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What TV shows are you Poly-Popsters watching

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/02/2009

:drink: So what is everyone watching these day's I for one am a "Madmen" fan, what say you? :drink:

Now Punk & Tiki mix well, like a Mai Tai with attitude.
But what do I know? I am just a punk with a Mai Tai.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2009-09-02 00:49 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/02/2009

What? no Don Draper Love here, what would Don Draper Do?

White Devil posted on 09/02/2009

Hoarders, Wife Swap, the Office, & the International Sexy Ladies Show. When nothing else is on, we're watching DVD/reruns of Newhart, Dark Shadows and Battlestar Galactica.

Mad Men, like Weeds, et al, is a tad too morally ambivalent for us to be able to engage with the characters.

tikiyaki posted on 09/02/2009

Dexter and Californication are starting new seasons on Sept 27th !

That's what I'll be watching. Besides that, the Closer.

Jason Wickedly posted on 09/02/2009

Nurse Jackie, Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t, Entourage, True Blood, and..Hung. No, Hung is nowhere near as dirty as the premise sounds. \

(shouldn't this be in Bilge?)

mick9 posted on 09/02/2009

My wife watches madmen. Kind of a soap for the sixties cocktail crowd. Its kind of a show for the ladies ...I guess. But nonetheless making cocktails and the styles of dress hip again.

OH yeah I did hear them play Misirlou by Martin Denny on an episode. Thats when I got interested.

[ Edited by: mick9 2009-09-02 11:30 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/02/2009

Mick9, Madmen has some of the very best writing of any show right now, the characters are multilayered, flawed & real, the production staff has done a great job of recreating the era, It was a time I was alive for and shows just how much society has changed over the years.

Also I have been getting a kick out of Rescue Me, True Blood, am Waiting for Dexter, I miss Battlestar Galactica.

tiki-riviera posted on 09/03/2009

The wife and I decided to cancel cable, but I did buy season one and two of Madmen. That show is awesome!

Love the clothing, style, furniture and characters. Wish they showed more cars! Anyone know where to find men's suits like Don Draper wears?

dewey-surf posted on 09/03/2009

The only 'new' show I have been watching is the 'Big Bang Theory'.

Other than that, I love when the Honeymooners come on WGN (usually Sunday nights, or after a Cubs game). They have been showing some of the lost episodes, which ran on the the Jackie Gleason show prior to the stand alone Classic 39 episodes, so that is cool.

P.S. Pumped for football season, even though my team is going to suck wind this year. Go Bucs anyway!

twitch posted on 09/03/2009

Top 3 right now:
Mad Men
True Blood
Robot Chicken

Just getting into/discovering/catching up on:
Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations
Desperate Housewives
Rescue Me
Whale Wars

Waiting for:
Sarah Silverman Show (if it returns)
Venture Bros.

No TV (fer like twelve years), so it's all DVDs and, um... well there's some mysterious way the shows appear on the PC's hard-drive. I ask my roommate about it & we're just baffled... Computer-gremlins, probably...

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/03/2009

I know some of the clothes are found in vintage shops in the Pasadena area as is most of the Furniture & lamps etc.
there was a good article in the L.A. Times a few weeks ago about it.

I missed one show I enjoy very much is the Venture Brothers on Adult Swim.

Joe Banks posted on 09/03/2009

Flight of the Conchords

thefuzz posted on 09/03/2009

Top Gear and catching up on season four of Doctor Who. Waiting for Lost to start anew.

Sophista-tiki posted on 09/03/2009

me too waiting for LOST,

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/03/2009

Twitch, I to am hooked on "No Reservations" forgot to mention that one.

SuperEight posted on 09/03/2009

On vacation on Kauai my brother in law brought Hawaii 5-0 and we watched the pilot. Its freaky on many levels. Jack Lord actually cracks a few jokes and gets the girl. And the plot revolves around the Chinese using a torture technique on CIA agents that involves putting them in a vat of water. I'm the last person to see political symbolism in everything but the episode was timely.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/03/2009

"Wo Fat" was one of TVs better Villains, I remember H50's first season having some good spy centric episodes

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/03/2009

Which reminds me of a big screen version of Hawaii 5-0 was suppose to go into production around 2000 or so
Clint Eastwood was being talked about for the McGarret role, this sounded like a cool idea to me, at the time.
Gotta say though I am sick of all the remakes Hollywood is dumping on us these day's
But a Hawaii 5-0 movie could still work today, who would you cast as McGarret, the story would have to have Wo Fat though!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/03/2009

"Chow Yun Fat" for the "Wo Fat" role, so I say!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/03/2009

Jon Hamm for McGarret, and the thread goes back to the original post, scary!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 09/03/2009

sons of anarchy (waitng for new season)
breaking bad (waiting for new season)
mad men
dark blue
american idol(new season)
americas got talent

and every other dateline that features murder or serial killers or whatever other creep of the week they feature.

hottiki posted on 09/03/2009

Having been a firefighter on the east coast, I got to tell you that "Rescue Me" is as good as it gets...just like being there!

arriano posted on 09/03/2009

This summer's been even more of a wasteland for TV than usual IMHO. But usually watching: 30 Rock, Big Bang, Office, South Park, Simpsons. I also catch the Daily Show and Letterman every few nights if I'm still up.

mick9 posted on 09/03/2009

Banana Republic or Hugo Boss for 60s inspired suits, Better yet, custom made!

AllisonV posted on 09/03/2009

Mad Men, True Blood, No Reservations, The First 48, various VH1 trash, just finished Nurse Jackie, waiting for Dexter.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/05/2009

Oh Yea, the Daily Show & Colbert Report!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2009-09-04 19:34 ]

stevesoto posted on 09/05/2009

True Blood, Nurse Jackie, Weeds, Royal Pains, Mad Men, Dexter, and old Hawaiian Eye episodes on DVD...

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/05/2009

I so want that Hawaiian Eye Tiki made into a mug...

GROG posted on 09/05/2009


LOL Tiki posted on 09/05/2009

On 2009-09-05 00:39, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
I so want that Hawaiian Eye Tiki made into a mug...

Here you go...



LOL Tiki posted on 09/05/2009

Craig Ferguson opening monologue
Talk Soup/The Soup

drgoat456 posted on 09/06/2009

Daily Show, Futurama, Kings (till they cancelled it, too complex & intelligent for ratings), Dexter, TMC (old movies), Deadwood (till they cancelled it, etc.)

TikiG posted on 09/07/2009

Fringe, Criminal Mind

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/08/2009

just pointing to this related thread about No Reservations

tikitor posted on 09/08/2009

Mad Men.

My dad worked for an advertising company as a time buyer in the 50s and 60s. Dunno if his life was like the Mad Men episodes, although some of the stories he told me were interesting. Sure wish he was around to see this.

mick9 posted on 09/11/2009

I remember an episode of Malcolm in the middle where they built a tiki themed lounge in the garage...that was cool

8FT Tiki posted on 09/12/2009

Watching these shows:
Cash Cab, Pawn Stars, Antiques Roadshow & History Detectives.
Nascar Sprint Cup races & NFL games in season.

Robb Hamel posted on 09/12/2009

I'm watching "UFO", the old Gerry and Sylvia Anderson show from the late '60's.

If you ever want to watch a groovy-ass show, watch this one: purple-haired beauties on the moon, a submarine that launches a jet from its nose, mini skirts, stuff consistently blowing up.



Sold velvets have been cleared
out to make room for new stuff.

[ Edited by: Robb Hamel 2009-09-11 18:35 ]

Hawaiian Dick posted on 09/12/2009

Mad Men, Mad Men, Mad Men.

Damn, do I love that show. It's brilliant on every level.

I'm actually heading out to LA before long to pitch a certain tiki-centric concept to the cable brass. Cross your fingers and kiss your tikis for me.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/12/2009

HellaYea, I grew up on UFO, got the DVD box set a while ago & it is a Groovey Show, Ed Bishop as the American Commander
was cool, the Moon babes rocked.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/12/2009

Anyone think we can get Craig Ferguson to trade in that Rattlesnake mug for a cool Tiki Mug?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/12/2009

Just had to post these from "UFO" now they just need a Tiki Bar for debriefing....

Robb Hamel posted on 09/14/2009

Atomic Tiki Punk - thanks for the pics. The show really rules, I hope more people watch it. Maybe the pics'll help.

little lost tiki posted on 09/15/2009

UFO! looks too cool for school!
Where do they play those?
Can you get em on Netflix?

What do i watch on TV on the rare occassions i'm home?
(my studio has only DVDs and videos-no HD Mind-Control TV)

Curb your Enthusiasm
almost anything circa 1800 AD on the History Channel
America's Stupidest/Dumbest whatever
1000 Ways to Die
Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (MXC)-when it's on...
Tokoyo Kids Club-cause it makes me very happy

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/15/2009

Hi Kenny,
Netflix has it or you can buy the Box set at Amazon.com or where ever you like to shop.
I have not seen this on TV since it was on around 1970, it has a bit of a dark story line.
was produce by the Anderson's who did the Thunderbirds, but this one was for adults.

MrBaliHai posted on 09/15/2009

What, no love for The Venture Brothers? Only the greatest animated series of all time, featuring the most brilliant Scooby Doo parody ever, with the Mystery Machine gang as analogues of famous murderers:

Fred=Ted Bundy
Velma=Valerie Solanas
Daphne=Patty Hearst

Shaggy and Scooby=Son of Sam

Weblog: Eye of the Goof

[ Edited by: MrBaliHai 2009-09-14 19:52 ]

JOHN-O posted on 09/15/2009

The best part of UFO was the opening sequence:


Dig that jazzy score. I sure miss that from the shows of the mid-60's through the early 70's. Also it was set in futuristic 1980 !!

The best episode was the one where aliens used mind control via Tiki's hidden in a lunar cave. I think it was filmed at THE TIKIS in Monterey park. The ironic ending has Comm. Straker saying "We could have become Zombies !!" while sipping some unidentified beverage in a Tiki mug. Don't believe me, it's in episode 30.

Currently I'm watching the Honey West DVD collection, vintage 1970's porn, and Tiki Archeology starring some German guy who played guitar for the punk rock bank X.

Also regarding Scooby Doo, notice how Shaggy has become a style icon for East Hollywood/Silverlake/Echo Park hipsters ?

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2009-09-14 20:51 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/15/2009

Yes the Venture Brothers is the Best show on Adult Swim, if you disagree I will get my Magic Murder Bag!
David Bowie is the "Sovereign" leader of the "Guild of Calamitous Intent"
Got it! don't make me call Dr. Girlfriend!

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