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TIKI OASIS vendors who have cool stuff but aren't allowed in the artists alley!

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shakatiki posted on 08/06/2009

I noticed theres a lot of "Hillbilly Squabble" going back and forth about a few vendors who are not allowed to spam their wares in the Artists alley. Fair enough. (I don't want to step on any toes!)
I must admit there's some funny goin's on over "yonder" in that Artist Alley, but I personally don't really speak hillbilly, and definitely don't have any farm animals on hand. I am more of a surfer who is stoked on the theme of this years event and excited to attend and vend. I am also a shop owner who normally doesn't do alot of "Roadshows" mostly because I don't want to take business away from those who don't own a brick and mortar store. (And also because I want time to go around, mai tai in hand, perusing all da 'kine arts and craftiness!) Many of the vendors I know and respect are true artists with amazing stuff who eek out a living by tirelessly traveling around the country showing off their goods.
That being said, how 'bout a place for the OTHER vendors who want to show previews of the stuff they will be peddling at Oasis? Has this been done? I did a search and couldn't find anything specific. I have been checking out some of this years vendors and what they have for sale and know for sure I need to stop at the bank on the way down to grab some extra "kala".
Aloha, Wes

squid posted on 08/06/2009

Howdy Wes! Of course there's always been a place for non artist alley vendors to post their wares. Just like you're doing now. I started the artist Alley thread to focus on us as a group since this is a new area at Oasis. Don't feel like you're being left out. :)

Post away! Let's see the House of Tiki goodies!!

little lost tiki posted on 08/06/2009


Way to go,Wes!
Now BigToe will have a LEE-JIT-TIMATE place to show his paintins!

We'll try ta keep the Livestock away frem the uther venders!

RoseRed posted on 08/07/2009

On 2009-08-06 13:00, shakatiki wrote:
I noticed theres a lot of "Hillbilly Squabble" going back and forth about a few vendors who are not allowed to spam their wares in the Artists alley. Fair enough. (I don't want to step on any toes!)
I must admit there's some funny goin's on over "yonder" in that Artist Alley, but I personally don't really speak hillbilly, and definitely don't have any farm animals on hand. I am more of a surfer who is stoked on the theme of this years event and excited to attend and vend. I am also a shop owner who normally doesn't do alot of "Roadshows" mostly because I don't want to take business away from those who don't own a brick and mortar store. (And also because I want time to go around, mai tai in hand, perusing all da 'kine arts and craftiness!) Many of the vendors I know and respect are true artists with amazing stuff who eek out a living by tirelessly traveling around the country showing off their goods.
That being said, how 'bout a place for the OTHER vendors who want to show previews of the stuff they will be peddling at Oasis? Has this been done? I did a search and couldn't find anything specific. I have been checking out some of this years vendors and what they have for sale and know for sure I need to stop at the bank on the way down to grab some extra "kala".
Aloha, Wes

your mug here is BEA-u-TI-ful(and I'm not speakin'Hillbilly either)!
Will you be selling it at the T.O? I'd like to know the price so I can see if it's in my budget this time around. Thanx!- Rosered :)

cheeky half posted on 08/10/2009

We'll add to the 'cool stuff by vendors not in the Artist's Alley' thread..

Here are some new mosaics we've made.

We're also making a very limited (4) run of pendants. Each one is hand made from glass, mounted in metal and protected with a shiny resin coating. This is our interpretation of the Luau 400 logo and we're also making a few (5) Kahiki Pendants.

And finally we've got some shirts, embroidered with logos of a few of our favorite long-gone Tiki establishments. Again, we only have a limited number of these. The folks who pre-ordered them from us, we got ya covered. Otherwise it's strictly first come, first shirted.

Oh, and a mosaic of Bruce Lee, the famous surfing tiki guy....

Cheers, and we'll see you at Oasis. Just not in the Artist Alley.


p.s. That's one cool looking mug, shakatiki!

WooHooWahine posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-10 10:11, cheeky half wrote:
Cheers, and we'll see you at Oasis. Just not in the Artist Alley.

WoooHoooo! Can't wait to see you :)

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2009

Killer Bruce Lee Action!

slapbass posted on 08/10/2009

Figures..Guy opens with "Hillbilly Squabble" and Squid is the first to respond..
Excellent stuff!!

squid posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-10 13:45, slapbass wrote:
Figures..Guy opens with "Hillbilly Squabble" and Squid is the first to respond..
Excellent stuff!!

G'wan...step over that line there Mr Slapp Bass. Heck I don't even like fish! Specially when it's been slapped! G'wan... Git!

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2009

you needin sum backup,Pappy?

squid posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-10 10:11, cheeky half wrote:

OOOOH Maggie! That is awesome!!!

shakatiki posted on 08/11/2009

On 2009-08-07 16:59, RoseRed wrote:

your mug here is BEA-u-TI-ful(and I'm not speakin'Hillbilly either)!
Will you be selling it at the T.O? I'd like to know the price so I can see if it's in my budget this time around. Thanx!- Rosered :)

Aloha RoseRed!

Oh ya...we'll have the Shakatiki Green at Tiki Oasis for sure. Tiki Central Ohana price is $20.00 (listed online for $25.00). We'll see you there!

Skinny Dog posted on 08/11/2009

We have lots of goodies new and old were bringin

kustomtiki posted on 08/11/2009

I'll take 2!,see you at Oasis!

cheeky half posted on 08/11/2009

Thanks LLT KEEEEE-Yiiiiiiiiiy!

Squid can't wait to see some of your awesome wares and hear some of your tantalizing tuneage!

Woohoo, I feel a WoooooooooooHooooooooooo comin' on!

Clysdalle posted on 08/11/2009

Another place to spam!!!!

So I'm starting to pack up stuff for Tiki Oasis....and I thought I'd post up a preview thread of everything I'll be bringing....so here is a smattering!

New signed and numbered 16x20 prints of "The Collector"

I'll also have a full fleet of 8x10 prints of all my tiki and other stuff there

More originals that will be there...

Swing by the booth and hang with me, the world famous Bigtoe.....Tikifarm.....and BadLand Beads! Winners of last years "BEST BOOTH"!!

Daves Not Home posted on 08/12/2009

Here's a tiny taste of new designs BADLAND BEADS will have at Oasis. These are individually handcrafted and painted from polymer clay and just slightly larger than a quarter. See these tiny tikis and a whole mess of other kool kid stuff from Tom "BigToe" Laura, David "Clysdalle" Lozeau and Tiki "Holden" Farm at the Ghouligans Hut...voted Best Booth last year.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/12/2009

What! I am not made of money, everythings looking great, I want it all.
I can say first hand, Wes's Mug is one of the best I have seen,he has put alot of sweat into this one, get it before they are gone.

cheeky half posted on 08/12/2009

Wow, there's some cool stuff up there! And not a Hillbilly in sight!

Here's The Kahiki Pendant, a flower pendant and a red skull pendant...


Clysdalle posted on 08/12/2009

Cheeky....love the skull....reminds me of Red Skull villain from the Captain America comics...

minus the Nazi part :wink:

Sweet work!!

little lost tiki posted on 08/12/2009

congratulations on your BEST BOOTH award last year,kids!

Cheeky...Kahiki pin and Red Skull! killer-diller!

you City-Slickers got some ARE-SOME wares!

MamboKing posted on 08/12/2009

On 2009-08-11 11:54, Skinny Dog wrote:
We have lots of goodies new and old were bringin

Whuh-hoah! WHAT are you bringin'? :wink:

cheeky half posted on 08/12/2009

Clysdalle, We could do the Nazi Parts. Do ya think they'd sell??? :)

LLT, City Slickers??? This is bloody Tucson we're in over here! And we provide a lot of the blood.


Daves Not Home posted on 08/12/2009

On 2009-08-12 09:57, little lost tiki wrote:
congratulations on your BEST BOOTH award last year,kids!

Cheeky...Kahiki pin and Red Skull! killer-diller!

you City-Slickers got some ARE-SOME wares!

We had to pay off a lot of people for it..but it was worth being able to slur "bressst booooof!" all night.

Cheeky - You guys always bring the pain (of not having enough money to buy one of everything)! Love your stuff!

Clysdalle posted on 08/12/2009

From the files of, "I hope to have finished....." these Mai Kai Decanters I scored were just asking to be painted up Franky style. I'm hoping to have these finished up in time , so it will be late nights for the next few days to get these guys out of the laboratory. They LIVE......

More pics to come!

leleliz posted on 08/12/2009

On 2009-08-12 10:29, Clysdalle wrote:

There is NOTHING you do that I don't love..these are going to be rad regardless if they make it to Oasis!

Clysdalle posted on 08/12/2009

:D leleliz is my favorite!

little lost tiki posted on 08/12/2009

On 2009-08-12 10:34, Clysdalle wrote:
:D leleliz is my favorite!

Well duh....
she shelters you from what everyone else says...

Clysdalle posted on 08/12/2009

:wink: leleliz is still my favorite!

cheeky half posted on 08/12/2009

Lovin' the Fran-Kai. Methinks the non-artists-alley folks will be able to give the hog-lovers a run fer their money. We have Doug Horne on our side of the fence, and from what I hear, he's a one-man petting zoo!

Here's all the pendants we have finished.



[ Edited by: cheeky half 2009-08-12 11:25 ]

leleliz posted on 08/12/2009

On 2009-08-12 10:58, little lost tiki wrote:

On 2009-08-12 10:34, Clysdalle wrote:
:D leleliz is my favorite!

Well duh....
she shelters you from what everyone else says...

Clysdalle rules!

and well..LLT...I would shelter you too but I can only do so much!

little lost tiki posted on 08/12/2009

that's okay...i lead a sheltered enough existence...
Now g'wan and get back on Clysdalle's side of the fence!

RoseRed posted on 08/12/2009

[ Edited by: RoseRed 2009-08-12 12:12 ]

RoseRed posted on 08/12/2009

On 2009-08-11 11:15, shakatiki wrote:

On 2009-08-07 16:59, RoseRed wrote:

your mug here is BEA-u-TI-ful(and I'm not speakin'Hillbilly either)!
Will you be selling it at the T.O? I'd like to know the price so I can see if it's in my budget this time around. Thanx!- Rosered :)

Aloha RoseRed!

Oh ya...we'll have the Shakatiki Green at Tiki Oasis for sure. Tiki Central Ohana price is $20.00 (listed online for $25.00). We'll see you there!

RoseRed posted on 08/12/2009

On 2009-08-12 12:10, RoseRed wrote:

On 2009-08-11 11:15, shakatiki wrote:

On 2009-08-07 16:59, RoseRed wrote:

your mug here is BEA-u-TI-ful(and I'm not speakin'Hillbilly either)!
Will you be selling it at the T.O? I'd like to know the price so I can see if it's in my budget this time around. Thanx!- Rosered :)

Aloha RoseRed!

Oh ya...we'll have the Shakatiki Green at Tiki Oasis for sure. Tiki Central Ohana price is $20.00 (listed online for $25.00). We'll see you there!

YAY! much MAHALO. 20.00 I got. 20.00 I WILL SPEND on that FANTABULOUS mug!!!

tikihai posted on 08/12/2009

On 2009-08-12 09:57, MamboKing wrote:

On 2009-08-11 11:54, Skinny Dog wrote:
We have lots of goodies new and old were bringin

Whuh-hoah! WHAT are you bringin'? :wink:

I would be keepin those goodies at home...all to my self...just me and the goodies.

Clysdalle posted on 08/13/2009

Got some more work done on the Mai-Franks last night.....home stretch tonight as I finish them up between trips to the truck loading up all my stuff...Don't forget to come inside and see the indoor vendors!!

Skinny Dog posted on 08/13/2009


Leaving Jen at home this weekend

BUT I am bringing these goodies



Party on Friday from 5pm – 7pm in the SKINNY DOG Suite !!!!!!!!!!!!

Since yer going to the Fluff Suite Party stop by have a Tequila and check out the Goods

YEP were teaming up with Voodoo Tiki Tequila for a little pre party

NO barn yard animals Just Goodies and Voodoo Tiki Tequila

Skinny Dog posted on 08/13/2009

That Friday thing IS also the Artist Collaboration Pieces Debut.

Squid, Little Lost Tiki , Doug Horne , Heather Watts , David Lozeau, Big Toe and Tiki Ray.

Please stop by and tell Scott you miss Jen.

squid posted on 08/13/2009

On 2009-08-13 12:13, Skinny Dog wrote:
That Friday thing IS also the Artist Collaboration Pieces Debut.

Squid, Little Lost Tiki , Doug Horne , Heather Watts , David Lozeau, Big Toe and Tiki Ray.

Please stop by and tell Scott you miss Jen.

Awwwww....You know we'll miss you Jen! We'll loan Scott some of our barnyard critters for the party to keep him from getting lonely. :D

1961surf posted on 08/13/2009

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-08-14 11:46 ]

BodhiBoy posted on 08/13/2009

All the artists aren't in the alley, ya know!
I'll be sharing the booth with Maggie & Mark, the two hep artists that are VelvetGlass.
Usually I've got my flameworked glass beads for a TO, but this year I've got a few new pieces, fresh out of the kiln, and pictured here for your amusement.
All of them are made of fused glass sheets. Some have flameworked elements.
The painting was done with glass enamels.

C'mon down and see 'em in person. Hell, feel free to buy one or as many as you'd like.

Moai Satori, 8" x 17" high

Ku Tiki, 8" x 10.5" high

Roratonga Tiki, 8" x 10" high

Skull on Brown disk, 10" diameter

Skull on Red disk, 10" diameter

The Thousand Year Stare, 17.5" x 11.5" high

See you there-

yer pal,
Bodhi Boy

1961surf posted on 08/14/2009


Clysdalle posted on 08/14/2009

Well as always....sneaking in under the wire....Just finished these custom mugs for Oasis....dry and ready to be tossed in the truck (carefully)

See you all in a few hours!!!

sleestak posted on 08/14/2009

come get you a dune buggy shirt either at the finkniks booth or at the dune buggy show between 1-3 on sat! also make sure you get some blackout punch!! at the streamline trailer in da lot!!

bananabobs posted on 08/15/2009

On 2009-08-13 14:42, BodhiBoy wrote:

Ku Tiki, 8" x 10.5" high

Roratonga Tiki, 8" x 10" high

These are authentic, man...too perfect. Great job. Will more be around after T.O.?

hodadhank posted on 08/15/2009

On 2009-08-14 17:52, bananabobs wrote:
These are authentic, man...too perfect. Great job. Will more be around after T.O.?

Indeed. I wonder where one might be able to find such things after Oasis???? If only there were some sort of Tiki oriented gallery in San Diego run by artists that might already sell Fire Monkey Glass. Yep. That would be cool.

bananabobs posted on 08/15/2009

On 2009-08-15 00:02, hodadhank wrote:

On 2009-08-14 17:52, bananabobs wrote:
These are authentic, man...too perfect. Great job. Will more be around after T.O.?

Indeed. I wonder where one might be able to find such things after Oasis???? If only there were some sort of Tiki oriented gallery in San Diego run by artists that might already sell Fire Monkey Glass. Yep. That would be cool.

I wonder if there was someplace in...let's say in Sandy Eggo that sold THESE pieces?
( I hope that place is smokefree)

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