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Granite Tiki, and other odd things from the kiltedTiki

Pages: 1 45 replies

KiltedTiki posted on 11/05/2008

Hello, I’m I new poster, but a long time reader ( or as some call it “lurker”) I have been carving granite for about two years off and on, when I can find the time. Here are a few of my granite Tiki’s. I’ll post more later.
Trying to get the hang of the posting thing.

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-02-23 07:30 ]

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-03-28 20:00 ]

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-05-31 14:33 ]

KiltedTiki posted on 11/05/2008

here are a few more, they are carve in a gray granite using grinders, each one is done in about 2-3 hours, with a lot of dust flying.

KiltedTiki posted on 11/05/2008

Well catching on to "how to post photo's so here are some more,

The line up,

next a non tiki With grinding and rock pitching

a working photo of the KiltedTiki

If you would like to see more let me know.

tikisbytyler posted on 11/05/2008

Dig it, man!
I see a lot of grinders around, can I see a shot of what else you use & maybe a progression?

Benzart posted on 11/05/2008

Excellent stuff. I'm sure when you get up to speed with posting. we will see how you are making these cool dudes! Welcome to Tiki Central.

Tamapoutini posted on 11/05/2008

On 2008-11-04 17:54, KiltedTiki wrote:

If you would like to see more let me know.

Kia ora KiltedTiki, welcome to TC!

Ive done a bit of stone carving but never on such a large scale as this! We have a lot of different granite boulders in the rivers/creeks around our way & Id be very keen to hear/see a bit more of a technical rundown on your tools and methods. Ive been saying for a long time that Id like to tool-up for larger work in stone and you might be just the person to set it in motion..

Thanks for sharing your work, its obvious you have spent some time at it. Cheers

Tikilizard posted on 11/05/2008

Exceptional work! Keep up the great tiki's.

KiltedTiki posted on 11/06/2008

Thanks for the kind words,
As for the tools used, a 5 inch grinder with a Alpha Vortex blade, it is the one I use the most, and I use it dry, It's a Professional grade tool, ($120.00) it has lasted a long time, cutting and grinding blade in one, I'll post a photo of it this weekend, and then I have some Diamond Profile bits for sculpting, that I bought from Grantie City Tool.

This is a piece that I’m working on. a green granite.

I work for a monument co. and I've been taking home cut off pieces for six years now, at first a didn't know what I was going to do with them all, but I knew I couldn't let thses piece's go to a crusher.

here are a few more

Now a little about my name KiltedTiki, I've been throwing heavy weight and logs (Cabers) in Highland Games for 20 years so I do wear a Kilt at times.
Here is myself tossing a Caber at a games last year

seeksurf posted on 11/06/2008

Very nice tikis there Kilted me like.

Man in a dress takes balls :)

tikisbytyler posted on 11/08/2008

That is one big pole for such a short skirt!!!

tikisbytyler posted on 11/08/2008

Seriously, though I dig yer work & being of Scot descent on mom's side I've donned the kilt before as well!
Thanks for the info & look forward to seeing more heavies.

Tikilizard posted on 11/08/2008

Some great pieces! Really like the diversity of the faces. Keep up the great work.

KiltedTiki posted on 11/09/2008

Here is a photo of the 1st granite carving that I did, My boss and I went to "Rock Camp" two years ago to try our hands at beating and grinding on stones, this was my piece about 3 hours of work, I see a lot of things I would change now.

The next photo is the piece that I did right after coming back from rock camp, it the face that's not tiki

Next is what is left of two Tiki's that my Dad carved in the late 60's. The one in the middle is a fountain the I bought this year

ans a close up on the one that still together.

and here are some tiki's started, they are cut out with the 5" blade on a hand held grinder. hope this hasn't bored too many of you.

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2008-11-08 17:20 ]

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4WDtiki posted on 11/09/2008

How weird is this!
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Mine are wood not stone, but I did a little flashback when I saw your last pic!

I like what you're doing with those Moai, especially the green granite one with the circular patterns.

Can you post a closeup pic of that Alpha Vortex blade? It sounds interesting!

Ever go to the Games in Vista, CA?

Where is Exeter?

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buzzard posted on 11/09/2008

very cool stuff!!
i to would like to see the tools you use
love to see more

KiltedTiki posted on 11/10/2008

"Can you post a closeup pic of that Alpha Vortex blade? It sounds interesting!"
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have a 4" and a 7" that look the same that I got on E-bay, but I don't used them as much as the Alpha, (don't trust them I guess)
here is a photo of my Dongsin Diamond Profile bit it has a 6mm shank on it it is also used dry, it is about $71.00 and has held up very well,also in the other photo is 2 of the three thing a use the most, along my goggles
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next is a photo of an experiment in texturing with a oxy torch. which work aslong as you use water with it and don't have a thin piece to experiment on.

"Ever go to the Games in Vista, CA?"
Yes, I ran the Heavy athletics and also threw at the 1st few Vista games after they move the games from San Marcos.

"Where is Exeter"?
Exeter is east of Visalia, we live east of Exeter, in the middle of orange Groves, My wife and myself put on a Highland Games in our back yard we call it the Rhino Highland Games, We have gone with a Tiki theme this last year and will continue with it.

here is a wood carving that I did in 1975 at the age of 19
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have not done much wood since. but hope to balance my Stone carving with more wood and other forms of art. But it will have to wait a little for I'm going to have shoulder surgery Dec. 1st. guess too many years of throwing heavy things.

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el Stingray posted on 11/10/2008

Very cool stuff Kilted Tiki!
I might use your work as an inspiration.
Great that you post your tools too!

KiltedTiki posted on 11/13/2008

Here are a few more stones that I have done this year, I hoping to get some time to carve some more before my date with the knife.
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Some of these have been posted before with other views.
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not totaly tiki
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this is done using the grinder to cut lines in the rock and then I take a hammer & chisel and brake off the stone, here Is a photo of my chipper chisel and the air tools I have for texturing stone.
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and a sandblasted sun with a rock pitched
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Benzart posted on 11/13/2008

Wow, Thanks Again Kilted Tiki, now Heres a Stoner for Sure folks, I mean I have a Hard tiome Holding on to my Little rockbits to carve and all you gotta do is Plant a foot on the piece and it won't move until you say Move.There must be some great things about carving large stone versus small I guess it's same aas carving a wood pendant then a 15' tiki totem..Looks like you came by your skills honestly as your dad really carves some Excellent tiki in wood. Your first wood piece was very advanced with excellent detail, Accurate as well as deeply carved. Why did you wander away from wood to stone, was it a matter of your job putting you in the thick of the granite world? No Matter, you are doing very well at it and your faces are getting strong personalities. Looks like when you finally decide which way you want to go as far as what to carve, you will be one force to recon with. My vote is for you to study tiki images and just GO Wild carving tikis. Thereare LOTS of tiki people around who will be glad to support your efforts..
"and a close up on the one that still together.

and here are some tiki's started, they are cut out with the 5" blade on a hand held grinder. hope this hasn't bored too many of you.
I think you have done the Opposite of Bored most of us so CRANK IT UP!

KiltedTiki posted on 11/16/2008

Thanks Benzart, a lot for your kind words about my carvings and those of my Dad’s.I’ve always wanted to do more carving but life gets in the way sometimes. I spent over 20 years doing art for, and printing T-shirts. The last 7 years in the granite world, So I guess the amount of granite that I had stocked piled lead me to start carving the stone over wood. I think I have too many iron's in the fire sometimes and never get to do the fun stuff or the stuff that I plan. Or much as I want too. I'm trying very hard to change that, and with the encouragement of all that have posted on my carvings I feel that I'm on my way to creating more and more work. thanks everyone at TC

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2008-11-16 13:22 ]

Benzart posted on 11/17/2008

Well, you know you have good stone experience and lots of stock and it's Obvious your wood skills are way up there, I would kinda love to see you Mix the two and creat a wood and stone tiki, a Stone piece with wood being a big, inseparable part of it, then some wood alone and stone alone stuff. Wow, Hurry up I CAN"T WAIT!

KiltedTiki posted on 11/18/2008

Wow, Hurry up I CAN"T WAIT!

Benzart, I have been think about mixing the two, stone and wood, and also stone and metal. But we're going to have to wait, I'm hoping to get a few days to carve before I have shoulder surgery in two weeks. it might be 6 months before I can carve again.
But I will be planing in all my free time.

KiltedTiki posted on 11/28/2008

Well time for a little carving before surgery on Monday.
here is some shots of a carving done today.
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Photo after a little tuning up with a profile bit
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Thanks for looking hope you like it.

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2008-11-28 19:19 ]

KiltedTiki posted on 02/18/2009

Hello everyone, it been awhile since I Posted here, The surgery went well on my shoulder, can’t lift any thing over 20 pounds per DR. Orders (can't go to work, I need to lift 90-200 pound stones)so I can't doing any granite carving for awhile.

Been working on getting the place ready to host the Highland Games we have here ever year, but with all the work that goes into putting the games on, (and taking away from carving time) we are calling this one the last one.
but I do get to do art for the games, I design a shirt every year, awards, glasses, and last year carved some granite tiki for class champions.

I would like to share with you, my design for the shirts, and the sand carving of the glasses, this is the drawing for the shirt design
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Here is the shirt design, a five color print
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here is just playing with color.
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And the glass
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It's kind of a carving, did 47 of them, the Athletes get them with there entry along with a shirt and vinyl window sticker.
I've also been carving a little wood, I'll post those soon.

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-02-17 18:39 ]

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-02-17 18:42 ]

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big daddy posted on 02/18/2009

looove the one you did before surgery.beautiful art as well. heal up fast and get to grinding? or would it be chiseling? either way hope you get back into the swing of things soon.


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TheBigT posted on 02/18/2009

Great stuff! Fascinating to see your tools and methods. Thanks for posting!

KiltedTiki posted on 02/18/2009

thanks Big daddy and Big T, it mostly grinding, I hope to be able to do some stone carving in about a month, small ones. but first a lot to get done for my Games.

Benzart posted on 02/19/2009

Yes, I agree the pre-surgery tiki was Excellent and it looks like your shoulder surgery went well. Love the new stuff and the poster too. I have shoulder surgery coming up soon as I get rid of this cold crud and if it goes as well as yours I'll be happy. We'll be looking for more stone tikis from you soon!

KiltedTiki posted on 02/20/2009

Thanks Ben, I like the one I did before the surgery as well,
I’m thinking about polishing the eyes, it a very good looking green granite
when polish.
I had a good DR. For my surgery, had to drive 70 miles to Fresno for her
but it was worth it, not any more pain after the surgery than before the surgery.
good luck on your shoulder.
Here is a little wood carving I did with hook knifes, I brought from a CO. that you posted a link to.
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[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-02-19 16:11 ]

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-03-01 14:02 ]

KiltedTiki posted on 03/01/2009

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Here is a wood piece that I’m going
to use on cabinets in my tiki bar. I'll post when installed

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Just a little more wood, that I'm playing with.
thanks for looking can always use some feed back.

KiltedTiki posted on 03/29/2009

Well the shoulder is feeling better every day, the Doc will not let me lift more than 30 pounds, so small rocks here I come, just have to do it on weekends again, they need me back at work.was hoping for more time to carve.
Here is my 1st stone carving done a few weeks ago:

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[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-03-28 19:57 ]

[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-03-29 10:04 ]

KiltedTiki posted on 03/29/2009

Here are some more that I started before my Surgery.
It was good to get back to working with stone again.
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Here is the one that I did before Surgery, but I went back and Polished
The eyes
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also did some polishing on the new tiki, to bring
out the details a little better

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[ Edited by: kiltedtiki 2009-03-29 12:18 ]

KiltedTiki posted on 03/29/2009

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these are my first castings ever, always wanted to cast something, and when I was off work for three months I finaly got a chance to try it out.
The tiki's holding the anvils where for my Highland games, we have an anvil throw contest
as part of the games, men throw 155 pound anvil, and women throw a 55 pound anvil, I use these pennets for the champions in each class
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These mugs where for the champions in the classes at the highland games,
I sand blasted the Rhino Games logo, and painted kilts on.
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A little wood peice that I'm working on
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new stone started


[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-03-29 12:19 ]

seeksurf posted on 03/30/2009

You are on fire! Great looking stone tikis.

Benzart posted on 03/31/2009

Stone tikis looking good and the wood beast will be a great addition.

KiltedTiki posted on 04/02/2009

Thanks Seeks, and Benz,
I Appreciate the comments, Have lots of ideas
going though my head, wish I was on fire working on them.
Have some big logs, that are calling my name as soon as the Shoulder get Stronger,
it's gets wored out a little fast than before!
Thanks everone for looking at my carvings,


[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-04-01 17:08 ]

KiltedTiki posted on 05/31/2009

it's been a while since I have posted any thing, I'ts is very hard to find time to carve stone, but here are a few things that I've been working on here and there.
this 1st one is of 3 "tiki" sand blasted, something i did at work in a rare down time, hand cut the pattern on the stone then blasted them,
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then I took tools to them to make them come more to "tiki life"
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I call this guy the red one
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I call this the blue one
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they both still need some more work.
here is another that is in the working stages, a little more sanding and it will be alright
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coments are always welcomed.
thanks for letting me share my work.
PS, My shoudler is doing great, as of June 5th, I can lift as much weight as I want & can!
so I'm hope to start something a little bigger.

seeksurf posted on 06/01/2009

I was looking at these suckers last night MAN! Great work!
Your coming along with some very creative concept's.

KiltedTiki posted on 06/02/2009

Thanks seek, most of the time I don't even have a plan or have a clue how they will come out, I just draw a little bit on the stone then start grinding and cutting, I'm glad that you like them. as I get bigger hunks of stone, I'll have to plan those out a little more.

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TikiMango posted on 06/02/2009

Nice work, first time I saw your work. For some reason when I see your sand-blasted stuff, the first thing that comes to mind are custom hearth stones. I'll take a small commission when you get started on your first order... :D

Benzart posted on 06/02/2009

I Love how well your works are progressing and your pieces are getting more refined with cleaner detail. Love the wood stuff too. How's the shoulder these days, what is it 6 months now after surgery?
I Really love that last t-shirt you did too, any of those left?

KiltedTiki posted on 08/10/2009

Ben and TM sorry I never got back to you on your post, it was down right rude of me,sorry, work has keep me hoping.
TM, I would be happy to work on a fire place stone if you know anyone that wants one. Ben which shirt was that, this one
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/9912/4a7f8b3e.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=98fcf468bc4756e8a9e01ee5a79bc3ed I only have a few of these left in tank top I have 3 XL 1 LG and in thirts I have 2 XL and 4 YL and one hooded 3XL and 32 crew neck 3XL and 1 XL and 1LG.

or this one which is no tiki but and I don't think you have seen it before, but I do have a few to sell of these in l-3XL

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/9912/4a7f8b18.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5dc02b698f61cfd95b5eb635d45ded14
if any on want what I have left let me know.
I'm working on a few granite Tiki's but will not get back to them until after Tiki Oasis, I'm looking forward tp meeting all the artist and carvers that will be there.

Benzart posted on 08/12/2009

No Problem Kilted, 2X of the first one.
Your tikis are Really getting More detailed I loove how you are rounding out those straight cuts And the blasted tikis intonthe polished stone like "The Red tiki" are Super looking.
Keep up the grat work and Take your time.

KiltedTiki posted on 08/13/2009

Ben, I don't have any 2X, they all went the day of the party, all I have in us manly sizes are 3X in sweats, let me know, I'm off to Oasis, to have a lot of fun,

Benzart posted on 08/14/2009

Thanks Kilted, we never get to wear sweats here but a cople days in winter som I'll just wait for a 2X of whatever, whenever, Cool.

KiltedTiki posted on 10/10/2009

It's been a few months since I last posted, been reading when I can, It was good meeting some of you at Tiki Oasis
here are a few stone that I have blasted and will be carving some more on in the new few weeks.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/9912/4ad0bdff.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ca0278c95da4b28022ee2f36a56e0ace

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Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/9912/4ad0be67.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ed31293751ba1a0a964ec7ea81ca93e4

thanks for looking

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[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2009-10-10 10:12 ]

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