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Thank You Otto, Babydoe and all for TO-09!!

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Don Brewski posted on 08/17/2009

The Huntington Cads (Chris Barfield, Steve Hill, Josh Agle, Jeff Utterback) want to thank Otto, Babydoe and their great, giving, tireless cast and crew of volunteers! Also huge thanks to Jim Giddings and Bob the sound guy and the stage crew for making our reunion show and our weekend a wonderful experience!

Can we come back? lol! Please?


Don Brewski (Jeff Utterback)

It would be cool for other Ohana to post thanks here also...

[ Edited by: Don Brewski 2009-08-16 18:56 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 08/17/2009

Hear, hear!!!! Thanks Otto & Babydoe! I am whipped. I need sleeeeeeppp. My feet hurt. It was great!

tikiyaki posted on 08/17/2009

Here Hear !

This Oasis was A-MAZ-ING !!! The Cads kicked major ass, and I lost my voice screaming at the show.

Don Brewski, awesome drum beatdown in the Cads set. I'll post pics soon.

Thanx Otto and Baby Doe for another amazing Oasis !

TikiSan posted on 08/17/2009

Mahalo to Otto and Babydoe for putting on an excellent event. It was well organized, well run, and super-fun. It must be a lot of work to put an event like this together.

It was great to be among so many like-mind people that are enthusiastic about Polynesian Pop.

I think most agree that The Huntington Cads were FANTASTIC! It would be great to see them back next year. (I hope they play together sooner than that).

Other musical highlights for me were Thee Swank Bastards and The Phantom Surfers.

I thought Heather Watt's velvet paintings were wonderful to see in person.

Wersmo Derinc posted on 08/17/2009

Dear Otto and Baby Doe,
I honestly thought this was the best Oasis ever! Rebecca says so too. Thank you for making us so happy! Sorry you didn't get a Ginger Bimbo. I'll mail you one!
Wersmo Derinc (AKA, Dave)

Billy the Crud posted on 08/17/2009

Again, great job. I made some money, had some fun, saw some boobs, ate some food, drank some rum, did some carving, hung with old friends, walked around in my underwear with my chainsaw, and had a genuinely great time. I think I may do it again next year, too. And Otto, thanks for bringing KP this year. Haven't seen him in six feakin' years!!

DJLee posted on 08/17/2009

Oh yes, another fabulous Tiki Oasis (am still here at the Crowne with Patrick, Heather and Mike.) No complaints (though I missed all the Saturday party and drama action having passed out at 9:30 pm from sheer exhaustion.) Looking forward to T/O 10!

SwinginTiki posted on 08/17/2009

Huge MAHALOS to Otto, Babydoe and all of the staff and volunteers who made it work so well! We all had a great time.
Already looking forward to next year.

[ Edited by: SwinginTiki 2009-08-17 14:16 ]

TikiGeeki posted on 08/17/2009

This was my first year being able to go and it was absolutely insane. Such a great time! Thank you so much for putting this together. My only regret was that the weekend seemed too short.

kick_the_reverb posted on 08/17/2009

Thanks to Otto & Babydoe, it was one of the most enjoyable Oasis for me, great band choices for the most part, with Huntignton Cads, Phantom Surfers and Meshuggah beach Party as my personal highlights from the big stage performance.
Also, Tikiyaki at the pajama party sounded awsome.


squid posted on 08/17/2009

Mahaloz plenty Baby Doe and Otto!! The expanded Artist Alley was a huge success and the entire event was really well thought out and user-friendly! Here's to next year!!!

suzanne posted on 08/17/2009

Ditto! Many, many mahalos for another excellent event.


Kiki von Tiki posted on 08/17/2009

I had a great time at my virgin Oasis! Vending is hard work but I sold enough to pay for my trip, met some wonderful new lifelong friends, had a blast with some of my existing buds, learned a lot about drinking and room crawling (kind of the hard way, I'm afraid!), got great feedback on my products and got home again safe and sound! What more could you want? Thanks Otto and Baby Doe for all the work you do to make Tiki Oasis a fantastic getaway for us Tiki Freaks!

Jetson posted on 08/17/2009

It was my first ever Tiki Oasis. It was something I'd been wanting to do for the last two years, and I'm a little saddened that I didn't know about it when it was in Palm Springs, but nonetheless, it was awesome! I had a blast, shopping, watching all the cool bands, and doing my first ever room crawls. It was an experience That I'll hold onto for many years. So thanks so much to Otto and Baby Doe. And thanks to all the new friends I made that made my experience unforgetable and willing to help the new guy around!

hulahoney posted on 08/17/2009

I want to add my thanks to Otto, Baby Doe, and all the other fantastic Tiki peeps I met over this weekend! This Oasis has blown the others out of the water and I can't wait to see what goodies you all have in store for us next year!

After being introduced to so many giants in the Tiki community this weekend I feel like this was my 'debut'... I guess I'd better step it up and start posting on TC instead of being a quiet observer like I have for the past 5 years. Look my post count is already growing! Yay!

tiki leki posted on 08/18/2009

Otto ,Baby Doe it just gets better every year thank you !!

ZeroTiki posted on 08/18/2009

You deserve every mahalo here and more, guys!!

WooHooWahine posted on 08/18/2009

Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo! :)

Dolewhip posted on 08/18/2009

Add another satisfied customer! Otto and BabyDoe were the consummate convivial hosts all weekend, chatting and shaking hands with anyone who crossed their paths, even with their demanding schedules. Hope you guys get some sleep this week!

Accolades to all the bands as well (they were all so great!), and special kudos to King Kukulele, who had a sore & tired throat and still worked tirelessly throughout the whole event. He even helped cart out the giant Ku Bar! What a trooper!

The selection of arts & crafts available from the vendors this year was awesome; what a creative and talented group of people you all are.

Martin Cate is a RUM GOD!

Mahalo to all the great room party hosts - what fun!

We had a test run of the Club 33 Dole Whip (sponsored by Monsanto)â„¢ this year, formulated and perfected by KikaAkua, and we'll be sure to have more supplies for possible room party participation next year!

The countdown starts now for "The Greatest Show on Earth"! Can't wait!



Club 33 Dole Whip (sponsored by Monsanto)â„¢

[ Edited by: Dolewhip 2009-08-18 05:26 ]

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Krisdrama posted on 08/18/2009

Thank you Otto and Babydoe, my first Tiki Oasis experience was a blast! Great Music, wonderful art, some great symposiums, I could go on and on! All I'm saying is, now we have to wait a whole year for the next one!
To all who worked on this weekend, thank you so much, it was amazing!

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bigtikidude posted on 08/18/2009

Thanks again to Otto and Baby Doe, Great event!!!
and all their helpers and volunteers.

Jeff great to see the Cads playing at Tiki Oasis,
I hope that isn't the last time.

oh and I heard that SHAG was there this weekend, did anybody see him?


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Tikiman91205 posted on 08/18/2009

This was our first T.O. and all I can say is WOWEE, WOW, WOW!!!
Thanks Otto and Baby Doe! It was the atomic bomb!!

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EdsGoneTiki posted on 08/18/2009

You sure know how to throw a party Otto!!
Many thanks to you and Babydoe for another fantastic Oasis!

And, on top of all the necessary running around all weekend long you still find time to play with your kids in the pool. What a cool Dad!

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Otto and King Kukulele onstage at TikiOasis7.

...Okay, okay, I know its a two year old picture, but its my personal fave of Otto and King K. (and until now still un-posted)

Looking forward to "The Greatest Show on Earth"!
Thanks again! -Ed

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MamboKing posted on 08/18/2009

Thanks MUCHO to Otto & Baby Doe for such a killer event! Outside of catching the flu (joy!), we had a BLAST! The bands, vendors & room parties were killer!

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little lost tiki posted on 08/18/2009

Thanks so much for EVERYTHING!

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sneakyjack posted on 08/18/2009

I hope the little ones leg is ok! (My wife was the visiting nurse)

Its always tough pleasing this many people - I think you did an outstanding job and take any critizim about lines, over crowding, food, etc to heart!!
its tough but you did great!

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skeeter posted on 08/18/2009

My first TO and had a freakin' blast!!!

Thanks Otto and Baby Doe!

Also, thanks Cads for playing too.
Always been a big fan but never thought I'd actually be able to see you live.
Hopefully we'll see more opportunities in the future.

[ Edited by: skeeter 2009-08-19 11:34 ]

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TikiG posted on 08/18/2009


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congawa posted on 08/18/2009

On behalf of the Ding Dong Devils, I'd like to thank Otto and Baby Doe for a great Tiki Oasis!

Also, thanks to everyone who came to our three room parties on Friday afternoon, and Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening. I hope you had as much fun as we did playing our tunes and hosting! This band was literally birthed at last Tiki Oasis, formed out of our previous group the Fleagles to perform some tiki themed songs we wrote (and a few covers that fit), so this was the culmination of that inspiration from TO '08. (We're recording as we speak, so and hope to have a CD by TO '10.)

Special thanks to hostesses with the mostesses Vixiana (Christine) and Rita for coordinating the bar and door, and keeping things flowing while we played! Also thanks to Dan, Leslie, Don Brewski, and everyone else who helped us get the room together. This was our first time hosting room crawl parties, and everything went smoothly (at least, nothing that couldn't be solved with a couple of BevMo trips). Our allotment of Bahooka Head Shrinker mix held out for the planned two parties, but when we decided to do an unplanned Saturday night shindig we mixed an impromptu, on-the-spot concoction we're calling "The Bamboozler"--since it requires being stirred by the end of a tiki torch (new, unused, and sanforized for your protection, of course)! We also thank some of the veteran room hosts for their sage advice.

More special thanks go to all the Devil-Ettes who came up to our suite to dance on Saturday (including to the Devil-Ettes Theme), squeezing our party in between their go-go class and evening performance. It was much appreciated, and made the music sound much better!

We also enjoyed all the other room crawl parties we attended, and everything else we were able to get too (because we were hosting I missed a lot of good stuff, like Martin's rum seminar--next year we may do it again, but possibly not a Saturday day party because there's so much going on). Maybe next year, our official band cocktailmeister Rama Lama (Edwin) will break out his special concoction called "The Ding Dong Devil." Since it requires a lot of fresh, high-maintenance ingredients, he decided to forgo serving it during our room hosting debut, but we may be ready to try it next year!

I have some photos of our Friday party and Sunday's car show, which I'll post a link to on the photo thread. I would love to see any shots of our Saturday parties (particularly the evening) if anyone took them (Vixiana and Rita were way too busy serving to take any snaps).

Thanks again!

Brent (Caltiki / Congawa)

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Aloha John posted on 08/18/2009

Monster Mahalo's to Otto, Babydoe, and all the others who make this show happen!! Even with the crowds/lines (and a trip to urgent care), for me Tiki Oasis '09 was the funnest one yet!!


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Molokai Mike posted on 08/19/2009

Mucho Mahalo, as always you guys.
We had a great time!

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TikiMango posted on 08/19/2009

A BIG mahalo for all the crazy work and effort you put into making Tiki Oasis go as smooth as it does! Artist Alley was da bomb!

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hodadhank posted on 08/19/2009

Hot Damn tamale Otto you through a real boss bash, man. I'm one pooped hound dog. Here's to you and Little Baby Lisa Marie Doe straight from the China Inn. Your the hardest working man in the biz. Well sometimes you gotta go all out when youre the King and ya can't help it ya know, cause there's only one man whos the King. God picks 'em, hand plucks 'em. One night God looked down on all the millions and millions and millions of people, man and he decided which one was the best and it was you. And he plucked you from all those millions and millions and millions of people, man. Now listen to this right now theres only two things you got to know:

You're the King... and number two is... LLLLLOOK OUT MAN!!!!!

Lookit that there comin' at cha! Ya see that? It's called Karatay, man, and only two kinds of people know it... the Chinese and the King... and one of 'em is you.

You know what I'm sayin. If you were in Memphis... a little bitta honey... little bit of junebug, yeah whateva cuzyoudaboss Iknow... Comeon man, Itholmin sayminothin riht naow dont kiddaroun mumble...


Thankaverramuchthankaverramuch from Freaky Boutiki.

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FunnyEddie posted on 08/20/2009

THANK YOU!! First time at TO and we loved it!! Can't wait till TO 10!!

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TNT posted on 08/20/2009

Thank you Otto, BabyDoe, & volunteers. We had a great time and can't wait for next year.

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KikiTiki posted on 08/20/2009


After ecstatic feedback and fun photos, I believe there is a crew of eager first-timer New Yorkers who will join us next year!!!!

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NOTCH posted on 08/21/2009

Thank you Otto and Babydoe, we had a BLAST!!

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bb moondog posted on 08/21/2009

A gracious MAHALO from me as well...first year as a volunteer and it was pretty dang AWESOME as the other Alley-ites can attest..never paid for a SINGLE drink and saw FANTASTIC bands WAIL for a song...will gladly throw my hat in to do it ALL over again next year ..I owe Babalu a KARMIC million for his gracious table-share....

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BodhiBoy posted on 08/21/2009

Many, many thanks to Otto & Baby Doe, and your fantastic team of organizers and volunteers: Casey, Christi, Mateo and the rest.
This was a great Oasis, and I'm really psyched to be at next year's 10th anniversary bash.
Can you believe it? Ten years!
And it just keeps getting better & better. And bigger!
Wish I lived closer, but I'll keep making the trip as I have every year for the past six years.

Accept no substitutes! There is only one Tiki Oasis!

Mahalo & Cheers,

Bodhi Boy & FireMonkey Glass
Real Cool Glass, Made Real Hot!

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Tiki Kupcake posted on 08/21/2009

MAHALO!! Tiki Oasis was a blast. We are already counting down to next year!

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Hangtentiki posted on 08/21/2009

Woodstock - Tiki Oasis 9 - The Rapture, in that order, two events have occurred according to prophecy's so far. My biggest regret and/or complaint about TO9 is that I did not get a chance to thank Otto and Baby Doe in person for a great experience at the event and at my book signing before leaving. In such an atmosphere, it's almost impossible to "Lounge around" for a laid back, "island time," talk story session. Also thanks again Thor and Nick Camara - these guys are pure Aloha!

I have been lost in tiki and surfing since High School, and that was 42 years ago. You know, the same jam-up we are seeing in Tiki, occurred in surfing. It went from mellow and laid back in 1960 to zoooed out by 1969! Anyway, to us old school guys, Tiki, Surfing, and the Beach, are a trinity that really cannot be separated. Speaking of beach, maybe Tiki Oasis could take over one of those beach resort hotels - plenty of room on the sand...? One last thing, check out my book, it has lots of Tiki culture. bedtimestoriesforsurfers.com. Mahalo to all the new friends Teresa and I have made at the Oasis over the last three years.

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kingstiedye posted on 08/21/2009

mahalo to otto and baby doe for another fun filled tiki oasis. yeah, i had to stand in line for a wristband, but that's 45 minutes i spent making new friends.

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Tai Won On posted on 08/21/2009

Thanks Otto. It gets better every year.

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Otto posted on 08/22/2009

Hey, thanks everyone for the kudos.
When we are pulling 18 hour days at Oasis its the thanks and smiles that keep us going!
Thanks for joining in the fun!

Now hurry on down to the China Inn and catch Hodad Hank on his fourteenth Scorpion Bowl and make him buy you a drink!

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babydoe posted on 08/23/2009

Wow thank you all for the great encouragement! This is what keeps us motivated to continue doing this event.

Although the event has grown so much it truly is a family run event. All year long Otto and I and the kids look forward to throwing the event but also ENJOYING it!

We are soooo lucky to have some amazing members of our crew who all work behind the scenes and also AT the event to make sure the event is a success! Without this group of people this event would be a total bust!

People I want to make sure you all know about so if you ever see them around at your local tiki bar you can pat them on the back:

Mateo - our Volunteer Master and Registration Guru
Aaron from Tidbit who did our WONDERFUL website
Crystal Cove Media for video expertise
Gene from Falling Coconuts for all our swag makin'
Martin for RUM-love (whew! those two symposiums were a lot of work to make happen!)
Our interns: the two Maria's and Jen Tiki
Dr Shocker our myspace chap
Car show organizer Bill Graff and at the event Jason
MP for all that brillant artwork/signage around the event
Patrick Robinson AV/DJ set-up dude
John and crew for the kids Tiki Tike Room
KING KUKULELE - the emcee that keeps on giving
Matt Reese for the dazzling surfed out Go Go peds
Jim Giddings - Stage Manager extraordinaire
Cobain for the groovy decor at the dance parties and the lobby and stage - WOW!!
Toes on the Nose for working with us on the first Tiki Oasis shirt evaaahhh!
Cammo our symposium coordinator
Tiki King for the trophies (sorry dude 2 got snagged!)
Bob for makin' everyone sound so good
Christi Crowe who pushed us to keep on going when we felt discouraged
Shag for the groovy shirt designs
The volunteers who filled the over 50 shifts we needed to cover
oh sooo many more people who volunteered their time to perform, make drinks in their rooms, get on stage for the costume contest, take photos, perform at the event and ...wow... really you are ALL part of the Tiki Oasis family!
and of course the CROWNE PLAZA who works with us each year to make sure the event is a success because of them Tiki Oasis has found a great place to call home in San Diego.

Kisses to you all!
XO Baby Doe

PS we are looking for more Bay Area interns! E-mail me if interested!
PPS look for the Tiki Oasis AFTER PARTY in September at Trader Vic's!

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