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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Clarita posted on 08/08/2009

The happy drummer its so cool! I love your burnings they look great

Robb Hamel posted on 08/09/2009

I may not get to hang with you this year, Ken, but you've really helped me out several times when I had trouble continuing the fight. That's a priceless thing to me, my man.


[ Edited by: Robb Hamel 2009-08-08 19:59 ]

HB TIKI posted on 08/09/2009

Kinny-Do you have a senior discount

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2009

How-dee-doo folks!
ALL PACKED UP fer Oasis!
besides Caroline's MOO-AI
7 more paintings
and a painted bisque old carnival kewpie transformed into the KIWI PEEWEE
just packed and organized all weekend..
Digital camera's dead,and the paintings are packed
so no peekys til you kin see em all in person..
Ceptin fer the PEEWEE KIWI
Hopefully i kin get er pik taken and posted a'fore Oasis!

So make sure you stop by
and chaw the fat with Squid,myself,and all dem piggies!

Robb-Thankyou Thank you
for all the encouragement and stoke this week!
tis a bummer we won't get to hang at oasis this year
but mayhaps next! :)
the heat adjustment on the tip
is what makes the thick or thin lines...
and the shading is just sepia ink
re-inforcin the hatched shadows
so your eye visually blends it...
Big hugs to you and the missus!

Jason-mahalo ,Man! Can NOT wait to see those velvets in the flesh in a few days!
and some cute Claudette sculptures too!

Meheadhunter-Thank ye kindly!
I've always been drawn to tonal work
whenever there's a need just to concentrate on the drawing and its details
lets the eye rest on the piece
instead of being pinballed around!

So Nice of you to pop in!
Dude! Can you pinstripe guitars like a pro,or what!?!?

Kids Book!
Well, around 6 years ago,the plan was to make a kid's book
but the paintings outraced the text by a few miles...
still slowly writing one
but the paintings seem to satiate the need for a story
Plus, there's a whole lot more stories in the pieces
than i could ever write...
i got a feelin that Tiki Tony,when he finishes his kid's book,
will force us all to retire... :wink:

my fellow 100 Club member!
Pegboards rule...all others drool!

Babs!-4 more days Grampy Ruiner!

TabooDan-Just bought a shell for my new truck
and I'll be able to fit ALL the work/easels/booth and the entire Petting Zoo in there!
thanks for enjoying the detail/color/and characters in there..
Once an artist stops studying and starts applying and really letting their hand and brain call the shots
true styles are born....all those hours of hermitness have payed off ..Thanks!

Clarita-Thanks Girl! Wish you could be at oasis with all us artists this year... :(

HB Tiki-Roger, I think you've had your fill of Senior Discounts....
leave some for the other old folks...
and remember...
every Senior Discount and Haggled Price
is one less tater pie for baby Sweetcakes!

Well,that's it fer now...
PLEASE COME VISIT at the Artist Alley!
and free hugs! :wink:

Robb Hamel posted on 08/10/2009


Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/11/2009

Have fun at OASIS!
Clink a zombie for me!

little lost tiki posted on 08/12/2009

Free Hugs to Both of YOU!
my two artist friends who inspire me on a weekly basis!
Unlimited Hugs to y'alls!

Well,tonight i will be entertaining an esteemed TC member from out of town
so I'll post the Peewee kiwi on Thursday night


the coffee cups are almost done
and i actually may have (if it all gets shipped in time)
produced by Tikitees at their massive industrial printing facility!
10 XL tees of each design
AND 10 PRINTS (signed titled and numbered) of each design
which would be a VERY limited edition from an artist who RARELY has time for prints or makes prints!
These are actually printed up on nice paper and can be bought singly or as a set
These are Not printed out in the computer like some folks try to pass off on you and sell you at an inflated price!
Always ask....because it DOES affect the overall investment value....

Anyways...Here's the 4 designs...
They are Maori/Hawaiaan/Rapa Nui/Papua New Guinea

"the Friend Collector"

Kanaloa Lono Ku and Kane (Four Faces)

"the Gossips"

"the Nervous Guest"

Sooo, If they get to the hut in time.....
They're yours to check out at the Pappy Haggler's Bargain Barn in the Artist Alley
Fingers Crossed!

Now G'wan! Git!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-08-12 09:15 ]

Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/12/2009

Yahoo! Yeehaw! Yippee!

Sam Gambino posted on 08/13/2009

Digging that Ruzic signature style on these pieces Ken! They'd make great shirt designs!

Sam Gambino posted on 08/13/2009

Actually, they'd make great Hawaiian shirt designs too!

little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2009

Thanks Sam!
Wishin you could be there at Oasis with us in the Artist Alley!
I'd like to play with more woven shirt prints and the whatnot in the future....
Did it for so long,but finally catching my eye again,so keep them
ultra-pinstriping eyes peeled!
Well,unfortunately kids
talked to Brian over at tikitees and there's still
a mite bit tweakin to do on these pups
before they're respectable and beautiful enough to present to you...
Saying that,i will have one sample set of the first test of the coffee mugs
there for y'all to take a gander at before they hit the marketplace in a lil bit!

The tee shirt and prints will have to wait as well
but stay tuned...they won't be but a minute!

little lost tiki posted on 08/14/2009

a painted over plaster kewpie doll squids found for me
she's been just sitting there begging to get painted
so i finally did...

She'll be at the Pappy Haggler booth in Artist Alley
at Tiki Oasis this year if you wanna meet her...

TravelingJones posted on 08/14/2009

:lol: :lol: Kinny! Yer killin' me with that Kewteepie!! :lol: :lol:

It's like, if Chucky had a Polynesian buddy...this would be IT!! :tiki:

hodadhank posted on 08/20/2009


KAHAKA posted on 08/21/2009

I won't taze you bro, but I will tell ya how darned happy my wife and I are with the paintings we bought from ya at Oasis. You's a talented mo-fo and a funny s.o.b. Good to meet ya and all that!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/21/2009

Hope the Oasis went well!
That kewpie doll is too-cool!

hodadhank posted on 08/23/2009

Holy Crap!

Kinny hasn't posted fresh art in ten days. I'm a little worried. Last time I saw him he was chumming around with a coconut cannibal.

Toe, will you go over and check his pulse and get him on a Zipfizz IV drip stat?

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-08-23 10:34 ]

little lost tiki posted on 08/23/2009

Writing from the Bahamas
so i'll keep it short....
this picture should explain everything....

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/24/2009

Kenny, that's the best thing i've seen all day :lol:

  • oh, and awsome art too lol
    i like those mugs!

Go Friendship!

Robb Hamel posted on 08/25/2009

Nice mugs! PeeWee is awefully cool too.

Rockin' as always, my man.

little lost tiki posted on 08/28/2009

Hey Folks!
great seeing y'alls at Oasis
and a big MAHALO for all the hugs/loves/sales/laughs/insight/etc...
still recovering AND will be cruising to Mexico for a few days with the wife
her idea,but Hey! everyone deserves a break every once in a while..

Aw shucks....
Peewee kiwi is now safely at the home of Ray and Queen Kamehameha
enjoying drinks (Shirley Temples,of course!) in a hut in the yard!
Thanks you two,for all you do!

KAHAKA-great meeting you too!
Thanks for adopting them
if you need feeding/care instructions
just PM me...

Duddy-how's tricks?
Glad to see you smilin
as usual!

and Robb,my shrunken head velvet man!
Thanks buddy!

I wish i had more to offer this entry than a single painting
and a post-Oasis studio tour...
but that's the way it goes....

Should be back to normal in a few days...

first...the painting...

acrylic and paintpen on carved wood

here's a detail...

My soul sistah Caroline (the Hobo) Roe from Cheeseland
always sends and brings treats to paint on..
She seemed quite amused with the Cow piece
so,it had to be "tikified" somehow...
so a MOOAI it became!

If you took the time to do the LLT crossword puzzle in Tiki magazine
a few issues back
you would have seen a question on there
that was something like...
"Species of Cow indigenous to Easter Island"
a mooai..get it?
Anyways,i'll be seeing the ol soul sistah from another mister
in a few weeks and can't wait to present it to her in person! YAY!

And now onto the
Self-guided Studio Tour..
Post Oasis and despite selling VOLUMES of work
i still came home with a crapload of art!
So i decided to Salon Style the place
and get as many pieces up on the walls as i could...
Here it is in all it's white wall,modular ceiling,dusty glory...
If you'd like to rescue any of these tiki pieces from having
to hang crowded on a white wall
PM me and make an offer...
Or if you have a question about a title
or a narrative behind a certain piece...
(please send a picture with an arrow or description)
DO NOT write me with...
"Duuuuuuh.... How much for the Tiki piece?
You know the one you did a while ago..."
Picture and description please....
if you cannot describe it
it hasn't seared itself into your brain enough..
go back and look at a better pic of it a few pages back..
DO NOT dash my slim existing faith in human kind with stupid questions...
Thank you!
Now we may proceed..
watch your step...

Some of these fellows had never been up in the studio
they're so new!

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That's it! a record of the studio post-oasis
just in case some cartel cuts my head off
South of the border!
Que Lastima!

Bon Voyage!

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 08/28/2009

You cleaned it up real good! Come back from your trip refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to make more art, Kinny! No head removals, please! We like ya with your cotton top ATTACHED!

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MadDogMike posted on 08/28/2009

:music: * Kinny likes to rock it like a boogie woogie choo choo train
He's got the boogie woogie woogie spread all the place
Got it stacked to the ceiling-got it stickin' in your face
You know that Kinny likes to rock it like a boogie woogie choo choo
train * :music:

That's some body of work there Kinny!!! I like the non-tiki work that we don't get to see like the "Lecherous Circus Performer" and the "Embracing Elephants"

Bon Voyage, and don't worry about the Cartel - you're a good paying customer, they won't touch you :wink:

hodadhank posted on 08/28/2009

Well there goes the kinny solo show at the gallery. Why bother.

LT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6ac9bec22ab120872cf172b9049fa5d1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
LOL Tiki posted on 08/28/2009

On 2009-08-28 12:17, hodadhank wrote:
Well there goes the kinny solo show at the gallery. Why bother.

"Kinny's Shrunken Head" - A one piece, solo farewell show.

little lost tiki posted on 08/28/2009

wait til i'm on the ship
before you start speculatin'about my cottontop!

we're finally leaving now..
Sketchbook at the ready...

Robb Hamel posted on 08/28/2009


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Babalu posted on 09/06/2009

Hey Boss, real nice seeing pics of the back room there! You really do need a solo show in the works. Lot's of fireworks around here :-)

little lost tiki posted on 09/08/2009

Thanks friends!
You kids are one of the main reasons i keep playing and posting!
Well......Oasis post ART-um Depression is finally faded away...
Went on a cruise to Ensenada with the wifey and didn't read or sketch one lick!
Then,with studio re-organizing and a fun-filled day last friday
visiting the oceanic Arts exhibit at the San Diego museum of Art
(there's a Bosch,a Giotto,Elgreco,Picasso,Miro,Clder, and a whole bunch more to examine)
and the Freaky boutiki gallery Closing Reception...
Sold three and just last Saturday had yet another piece sold to a psychologist! go figure!
Wonder what he'll find inside the Magical Fish.....
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What a blessing that Hodadhank is!
Thanks again pal,for not only sharing our work with the locals
but especially for UNDERSTANDING and being involved wholly in the scene!
Well, the mix of art and hanging with artist friends must've really sparked the engine back up..
cause i gots my GAME back!
post-shows are the worst to recover from....
but Saturday thru Monday
i finally got back on the bandwagon!
First off, a commission i've been working on...
This piece was basically to be about the invasion of the Humboldt Squid in San Diego
Thousands were in the waters as well as washing up on shore..
They can get as big as 5 feet and are very aggressive..
They're called the Red Devil Squid because of their Mean nature and red color...
Anyways, said patron wanted this piece in a Polynesian Storyboard style...
I'll post the actual shots of the painting later tonight..
here's the water-soluble pencil on watercolor paper approved study for the piece..
(after a few unsuccessful attempts...)
Here it is....
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One of my earlier attempts was to try it in a Solomon Islands style..
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But the style was waaaay too intricate for a 24x36 canvas...

I decided to make it actually resemble a wooden carving,like the storyboard
so stay tuned and i'll share tonight!
Thanks friends!

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leleliz posted on 09/08/2009

So it looks like Cllysdale has inspired your Squid art....are you going to start twittering also LLT?

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ravenne posted on 09/08/2009

On 2009-09-08 11:11, leleliz wrote:
So it looks like Cllysdale has inspired your Squid art....are you going to start twittering also LLT?

WOW... really?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I sincerely hope you are joking...
cuz if you isn't...I'ma hafta smack ya upside the head to knock some sense inta'ya! :lol: !!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/08/2009

Cool idea!
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Damn giant squids!
Looks great Kenny, can't wait to see the progress!

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 09/08/2009
little lost tiki posted on 09/08/2009

Back in the Saddle Again,indeedy-doo kiki!
and it feels great!
Brad-not my idea..... the owner-to-be read the article and graciously considered
a Ruzic treatment of that theme! :)
Ravers-Whoa Nellie!
Thanks for standing up for me while I'm away..
but I'm a big boy..I'll handle it...

On 2009-09-08 11:11, leleliz wrote:
So it looks like Cllysdale has inspired your Squid art....are you going to start twittering also LLT?

Sorry leleliz...
been painting Squids and Octopi since my humble beginnings as a painter in 1989..
Always looked towards the ocean for its mystery and beauty...
As for the inspiration for my Squid/Octopus/Fishies/Jellyfish art....

it MAY be the other way around... or not....

Here's a surfboard i created many years back
that is now proudly in the home of Dave
We traded 2-3 years ago....
the below surfboard for a custom cannibal tiki...
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You'd think,after having this thing in his home for so long
he'd "get" how an octopi's tentacles twirl around themselves....
and there's enough bubbles on that board to drop a GIANT BUBBLE hint to anyone within 10 feet!

I don't imagine my patron/benefactor was inspired by anything other than an AP news story as well...

No twittering over here!
No Time!
Painting over Self-Promotion ANY day!
I have to not only make the art,but research/think up/muse about subject matter and theme....
That's why every artist should not only have a Huge library
but they should actually READ all those books as well....
Enough inspiration for a lifetime in dem books!
Visually and inner...
You,my dear,should do your research first before blindly accusing an artist of his inspiration ....
especially inspiration from Clysdalle!
Posada and I BOTH have lawsuits pending... :lol:

There is a HUGE body of work that most of the tiki peeps aren't privy to..
I post that work on my website/Facebook/MySpace
and try to keep it MOSTLY tiki on Tiki Central....

here are a few more snippets of undersea creatures painted or drawn over the years...
Some Recent-Some Not...

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Coco Joe posted on 09/08/2009

nice stuff/art

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MadDogMike posted on 09/08/2009

Welcome back to the world of art! Wicked angler fish.

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Clysdalle posted on 09/08/2009

On 2009-09-08 11:11, leleliz wrote:
So it looks like Cllysdale has inspired your Squid art....are you going to start twittering also LLT?

My love affair with Leleiz continues :wink:

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 09/08/2009

Seems you like your fanbase both UNINFORMED and ADORING,eh Dave?

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 09/08/2009

and thanks for actually posting on a thread that isn't your own,Clysdalle!

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Sam Gambino posted on 09/08/2009

Hey Ken-

These are beautiful! If there was some sort of Polynesian or "Squid" cathedral, these would make beautiful stained glass windows! Excellent - colors and all!

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leleliz posted on 09/08/2009

On 2009-09-08 13:41, Clysdalle wrote:

On 2009-09-08 11:11, leleliz wrote:
So it looks like Cllysdale has inspired your Squid art....are you going to start twittering also LLT?

My love affair with Leleiz continues :wink:


I forgot you were so much older than Clysdalle ...of course you have been painting sea creatures longer. My mistake :)

Thank you for the explosion of eye candy that was prompted by my comment however..it was worth my being wrong just for that!

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 09/08/2009

much older than Dave..... and wiser! :lol:
You might actually say i am as old as the ocean....

at least i feel like it some mornings!

Thanks for an unboring Tuesday!

LT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6ac9bec22ab120872cf172b9049fa5d1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
LOL Tiki posted on 09/08/2009

On 2009-09-08 13:02, little lost tiki wrote:

There is a HUGE body of work that most of the tiki peeps aren't privy to..
I post that work on my website/Facebook/MySpace
and try to keep it MOSTLY tiki on Tiki Central....

Well worth a look.

Glad you've got your energy back Ken. And came back from Mehico con su cabeza.

LT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6ac9bec22ab120872cf172b9049fa5d1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
LOL Tiki posted on 09/08/2009

On 2009-09-08 14:28, little lost tiki wrote:
You might actually say i am as old as the ocean....
at least i feel like it some mornings!

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LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 09/08/2009

Amen to that,LOL!

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MadDogMike posted on 09/08/2009

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Is that a Pepto Bismo cocktail?

KVT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9efd091b49b4893eadd9599f528aae94?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kiki von Tiki posted on 09/09/2009

On 2009-09-08 13:02, little lost tiki wrote:

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4aa6b4f1.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=35cfd31164a4cbce71b7c8fbdbf7f448


YAY! Mines!

Kinny I need help on framing. Got any recommendations for me?

That ZIPFIZZ spokesdude is SCARY!

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 09/09/2009

Kinny I need help on framing. Got any recommendations for me?

That ZIPFIZZ spokesdude is SCARY!

almost as scary as MadDog in person! :lol:

here's some framing advice.
frame it good.
spare no expense.
put glass over it...

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