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Private 10 foot tiki statue for sale in New York

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royaltiki posted on 07/29/2009

I spoke to a couple last week who are moving soon and want to find a good home for a large tiki statue that is in their back yard. I asked for more details, and yesterday I received this email. Please contact Debora directly..

"*I believe my husband recently spoke to you about a tiki in our backyard. The tiki is about 10 feet tall. When we bought tour house 19 years ago, we were told that the tiki was made of redwood and brought from the west coast on a flat bed truck. It is deeply embedded in the ground. The previous owners of the house were art collectors which makes me think that this tiki might have some value. I have attached two photos of it.

We are selling our house in Mamaroneck, NY and moving shortly so we are eager to get this tiki appraised and sold as quickly as possible. We don't really know where to begin. If you have any ideas or contacts, I would very much appreciate your sharing them with me.

I can be reached by email at [email protected], or on my cell at (914) 419-3642.*"

I have bigger pictures if anyone wants to see them..

bigbrotiki posted on 07/29/2009

Wow! Can I have that one, please!
To see how well this baby survived the N.Y. climate really proves that Barney West made...


GatorRob posted on 07/30/2009

Yowza! Just looking at the pictures before reading the text, I knew that had to be a Barney West. I can't imagine how they would get this appraised. The market for something like this is extremely limited and there's almost nothing to compare it to. It's going to cost a fortune just to move it! Personally, I'd love to see it outside the Atlanta Trader Vic's reunited with its cousins. Otherwise, my ceilings are nearly 12 ft. Hmmmmm...

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 07/30/2009

This reminds me of the similar Barney West tiki that aquarj bought from Lanai Liquors in San Mateo back in 2002:


He hired piano-movers to transport it. There's a really cool slideshow of the move on this page:


rugbymatt posted on 07/30/2009

I just sent the owner "Debbie" an e-mail asking how much she wanted for it. I can make that drive in about 2 1/2 hours and Home Depot rents trucks by the hour!

Johnny Dollar posted on 07/30/2009

getting that thing out of the ground ain't gonna be a walk in the park, matt! :wink:

Kahu posted on 07/30/2009

On 2009-07-30 14:06, Johnny Dollar wrote:
getting that thing out of the ground ain't gonna be a walk in the park, matt! :wink:

agree, thinking, small crane. lol J$ you do have room though in your backyard for it right? lol

aquarj posted on 07/31/2009

Wowsers, now there's something we don't see here every day! Incredible!

Sabu, that's great you were able to dig up our old slideshow of the Lanai guy. It's a nice memory for us, and nice to see others remembering that too!

I talked to Leroy at Oceanic Arts before moving the big guy, and he told me (maybe common knowledge now) that Barney West's tikis were mostly redwood, which stands up pretty well over time (literally and figuratively). So he thought it would be sturdy for moving. FWIW, the movers estimated that he weighed about 800-900 lbs. And I did need to get him fumigated one time a couple years ago.

Of course I confess that I'd love to have a brother for our Lanai guy. However, it's much cooler if another enthusiast can put the exclamation mark on their home with a genuine Barney West tiki!

Interesting that it sounds as though this tiki may have been made directly for the collectors who owned the home, as opposed to a previous life gracing some commercial establishment. I kinda assumed that all the ones of this scale from Barney West tended to be the latter.

Anyway, thanks for posting, and good luck Matt. May the relocation be happy for all parties (seller, buyer, tiki).


sneakyjack posted on 07/31/2009

its about 20 miles from me I have a trailer and a truck and place in my yard...

Don't want to take away from Matt's fun though. let me know how it procedes..

Have any $$$$ been placed on it?

I have not contacted seller YET.
as of Thurs eve 11:30pm 7.30

Swanky posted on 07/31/2009

A back-hoe could get out and put it on a trailer/truck to move. But you'd need a skilled operator. The right person could move that in no time. Need to get chains and lots of padding to keep the chains from damaging it.

I bet you can check craigs list an dfind someone to come out an dhandle the job.

Hope you get it Matt. And I want to drink a Mai Tai in its shadow with you some day!

royaltiki posted on 07/31/2009

Just found another snippet of email from the husband that I forgot to post - so they do have a number in mind. Of course, they may take any offers, I have no idea.

We own a Giant Tiki Kuka Ilimoku 9 Feet Statue that looks a lot like the one you are selling. We had ours appraised and they estimated that it is worth $15,000.

bigbrotiki posted on 07/31/2009

Maybe they thought they had some kind of Hawaiian antiquity on their hands. For a few of us Barney West fans, that is the ones that are financially comfy, 8-10 grand might sound appropriate, but I wrote them that in today's economy, they can't expect any more than 5 grand, maybe even less. I said something like ...American Tiki culture objects will not yield an Antiques Roadshow-WOW! experience.... What it is worth objectively and what it is worth to us, and what it is worth in today's economy, are all different things. If it is to high in prize, it'll just sit there, like so much e-bay stuff does, nowadays.

royaltiki posted on 07/31/2009

hehe, no doubt. I hope they understand that - especially when they are selling their house and presumably want a fairly quick sale. I had $5k in mind too.

sneakyjack posted on 07/31/2009

5k outta my budget along with actually moving the thing IF it can be moved. Anyway I sent an email and will let you all know how it goes...

Standing by

royaltiki posted on 07/31/2009

but man, it would be a cool find. I hope someone gets it and it doesnt just get left in their yard for the next owner (who won't care either probably)

sneakyjack posted on 07/31/2009

So I met with the owners today (fri 8.07) (VERY NICE PEOPLE I MUST SAY)
the tiki is 9 feet tall and about 28 inches across as stated before. He is bolted into cement with 2 bolts between his legs. These bolts look rusted and I with go with a sawzall or torch (Fire maybe a bad choice since he is redwood) He is bolted to cement about 2 feet round and uncertain how deep. There is rot at his feet and base but when knocked on he seems VERY soild - Due to the way he is secured I could not see in side him but if you look at the pictures you will see the way he was made and where the bolts are its unlikely that he is infested. He did have a wiggle when pushed but was still very secure. As a complete guess he weighs between 500 and 1000 lbs. To move him there many ways but the initial movement would need to be by hand no machinery - figure 4 guys and a dolly some straps etc. There is a down hill exit to the road across the lawn (see pics) about 30 to 40 feet a way downhill then a set of stairs that would lead nicely to a waiting truck or trailer. I would recommend at least 3 large pieces of ply wood to roll him on the dolly as it is all grass and its a little soft and wet from recent rains. Here area bunch of pictures to see him:

view from tiki to gate -

gate inside -

gate to street - wide enough

from gate back to tiki

things could happen with him as soon as tomorrow! Saturday
BRING LONG pants and bug spray!!!

my direct email is [email protected] if necessary.

[ Edited by: sneakyjack 2009-08-07 11:50 ]

Swanky posted on 07/31/2009

Man, someone go see it. Get that address. There is a new owner coming soon that might be much more likely to get it gone. Or the house is about to be vacant for a while.

royaltiki posted on 07/31/2009

I have their full street address, but obviously I dont want to post that publicly. It's in Mamaroneck, NY as I said originally. But obviously anyone who wants to go look just needs to call Debbie and ask..

bigbrotiki posted on 07/31/2009

...and swiftly, obsessed Tiki hunters and collectors are searching the streets of Mamaroneck, NY, via Google Streetview for any ten foot Tikis peaking out behind buildings! :lol:

royaltiki posted on 07/31/2009

lol, cold, very cold...

GatorRob posted on 08/01/2009

$15,000 is just not realistic. There's just no market there that would support that. I, too, had $4,000-6,000 in mind when I saw it. It would be worth that. But again, the big problem is going to be getting it out of there without damaging it and then transporting it to its new home. I'd also have someone check it for possible internal damage before I bought it. It could be water or termite damaged on the inside while it looks fine on the outside. Just ask Sven. :wink:

(Edited to add link and correct misspelling.)

[ Edited by: GatorRob 2009-07-31 17:44 ]

[ Edited by: gatorrob 2009-08-01 13:26 ]

GatorRob posted on 08/01/2009

You know what? The Mai-Kai should buy this to replace their recently fallen Barney West tiki. I can't think of a more appropriate home for this guy.

mamaronecktiki posted on 08/05/2009

Aloha Tiki Lovers,

We are the owners of the Mamaroneck Barney West tiki. Based on the feedback and 2 offers we have received, we are willing to accept the highest offer over $2,000. Three thousand dollars takes it!

It turns out that the tiki is not deep in the ground. It is bolted (2bolts) into cement that is in the ground. The bolts are easily removed and we are now making arrangements to have the tiki ready for transport in a few days.

The tiki is 9 feet tall with an 8 inch base and a 28 inch diameter. The base is partially rotted. The tiki does need to be cleaned on the outside since all the recent rains have created a mossy surface on parts of it.

If you are interested, please let us know ASAP. If you'd like to see it in person, just let us know.

Marc and Debby
[email protected]
[email protected]

royaltiki posted on 08/05/2009

Hi Marc, welcome! Great to see you here :) Sounds like you're ready to make a helluva deal with someone lucky enough to be close to you.

Best of luck to everyone!

aquarj posted on 08/05/2009

On 2009-08-04 17:18, mamaronecktiki wrote:
It is bolted (2bolts) into cement that is in the ground.

FWIW, this is precisely how the Lanai tiki was mounted. I think it was 2 or 3 bolts to anchors that went into the concrete pad below. Since the Lanai tiki was next to a building, there was also an anchor bolt in the top of his head.

Also, FWIW for anyone interested, the Lanai tiki has been freestanding with no bolts at all in the base or head, for the past 7 years. It sounds risky, especially here in earthquake country. But if you get to know him up close and personal, one realizes just how sturdy he is. He does NOT tip easily. All the same, I'll probably anchor him at some point, but I'm just mentioning this as a testament to the inherent stability of these. I don't know how extensive the rot is at the base of the one in the subject of this thread, but if it's going to fall, the bolts probably aren't preventing that. So I would guess that it's probably still quite stable.

The Barney West tikis outside of the Emeryville Vics DID topple though. Or at least I saw them lying down, and don't remember what their current state is. Someone there might have more comment about what happened in their case.


sneakyjack posted on 08/07/2009

bump pics added in my first post...

GatorRob posted on 08/09/2009

Well, has anyone bought it yet? This is a very good deal, although it's tough to sell anything these days. How I wish I lived in NY for this one! Out of curiosity, I checked and freight charges to FL for something like this would run between $700 and $1000. Ouch.

sneakyjack posted on 08/10/2009

I got a message that the tiki is out of the ground, wrapped in blankets and ready to move. There was no rot inside. As selling price is anything over $2000 and $3000 takes it. (No I did not buy it). Plus your shipping costs.

its certainly cool!

[ Edited by: sneakyjack 2009-08-09 20:17 ]

sneakyjack posted on 08/20/2009

I have been told this tiki is heading west. And no my house is not west. I hope whoever gets him posts pics in his new home.

Murphy posted on 08/21/2009

Man that tiki is awesome - would love to see pics in its new home!


[ Edited by: Murphy 2009-08-21 06:39 ]

KAHAKA posted on 08/22/2009

Good to meet ya and cool to hear the story from ya first hand at Oasis, Sneakyjack! By the way, I lined my Ipod jambox with all those stickers... thanks man!!


Queen Kamehameha posted on 09/09/2009

The tiki is in Las Vegas, I was the lucky one able to get this prize. I was able to get a truck there the day they needed it to be. No crates, no wrapping worked in my favor. The Tiki is 870 lbs. I will move it to my desert house in the next week or two and have it placed in my yard.

This is a very special tiki and I am glad I was lucky enough to get it....Thanks to all who posted the info.


Coco Joe posted on 09/09/2009

Amy rules

Dustycajun posted on 09/09/2009


Congratulations! Can't wait to see some photos of the Tiki in it's new home.

It's like the old days when the doctors would send patients from the east coast out to the desert to retire in the dry air.


TikiPug posted on 09/10/2009

On 2009-09-09 16:47, Queen Kamehameha wrote:
The tiki is in Las Vegas, I was the lucky one able to get this prize. I was able to get a truck there the day they needed it to be. No crates, no wrapping worked in my favor. The Tiki is 870 lbs. I will move it to my desert house in the next week or two and have it placed in my yard.

This is a very special tiki and I am glad I was lucky enough to get it....Thanks to all who posted the info.


Where at in Vegas? I would love to see it.

Bora Boris posted on 09/10/2009

Congratulations Amy! :D

sneakyjack posted on 09/10/2009

Good stuff! Look forward to seeing him in his New Home!
Clean him up nice like! I'm sure the green will come right off!

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 09/10/2009

Amy, that is very cool that you rescued him! He'll make a great addition to your desert oasis.

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little lost tiki posted on 09/10/2009

YAY Amy!
Tiki Orphanage in Palm Desert!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 09/10/2009

Coco Joe Thanks..!
Dustycajun Yes, that's what I thought too, I hope the dry air, dry weather will help keep it good, the bottom is a bit rotten and some small pieces came off but will be set in cement, so it's ok. It came intact everywhere else and I am thankful.

Tiki Pug, sorry it's all wrapped and in a trailer, I had it unwrapped to check it and then re-wrapped.

Bora Boris....thanks !

Sneaky Jack, thanks I need to find a good spot :)

Kiki, Thank you too!

Kinny, I like that! I always think when I get a new piece for the yard, it's like I rescued the statue, lamp, etc... They could be in a storage unit wasting away where no one sees it. This really is an impressive piece, pictures don't really convey the girth and height of this tiki.


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TIKI DAVID posted on 09/10/2009

quote,"the bottom is a bit rotten and some small pieces came off but will be set in cement, so it's ok."
setting it cement is not a good idea,it will not stop the rotting.cement is porous and will allow moisture in and continue to rot.
find another way that keeps the bottom in the circulating air and off the ground.

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2009-09-10 10:33 ]

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TikiG posted on 09/10/2009

Thanks Amy for rescuing this idol. I'm sure he'll love his new So. Cal home, and I'm sure the positive vibes aimed his way will allow him to recover from his athlete's foot problem :)


Queen Kamehameha posted on 09/10/2009

On 2009-09-10 10:33, TIKI DAVID wrote:
quote,"the bottom is a bit rotten and some small pieces came off but will be set in cement, so it's ok."
setting it cement is not a good idea,it will not stop the rotting.cement is porous and will allow moisture in and continue to rot.
find another way that keeps the bottom in the circulating air and off the ground.

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2009-09-10 10:33 ]

Thanks David, Maybe this one stays above ground. In the desert there are bugs, and the ones that I have put in the ground without Cement have rotted from bugs not water, as it has hardly rains out there. It might be a sand thing too. I will see if I can get my guys to build a base for it and keep it above ground, great idea.

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Paipo posted on 09/10/2009

Congratulations Amy...this will be the jewel in the crown of your desert paradise!

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1961surf posted on 09/12/2009

You have good taste in did Amy.I am glad to see that it is coming West.
I wonder how the dry desert heat will effect this tiki in the future.
I look forward to seeing it in person.
Two thumbs up Amy.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 09/14/2009

Thanks Piapo and Bill! I will look great in the yard

aquarj posted on 09/15/2009

Congrats! I just remembered I was wondering how this turned out.

I am glad to see that it is coming West.

Hah, that's West with a capital W! Like a certain carver.

And also, like the big W at the end of Mad Mad World.


Queen Kamehameha posted on 06/14/2010

Hi All, finally an update, The Barney West is in his new home, he is extremely large and can be seen from the road, so waiting for a letter from my favorite neighborhood watch committee....lol Hope you like the photos


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[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2010-06-13 17:31 ]

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