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Tiki Joe's Ocean Exotica CD (2nd pressing) on sale now!

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 06/29/2009


Iokona Ki'i - Thanks very much. If the music is half as good as your gorgeous velvets, then all is quite good.

GROG - Glad you like it, man. If it keeps you and Kinny from clobbering each other for a lil' while, I've done my job- you know, soothe the savage beasts and all that...:wink:

Rum Balls - The idea that you christened your "Aloha Deck" with my music was very cool to read and humbling as hell. Totally made my day. Thanks very much, man.

and Squid! Tremendously stoked that you enjoyed it. Again, humbled to the core by your nice words. Mahalo, pallie. CAN'T wait to hear your skin work with Tikiyaki Orchestra. But before we do the "Monk" tribute, can we warm up with a Isley Brothers/Flying Burrito Brothers/Smothers Brothers suite?

Thanks again, fellows. I totally appreciate it.

Andy/Tiki Joe's Ocean

indigo orb posted on 07/01/2009

Mine arrived in London (England) today. I am very proud to have made the first international order and the second order over all.

This CD is so lush and evocative. Plus it sounds so good on my stereo system - it really brings out the bottom end of the music. Full of energy and fun while still being relaxing.

I know that this will stay in the CD draw for a good few weeks.

Thank you

Tikitastic posted on 07/03/2009

Excellent CD! My CD arrived earlier this week and has already been played many times. Not a bad song on the CD, but I really like "Rio de Jean"! This CD will be a regular part of the music mix in my tiki bar and at my pool parties.

VeroTiki posted on 07/03/2009

Just got the new Tiki Joe's Ocean cd in the mail. It is great--always excited to get a new exotica cd. I listen to my exotica cd's at work--can't think of a better music style to have playing in the office. Keep the music coming!!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 07/04/2009

Wow, thanks so very much for the feedback you three; across "the pond" and coast to coast.

Indigo Orb- Indeed, Squid beat you to the purchase by a few minutes, but you ARE #1 in Europe! Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad the music is simpatico with your stereo system - much appreciated!

Tikitastic- So happy to hear the CD will get all those spins at your pad. Stoked that you enjoy "Rio de Jean." That Exotica-Bossa-Carnival number was a fun one to do. Looking forward to meeting you at your Suite Extravaganza at Oasis~

and VeroTiki - Happy to hear you can spin the disc at work, and yes, there will certainly be more to come. Glad you enjoy this one!

MAHALO again you three and everyone else who has supported this CD.

Just a reminder to all, part of the proceeds of the CD will go to help our oceans and beaches ( http://www.surfrider.org ) and to help musicians fighting cancer ( http://www.carlwilsonfoundation.org ) Your support of these tremendous organizations is greatly appreciated.

Mahalo everyone~~~

Andy/Tiki Joe's Ocean
NEW Exotica CD on sale now!

koopkooper posted on 07/13/2009

looking forward to chatting to Andy this week...gonna post the interview this coming weekend on the show plus play something from the new album.

bongofury posted on 07/14/2009

Very lush-exotic cd. Cool that you are donating part of the proceeds to good causes.
Aloha therapy for the Rincon Room........

virani posted on 07/15/2009

Just received it today.Very good exotic & atmospheric tunes.

That would be the perfect soundtrack for a Nintendo game involving zombies on a tropical island :)

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 07/15/2009

Koop- Great talking with you yesterday, that was a blast! Looking forward to the show. Thanks so much for your support.

Mr. & Mrs. Bongofury~ Thank you as well. I'm quite happy that the CD will be a part of some Aloha therapy for your gorgeous Rincon Room.

Virani~ Thanks, man. You and Ravenne seem to be on to something!

Mahalo again everyone~

Andy/Tiki Joe's Ocean
NEW Exotica CD on sale now!

koopkooper posted on 07/19/2009

Just posted the show guys, hear my interview with Andy and discover what makes him tick, how the music came about and just why does Andy wear a Tutu and Hawaian shirt whilst composing!



Beachbumz posted on 07/25/2009

Got It Andy, MAHALOS!! I can't wait to get home tonight from work and throw the cd on, definitely going on the playlist here at the shop.... That cover is awesome, Tony really hooked that one up... nice..


Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 08/04/2009

Koop! You knucklehead~ I said I prefer to dress like DESMOND Tutu. Must've been the accent. Thanks for the nod to Sammy in your last show. Class act, pally! Thanks so much.

Beachbumz~ Thanks, man and I hope it adds to the coolness that is Kihei. Hope to meet with you again soon!

Mahalo fellas~

NEW Exotica CD out now!

little lost tiki posted on 08/04/2009

Who Rocks the House?
Andy Rocks the House!

Listened to TJO again this weekend...
can't believe it came outta Andy's brain...but it did!

he told me he was so fly
that he's gonna ruin all the girls at Oasis!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 08/05/2009

On 2009-08-04 16:23, little lost tiki wrote:
Who Rocks the House?
Andy Rocks the House!

Listened to TJO again this weekend...
can't believe it came outta Andy's brain...but it did!

he told me he was so fly
that he's gonna ruin all the girls at Oasis!

:lol: KENNY, you NUT! You're gonna get me in Dutch with the mrs.! :lol:

NEW Exotica CD on sale now!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/12/2009

Within just over three months, the first run of CDs has completely sold out, WAY ahead of expectations, thanks to all of you who've supported this CD, and as a result, supported the Surfrider Foundation and the Carl Wilson Foundation.

For those of you who have placed orders recently, the new batch is in the mail and you should have yours by the beginning of this week.

The next Tiki Joe's Ocean project is already in the works- more details on that will be released on TC the beginning of November. Until then~


Andy, Tiki Joe's Ocean

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