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Texas Rum

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GulfCoastGasser posted on 09/08/2008

I did a search to see if any one has posted this before and found nothing, so if this is a repeat - my apologies.

There is a new rum distillery here in on the Third Coast Railean Distillery ( http://www.railean.com/Home%20Page.html ).
I had my doubts when I purchased my first bottle - but darn it is very good.

According to their website:
RAILEAN Rum is 100% Handmade in Texas. We begin by fermenting pure Grade-A, unsulfured, cane molasses with yeast manufactured specifically for small batch rum production. The Master Distiller then utilizes our state-of-the-art Bavarian Holstein copper pot still to perform multiple distillations in order to craft an ultra-pure cane spirit. The final product aged, gently filtered and polished to produce a smooth, dry (not sweet), yet flavorful rum.

It is well worth the try.

Austin_Tiki posted on 09/09/2008

Thanks for the review. Have you compared it to Louisiana rum? I have been unable to obtain a bottle of the Old New Orleans here in Austin, but have seen the Texas rum on the shelves. I actually think there are a couple of Texas rum distillers out there - Railean as well as Treaty Oak.

Koitiki posted on 09/14/2008

Austin Tiki - How is the Treaty Oak? I copied down a "Longhorn" drink recipe last week that calls for that. I haven't tried it yet and it may well be heinous, but here it is in time for the next UT football party.

Paula's Burnt Orange Drink:
1 oz. Paula's Texas Orange
1 oz. Treaty Oak rum
1 oz. OJ
1 oz. Dr. Pepper (makes the orange burnt)
1 oz. club soda
squeeze a lime wedge and toss it in.

Austin_Tiki posted on 09/14/2008


Thanks for the recipe. Unfortunately, I haven't tried either of the two Texas rums. It's difficult enough keeping up with the rums I need for various Beachbum Berry and Trader Vic recipes.

Limbo Lizard posted on 09/17/2008

Before the hurricane, I had looked on Railean Distillery's website, and checked on the tour information, in case I happened to be down that way. Now, it may be a while before any tours are offered. They are (were?) on 5th St., in San Leon, on Galveston Bay. Wonder how bad they were hit by Ike? Heard that especially the lower-numbered streets really got hammered.

[ Edited by: Limbo Lizard 2008-09-17 06:29 ]

tikigap posted on 09/18/2008

"RAILEAN"? Sorry if I'm ignorant, but isn't this those guys that went behind Saturn or something, to acheive Nirvana?

I forgot to mention that I just (4 days ago) tried Treaty Oak Platinum Rum - and it's pretty good. I sipped a little... not hot... pretty smooth. My wahini just got back from big D and brought home a couple of fifths.


[ Edited by: tikigap 2008-09-17 21:20 ]

Limbo Lizard posted on 09/18/2008

On 2008-09-17 21:15, tikigap wrote:
"RAILEAN"? Sorry if I'm ignorant, but isn't this those guys that went behind Saturn or something, to acheive Nirvana?

Ha, I'd wondered about that name myself. Is this some rum-making UFO cult? Is this the main ingredient in a Klingon Mojito? Alas, it's just the last name of the owners. And they're obviously frustrated about just this type of confusion - they give a pronunciation tip (ray-leen) on their website.
I looked it up, and found I'd been confusing the Heaven's Gate cult and the Raëlian Church - both alien/UFO-related. The first was the group that committed suicide, so they could go rendezvous with the UFO that was hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet. The Raëlians made headlines in 2002 with their claim to have cloned a baby girl, named Eve.

Dornage posted on 09/19/2008

I bought a bottle of Treaty Oak Rum a couple months ago. I've mixed it into Mojitos, Hurricanes, Cuba Libras and a few other random concoctions. It's not bad, but I can't seem to get over the lingering hint of toasted nuts. Maybe I'm just not versed enough in Rum, but of the dozen or so I've tried, this is uniquely nutty.

Rum Connection posted on 10/16/2008

Hurricane Ike went right over the top of the Railean Distillery, but they only suffered minor damage. I've heard that they are back up and running!!

GulfCoastGasser posted on 10/17/2008

On 2008-10-16 14:31, Rum Connection wrote:
Hurricane Ike went right over the top of the Railean Distillery, but they only suffered minor damage. I've heard that they are back up and running!!

You are correct and Ike ran over my home as well and I too am back up and drinking! Ha!
I live about 5 minutes from Railean and there is nothing like a fresh bottle of rum! :)

Austin_Tiki posted on 08/14/2009

I finally tried Railean the other day and what a nice surprise. Railean is a smooth, tasty sipping rum. At $17.50, it may be the best rum bargain going. In my opinion, it surpasses other rums at that price point.

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