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Oasis Hawaiian shirt Swap 6pm-7pm room 1503 friday!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 07/27/2009

In the honor of tiki Kate and her vast collection of shirts, I was wondering if anyone would like to do a Hawaiian shirt trade/swap at Oasis. Kate said she is only there for a day but thought it was a good idea.

I have a large collection of Large and extra large shirts and some in smaller sizes. I thought this might be fun when I saw Kate's posts on all her shirts, if interested please post here and we can plan from there , thanks

If you wont be at Oasis and want to attend, I am sure we can make an online component.


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-07-28 11:11 ]

[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-08-12 10:27 ]

TikiG posted on 07/27/2009

Hi Amy -

I'm interested in this idea. I can swap maybe a couple dozen shirts in Medium to Large.

Make this clear: Aloha shirt = Hawaiian/POLYNESIAN graphics etc / NO CARIBBEAN IMAGERY
Tiki shirt = Tikis must be represented graphically on the shirt

I've seen way too many shirts (for example eBay) described as a "tiki" shirt with no tiki graphics anywhere. Mostly tapa patterns or the like. This slightly pisses me off :)

Keep me in the loop.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 07/28/2009

thanks tikiG, I hope we get some more people.....lol it could be fun, I have many many shirts


TikiPops posted on 07/28/2009

This sounds great. I have a few shirts I'd like to trade. I'll be looking for more details. Maybe we should all post pictures & let the trades begin.
Thanks, Mike

Queen Kamehameha posted on 07/28/2009

thanks TP, lets see how many join then we can discuss how to proceed. We could an a swap right here onlinefor those who don't go to Oasis as well. this could be fun!


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-07-28 11:12 ]

drewgroove posted on 07/29/2009

Sounds really swell. Not sure how the logistics of a 'swap' would work, but I really like the idea. Would be a very good idea to check with Tiki O and/or the already established vendors to make sure it is approached in the correct way and thru the proper channels I would think....


[ Edited by: drewgroove 2009-07-28 23:48 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 07/29/2009

I've got a Dos XX hawaiian that I need to swap for a Hinano hawaiian

(to match my PJ's) to get into the Smuglers Cove gig...

Krisdrama posted on 07/29/2009

I have a box full of hawaiian shirts, women's sizes S-XL and one or two men's. Count me in! None of them have tiki's though :(

TikiG posted on 07/29/2009

Amy -

First off, I must say it was nice to hang out with you and Ray last night at Kirby's Rumpus Room.

Sorry! I should have talked to you about this shirt swap stuff..it completely slipped my mind last night. Anyway, I have a room booked at Tiki Oasis, I'm sure we all do, and I'm thinking how about hosting shirt swaps live in our rooms sometime during the four day event. We can all take turns?..you know, an hour or two each (or something like that.)
I know I don't want to do that all day long bit little nips here and there is workable.

For those that can't make it to San Diego, we can still post a few shirts here on this thread.

What'ya think?

Queen Kamehameha posted on 07/29/2009

hi, great seeing you last night as well, Kirby and polly are very gracious hosts! and Kelly is a great mixologist!

On the shirt swap, I like the idea and if we do it it first at oasis then we will have a better idea how to do it online. works for me...


sneakyjack posted on 07/29/2009

I have a few to swap - One location one time for an hour or 2 (at most) and if no swaps work out correctly try for a best offer or trade for a mug or drink. Since your are bringing the shirt to get rid of you probably won't care what happens to it afterwards whether its swapped for a shirt or a mug or necklace or $$$$???? - Plus others could visit that way and maybe after the first hour or so its just a best offer thing.

Either way I'm in to it - bringing a few shirts to a location and meeting some people and hoping to get a new piece for my wardrobe. Heck why not even post a few pics of what you are thinking of swapping here in this post?!

thanks for thinking of this let me know if I can help.
maybe during the room crawl this could work???? Hard to say?

TikiG posted on 07/29/2009

Personally I don't care if I swap shirt for shirt, shirt for mug, shirt for art, shirt for ?

It's a SWAP! Whatever makes both parties happy...

Since I don't know what room number I'm booked into, yet, I can't give everyone a heads up as to date, room, time etc that I can do a shirt swap. It'll probably be a last minute thing and I'll post cards around Tiki Oasis, word of mouth, that kind of thing. You know how it goes sometimes even with the best planning. I'm gonna keep this a loose thing.

Can't wait to meet more tiki peeps, and this shirt swap sounds like a cool deal, man!
Oasis is THE event of the year!

Anyone else have ideas?

BigToe posted on 07/31/2009

i am so in!

i keep ordering vintage hawaiians online and they are always too small for my largish beer-belly.

i will have a box full of never-worns perfect for non-fat-asses!

Uncle Toesy

sneakyjack posted on 07/31/2009

I have same problem as Big Toe (so maybe we shouldn't trade with each other!) regardless I'll bring some trades fo sure

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/01/2009

ok, I will have a suite at 1503, maybe we can pick a time on Friday or Saturday, we can have shirts, mugs pendants, whatever anyone wants to bring. what time do we think is best?


squid posted on 08/03/2009

Friday would be great so us vendor types can getin on the action :D

TikiG posted on 08/03/2009

I vote for Friday..after my early morning swim. 11:00am to noon?

Krisdrama posted on 08/04/2009

Friday works for me! Should we prepost photos? Or should it be a surprize?

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/04/2009

Friday works I will have the suite Friday unless someone else wants to host, I vote we keep the trades a surprise.

TikiG posted on 08/04/2009

I' likey surprises too!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/04/2009

ok, Do we agree to allow mugs and pendants as trade well ? I am ok with it but We should all agree.

I will have suite 1503 after check in Friday.


TikiG posted on 08/04/2009

I will trade shirts for mugs and pendants..I will have no mugs or pendants to trade though..those are my current collecting manias. So there you go, bring me mugs and pendants!

Thanks Amy for Friday's swap-time.

Tiki-Kate posted on 08/06/2009

I decided to go ahead and do the full Oasis weekend. I'll start going through my closet over the next few days to see what I'm willing to part with. :D

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/06/2009

in the words of Karen....wooooohoooo! sorry couldn't resist!

That's great kate, glad you'll be there!


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-08-05 17:50 ]

4WDtiki posted on 08/06/2009

Will this be trade only, or will cash be accepted?

Seriously, I only have one real shirt, and I'm not swapping it!

Tiki-Kate posted on 08/06/2009

Bring tikis, Bill. :D

I figured there's no time like the present, so I pulled all of the tiki shirts out of my closet and separated them by color. Blue was the winner at 23 inches of shirts. Brown/cream/tan was a close second with 18.5 inches.

My closet is currently breathing a heavy sigh of relief.

drewgroove posted on 08/06/2009

So is it decided, swap only? It might be hard to be able to exactly swap with a person who then has something you would also want. Or is it like a group donation that then allows one to partake of said swapping. Is there going to be cash sales allowed? Or is that not in the spirit of what is going on with this....
Just wondering, thanks!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/06/2009

wow kate, cool pile!I

I agree, we will allow trades for other tiki stuff so if you have, bring it!!!


WooHooWahine posted on 08/06/2009

On 2009-08-05 17:50, Queen Kamehameha wrote:
in the words of Karen....wooooohoooo! sorry couldn't resist!

[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-08-05 17:50 ]

Can't wait to see you at Oasis Amy. I will see if Soccer has any Aloha Shirts to bring :)

sneakyjack posted on 08/06/2009

Friday be good.. Trade shirt for whatevers (tiki like)

squid posted on 08/06/2009

Is there a set time? Or did I miss it in the thread somewhere...

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/07/2009

no time, will post a few times when I know I have the suite set...stay tuned!


Tiki-Kate posted on 08/07/2009

Looks like I'll be bringing about 16 shirts in a variety of sizes. All of them have tikis. So much for packing light this year. :)

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/07/2009

lol Kate, I went thru all of mine and I have about the same maybe a few more.....ok everyone, we have lots of shirts to trade and swap!


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-08-06 22:50 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 08/08/2009

I'd like to get in, too.

On 2009-08-03 01:38, squid wrote:
Friday would be great so us vendor types can get in on the action :D

Oh, make sure you come by, squid, I found a shirt I want to GIVE you.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/09/2009

picture of the pile of my shirts for trade

TikiG posted on 08/10/2009

Aloha -

Yesterday I packed 30 shirts for trade. Sorry, I didn't snap a shot. Trust me, there's something for everyone here.

All men's - 1960s thru modern - all colors - sizes medium thru extra large. Some tiki, some surfing. All aloha.

Patiently counting down the hours until Friday. See all of you later this week.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/11/2009

do we know when the vending is over? we should make it after that so Squid and the vendors can come by, my suite is 1503....lets get a time going


squid posted on 08/11/2009

On 2009-08-08 09:24, Haole'akamai wrote:
I'd like to get in, too.

On 2009-08-03 01:38, squid wrote:
Friday would be great so us vendor types can get in on the action :D

Oh, make sure you come by, squid, I found a shirt I want to GIVE you.


squid posted on 08/11/2009

On 2009-08-10 17:36, Queen Kamehameha wrote:
do we know when the vending is over? we should make it after that so Squid and the vendors can come by, my suite is 1503....lets get a time going


No vending on Friday!!! Any time is cool.

Tiki-Kate posted on 08/11/2009

I think that Friday evening might work best.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/12/2009

We can do evenings, great idea Kate, we should do it before we open the suite, so maybe 6-7 pm and bring your trades whatever they are! Room 1503


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-08-11 20:42 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 08/12/2009

WooHoo and I will be there with shirts in hand!!!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/12/2009


Tiki-Kate posted on 08/13/2009

Here are a few of the tikis on the shirts that I'm bringing.

sneakyjack posted on 08/13/2009

Im there actually at hotel now I have a few shirts that I do not plan going home with will trade for shirts or. I brought a bunch of hang tags for my shirts as ids and a bunch of Extra tags for others call em toe tags if u like. Any way see you fri eve Im on second floor

Krisdrama posted on 08/13/2009

I'll be there with several shirts!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/16/2009

well the shirt trade was a big success we had about 15 traders and some lookers who just needed shirts. TikiKate was outfitting all the boys with her vintage shirt, even if they didnt have a trade. (very nice kate!) everyone did well from what I saw.

Thanks to all who attended!


Pages: 1 2 51 replies