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TIKIYAKI 2nd Semi-Annual Lodge Night and Swap Meet ! - OCT 10th @ Mayflower Club - FREE SHOT GLASS !

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TikiGeeki posted on 09/24/2009

I can't wait! I had a blast at the first one, got my card ready to get in at 6 and grab a good seat. I'm going to see if I can get some friends together... you just can't find any other event like this.

bigtikidude posted on 09/24/2009

On 2009-09-23 15:07, 1961surf wrote:
We will not be picking up in Anaheim unless it's on the way to the actual pick
up area which will be in Costa Mesa on Newport Blvd .So far I have a head count
of about 9-10 people , so lets get the word out there or we will lose this fun
opportunity to roll to North Hollywood lodge .

as I posted before, don't worry about me,
I will be driving myself up there.
was joking about the special pick up off the freeway.


1961surf posted on 09/24/2009

No worries Jeff , I was referring to Brooke from OC Crusiers prior comment.

TIKIWAGON posted on 09/29/2009

We will be there on the Saturday night, we have got a hotel just around the corner, so we are really looking forward to it!
See you there!

nelsonstikihut posted on 10/01/2009

PHEW! We finally got a couple finished! Hopefully the momentum will last! We'll be bringing these and MANY others to the show! Can't wait! While it's on my mind we have a couple papasan chairs with new cushions and ottoman with cushion we are selling. I still haven't got them out to take a pic, but if anyone is interested, we'd be more than happy to bring them with us to the event. (Just let us know ahead of time so we can leave em at home if they don't need to come along!)

Sorry, the pics don't really do these guys justice.

1961surf posted on 10/01/2009

Well folks....we only have a small head count for the shuttle to go the Lodge so I guess
we will have to cancel this fun venture unfortunately .I will contact Brooke today to
give her the bad news.I thank those that PM me to participate .

annalulu posted on 10/03/2009

anyone going to the Tonga Hut AND this show? Seems doable!

Hiphipahula posted on 10/06/2009

I will be Bartending at the Tonga Hut from 4-8pm So Please come see me right here in the same neighborhood for Tiki Cocktail's before you make your way over to the Mayflower Club! It will be Happy Hour and I will have a couple drink specials as well so come mix & mingle before the show here at TONGA HUT!!!

**Come see the Tonga Hut's New Velvet painting's by Jason Sallin!!

**Remember to fill out your Tonga Hut "Elite" entry form when you get to the Tonga Hut & have your name immortalized at the Tonga Hut forever!
Here is all you need to do:

Tonga Hut will be featuring a Cocktail every Saturday & Sunday(unless noted) from 4-8pm at the Tonga Hut. Come in and fill out your "Tonga Hut Elite" Grog Log entry form. We will keep it at the Tonga Hut behind the bar in a note book and will be keeping count. You may try the "featured" drink that week of course BUT, you may come into the Tonga Hut anytime Sunday-Thursday 4pm-last call and Friday & Saturday 4pm-8pm and try any drink in the Grog Log have it credited to your "Elite" list (some exceptions see entry form for details). There are almost 90 drinks so let's see who gets done first. A Tiki placard will be hung in the bar and on it will be the names of those who have bought and tried every drink in the Grog Log! Be immortalized in Tonga Hut History forever!

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2009-10-05 17:28 ]

nelsonstikihut posted on 10/06/2009

Are you guys as excited as we are?!!! We're on an AWESOME building roll over here at the hut! Can't wait to see everyone there!

tikiyaki posted on 10/06/2009

OK, that Flying Saucer Light is COOL !

And, be sure to visit HipHipaHula at the Tonga Hut before the show.

nelsonstikihut posted on 10/06/2009

it will be awaiting your purchase sdaturday night! HAHA! Thanks!

bigtikidude posted on 10/07/2009

bump for sat.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/08/2009

One of the things I remember most about the last Mayflower show was all the people who said, "Wow! I wish I would have brought more money. I didn't know there would be so much good stuff here for sale."

So in closing, Bring lots of cash!

Don't say I didn't warn you!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-10-07 19:49 ]

bigtikidude posted on 10/08/2009

what is lots of Cash?


tikiyaki posted on 10/08/2009

The entire Johnny Cash collection ?

*edited for spelling

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2009-10-08 12:30 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 10/08/2009

On 2009-10-08 10:11, tikiyaki wrote:
The entire Johhny Cash collection ?

I LOVE Cash! ........... ummmm?

1961surf posted on 10/09/2009

You mean this guy

nelsonstikihut posted on 10/09/2009

I LOVE cash too! Johnny, George, Benjamin...

Hiphipahula posted on 10/09/2009

Don't forget to drop by the Tonga Hut before hittin' the Lodge meeting. I will be bartending 4-8 pm

I have 3 brand new NEW Original HipHiPaHulA Cocktails for you to try. They are:

  • "Dan-0's Day Off"
  • "Shaka Hula Bossa Nova"
  • "Crossing Kilauea"

Don't forget to sign up to be imortilized at the Tonga Hut! Sign up today & complete the "Grog Log"


Please visit me before you head out to the Tikiyaki Lodge Meeting Saturday! I'm just down the street!

The Tonga Hut
12808 Victory Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91606
(818) 769-0708
21 and over only

crazy al posted on 10/09/2009

I'll be Swapping some of my Eco-Stim-Mugs
and what not...get one of these for HALLOWEEN!


INTRODUCING.... (taking orders)
10 year Anniversary release!

SPooooooooKY! STUFF TOOoooooooooo!
MoooooooWa Ha Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Hiphipahula posted on 10/09/2009

Don't forget to wear the FEZ!!! it's all about the FEZ!

tobunga posted on 10/10/2009

Getting ready for the big lodge nite tomorrow!

I've got some new paintings that I'm tentatively calling the "Tiki Torch Song Trilogy", since there are three, and there are three tikis in each, and they're all about making music. (however, Harvey Fierstein does not make an appearance in any or them)

Plus another painting of tiki drums, well, drumming.

Sorry for the quality of the pix... getting used to a new scanner!

I'll also have my recent tiki fabric Tiki Bob creations, maps, plush tikis, and loads of other stuff!

See you tomorrow!

leleliz posted on 10/10/2009

love the monkeys in that newest painting Eric. Great stuff!

Hiphipahula posted on 10/10/2009

Fantastic art work Eric! Hope I get to see them Sat. night before they are all sold!. See you by 9:00

Melekalikimaka posted on 10/11/2009

Always a good time with the Tiki Central crowd! Here are some photos of the night...


[ Edited by: Melekalikimaka 2009-10-11 08:20 ]

Bewitched By Tiki posted on 10/11/2009

Those are some great photos Mel! Nice close ups!

I love the Mayflower Club! I am so glad you guys were able to do another show there. I am never happier then when I am listening to my favorite band, Tikiyaki. You guys sounded great last night! Jim your talent is endless. Those bongos were smokin'. Thanks again for providing us with a great night of music and tikiness!! We are so lucky to have you here locally.

Greg thank you so much for my beautiful Tiki Terrace original. I can't wait to find the perfect place for it. It is totally perfect!!!


bigtikidude posted on 10/11/2009

I really Liked the Mayflower Club.
missed the last show there.

Tikiyaki was spot on, best show yet.
except I would have liked to hear the Enchanted Sea.
but that's small potatoes.

thanks for the B-day shout out guys.
and for the drink and Cake JonPaul,

great way to spend the night.

hope to see ya there again.

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-10-11 18:39 ]

bananabobs posted on 10/11/2009

It's hard to be humble when you have a Official Membership Card from The Mystic Order Of Tikiyaki in your wallet.
I really enjoyed the elderly members of the Mayflower Club dancing and loving the Tikiyaki Orchestra as much as us, Tiki Kitty told me she heard a little frail British woman exclaim to her friend; " I didn't know the Fez came from Hawaii".
What a blast, great music, good friends, my newest best friends, Top Cat and Tiki Kitty!
Sigh...can we all do it again tonight?

tikiyaki posted on 10/11/2009

Another wonderful Lodge Meeting at the mayflower.

Loyal Lodge brothers and sisters, thanx SO much for making our second annual Lodge Meeting and Swap meet a great time and big success.

Thank you for supporting the vendors, it was nice to see so many people walking away with cool stuff (including the band members!) and thanx to the vendors for making working so hard and making this such a fun event.

For those of you who were at Lodge Night 1, hopefully you noticed how many more Mayflower members came out for this one. Always great to see the older folks mixing with us young (sort of) people and having a great time. Sausage rolls, bangers in a bun, mai tais, jungle jetsetters....a good time indeed.

Happy Birthday to Big Tiki Dude and Amanda from Nelson's Tiki Hut.

It was also great to see Witchdoctor Crazy Al pay a house call to us onstage and add some of his voodoo coconut rhythms. Good stuff.

Also, thanx to my fellow Tikiyaki brothers who always make the gig so worthwhile by playing their hearts out.

One thing....We played one long concert style set as opposed to our normal 2 shorter sets. I'd love to hear people's opinions on that. Tho' it is a bit more tiring for the band, I really think it was better show wise. What did you guys think ?

Anyway, thanx again to everyone who made this a great night !


Tiki Kitty posted on 10/11/2009

On 2009-10-11 12:42, bananabobs wrote:
Tiki Kitty told me she heard a little frail British woman exclaim to her friend; " I didn't know the Fez came from Hawaii".

Actually BB, that was something we read that another member had overheard at the 1st lodge meeting (I know, easy for things to get lost in translation over the intoxicating music and potent Mai Tai's last night). :wink:

We too loved seeing the Mayflower members mixing with the Tiki natives, and absolutely enjoyed chatting with you and Jeff.

Do I hear anyone for Monthly Lodge Meetings? We're in!

P.S. - In response to tikiyaki's request for feedback, I enjoyed the way the set was played very much (concert style). You TO boys are slaves to our entertainment, and we thank you for it.

Bewitched By Tiki posted on 10/11/2009

I liked the one long concert style set and so did the friends I brought. So that is 6 votes for ya!

However we wouldn't want exhaustion to compromise the health or performance of the band members in any way!!!! Just have a Dan-O's Day Off after the set and it should perk you right up!

Tobor64 posted on 10/12/2009

What a great night! My wife & me and our friends that joined us had the best time, from meeting some TC ohana face to face, to cutting up with the bartenders (who loved to tell my wife VERY "blue" jokes!), and of course joining the Mystic Order of Tikiyaki and finally having the chance to see the Tikiyaki Orchestra live all was the ultimate tiki experience. And let's not forget all the great artists & artisans offering up so much good stuff as well (just to let you know, Chris, I'm typing this right now by the light of my Flying Saucer Tiki Lamp). So many talented people there last night spreading so much poly-pop joy made an already wonderful evening even better.

I have to send out a very special thank you to Nelsonstikihut, Iokona Ki'i, Tiki Ray, Grog, and Jim & Marty for all the encouraging words for the sneak peek of my upcoming unveiling. It meant a lot, gentlemen! Also, Happy Birthday BigTikiDude and thanks for sharing your birthday cake.

My wife & I already miss you fine folks, so let's all do this again real soon!

bigtikidude posted on 10/12/2009

Re: 1 long set vs. 2 sets.
well I would love 2 full Hour sets, with a 10 or 15 min break in the middle.
But.... I know that when you play 2 sets, that some people leave at the break,
but there was also people leaving last night at the 1 hour 15 min mark. before you finished, so that doesn't always guarantee that people will stay.

I know that some people can only take music in small doses.
I'm a sucker for more is better.
so maybe I'm not the right person to ask.

Thanks again to everybody for the warm B-day wishes.
it really meant a lot.


nelsonstikihut posted on 10/12/2009

Hey guys! Mandy says thanks for all the great birthday wishes! We had an AMAZING time last night. Thanks SO much for the warm response from everyone! I think this event needs to happen more often! It was a BLAST!

Tobor64 posted on 10/12/2009

Here're some pictures from last night's Lodge Meeting...

And finally, my lovely wife proudly displaying our membership cards...

OnlyATikiLad posted on 10/12/2009

What a great show! I feel like I'm stealing when I can see you guys for ten bucks.
I felt so bad I bought three copies of Jungle Jetsetter. :D
As to a break or no break I don't think it really matters. I would go with whatever keeps the band in the pocket.
Thank you for the shot glass..nice touch and I really thought the Detroit Rock City was COOL.
Looking forward to the next show at.........

Will SOMEONE please bring some nice size quality tikis to sell at the next show. Thank You

Krisdrama posted on 10/12/2009

Thanks for posting the pics Mel and Tobor! I'm bummed I couldn't make it, had to work the whole darn weekend! Looks like there was some great stuff to be had! I'll just have to wait for the next one:(

nelsonstikihut posted on 10/12/2009

I just wanted to share my Eric October painting I got for my Birthday on Saturday! Such an AMAZING artist and I don't think it could have gone any better in my hallway! THANK YOU!!!!!

tobunga posted on 10/13/2009

On 2009-10-12 15:45, nelsonstikihut wrote:
I just wanted to share my Eric October painting I got for my Birthday on Saturday! Such an AMAZING artist and I don't think it could have gone any better in my hallway! THANK YOU!!!!

Aloha Mandy!

A big mahalo to you and Chris for giving the Hitchhiking TIkis a great home! Looks like the painting was made for that wall!

The work you guys do is outta this world cool! I just need to sell a few more paintings and maybe I can afford one of those awesome tiki saucer lamps... if you can keep 'em in stock!

Oh, and what an incredible night! Another fabulous performance from the Tikiyaki Orchestra!

As for the one set or two question, I like the schmooze time you get between sets (maybe it even helps swap meet sales) but either way works fer me! (was that THE most unhelpful response possible?)

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bigbrotiki posted on 10/13/2009

What a wonderful event to come home to: Just the right size of venue, not to big or too small, great Tiki toys and great Exotica!
In a hidden-away mid-century A-frame,

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with some of the Mayfair regulars joining in,

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Jim and his men sounded better than ever,

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I love listening to Marty Lush's vibes, simply: Lush! And the great Tikiyaki Logo drum:

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And here's the artist who carved it: Buzzy! (with Tiki Ray).

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Being a drummer himself, Buzzy knows how to create drums. He had two smaller versions, which I think would make great Christmas gifts for any Tikiphile. And in that vein: Tobunga's art and wares are as unique and individual gifts as you can get, I loved the Tiki Bob bags,

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I gifted myself that Rapa Nui map :) And I splurged at Bongofury's stand:

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After just having had that revelation about the Luau Hut owners owning Island House here on TC the day before, I was thinking I would like one of those cooky Luau Hut logo mugs, an Voila!, there it was:
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Plus, who else has DVDs of my favorite B-movie titles, "I sailed to Tahiti with an All Girl Crew" and "One Way Wahine". I even found the esoteric "Bop Girl goes Calypso" in his stash!
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Then there was the always crazy Crazy Al with his ceramic masterpieces...

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And Hottiki's cool display

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...and Oookoolady's threads were perused by young and old:

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..and the many talented artists already mentioned here. Even Dave and Sue form Hot Rod Tiki came, all the way from England to a British social club!

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Grog in appropriate lodge wear greets Dave.

All in all a perfect coming home party! :)

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TikiG posted on 10/13/2009

I just wanted to say Thanks to the Tikiyaki Orchestra for another exciting evening; I met new faces last Friday night - I hope to see all of you again - the next Lodge Meeting perhaps?

Thanks goes to Mel for her awesome photographs, TikiMango for sharing his bone pendants with us lucky west coasters and of course THANKS! to all Ohana stopping by, talking and buying stuff from me...I hope your purchase finds a cozy spot within your home. Thanks too to the one or two of you tikiphiles buying me and Mel drinks...how nice was that?

Such a beautiful way to spend an evening. The Mayflower Lodge was in full exotica swing for a few brief hours last Saturday evening.

Hey T.O. guys!! - A live recorded set Mayflower style can't be too far off in the future can it?

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a9a294527f0d11d169b698cc80ea327f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
congawa posted on 10/13/2009

That was a great night! I enjoyed the one-long-set, as it really set the mood...though two shorter sets still works. It was great, after attending a number of Tikiyaki shows, to finally get "sworn in" to the lodge (always better than being sworn at!).


TSW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/48f154ad18ad50a211d1a6f886f64a3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
The Sperm Whale posted on 10/13/2009

I wished that I could have been there !!! I had to take some much needed work instead!! Thanks everybody for posting photos!!

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Hiphipahula posted on 10/13/2009

Great Show Boys and a ton of fun thanks! Sounded perfectly balanced and the dynamics were right on. CAPTIVATING!

Terrific photographs everyone and wish I had more time to shop but,

I had to come from work at the TONGA HUT so MAHALO everyone who came in and shared their time with us and enjoyed some "Hiphip" Original Tiki Cocktails!

Then off to the Tikiyaki Show!

Tobor64 posted on 10/13/2009

We would've stopped by the Tonga Hut before the show to say hi, Hiphipahula, but we were in Ventura for the Scottish Highland Festival. Would've much preferred one of your Coconut Burn Cocktails to the haggis!

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tikiyaki posted on 10/13/2009

Haggis ! Reminds me of "So I married an Axe Murderer"

Thanx for those pix guys, Sven I liked the way those shots were lit...really cool.

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/848b9e4a0ac63a6064726348f9d07c25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Hiphipahula posted on 10/13/2009

On 2009-10-13 13:27, Tobor64 wrote:
We would've stopped by the Tonga Hut before the show to say hi, Hiphipahula, but we were in Ventura for the Scottish Highland Festival. Would've much preferred one of your Coconut Burn Cocktails to the haggis!

HipHiPaHulA!!! Come see me soon!!! Thanks for the ku-do's Ohana!

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nelsonstikihut posted on 10/13/2009

On 2009-10-13 00:27, tobunga wrote:

On 2009-10-12 15:45, nelsonstikihut wrote:
I just wanted to share my Eric October painting I got for my Birthday on Saturday! Such an AMAZING artist and I don't think it could have gone any better in my hallway! THANK YOU!!!!

Aloha Mandy!

A big mahalo to you and Chris for giving the Hitchhiking TIkis a great home! Looks like the painting was made for that wall!

The work you guys do is outta this world cool! I just need to sell a few more paintings and maybe I can afford one of those awesome tiki saucer lamps... if you can keep 'em in stock!

Oh, and what an incredible night! Another fabulous performance from the Tikiyaki Orchestra!

As for the one set or two question, I like the schmooze time you get between sets (maybe it even helps swap meet sales) but either way works fer me! (was that THE most unhelpful response possible?)

I know! Once I hung it up I was like "DAMN did he SEE my hallway?! Was this a plan?!" haha! Whenever you like we'll be ready and willing to make you a special flying saucer! And I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for more new stuff from you! :)

As for the sets guys, I kinda like the 2 sets...but that's just me, Mr. Nelson might feel differently! :)

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