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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Bowana posted on 09/29/2009

Quit slackin'.

[ Edited by: Bowana 2009-09-28 21:41 ]

Java Loa posted on 09/29/2009

Oh my, would love to see "Night of the Falling Stars" first hand, just to experience its depth in person. Also love the tarot-inspired invite, but I've got a thing for skulls & cannibals. Nice to see your Last Judgment piece again, I've coveted that piece from the moment I first saw it. Amazing work my friend. We hope to see you soon.

little lost tiki posted on 09/29/2009

the numbers are in and......
the masses agree....
Hermit-mode 12-hour days for 3 days in the studio is GOOD!

G-Thanks my friend!
been called a lot of things,but never a MONSTER! :lol:
thy proper term is MACHINE...
an ever-toiling,ever seething,soulless assemblage of cold metallic parts
bent only on creating art....

marshmallow ground sounds YUMMY! :)
Haven't thought of the kid's book in a while..
it requires something called SPARE TIME
been trying to collect up some surplus for the past few years
it'll happen...
maybe i'm already finished with it
but decided to hold it back til the movie and licensing deals come thru...
or not!

thanks mang!
a couple of more weeks,brother! :)
Been blessed with productive happy creative time lately...
Skeletal Moais..... got a few studies for them in the sketchbook...
will have to develop them soon....

Mango-stoked you like the Polynesian take on the Tarot....
mahalos for the niceties!
It's going to be exciting to see what the other artists do with this theme....
All these different heads and hands
geared towards one common goal.....
ya gotta love it! :)

Bowana....okay!okay! just a few more lines of type....

Java Loa-
Thank you for the enthusiasm,Laura!
The piece does look sooo much more ALIVE in person.....
i think it's cause the energy is still embedded in there!
If you and the hubbster are around or in Orange,Cali ,in the next week
you can come visit it....it'll be there,keeping me company until it gets shipped!
It was real fun to re-approach the Last Judgement theme
especially from a different angle..
hope to see you chillens soon!

Well,this is strange.....
ken usually never replies to posts until he has something new to show....
Why is he replying to everyone now,right after they post?
That's something Clysdalle would do,not kinny! :lol:

Well, actually,my friends..
i DO have something new to post.....
a COLORIZED up version of the DEATH card...
Black and white is soooooo 2008!
so here it is....
WAS just gonna tint it with a sepia
somehow, a big lump of burnt umber acrylic from the previous day
got stuck on my forearm
without my knowledge
and it was 1/2 way dry before i discovered it had smeared
on the bottom half of the drawing!
So..... I just did a few washes and splashes and spatters
and gave it an old looking base
and precede to wash the other colors over it....
two words....GOOD SAVE!
so here it is,in all it's splendor
awaiting a frame....
This guy is influenced by three things....
1)Le Mort card
2) Posada and his Calaveras
3) the skull glyphs from the Codex Nuttail(sp?)
(the skull glyphs are probably the same in the other remaining Codexes
but i looked thru that one....)

That is all!
Thank you!

MAW! What's fer dinner?

http://www.kenruzic.com http://www.myspace.com/kenruzicdotcom

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-09-30 08:00 ]

Slacks Ferret posted on 09/29/2009

Because I'm lazy, I'm just gonna ask what you've probably already answered:

"Are you gonna sell complete tarot card decks?" 'cause that would be cool.

I'm also loving the "night of the falling stars" painting, but I've always been a "sucker" for a good cephalopod painting.

Robb Hamel posted on 09/29/2009

Good Lord.

MadDogMike posted on 09/29/2009

Good save :)

I'm liking the PolyPop Tarot cards, I had a hard time visualizing how that would turn out. Great kavakavamoai!

EDIT- didn't mean to put my big banner here :)

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2009-09-29 20:01 ]

4WDtiki posted on 09/30/2009

Great colorized version of the Death card, Ken!
You could probably whip out the whole deck before I even start on my card!

Babalu posted on 09/30/2009

I'm love, LOVIN the death card!! Do them all.

little lost tiki posted on 09/30/2009

Hello! Hello!
Thank you
and Rick!
Cephalopods and Tarot cards...
the people demand them!

Personally, i WON't be working on a whole deck of these
unless i can get a sugardaddy to pay my salary for 1/2 a year!
Hank SHOULD release a whole deck based on the show
but again...these things cost money
and a much more valuable commodity...time!

Anyways...idle hands are the devil's playground
so i kept em busy with this....
an altered study of one of my favorites from the SDMA Oceanic Arts exhibition...
"Aripa Female Figure"
ink and water-soluble pencil on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

that's it!
I'm outta here!
Thanks for visitin,gang!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/01/2009

So for Hodadhanks Super Spook-tacula tiki-Tarot Art show you drew the DEATH CARD!
I'm still thinking about how to vaguely visualize my card (I drew the Magician-yippee my favorite major arcana tarot card!)
Is till gotta go get a 20 x 10 canvas.
Or is this a colored sketch for the final version of the Death Card? If so, it's damn beautiful!
a VERY cool take. I see you're using the RIDER Deck for inspiration. OK, I can swing with dat too.
Jeeze! I can't believe you're done ALREADY!

MadDogMike posted on 10/01/2009

On 2009-09-29 08:46, little lost tiki wrote:
...somehow, a big lump of burnt umber acrylic from the previous day
was stuck on my forearm without my knowledge...

If you would just shower every night you wouldn't have leftover burnt umber stuck to your arm :o
:lol: :lol: :lol: :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tiki Duddy posted on 10/01/2009

heya Kenny!
just dropped in quick. skimming through the latest forum pages and i found this Death Card of yours!!
sooooo cool!
always intersting!

little lost tiki posted on 10/01/2009

Still recovering from post-show exhaustion?
Doesn't sound like it....I expect that magician to be finished by monday! :)
ACTUALLY, i DID NOT get the Death card! I got the Judgment card!
I'm doing the invite/announcement and hank thought that DEATH would be the most iconic of the cards,,so we went with that.... I originally was gonna do one of them photoshopped fliers but it was difficult to have Death astride a MOA..the elements just didn't match up unfortunately...
So...i got's to do 2 cards!
Whatever happened to those cards that YOU did?
It'd be cool to see them,as my memory is a bit smokey,these days...
Am VERY eager to see your take on the Magician...
One of the main attributes of your work is that Magical,Mystical feeling....
and the DEATH card is actually from an olde-timey French deck...Le Morte
the Rider-Waite deck has him on a horse,with a king lying under/behind the horse
with some people and a waterfall and stuff...
The old timey card lent itself to a Posada/Aztec Glyph meets EARLY Durer woodcut
not later,but the cruder earlier woodcuts of his....
now get thee back to that easel,buddy!

On 2009-09-30 18:25, MadDogMike wrote:

On 2009-09-29 08:46, little lost tiki wrote:
...somehow, a big lump of burnt umber acrylic from the previous day
was stuck on my forearm without my knowledge...

If you would just shower every night you wouldn't have leftover burnt umber stuck to your arm :o
:lol: :lol: :lol: :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

Truth coming from the mouths of babes...
Some "school" nights, i stay at the studio til midnight/one AM
Being only 3 miles from the studio,by the time i leave, sleep is slowly creeping and conquering...2 out of 3 times, I just brush my teeth/wash the ciggie smoke from my face and neck and slither into bed...exhausted ....
and then it's up at 6:45 to repeat the whole thing after a day at work...
Usually, the forearms and hands are covered in ink and paint
kind of an art tattoo....
That burnt umber was due to my cramped table area whilst working..
Note to self... if you're not using the acrylic,then put all the stuff aside....

Hey Duddy!
Glad to see you back around town!
Thanks all y'alls!
Well, you all know the rule....
no replies unless i have something new to share...
Well, here it is...
Started at hank's Chop,finished recently...
"Maori Rapa Nui Seahorse"
(weird title-weird concept...dunno if i totally like it or not...)
ink and colored pencil on Aquarelle paper

Just another in a long line of Seahorse pieces..
here's an earlier one
McDonnell-Douglas Mechanical Seahorse
acrylic and paintpen on surfboard

That is all!
Mahalos to y'all!

little lost tiki posted on 10/05/2009

Lots to show ya this batch!
A commission that's been sitting for MONTHS
and a couple of drawings!
All for you to peruse and enjoy!
"the Sea Monster"
acrylic and cel animation vinyl on masonite

Let me tell you...
Cel Animation vinyl is the SHIZZLE!
i can dip my brush once and paint a solid line 4 BLOCKS LONG!
It's like enamel without the smell and mess
Easy Cleanup too!
two thumbs up!

This is based on a drawing i did awhile ago..
"the Surprise"

the patron wanted it on masonite sooooo.....
8 months later....

Here's some details of this poor travelers...
i changed them back to the standard Moai
'cause they're so cute!

the great beast's tail...
Decided to give the Sea Monster more movement
to give him a sense of surrounding the moai boys....

AAAAAAA! Dropped me Oar!

a close-up of the sea monster....

And Speaking of Moais...
I just paid and downloaded a copy of
Mr. Teitelbaum's "Big Stone Head" e-book
and Man!
Well worth it!
Only $6.95-that;s the cost of a pack of smokes or a drink in a bar!
More Reading! Less Smoking and Drinking!
and a great read so far!
and soooo many images
and soooo much art
including my boyhood Hero Jack Kirby
and personal heroes Heather Watts and Squids and Gecko and .........etc....
and yours truly has a pair of moai images i there too!
Thanks James!
What a great job!

Got those 2 drawings for the TIKOT-tiki tarot show
all framed up nice
resting on papyrus
under glass
in a shadowbox frame..

Here's the first version of the flyer for the show..

it may evolve....

"the Ghost Ships"
tissue paper stain,ink,gold ink.water-soluble pencil on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

these guys were inspired by these haunting figures on a Fiji/Tongan necklace...
i rendered their eyes and grass skirts in goldso it shimmers when you pass....

"the Stare"
tissue paper stain,ink,sharpie,water-soluble pencil on Aquarelle Watercolor paper


Here's a drawing i started a few weeks back at the Chop at HodadHank's..
"the Drum"
tissue paper stain,ink,sharpie,water-soluble pencil on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Here's a close-up of the figure on the boat...

Here's the strange underwater creatures...

and a reeeeal close-up of the drum..

Not sure of the narrative on this one..
the stacked figures were inspired by the stacked figures on Hawaiian drums

and here's my favorite drawing of this weekend jag...
"Entrance to the Cannibal's Home"
tissue paper stain,ink,water-soluble pencil on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

This one was asking for a dense humid jungle
strewn with skulls and bones and strange faces peering out thru the vegetation..

the funnest part of this one was playing with the angles and parts of these stylized skulls..

how's that for a pre-Halloween vibe?
Well, i hope these make you smile and examine and dream!
Have a great one Ohana!

Dinner is Served!

http://www.kenruzic.com http://www.myspace.com/kenruzicdotcom

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-10-05 08:18 ]

LOL Tiki posted on 10/05/2009

On 2009-10-04 23:16, little lost tiki wrote:

"Entrance to the Cannibal's Home"
tissue paper stain,ink,water-soluble pencil on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Smack, Crack, Out of the Park! Love this one Ken. And the tarot cards are creepy-cool! They look good mounted on the papyrus.

BigToe posted on 10/06/2009

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, kinny, i was all set to add my raves to the sea monster, but that cannibal jungle one is sublime...i honestly and blown away! the subtleties in the foliage and cubist figures are freakin me out man!!!!!! finest effort yet from "The Ruzic"??

seagoat posted on 10/14/2009

Great work as usual. Thanks for posting and putting in progress shots. The falling stars/squid one was great. I like your oceanic/sea creature pieces. Cheers.

little lost tiki posted on 10/15/2009

before dinner and studio..
so..... ZZZZOOM!

Thanks LOL
This piece was such a SMASHING SUCCESS
that a painting was in order.....
scroll down Sir!

And i hope you're able to see the show at Hank's..
That is your area,no?

"the Ruzic"?
Dude! i see you at least 4 times a week....
everything's been said...
you still owe me for those tubes of Yellow Ochre and Naples Yellow!
All HAil Naples and their yellow!
love you!

seagoat-Thank you kindly for the nice encouraging words!
There are some more undersea projects in the slow-cooker
so check back every once-inna-spell and there should be some newbies fer ya!

Well, Monkeyman received the Sea Monster for his future Tiki Room
and part of the payment was some 16x20 boards for me to paint on.....
His hut is too cool!
I hope he has more CHOPS there!
Thanks Derek!

aaaaaand there was another trip to the Art Supply Warehouse for Seattle supplies
and some more Cel Animation Vinyl..
(BTW-let Clysdalle try it at the CHOP and he seemed intrigued...
Maybe we can wean him off enamels
before his brain rots any more..:lol: )
i grabbed a few more colors...
They're helping to wean me off of paintpens,,
the xylene is making me crazy(ier)...
Plus it's a nicer line...thicks and thins....

Well,Here is the Painted version of "Outside the Cannibal's Hut"
but this time, the story takes a twist....
a whole new narrative emerged..
May i present..
"the Hecklers"
acrylic and Cel Animation Vinyl on thickazz masonite

The story for this one is about a brave little shield
strolling thru the jungle down an unknown path....

He's a little scared,as there are skulls and ribs and pelvises and spines
scattered in the undergrowth...

and then he gets heckled by some of the skulls
but he just ignores them and continues his journey.
the end....

I like this composition by itself...
it's really a blast playing with shapes/depth/color/mood!

Here's a close-up..
i did an acrylic base for the color fills
then painted the blackline
then proceeded to build up the lights and shadows with diff colored washes
and then went back over the blackline and added the final pop highlights....

That's it for today!
love ya! mean it!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 10/15/2009

Finally got caught up on your thread!
Would be on this computer for a whole
month without bathroom breaks playing catchup
commenting on your magical offerings.
I'll just do a blanket AWESOME!

Squid piece is done? I saw progress pics, but not
sure if there was a full completed shot.

Love this!

I like the color version too but I like it better B/W.

Great work Kinny!

Velvets by J. Sallin

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2009-10-15 12:25 ]

Kiki von Tiki posted on 10/15/2009

hey Kinneh~
Entrance to the Cannibal's Home is really nice. Your style is evolving again! and The Hecklers, too. I like the more monchromatic color scheme (though I adore my own Sea Monster!). Having fun with animation vinyl! Are there fumes? Be careful, every chemical has it's own lure and addiction! :) See you Friday! Or NOT! Take a break, you maniac! You ARE "The Ruzic" you know! It just fits! Can I coin a phrase or what? :lol: XO, KvT

little lost tiki posted on 10/18/2009

Hello Kids!
Well....4 more days til Seattle!
the EXCITEMENT mounts....

Did a few pieces this last week
but only photographed one...
Will shoot the other ones before my trip!

Iokona Ki'i...JAson!
How cool that work is now a permanent fixture at the Tonga Hut!
Well deserved and Wildly Appropriate!
Thanks for the blanket AWESOME! :)
Right back atcha!

Squid piece done and sent off to the nice man down the street...
here's the final shot of it!

Would loooove to do the one-color skeleton as a tee
we'll see....

Thanks fer the visit,Madame!
How was the Shane on Friday Night?
lovin those evolutionary jumps in style..
Half-purposeful half "lightnin in a bottle"
That piece called for more monochramiticism (izzat a werd?)
because a dark dank jungle path requires it!
No fumes on the Cel Animation Vinyl! Soap and Water Clean-up too!
I hope Clysdalle takes a likin to that
as enamel is waaaay too stinky! and turpentine clean-up?

"the Ruzic"...

Got a visit from the indomitable TikiG on Saturday...
he came to see the studio,rap about some art geek stuff
and to adopt "After hours" for his hut!

Being a hermit
it's so nice to receive news of the outside world from fellow artists!
Thanks Greg! :)

Well, here's a new painting from the week...
working title: "the Fishing Trip"
(acrylic and cel animation vinyl on masonite)
but may change it...
the narrative appears to crave development...
something more....

i wandered from the usual pallette a bit.... for mood...for fun..

Here's some details...
the boat and the prow and some of the accompanying fishies....

You can observe here
the fish face and the sail..

the whole fish body
with some hatching to give it texture...

the volcano and the background landscape...

the right-hand background island
and a suggestion of a village...

I have two more drawings,at least,to document for you
and will when time allows!
Until we next meet...
Ciao Ohana!


http://www.kenruzic.com http://www.myspace.com/kenruzicdotcom

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-10-19 08:14 ]

LOL Tiki posted on 10/18/2009

On 2009-10-18 10:51, little lost tiki wrote:

Beautiful piece Ken.

Clarita posted on 10/19/2009

All this last paintings have such a level inspiration! i love them :)

Kiki von Tiki posted on 10/19/2009

"the Ruzic"...


LOL! You know how we love you whatever name you go by!

BigToe posted on 10/20/2009

"The Ruzic" has found a cool cool new groove!

Swamp Fire posted on 10/21/2009

Really dig that new one, "The fishing trip". Love the crosshatch textures, texture good.

Looking forward to stirring the pot up North with ya this weekend little buddy.

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2009

Kiki von Tiki posted on 10/21/2009



Spread the love around in Seattle, guys! Have fun!

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2009

Thank you sooo much
and Doug E.
for all the luv!
I'll be sure to spread some of it around
in Seattle!

We'll be flying out on Thursday!
And will be exploring the Upper NorthWest
unless we encounter some horrific airline tragedy...
and then y'all will regret
that you didn't buy as many LLT paintings as you should have..

Seriously tho, if i croak
contact Mrs LLT via PM and buy something
so she can afford to bury my ashen corpse!

Anyways,on this 150th page
and last art posting
before above-mentioned tragic airline disaster
i will post my four last pieces
for y'all to remember me by!

First painting
"the Cannibal's Brunch"
Cel Animation Vinyl on thick Masonite

This medium dries very fast
so building up the shadows was a breeze
and the final highlights were opague and perfect!
Close-up of dat tongue!

My favorite part of this piece is the sweet way
the victim grasps his attacker's thumb...

"Melanesian Melody"
sharpie and ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper

This one was inspired by the melanesian Shield book from the freaky Boutiki!
Get Yours today!

"the Moai King's Council"
sharpie and ink and water soluble pencil on Aquarelle watercolor paper

I decide to let my Magical Fish sneak into the narrative again..
This time as an important ambassador of the fishes...or something!

Here's the Moai King
discussing important matters ...

Dig the Crazy Drummer!

and here's something that definitely is NOT tiki
but Hey!
If Clysdalle can post non-tiki stuff every other day
i should be able to post something non-tiki
every once in a while,eh?

"Elephant and jungle"
cel Animation Vinyl on masonite

I've always loved elephants
in art and in real life
their mostly gentle nature

their intelligence
their sense of community
even the instances where they deal out some justice to an abusive trainer..

So there you have it,,
my last possible entry..
Thank you Ohana
it has been a pleasure to meet and chat and laugh with you all...

LOL Tiki posted on 10/21/2009

Skip the plane crash and enjoy your trip! :lol: So what's the story with the recent use of cel animation vinyl and masonite?

MadDogMike posted on 10/21/2009

Kinny, enjoy your trip but keep an eye on Woof!

I've been telling you that you pieces are screaming STAINED GLASS now here's your chance. You already have the cel animation vinyl, all you need now is some cellulose acetate and you're set to go!

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2009

On 2009-10-20 23:01, LOL Tiki wondered:
So what's the story with the recent use of cel animation vinyl and masonite?

This is one of those stories where
after years of putting it off
and half-heartedly listening to fellow artists
there it was!
right there around the corner from the ink brush pens and stuff
at the Art Supply Warehouse in Westminster
waaaay down from the acrylics
there it was!
so i bought some....
Paintpens are good to finish a piece's blackline fast
but the line width is something that needed 2-3 passes
to get that thick thin look
with acrylics
it's not always a solid line
so it was dip-paint-dip-go back over
Carpal-Tunnel friendly technique there! :lol:
whereas a paintpen.... no dipping
the lines with Acrylic were 1/2 opaque-half/transparent
Cel Animation Vinyl
dries Matte
dries fast
and you can load a LOT of paint on a brush
and unlike enamel
you can clean your brushes with soap and water....
Bought about 6 new colors last week
and was quite pleased with how they CAN work with acrylics
quite well
i think the technique of acrylic underpainting thru washes
slight washes of Cel Animation Vinyl
3 seconds after it's dry
a nice opaque blackline
and some opaque "poppy" highlights...
Second query....
What's with the masonite?
Monkeyman commissioned a painting
and so
as part of the payment
He cut 11 16x20 panels of masonite
whilst visiting at the CHOP!
He is the Clown king of Tools!

Of course, Toe was there and mooched 2 panels
So he owes me those..
(Hopefully, he'll paint something purdy on em...)
Oh yeah...
and a surfboard...
almost forgot about that...
and close to $10 for that Honkin tube of Naples Yellow..
Watch that guy
if you lend him something
What a MAROON!

so, if said airplane crashes on the way TO or FROM Seattle
i would like one of those 2 panels to contain a commemorative LLT portrait
Have him give that surfboard to Clysdalle
so he can practice on it
and get good someday... :lol:
and the $10 can be split amongst the 1-3 people
who weep at the funereal...

That is all!
luv ya mean it!

BigToe posted on 10/21/2009

How DARE you sir! YOU sir are NO GENTLEMAN

i did not MOOCH those panels, you begrudgingly OFFERED them to me.

And on that SURFBOARD, i have OFFERED you TWO boards, which you have rejected...ONE of which i gave to Clysdale (sic). i do owe you for the jumbo bucket o' Naples Yellow...which i cherish. i take umberage (raw or burnt) to the characterization of a Maroon...i would use the term shiftless chisler.

On 2009-10-21 08:06, little lost tiki wrote:

Of course, Toe was there and mooched 2 panels
So he owes me those..
(Hopefully, he'll paint something purdy on em...)
Oh yeah...
and a surfboard...
almost forgot about that...
and close to $10 for that Honkin tube of Naples Yellow..
Watch that guy
if you lend him something
What a MAROON!

so, if said airplane crashes on the way TO or FROM Seattle
i would like one of those 2 panels to contain a commemorative LLT portrait
Have him give that surfboard to Clysdalle
so he can practice on it
and get good someday... :lol:
and the $10 can be split amongst the 1-3 people
who weep at the funereal...

That is all!
luv ya mean it!

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2009

you shiftless chiseler...
Duel at noon...
in the parking lot...SIR!

and MDM-that's not HOW you make REAL stained Glass
the real stuff contains lead and glass and other stuff
no phony baloney Stained Glass in this hut!

ravenne posted on 10/21/2009

On 2009-10-21 08:50, little lost tiki wrote:
Duel at noon...
in the parking lot...SIR!

You two kids play nice! :lol:

I love the cel animation vinyl yer using,
it gives your recent pieces a newer pop to it;
I'm diggin' it!

I really like that elephant,
you should do more animals in that stained glass style
explore new ways of seeing them - do a tiger next!

I wish I could go to Seattle again, I miss the Nazzal Familia!
Especially lil Joey and his Knock-knock jokes & james brown moves :lol:
Give them a big hug from me! :)

Have a safe trip & fun in Seattle!
no dying in planes,
yer not allowed!

ravenne posted on 10/21/2009

Oh yeah!
this lil dude is my favorite:



TikiG posted on 10/21/2009

Yes I visited the inner sanctum, some describe it as the outer reaches of a parallel universe - last Saturday. I was personally invited to Kinny's studio and yeah, its a museum albeit a crazed-beatnik wonderland of multiple-personality manifestations.

I felt right at home there. Looking around I realized this guy is truly light-years ahead. Ahead of what? - I'm still trying to figure that one out :wink:

All of Kinny's art I saw, in person, has a certain charm, wonder and mystique about them that's difficult to describe unless you see them up close in-person. Most have the classic Ruzik stained-glass feel to them, which is what I expected. Other works shot a WOW! bolt from my cerebrum as I stood face to face, in awe, with THOSE panels. But when Kinny brought out some hidden portfolios filled with art the jig was up. The stuff I saw in those portfolios prove Kinny is a mod wizard of color, texture, storytelling and technique. Fantastic! To spend time with this wizard talking art, talking technique and just plain talking trash...it all adds up to a glorious afternoon never to be forgotten.

Before I forget to mention your description of me as 'indomitable' in a prior post is much appreciated, I want to say Thanks Kinny for being a gracious host. Till next time...

MadDogMike posted on 10/21/2009

On 2009-10-21 08:50, little lost tiki wrote:
MDM-that's not HOW you make REAL stained Glass
the real stuff contains lead and glass and other stuff
no phony baloney Stained Glass in this hut!

Let me re-phrase that - Your pieces are screaming CEL...

GROG posted on 10/21/2009

LLT blathered:
We'll be flying out on Thursday!
And will be exploring the Upper NorthWest
unless we encounter some horrific airline tragedy...
and then y'all will regret
that you didn't buy as many LLT paintings as you should have..

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-10-21 10:44 ]

GROG posted on 10/21/2009

On 2009-10-21 10:32, MadDogMike wrote:
Let me re-phrase that - Your pieces are screaming KINDLING!

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-10-21 10:48 ]

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2009

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2009

Monkeyman posted on 10/21/2009

Ive got another 15 masonite panels cut and ready for you guys...

however you want to divide them up is up to you

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2009


that's 12 for To(so he can give me the 2 he owes me)
and just 3 for myself...

send the bill to the Toe!

GROG posted on 10/21/2009

Squid and Doug are flying to Seattle, and Kinny is taking his usual mode of transportation.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5038/4adf6163.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=03b5136cfd728eaef2dde87877c9d2ec

little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2009

GROG is the best Little Bus Driver
EVER! :)

Babalu posted on 10/21/2009

Man, GROG's got one of those Colgate smiles.

GROG posted on 10/21/2009

This for Kinny, not Bablu.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5038/4adf6617.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7526e39904400b051c7ea5138573b436

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