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Pirates of the Carribean pictures

Pages: 1 8 replies

Polynesiac posted on 10/05/2009

I was doing a little internet research on signs from different Disney attractions and came across this site:


It's a picture walkthrough of the POTC ride! Want to see close ups of the pirates buying a bride? It's in there! Want to see a bunch of pictures of fire? It's in there! Want to see just about every facial expression Davey Jones makes in the mist? It's in there! (looks like someone used a flash on the attraction! - tsk, tsk!)

It's a cool site and I thought I would share.


Polynesiac posted on 10/05/2009

Okay, he's got pictures of the ENTIRE park on his site.

Here's adventurland:


Historical pictures too! check out the tikiroom and tahitian terrace pictures! great stuff!

procinema29 posted on 10/05/2009

My gosh, it's like the mother lode of Disneyland tourist pictures!

Hakalugi posted on 10/05/2009

Yeah, thanks for the heads up Polynesiac!

Here's a very unusual photo from the Daveland website, it's identified as "Dec. 1965 Walkthrough".

I'd sure like to know more about this dry walkthrough. I'm guessing it was a private event for Disney employees. Maybe Tangaroa can tell us more.

little lost tiki posted on 10/05/2009

Thanks Polynesiac!
Very fun and i saved 100-some bucks! :)
here's a link to the Enchanted Tiki Room pix on there!

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 10/06/2009

You AARRRRRRRRRR correct Jim,
Dave has great pics. I coulda, woulda, shoulda, a year ago or so. Blimey!

Matt Reese posted on 10/08/2009

Thank you Polynesiac! You know me and weird details. These are just the pics I need.

Tangaroa posted on 11/11/2009

Hi Hakalugi -

That picture isn't from the attraction, but from the studio mock-up of the auctioneer scene. Notice no trough there! Marc Davis told me that he was able to walk Walt Disney through this set up before he passed away...

[ Edited by: Tangaroa 2009-11-11 18:30 ]

Hakalugi posted on 11/11/2009

On 2009-11-11 00:50, Tangaroa wrote:
Hi Hakalugi -

That picture isn't from the attraction, but from the studio mock-up of the auctioneer scene. Notice no trough there! Marc Davis told me that he was able to walk Walk DIsney through this set up before he passed away...

Thanks Tang! I had no idea that was a mock up. I just thought maybe the ride was still under construction and the dry trough was either incomplete or just much shallower than expected.

I knew you would have the details!

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