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Tiki Oasis 9 - Tiki Surf City, San Diego is online!!

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closettiki posted on 08/14/2009

ku spotted....in route to oasis

Hakalugi posted on 08/14/2009

On 2009-08-13 08:08, little lost tiki wrote:
Wear or bring Nametags!

Don't miss out on the opportunity
to say ALOHA to someone you've chatted with here for years!

we'll have them free (while supplies last)
in the Artist Alley
in Squid's and my booth!
listen for the "YEE-HAWs" and just follow them!

In the past, the Crawl Cards have served as name tags. But having more than one is good too.

Formikahini posted on 08/14/2009

On 2009-08-13 23:21, closettiki wrote:
ku spotted....in route to oasis

That is the BEST pic I bet I'll see of the whole weekend!
Just the thought of seeing that rolling down the highway - and seeing other people see it - makes me LOL!

Thanks for snapping and posting that, closettiki :)

Pineappleman11 posted on 08/14/2009

A Half day at work then off to Tiki Oasis Whoa!!!!!!!!!
I'll be wearing the Mysterious Great Tiki

He wears it around his neck
At all times
Laying against his chest
Inches above his heart

Nobody knows where it comes from?
What its significance is?
If asked he will simply look down
And stroke it with his fingers.

A simple necklace
A cheap plastic cord around his neck
Digging into his tanned flesh
A Tiki dangling from the end
The Great Tiki they call it

The Great Tiki
Carved out of some mysterious white stone
With eyes red like rubies
Forever staring out
Keeping watch
A Protector of sorts?

Native legends say that it makes him invincible
That he draws strength from it
That it gives him power.
But those are all just tales???

Its secret will remain a mystery for now
Until the time is right
There is a story behind it..
Behind why he wears it
Where it comes from
Until then the Great Tiki stares down upon his enemies
As they lay before him covered in Blood

BAC 05/20/2009


martini kings posted on 08/14/2009

the martini kings new cd "cocktail for two" will be released today at tiki oasis. stop by the martini kings booth and say hi.(grab a cool free martini kings sticker while your there as well)
we will also have our new martini kings tiki mug by squid available.check us out on the big tiki oasis stage tonight and sunday poolside at noon!
can't wait to get to san diego!!!!! we are outtttta here!

teaKEY posted on 08/24/2009

Last year we knew just after TO the theme was SURF.

[b]What is the 2010 THEME??[b]

Tiki Kupcake posted on 08/24/2009

Well by the magnates they were giving out for next year's TO it looks like it may have a circus theme. But, that's just a guess.

Otto posted on 09/02/2009

2010 won't be circus in the traditional sense but it will be a great show

some of the old classic Tiki Oasis acts will be back and some theatrics will ensue!

Tiki Kupcake posted on 09/02/2009

The biggest show on earth?

bigtikidude posted on 09/02/2009

I would love to see APE back again.


Tiki Fink posted on 09/02/2009

[ Edited by: Tiki Fink 2009-09-03 11:30 ]

bigtikidude posted on 09/02/2009

On 2009-09-02 11:09, Tiki Fink wrote:
What about a Spy Theme? Soon???

oh wow, good idea,
tuxedos and cocktail dresses.
surf and lounge bands that play all the spy themes, and their own spy compositions.

but martini's and rum?


skeeter posted on 09/02/2009

APE would be awesome!!

How about the Go-Nuts?
Not sure how that fits with the circus theme, but what the hell?

Tiki Fink posted on 09/02/2009

[ Edited by: Tiki Fink 2009-09-03 11:29 ]

Billy the Crud posted on 09/02/2009

On 2009-09-02 12:49, Tiki Fink wrote:
Imagine a Black tie night at the Bali Hai. Cool Eh?
As for Rum and Martinis, It's all about the glassware. Bollinger Grand Annee for me. My Omega watch says it's time for a Spy theme Otto.

OOH!! Spy theme sounds GREAT!! Rumor has it that next year is "Circus" themed........do we all get to exploit and abuse large animals?

babydoe posted on 09/02/2009

Tiki Oasis POST party at Trader Vic's Emeryville Friday Sept 11th 7pm-10pm! Discounted drinks, prizes and more!

details to come soon but mark your calendars!

XO Baby Doe

tikibob posted on 09/09/2009

On 2009-09-02 11:33, skeeter wrote:
APE would be awesome!!

Hummmm, I would even dust off the old lobsters for THAT!

Balmy regards,

Tiki Bob

[ Edited by: tikibob 2009-09-08 19:59 ]

martini kings posted on 09/09/2009

i cast my vote to bring back ape for next oasis 2010.

Mongoloid posted on 09/09/2009

On 2009-09-09 07:38, martini kings wrote:
i cast my vote to bring back ape for next oasis 2010.

I agree and also Tikiyaki Orchestra should be on the main stage!

bigtikidude posted on 09/09/2009

would love to see Clouseux on thurs nite at Bali Hi,
Tikiyaki on main stage fri nite, and Ape on main stage sat nite.
battle of the Exotica bands.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-09-09 10:04 ]

martini kings posted on 09/10/2009

check out the martini kings "the winds of waikoloa" from our cd "dance of the virgins"
we put our tune to alot of the photos from oasis 9 that tc'ers have been posting and more. thanks to all for the use of your cool photos!
the martini kings
just click on the link below!

bigtikidude posted on 09/10/2009

On 2009-09-10 08:18, martini kings wrote:
check out the martini kings "the winds of waikoloa" from our cd "dance of the virgins"
we put our tune to alot of the photos from oasis 9 that tc'ers have been posting and more. thanks to all for the use of your cool photos!
the martini kings
just click on the link below!



VampiressRN posted on 09/14/2009

Whatever the theme...I'll be there...and hosting at the crawl. Of course...SPY vs TIKI or 00TIKI would be fabulous and Circus would be good too...Cirque du SomuchRum!!!

I would love to know the dates, as I'm already making plans for taking time off from work. :)

teaKEY posted on 09/14/2009

So it really will be a circus theme. Theme really seems to be leaning towards favoring Lil Lost Kinny.

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