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2 of my New Wacky Packages paintings for Series 9, 2012. p. 103

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Sam Gambino posted on 07/20/2009

Thanks so much Frostiki and Robb!

Wildsville man posted on 07/20/2009

The Palm Springs Tiki Room is coming together!!!!! I told you florida tiki fan's that if you didn't move quick,then I will possess tiki bob and all his jazzyness.

Here is my proof!!!!!


I had to celebrate the new art with some Palm Springs Punch in my Gambino mug!!!!!! Great shirt on Mort by the way!!!!

Thanks again Sam!!!!!!

Sam Gambino posted on 07/21/2009

Hey Rory- I'm honored that my 1-Shot enamel now adorns the walls of the Palms Springs Tiki Room! Seeing this pic, I'm going to have to dive into the earthtones palette of colors more often!

I hafta say, that shirt you have is the total BOMB! So cool! When you can, please tell me how and where to accumulate such a badass weave!

Sam Gambino posted on 07/21/2009

Here's new "intense" art of mine for the new Coffin Daggers CD. It's 16x16 enamel on board. They're out of NYC. They do the "Monster Surf" stuff to a T! Thanks for looking!

Meheadhunter posted on 07/21/2009

Sam....This is awesome!!!
The colors are great and has a very cool vibe to it!!

little lost tiki posted on 07/21/2009

like i said earlier..
you do enamel right!
the eyes are perfect!
the colors...awesome
yourtype is flawless!
You're a man of many talents.Sam!
those Dagger folks must be stoked!

Clysdalle posted on 07/21/2009

Love it....those eyes.....just great stuff Sam!!

Babalu posted on 07/21/2009

Man, that Wildsville Cat is one lucky SOB!! Nice snag there Rory!

Sir Sam, you are one amazing fellow...am I going to get to meet you at Oasis this year?

Sam Gambino posted on 07/22/2009

Thanks so much for those kind words, Meheadhunter, Ken, Clysdalle and Babalu. My wife said that it might be good to add the bloodshot to the eyes, so I did! Hey Babalu, Sir Sam won't be making Oasis this year - I have to stay back at the castle, polish up my armor and clean out the mote. Thanks for the kind words though! :)

Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/26/2009

Great new piece Sam! I bet it looks real juicy
in person. Love your enamel work!

GO TIKI posted on 07/27/2009

Love It!

Sneakytiki posted on 07/27/2009


Sam Gambino posted on 07/27/2009

Thanks so much, Iokona Ki'i, GoTiki and Sneakytiki. I always appreciate your kind words!


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2009-07-27 13:35 ]

Sam Gambino posted on 07/29/2009

Just posting another commission which was again to be done after "The Curse of the Tiki Idol." Similar - yet different.... Giving the buyer what they want! I used my own tiki designs in this one - My "Twilight" tiki, Sam's Seafood tiki, and the London Luau 2005 tiki.... Thanks for looking!


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2009-07-28 20:25 ]

Meheadhunter posted on 07/29/2009

Very cool Sam...
I'm still fascinated by the way you utilize 1 shot!!! :)
You Da Man!!!

[ Edited by: Meheadhunter 2009-07-28 21:24 ]

little lost tiki posted on 07/29/2009

What a charge to see your own tikis in this series!
Way to go!
would love to see all of these together!
Sam the one-shot magic man!

Wildsville man posted on 07/29/2009

Are we sure that the economy is slowing down? You are the only guy I know who is backed up with work!!!! Keep it coming Sam,I'm always glad to see new work from you. You are the James Brown of the lowbrow art movement.

Your work always brings a tear to my eye's!!!!!!

Sam Gambino posted on 07/30/2009

Thanks so much, Meheadhunter, Ken and Rory! I guess I'm a 1-Shot enamel-slinging James Brown.... I'll take that! Thanks for the kind words, guys... Hey Rory, I've been thinking of growing some of those pork chops on the side of my face lately!

Wildsville man posted on 07/30/2009

have the sideburns that re attached to the glasses like me!!!!! Less Grooming Baby!!!!

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Swamp Fire posted on 07/31/2009

I'm think'n you should go with the unibrow like our man Rory. I think his unibrow attaches to the elvis sunglasses as well.

As always love the new works Sam.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/31/2009

Love how you bounce around from style to style Sam!
Really dig the latest piece. Winner!

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mp posted on 07/31/2009

Sam, I love the new pieces. Always one step ahead. Rock on!

Sam Gambino posted on 08/01/2009

Thanks so much Rory, Doug, Iokona Ki'i and mp! I really appreciate the kind words, AND the image makeover suggestions! You know, I need all the help I can get with that.... :)

Here are pics of 3 more guitars I pinstriped this week - beautiful Gretsches and a tele. All different styles. Thanks for looking!

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leleliz posted on 08/01/2009

awesome work. love em!

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hewey posted on 08/01/2009

Gorgeous stripes mate! Just beautiful :D

Meheadhunter posted on 08/01/2009

Sam...Very nice lines!!
They all look great.
The first Gretsch really stands out to me...
Very cool design!! :)
Your lettering is outstanding!!
Keep it up!!

Sam Gambino posted on 08/02/2009

Thanks so much, leleliz (I'm so sorry that I've been misspelling your name! I'll blame it on the oil based paint fumes!). Thanks too, hewey and Meheadhunter! I really appreciate your kind comps!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/02/2009

OMG! Masterful work on those guitars. Just awesome awesome!

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Robb Hamel posted on 08/03/2009

SLICK striping job, Sam. Gorgy-ous.

Sam Gambino posted on 08/05/2009

Thanks so much Iokona Ki'i and Robb! I love feedback from other artists - (especially when it's good!)

Here are a few more of a longhorn bass I just finished. Thanks for looking!

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Meheadhunter posted on 08/05/2009

Very Nice Lines Sam....
What a crazy cool bass!!

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squid posted on 08/05/2009

That's right purdy Sam!

Sam Gambino posted on 08/06/2009

I appreciate that, Meheadhunter and squid - Your comments always mean a lot to me!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/06/2009

That's some more bitchin' striping Sam!

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Bowana posted on 08/06/2009

Wow! Bitchen pinstriping, Sir Sam!
That's a Danelectro 5 string bass, yes?
Paint a picture of Roger Kaputnik on one! :)


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Sam Gambino posted on 08/07/2009

Thanks for the kind comps, Iokona Ki'i and Bowana! Hey, a Roger Kaputnik guitar - cool idea! :)

SG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cffbb785e741d796fd9e3db657f84d05?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sam Gambino posted on 08/07/2009

Here are pics of 3 of my new KC Hawaii mug designs: Hypnotiki, Hula Hiki, and the Big Tapa Ru - all with shot mugs too.... Also a pic of the whole set of my KC tikis: There are large and small figurines, charms and pendants, as well as magnets. Thanks for looking!

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Here are the figures set:
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[ Edited by: sam gambino 2009-08-07 10:54 ]

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Sam Gambino posted on 08/10/2009

The mugs are $8.99 ea. and the shot mug set is $10.99. Here is the link to the mugs there at KC. Please scroll down... Thanks Tikitony!



Here are the figurines:



[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2009-08-10 14:28 ]

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Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/10/2009

Sweet swag Mr. Gambino! I'll
have to get me some of that.

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Meheadhunter posted on 08/10/2009

Very cool Sam....
Gotta go get me some of those!!!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fc0baf85ba32da9907c2cb72e1cac1ce?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tobor64 posted on 08/10/2009

Thanks for the link, Sam. Just ordered a mug & the shot glass set!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/10/2009

Wow, Sam, I didn't know those cool new tiki figures were made by you!
I've been collecting them from the local stores here, thinking...how
cool new tikis! Figures they came from a great artist like you!
Congratulations on a very fine set of new Hawaiiana!

SG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cffbb785e741d796fd9e3db657f84d05?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sam Gambino posted on 08/12/2009

Thanks for those kind words, Iokona Ki'i, Meheadhunter, Tobor64 and Brad! It's great to hear from good friends and fine artists like you guys too....

[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2009-08-11 22:09 ]

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nuKKe posted on 08/12/2009

great mugs, esp. Hula Hiki - love the colours.

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Sam Gambino posted on 08/13/2009

Thanks so much nuKKe! I appreciate the comp!

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little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2009

Hula Hiki it is!
those teeth! those teeth!

Sam-you're charging ahead!

those figurines are BOMBs!

SG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cffbb785e741d796fd9e3db657f84d05?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sam Gambino posted on 08/15/2009

Hey Ken - Thanks a bunch! It's always great to hear good comps from the Ruzic! It's cool that you like Hula Hiki...

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hodadhank posted on 08/17/2009

Sam! Thank goodness. I was just about to call you about these mugs thinking KC hag nicked your designs. whew! Congrats on the major distro. - Hodaddy

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