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Tiki Bar In A Suitcase

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MrBaliHai posted on 06/24/2008

I got a big kick out of this photo of what looks to be a suitcase bar that's been re-modded to produce tropical-cocktails, complete with plastic Tiki mugs, and what appears to be a bottle of Trader Vic's Mai Tai mix partly visible on the left.

In case the image doesn't show up due to Tiki Central's current DNS issues, you can view it over at the wonderful vernacular photo site I ganked it from, bighappyfunhouse.

Weblog: Eye of the Goof

[ Edited by: MrBaliHai 2008-06-24 14:40 ]

sandy4569 posted on 06/30/2008

Hey, that's cute! I want one of those :D

MrBaliHai posted on 06/30/2008

On 2008-06-30 04:12, sandy4569 wrote:
Hey, that's cute! I want one of those :D

Me too, but I'd definitely stock it with better ingredients, and lose the crappy plastic mugs.

Not sure how to get all that liquid through the TSA security checkpoint at the airport though.

rev_thumper posted on 07/04/2008

I have this same portable bar and well, all that stuff won't fit in it. I am using it to guest bartend at a party Saturday and I'll have a picnic basket and cooler in tow for the overflow.

captnkirk posted on 07/08/2008

I have a portable tiki bar also, it folds flat to 2 inches thick.
It does not fit in a suitcase, but it is portable. You can take it camping or set it up in a hotel room easily. I set it up near my car, because I would not want to carry all the mixers, ice and alcohol very far.

Here is a picture from a recent camping trip.

twitch posted on 07/10/2008

You can find those sometimes at the thrifts for cheap.
I reupholstered mine with some faux leopard-skin & threw in some random bottles from the bar -

Think I should finally find some classier (?) glasses to go with it, I think...

MadDogMike posted on 07/14/2008

CaptnKirk, love the folding Tiki Bar - what a cool idea!

(pssst - you might want to ditch the plastic Party City Tiki, I think you can get excommunicated for that! Just tell them you used it to keep your bar lightweight and portable so you could spread the joy of Tiki to the ends of the earth)

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2008-07-13 20:23 ]


On 2008-07-08 08:00, captnkirk wrote:
I have a portable tiki bar also, it folds flat to 2 inches thick.

REAL Cool! with this you`re well set up wherever you go!


[ Edited by: Little fragrant Tiare 2008-07-14 15:20 ]

captnkirk posted on 07/23/2008

On 2008-07-13 20:19, MadDogMike wrote:
CaptnKirk, love the folding Tiki Bar - what a cool idea!

(pssst - you might want to ditch the plastic Party City Tiki, I think you can get excommunicated for that! Just tell them you used it to keep your bar lightweight and portable so you could spread the joy of Tiki to the ends of the earth)

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2008-07-13 20:23 ]

I am planning to to ditch the plastic tiki. However the tiki faithful have not complained yet! Once the get a look at the other side of the bar they get very quiet. After 3 or 4 perfectly mixed classic tiki drinks they forget to complain about the painted plastic tiki.

If you can not come to paradise, I will bring it to you.

  • Don the Beachcomber

[ Edited by: captnkirk 2008-07-23 04:10 ]

KuKu posted on 07/24/2008

The guys in Sarong-O-Rama @ Hukilau this year had one complete with shaker & strainer, a lil ice bucket etc. It was soooo cool, they mixed some fun rum grog and even sliced a lime to squeeze in it and enjoyed a nice libation while showing off their fashionable threads... :drink:

hiltiki posted on 07/27/2008

Here is mine.

KuKu posted on 07/28/2008

hiltiki- I wanna travel with you... :) :drink:

One day, there will be a cure for tiki,
That's the day I'll throw my rum away...

[ Edited by: KuKu 2008-07-27 17:31 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 07/28/2008

Here's my uke.
I like to practice a lot.

naugatiki posted on 07/28/2008

And for you secret agent types this one comes with a cocktail shaker and two compartments for Gin and/or tonic, or maybe you can rig it up to self distruct for unauthorized useage.

Tikirose posted on 07/14/2009

Getting ready for Tiki Oasis, here is my version of the suitcase bar. Rum to arrive by safer method!!

rev_thumper posted on 07/14/2009

I can never fit enough into one of the suitcases, there are always extra containers required. Clearly I just need more portable bars.

Ojaitimo posted on 07/25/2009

Just picked this barrel bar up at a thrift store. Not as portable as my leather one but it sure looks cool.

hiltiki posted on 07/25/2009

Tim, that's a cool looking barrel bar. Did it come with some stuff in it already?

Ojaitimo posted on 07/27/2009


The barrel bar had a dozen gold rimmed glasses and a layer of dirt.

Suburban Beachbum posted on 07/27/2009

Regarding that Barrel Bar, if I may quote the immortal Butthead, "that is the coolest thing I have ever seen before in my life."

BlackFish posted on 08/02/2009

[ Edited by: BlackFish 2009-09-08 04:48 ]

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