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Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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gabemaita posted on 08/13/2009

hanford lemore, from hanford lemore?

TALLAGHTIKI posted on 08/13/2009

Howya everyone, I have no idea how I got here. Im Irish and Irish people have no idea what a Tiki is. It started 2 years ago when my wife and I decided to build some decking in the back garden, I was doing all the work myself so the deck area was designed to be huge. After the work was done I was left with loads of decking boards over, with no idea what to do with them I toyed with the idea of building flower boxes............Nahhhhhhhhhh! somewhere in my mind I have always wanted to have a bar in my own home (did I mention I'm Irish? hehehe), but there really wasnt enough room in the house. "Why not build one on the decking?" a strange little voice kept saying in my head. Yeah....yeah....why not? Almost immediately I decided on a beach bar style bar, with absolutely no idea how to build it. It was the most enjoyable thing I have ever done. Not long after building the bar the time came to decorate it and it was then that I realised that the Beach Bar idea I had in my head was actually a Tiki Bar design and I didnt know it!!!!

So there we have it, Some Tiki masks sent from Hawaii all the way to Ireland and now im hooked, looking for Tiki Mugs, Volcano punch bowls, and all those spirit bottles for making lovely Cocktails. You have no idea how hard it is to get Tiki stuff in Ireland.................

Anyway, thats it for now.. Hope to talk to you all later and post some pics of the Bar.


TikiGard posted on 08/13/2009

Hello everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I've carved a couple tikis and recently did some mask like things for my house. This weekend I'm ready for my first Tiki Oasis here in San Diego.

I'm happy to take the plunge and belong to Tiki Central, the site has given me lots of inspiration and tips.

Agent 86 posted on 08/16/2009

Hi Everyone!

I'm Scott. I live in Southern Cali. I've loved Tiki for over 20 years but have just begun collecting Tiki Mugs. Most of them are from Tiki Farm that I purchased at Oceanic Arts in Whittier and from a surf shop in the San Fernando Valley.

I'm a licensed California Realtor. I love 1964-1966 Mustangs. I own a 1966 Mustang that I've owned since 1996. I'm in the process of restoring it. I'd love to own a convertible 1966 Mustang so that is a goal for the future.

I also like to write. I have one completed manuscript for a novel and I've also written a feature-length screenplay.

Being lucky to liv in SoCal I love to go to the beach and hike in the moutains and even better to hike in the moutains that overlook the ocean.

That's a little about me.

Jetson posted on 08/17/2009

Hey all I'm Julian aka Jetson. Either will do. I was born and raised in Palm Springs, I'm 22, and I've been into tiki stuff for as long as i can remember...well ok maybe since i was 11. Same thing. :P But I just got back from my first tiki oasis and heard about this great site, so i just had to join the first chance i got. I hope to make lots of new friends, like i did at tiki oasis. Here's to some new Ohana mambers!

[ Edited by: Jetson 2009-08-17 15:53 ]

*TabooTiki* posted on 08/21/2009

Hello all. Like most, I've been bumping around here for awhile and finally decided to dive in.

Originally from Southern California. Caught the tiki buzz at a young age from visiting Disneyland's Enchanted Tiki Room. Spent my teenage years surfing up and down the SoCal coast from HB to T Street. Moved to San Diego in my early 20's. Unfortunately Tiki Oasis hadn't begun when I relocated to NoCal for work so I was never able to partake.

Unfortunately I've moved out to the MidSouth 3 1/2 yrs ago. Not a tiki in sight now except at my home. I need to live vicariously through y'all.

Look forward to talking with everyone.


heylownine posted on 08/21/2009

Hi there,

I"m not really a new member, but I've not been a posting member. Something about being at my first Tiki Oasis (aside from the Sunday sale) has pushed me over the edge so I'm trying to be more active in the community.

My Tiki Oasis 9 photo set is here on flickr:

Looking forward to sharing info, mugs, drink recipes, and pictures. :)


heylownine posted on 08/21/2009

Hi there,

I"m not really a new member, but I've not been a posting member. Something about being at my first Tiki Oasis (aside from the Sunday sale) has pushed me over the edge so I'm trying to be more active in the community.

My Tiki Oasis 9 photo set is here on flickr:

Looking forward to sharing info, mugs, drink recipes, and pictures. :)


LiddleLola posted on 08/21/2009

I'm Darilyn aka LiddleLola. We just attended our 2nd Oasis.
I'm slowly getting my Tiki lounge together.

Love Tiki Central.

heylownine posted on 08/22/2009

Hi there,

I"m not really a new member, but I've not been a posting member. Something about being at my first Tiki Oasis (aside from the Sunday sale) has pushed me over the edge so I'm trying to be more active in the community.

My Tiki Oasis 9 photo set is here on flickr:

Looking forward to sharing info, mugs, drink recipes, and pictures. :)


chrisandsarahb posted on 08/23/2009

First Post! Aloha! Ooga! Cheers! Mahalo!

Kona Maka posted on 08/24/2009

Aloha Friends,

I have been a TC lurker and thought it was time to start posting. I have been inspired by the tiki culture and a tropical lifestyle for years. I lived in Hawaii for a number of years and enjoyed collecting vintage Hawaiiana items. TC ohana have inspired me to have a greater appreciation of collecting, given me great project ideas, and taught me to make a pretty darn good mai tai! (I think the last item was appreciated the most:-)

Thanks for your time and look forward to visiting.
Kona Maka

Animiki posted on 08/29/2009

Well I hope I've done this right! First post, brand spankin new member of the Tiki Central community . I look forward to sharing stories and discussing all the aspects of this wonderfully diverse culture with you all.
Time to dive in!

abstractiki posted on 08/30/2009

Aloha! I have always liked Tiki and mid-century modern stuff since I was a kid. I am an abstract artist, photographer, writer and ditch digger. Oh yea I like hot rods to. I recently bought the book "Tiki Modern" by Sven Kirsten and am half way through it. I bought it sight unseen and am truly impressed by the photos and research. I would recommend it to anyone who is into Tiki culture.

I found this place by searching for photos of The Islander restaurant in Stockton. I lived there as a teen and drive by the now condemned restaurant every day on my way home from work. I was born in Modesto and remember Mini’s Tiki restaurant as well. Sad that many old tiki places are torn down or are in disrepair. I hope to do some research and uncover some hidden tiki relics of the past in my area. So onward I go, inspired by Sven Kirsten, I now proclaim myself an urban archaeologist....

Trader Magnus posted on 08/30/2009

Hi all, I'm new here.

I live in Stockholm and am a frequent visitor of the local TIKI ROOM, where I'm also a regular DJ playing exotica, surf, cult soundtracks, easy listening etc.

I have been at some other European tiki bars (Barcelona, London) and am looking forward to my first trip to USA - Chicago and New York - in december.

I'm also experimenting at home with drink recipes, syrups etc.. getting better.

Looking forward to chatting with you.

Cheers, Magnus

bigbrotiki posted on 08/30/2009

On 2009-08-29 18:19, abstractiki wrote:
I hope to do some research and uncover some hidden tiki relics of the past in my area. So onward I go, inspired by Sven Kirsten, I now proclaim myself an urban archaeologist....

Good to see a new Tiki agent reporting for the job, abstractiki, and I like your name, too. And I am happy to hear my book inspired you to become an active Tiki explorer. A good way to start is with James Teitelbaum's "Tiki Road Trip", which lists forgotten Tiki temples by the area. And when you're done with Tiki Modern, you're gonna have to get my previous effort, The Book of Tiki. It's out of print, but at the moment you can get a used-but-new-condition copy for under 50.- bucks on Amazon, at times the new ones are around twice that much.

abstractiki posted on 08/30/2009

bigbrotiki - I am happy to hear my book inspired you to become an active Tiki explorer

OH MY FLIPPIN TIKI!! Is that really you?? I am honored to be in your, well... cyber presence. Seriously this is so cool! I will definitely pick up those books to add to my soon to growing tiki library. um FYI two weeks ago i painted a painting inspired by you and your work, it has a dedication on my website,


but ill try to post the pic here. I don't really do tiki art but this is what happened when i got to painting after reading your book, also i was listening to some Martin Denny.

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"SVEN" by David Jon Foster

bigbrotiki posted on 08/30/2009

Well gosh darn, look who feels honored now! :)

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Retro Grouch posted on 08/31/2009


Occasional lurker, first post. :)

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arm candi tiki posted on 08/31/2009

Hello! My husband and I were unknowing tikiphiles for years; we put together a tiki room during that time and learned about the tiki culture, drinks, and decoration as we went along. We love tiki but we are in Indiana and there's not much tiki here outside of our home.

I am not arm candy but recently attended my 20th high school reunion and my good friend from high school called me that and I laugh every time I think about it. Hence the name!

I will attempt to attach a picture of our tiki room to this post - look forward to getting Zombie drink advice. I have ordered my syrups but have yet to order my rums - will let you know what the results are.

[ Edited by: arm candi tiki 2009-08-30 19:37 ]

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Tikiwahine posted on 08/31/2009

Welcome Retro Grouch & arm candy tiki!


I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your tiki space!

When you get that Zombie going, be sure to post your 'tastings' in the food & drinks section. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to that drink, it's enough to wake the dead!

I completely understand your lack of local tiki. Take that as an opportunity to score all sorts of great items no one else is looking for!


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arm candi tiki posted on 09/01/2009

Okay, I think I've figured it out:

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A bit of history: we had a deck with parapet walls that we decided to make a patio room - and then we started decorating. We didn't know anything about Tiki - but we must have had the Tiki genes, because that's what we ended up with. Now we finally know what we've been unknowingly trying to achieve all these years...

I will post Zombie results, if a) I don't have more than two, and b) if I remember. Depends on a), I guess!

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leleliz posted on 09/01/2009

Wow your tiki room looks sweet!

Please post more pics...you can do so in the creating tiki thread . I would love to see it even with the lights on to get an idea of all what you have in there.


Oh and there are a few other TC members on here in Indiana as well.

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superjohn posted on 09/08/2009

Hi all. For some strange reason, the past few months have brought several tiki references to my mind and I thought, "what the heck. Join a tiki forum" First there was the rediscovery of the ultra-lounge series that came out when I was in college. Then I read "Island of the Sequined Love Nun" by Christopher Moore. Then I developed a strange fascination with cocktails and have been dreaming of deserted islands. Maybe it's the stress. Then there was the "No Reservations" episode from State Island and I started thinking it'd be fun if there was a place like that to hang out.

Anyhow I'll be looking forward to reading about other tiki culture icons.

[ Edited by: superjohn 2009-09-08 15:28 ]

[ Edited by: superjohn 2009-09-08 15:36 ]

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wakeupjose.com posted on 09/09/2009

Hello!! I am really excited to be on these forums! I run a fansite dedicated to Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room- wakupjose.com! We have our own forums, a podcast and all kinds of fun Encnahted Tiki Room stuff! So check us out at wakeupjose.com! Along with the Tiki Room, I am also just a general tiki fan and collector. And I would like to interact with others like me!

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forwardlook1 posted on 09/09/2009

Hi eveyone glad to be here ! Tacky Tiki told me i had to come over here... so just saying hi looking forward to meeting people with the same passion as me

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matt posted on 09/13/2009

Hi All,

I'm thinking about starting to carve my own Tiki and this seemed a good place to be.

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BIG tiki scott posted on 09/18/2009

hello all! just joined up here and i love this site! got my tiki juices flowin about 6 months ago while on my way to a job. every day we passed a couple tiki poles made of sabal palm nice 5 footers and everyday i said I'm gonna have to get me some of those for my yard and later for my tiki bar that I'm gonna build! well my brother said before you buy anything just humor me and try carvin some your self. i did and as they say the rest is history! and now here i am on tiki central!heres a pic of two of my latest.enjoy! i also have a web site http://www.Tiki-scott.com we are still under development so bear with me !!!
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lazylog posted on 09/21/2009

Hello All!! I'm Lazylog, and I love anything Tiki. My sister was my inspiration to carve and also the Totem Poles on Granville Island, Vancouver Canada. I'm 29 years old and I'm a dude. I ike Rod Rods and Rockabilly music, I'm a welder in my spare time, I got 2 dogs; Action Jackson and Spark Plug. I have a beautiful girlfriend and a best friend named Billy Jerk. I get frustrated easily and I tend to want to burn every Tiki I carve. Thankfully my girlfriend stops me. I've been checking out the Forum for a while now and finally I've decided to become a member. Thanks!

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lazylog posted on 09/21/2009

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[ Edited by: lazylog 2009-09-20 21:03 ]

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hottiki posted on 09/21/2009

lazylog... your going to fit right in here. really like the bold tribal graphic carving style you got going on. I'm just going to go ahead and send you some shipping and handleing funds incase you get a wild hair and want to fire this baby up.

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mrsmachine posted on 10/05/2009

Kia ora!! im way new to tiki, so i better intorduce myself before i lose the page again!

Im mrsmachine all the way from little ol Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Im really diggin this site,lovin what i see!

would love any tips/advice to make this a smooth transition for me.

kia ora ra!!x

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skootiki posted on 10/06/2009

aloha, i am a new member as of yesterday. enjoyed this site for awhile. been collecting tiki for about ten years,carving palm logs for fun and for gifts for friends for about seven years.

fallbrook ca. is where i call home. will try to post some pictures in the near future. MAHALO for all of the inspiration.

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TikiGabe661 posted on 10/06/2009

Aloha all!

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tikigodz posted on 10/12/2009

hey everybody finally diving in to the forum i have been carving and painting for a while now hoping to get some feed back thanks for everything looking forward to getting to know the comunnitieImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11388/4ad3a191.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a07f1fbb7bb84d200d28ceddf22b26f7
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nedclark posted on 10/14/2009

Raised in the east-of-Los Angeles suburbs in the early-60's, I come to the Tiki Aesthetic by secondary exposure; while my parent's home decor was tasteful Early American (no...really...), several of their friends (or parents of my friends) were still riding the already-crested Tiki wave - replete with carved palm-trunk figures, genuine grass roofing on their indoor bars, etc.

Not sure if that's why I developed - after college - my affinity for Hawaiian/Polynesian shirts...up to 52 by last count (just grabbed the latest last night at my secret source (will only disclose to worthy parties).

Fell not-too-far from that tree to buy a house in Long Beach, CA, and I like to explore mid-century places around the metro area...with a particular weakness for Tiki.

Mahalo (in the secular sense)


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yesca_lab posted on 10/14/2009

Greetings all! My name is Jason and I am a new member in San Diego that builds art furniture and do restorations, including vintage travel trailers. I am trying to overcome my illness of hoarding all that is vintage............ Here is a sample of my art.

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vikileetiki posted on 10/14/2009


Never joined a group/website before...guess that makes me some sort of e-virgin. Heh. Anyhow, after lurking and stalking this site for a year or so I broke down and joined. I mainly collect mugs and hawaiiana and orientala. I was wading through the huge tikifinds board and checking out everyone's thrifting/garaging/antiquing scores and I noticed only a few old posts from people in my neck of the woods. So, I am stepping up to the palm tree to represent the DC metro area, which, some may argue is dry of tiki. I my friends, beg to differ. Tomorrow I shall post my tiki scores from thrifting from the past few months.

If anyone from DC/MD/VA ever reads this board, I'd love to find other in my area, and start a tiki meetup group or something. Please, drop me a line. :)


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Megalodon posted on 10/16/2009

Greetings from another newbie. I've long thought that the Tiki style was the coolest, but I've only recently started collecting it myself. I acquired the Book of Tiki several years ago, and have spent many a moonlit night drinking in its lush imagery. As a lifelong slob who is trying to spruce up his cave-like bachelor pad, tiki just seems to be the direction to go. Little by little, I'm trying to transform my humble hellhole into a prehistoric Polynesian paradise of tranquility and exuberant relaxation.

I have been lurking here off and on a lot recently, so I figured I might as well join you fine folks in your cyber-luau. I've marveled in wonderment at the photos of members' collections and creations here, and would like to say mahalo for sharing your enchanted treasures with this unworthy neophyte. May the Gods of Longevity and Prosperity smile when they gaze upon you.

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TikiTech posted on 10/16/2009

Newbie here. I just wanted to say hello and thank Tikipedia for introducing me to mixology and some finer points of Tiki appreciation. My wife and I are converting an old motorhome into a rolling Tiki lounge. Stay tuned...

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MondoMcGonzo posted on 10/22/2009

Vesca- I'll help you overcome your illness of hoarding vintage stuff- feel free to send it to me for safe keeping :)

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sorma008 posted on 10/22/2009

Hi I am New here just want to say hi to all I am Sorma from Bangladesh. I am main Vocal Of My Band :)

Buy Music

[ Edited by: sorma008 2009-10-22 15:20 ]

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Bongo Bungalow posted on 10/23/2009

Welcome all newbies! There's room for everyone... let me move this rattan chair over a bit... and let's put these mugs over there by the resin chunk swag lamps... the bar is staying right where it is, don't touch the rum... OK! There's room.

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Tam Tiki posted on 11/02/2009

Hi, everyone!

Just joined from the Tampa Bay area, and am looking forward to getting to know a few of you. I've just started collecting (mostly mugs) which are a bit scarce in this part of Florida. Hope to get a few pointers from some of the more experienced members.

Tam Tiki

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Steve posted on 11/02/2009

Good morning all!

I 'm new here and wanted to post an intro. I found Tiki Central while looking for ideas about a new game I'm working on called "Tiki Rummy". I have the main idea of the game flushed out and now I'm looking for someone who is creative and can draw to have some fun and design a cool look and feel for the front and backs of the playing cards. I'll place a post in the general thread, please let me know if you are interested!

Have a great day!


The post I mentioned above is here:

[ Edited by: Steve 2009-11-02 05:30 ]

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Blackroadies posted on 11/03/2009

Buddy, i have visited this site,it was useful, e cigarette, E cigarettes contain no cancer carcinogens so it wil not affect your health, try this one.

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GROG posted on 11/03/2009

Sound like SPAM to GROG.

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Unga Bunga posted on 11/03/2009

GROG sound like BOOZE to UNGA.

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