and purples to go with the orange sunset for now. Started on the water a little...
More to come!


Meheadhunter posted on 08/21/2009

I totally feel sorry for the little guy that has to keep tearin' down and rebuilding that witch hut!!! :)
She should have hired an architect...
Lookin good!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/21/2009

Big Aloha Tiki Tribe,
Meheadhunter~Heheh, I guess dat would be me! And it's not done yet....!
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and "Happy Statehood Day"! 50 years!
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Did everyone get to see the "50 Years of Statehood Commemorative Quarter embedded" tiki mug I designed for Tiki Farm?
I don't know if they are on the market yet, but if not, will be very soon.
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Here's the paint splattering I did on the sea mostly last night. Seeking to get it looking calm and tranquil (no classic-wave this time).

More to come...

Big Mahalo!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/22/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe~
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I worked out a color sketch. I figured I needed a map of
where I was going on this painting, as I felt like I was getting more lost
than usual.
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Then, started back in on the sea.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/23/2009

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Lights r on in da hut again (!)

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/24/2009

First- i gotta say how much i like how those beaut colors smoooth together like that~
And second, the change from the lake to the shore colors, as it is there, just looks psychedelic.

Swamp Fire posted on 08/24/2009

Great mug Brad, congrats.

Love the mountains in the distance with the waterfall. Great choice on the calm waters. I think it will contrast well with all of the action in the foreground with the squid girl.

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BigToe posted on 08/24/2009

Brudda Brad!!!!

looking good on this one...except the girls legs kinda look like cephalopod legs...humans only have 2. sheesh. :D lovin' the girl, water, hale, water fall, surfer...everything!

oh, and i saw the mug! didnt know it was urs, but it looks killer!!!! great idea with the coin.

MAD alohas,


Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/25/2009

TD~ Thanks, I hope all that color picking helps. Maybe too blue in the front. But cool colors to balance out the sunset for sure.
SwampfireGlad u dig the mug! You're right, I was gonna put in a wave, but figured it'd only distract from the action of the foreground.
Wha? Two legs only? Doh! I knew something looked fishy!
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Here's how it looks now...
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Here's a detail of da' hut...
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Here's the big head...
More to come...

little lost tiki posted on 08/25/2009



the sum of the parts makes up the whole...


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