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Tiki Art Swap - Poly Pop Menu Inspired Art - Swap draw pg 13

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hewey posted on 07/29/2009

There was a huge interest in the PNG swap we just did. For those of you living under a rock, check it out here http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=32054&forum=18&start=0

A few ideas were thrown around for another swap theme. Travelling Jones was able to uncover a long ago forgotten swap theme of 'Polynesian Pop Menu Cover Inspired Art', and I think we should go with this. It allows a heap of flexibility in terms of subject matter and medium, and the more people involved the merrier!

Soooo, the art can be any medium you want. It can be based on a tiki/artwork that has appeared in a vintage poly pop menu, or you could even make a cover for a 'faux' tiki bar of your own creation.

THE DEADLINE IS THE END OF OCTOBER This gives you a full 3 months to get your ass into gear and make a piece of art. It also means you will be sending your piece in November, so if we left it any later it would coincide with Christmas shopping for many of us, so financially for many of us that is less than ideal.

The basics are:

  • Participants all create an original piece of art on the theme
  • The art can be anything you like (as long as it is original, no prints/moulded pendants etc), so it could be a painting, charcoal sketch, pastel art, a carving, a one off hand carved mug etc etc etc. Look at the link above to the previous swap to get an appreciation of the variety of stuff you could make.
  • Post your pics on this thread of the art you are making - to motivate everyone else to get involved!
  • Post pics of your completed piece by the due date!!!
  • All of the participants names will go into a hat, and be drawn out together. The list of swapping partners will be posted here. PM your swapping partner and exhange your postal details. Send your piece off and watch the mailbox like a hawk waiting for your art to arrive!
  • Note - there is a reasonable chance that your creation will be sent overseas! You are responsible for postal costs of the item you create, so dont enter a 6 foot carving unless you're prepared to cover postage! One participant in the last swap got quoted an exorbient amount to post their piece with Fed Ex. By sending the same piece with US Postal Service, they saved themselves a huge amount of cash.

[ Edited by: hewey 2009-11-02 04:17 ]

Meheadhunter posted on 07/29/2009

Yaaaay....I'm in!!! :)

leleliz posted on 07/29/2009

I am in :)

hewey posted on 07/29/2009

Many moons ago, Paipo wrote:
It's up to you if you want to do a replica or interpretation of a classic restaurant "logo tiki" (which will probably be the route I go), work from some design element on the cover, or (more for the painters) maybe create a fictitious cover in the style of the old ones. Perhaps it could be focused around some of the typefaces used.

As for carving - if you aren't up for doing something outside the square, there are plenty of teko, tang, ku, PNG and moai images to be found on these covers. It would be great to see some of the more obscure 50s/60s gems interpreted by the swap artists.

Here's a few of my favourites just to get some theme vibe here in the thread:

[ Edited by: hewey 2009-07-28 21:28 ]

MadDogMike posted on 07/29/2009


I'm not a collector so haven't paid much attention to menu covers, it's research time :)

Mo-Eye posted on 07/29/2009

I'm in like Flynn!

hewey posted on 07/29/2009

And some more

ravenne posted on 07/29/2009

You bet your patootie I'm in! :)

Paipo posted on 07/29/2009

You're a legend hewey...we could've seen that other thread go another 10 pages discussing the merits of the various suggested themes I reckon :lol:
Thanks for saving me the trouble of digging up that old post too. There is definitely something for everyone in this theme - you just have to know where to look:

Arkiva Tropika
(Select "Menu" tag from the list at left, but be prepared for a long wait as it will load every image into one page!)

Critiki Menu Images

Tikiroom.net Menu Archive
(Highly recommended, lots of rare and cool stuff)

....and I also seem to remember some nice vintage graphics in those books...you know the ones :wink:

I will state for the record right here and now - there is no way I'm missing out this time! Might even be time for me to try my hand at a different medium?

nuKKe posted on 07/29/2009

It's a good challange and I'm in. Keep on posting references for us Tiki-deprived people.

(mission accomplished - postponing Bob swap til ceramic classes resume muwahahahahah!!!!!!)

TikiG posted on 07/29/2009

Count me in too please!

AlohaStation posted on 07/29/2009

End of October?? Too much time!! I would say end of September. If you can't get it done in 2 months, 30 more days isn't going to help.

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little lost tiki posted on 07/29/2009

I'm gonna have 100 menu-inspired pieces to choose from in that amount of time!

In like Flynt!

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palapala posted on 07/29/2009

I'm all da way 'dere!
In to da skin'n'bone!

MadDogMike posted on 07/29/2009

And they're off! Going into the first turn it's MadDogMike by a nose.

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I'm not sure who this guy is, Genghis Khan? A Polynesian genie? He shows up on the Skipper Kent and Zombie Village menus.

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Wendy Cevola also made a mug of him, but in a different style.
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TIKIVILLE posted on 07/29/2009

Ya, I'm in !
cant wait to see whats coming up !

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ZeroTiki posted on 07/29/2009

Add the Zero-man...
Menus a-poppin!

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 07/29/2009

Looks fun! I'm in - but I can't start till after Oasis. Can't even THINK about other projects till after Oasis! So Oct. is more better for me.

QK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/34828dec0472b917996ea2af4420097a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Queen Kamehameha posted on 07/29/2009

Im in!!!!!!!!!!!!


Meheadhunter posted on 07/29/2009

On 2009-07-29 10:24, MadDogMike wrote:
And they're off! Going into the first turn it's MadDogMike by a nose.

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I'm not sure who this guy is, Genghis Khan? A Polynesian genie? He shows up on the Skipper Kent and Zombie Village menus.

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Wendy Cevola also made a mug of him, but in a different style.
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Way to get after it MadDog!!!
Great subject matter too!! :)

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Sneakytiki posted on 07/30/2009

Oh meesa in I'mah theenkin. Meesa can't wait to do the Jar Jar beenks mug from duh Pizza Hut Menu!

Oh wait! None of you think Pizza Hut qualifies as a tiki establishment?
What's that? You want to KILL Jar Jar Binx and you think Lucas committed 3 acts of sacrilege in the prequel/trilogy? :wink:

Golly! I'll have to find some more material!
Good thing I've got this menu from Jimmy Buffet's restaraunt.... :wink:

I'm in!

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hodadhank posted on 07/30/2009

oops I posted on the wrong thread. I'm gonna try to bust out somethin for this one.

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Cap'n Pharaoh posted on 07/30/2009

Count me In , As I am in Hawaii as we speak I will pay particular attention to the menus I encounter... Let the games begin!

MadDogMike posted on 07/31/2009

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ZeroTiki posted on 07/31/2009

Already starting on my pieces for the 'Sleepy Tiki Lounge'!

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PalmCityTiki posted on 08/02/2009

HaaaaaaaaaAAAaaaaaaaaaa (mischievous laugh).... I love this stuff. I consider it a challenge to test my creativity.

MadDogMike posted on 08/07/2009

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pdrake posted on 08/07/2009

i may join this one if'n y'all will have me.

leleliz posted on 08/07/2009

The best thing about MadDogMike knocking his piece out so early is that he will now have lots of time to keep brainstorming. I say by the time the swap takes place he will have like 6 pieces done !

Looking good Mike!

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mp posted on 08/07/2009

Nice work Mike. I want that mug. Count me in.
I'll start work as soon as were back from Tiki Oasis.
Can the artwork be from or a fictional bar menu?

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ZeroTiki posted on 08/07/2009

On 2009-08-07 01:01, mp wrote:
Can the artwork be from or a fictional bar menu?

Yes, it can. Can't wait to see what you're bringing to the Swap, mp! And way to go, MadDog! I will start my fictional bar addition when i sail back in from the Oasis...

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Liana posted on 08/17/2009

So how is everyone going with their pieces?

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hodadhank posted on 08/17/2009

On 2009-08-17 02:21, Liana wrote:
So how is everyone going with their pieces?

OOps! I forgot all about this! Better get crackin!

nuKKe posted on 08/17/2009

On 2009-08-17 02:21, Liana wrote:
So how is everyone going with their pieces?

My grandma's teaching me woodcarving, Once the first piece is done I'll get to working on the swap piece.

MadDogMike posted on 08/18/2009

I hope to have a finished mug to post tomorrow (it's cooling in the kiln right now). I thought I'd be done long ago but I've been having technical glaze issues :(

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Sophista-tiki posted on 08/18/2009

wow Mike youre done already?? now that Im back from Oasis-blast-o-rama-of super fun I can get started on my swap.

MadDogMike posted on 08/18/2009

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That took me 3 weeks - I'm not used to working so slow! Got a couple other plans on the drawing board, we'll see what I can do next :)

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Babalu posted on 08/18/2009

Very nice MIKE!!

Ok, I'm in...

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/18/2009

Mike, you get better and better with each piece! Great job I love this one. You should do a line of mugs


leleliz posted on 08/18/2009

I agree with Amy..you do get better with each piece you post and this one came out so well! Great way to kick off the art for this swap :)

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tikitony posted on 08/18/2009

Nice MadDog! I've always loved that menu cover of him in the clouds/smoke. I'm in too, Jonesey told me about this thread, and it looks like a fun project that will push us all to try something new! So, I'm in!

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tobunga posted on 08/18/2009

Ooh! I'm in! Me me me!

This is gonna be fun!

Mike, your mug is amazing! Queen K is right, you should do a line of mugs!

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little lost tiki posted on 08/18/2009

MadDogMike definetely has some savant in him!
great mug!

How much longer we got on this project?

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FreddieBallsomic posted on 08/19/2009

I know I've been a ghost lately, but,,,,,in my opinion, Mr. Aloha Spirit himself, Jonesey, made me get in. U da man, TJ... Sign me up.

[ Edited by: freddieballsomic 2009-08-19 08:10 ]

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foamy posted on 08/19/2009

Okay. I'll give it a go.

Haven't done any tiki in a while.

[ Edited by: foamy 2009-08-19 12:35 ]

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Sneakytiki posted on 08/19/2009

Mad Dog Mike, great mug, the braid/handle is ingenious!

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danlovestikis posted on 08/20/2009

MadDogMike, love your mug. Ok I've got to do this too. Anyone who writes a comment should sign up. The more the better. Wendy

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I made this mug one at a time for Dan and a few friends. I think I will start today and make one more for this trade. I used the photo from the Zombie Village menu and their post card to make a 3-D version of the Zombie. It was fun to do his 6 pack!

Jonesey thank you for spreading the word, you hooked me as did MadDogMikes mug, I want it too! Wendy

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ZeroTiki posted on 08/24/2009

Amazing stuff! I am so far in the weeds....Must continue work on art swap pieces...Right after this bump.


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