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TIKOT! - Visions from the Tiki Tarot @ FBG thru November

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FREAKY BOUTIKI GALLERY will play host a most unusual show this autumn.

Now, I'd scheduled a wierd group show for Christmas but the spirit of autumn was undeniable... what could I do? Monsters and zombies? Nahhhhh... like Robert Stack once said in Airplane when asked to turn on the runway lights, "That's just what they'll be expecting us to do."

The answer came late one night when the Ghost of Alistair Crowley who lives under my bed told me I would be contacted shortly by an angel who looks like the Snow Meiser and a demon who looks like the Frito Bandito about an idea for an ass kicking Halloween show. I was assured by Crowley's ghost that while there have been many tarot shows presented by galleries around the wide wide world, ours would be the first to pair the undeniable forces of Tiki & Tarot.

Thus Freaky Boutiki Galleries second show...

Tikot! - Visions from the Tiki Tarot

This exhibition will focus on the Tarot's twenty two Major arcana portrayed in distinctive Tiki & Oceanic styles by twenty two of your favorite artists. Works will be executed using their favorite mediums both two dimentional and sculptural including mugs.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of TIKOT!
Cards should "Turn Up"(get it?) throughout October cuminating in a costumed celebration on All Hallows Eve featuring the entire major arcana!

In true Tarot fashion all artists have so far told me that the cards randomly drawn for them were those they would have chosen for themselves!

**The Fool - Big Toe

The Magician - Brad Parker

The High Priestess - UlaFish

The Emperess - Eric October

The Emperor - Crazy Al Evans

The Hierophant - Erin Joy

The Lovers - Bowana David Lea

The Chariot - Tiki Racer

Justice - B. E. Boling

The Hermit - HodadHank

The Wheel - S. L. Grice

Strength - 4WD Bill Collins

The Hanged Man - Atomic Tony Tiki

Death - Clysdalle

Temperance - Heather Watts

The Devil - McEvoy & Rodriguez

The Tower - Babalu

The Star - Atomikitty

The Moon - Doug Horne

The Sun - Tiki Omar

Judgment - Kinny Ruzic

The World - Eric The Red**

Note: The Show Poster was done by Kinny Ruzic who's great patiece w/ endless revisions was very much appreciated. Ain't it bitchin?

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-10-17 12:05 ]

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-11-18 13:10 ]


WOW! What a line up!

And WOW, what a great idea, Hank! Got my image all drawn out already, just need to transfer it to canvas and let the paint start flying!

Can't wait to see what all these stellar artists will create for this unique show!

Mahalo Hodaddy for such a brilliant concept!

done and ready to frame!

whassup Slow-pokes?


:up: - oh yeah...now make that out of clay!

Very nice Master K :) You "RULE" tiki boss!!!


Kenny, he never said if you use the Queens Scale colors or what. You may have to re-paint!

Who designs the back?

Tweet your heart out!

Don't forget theres still a minor arcana to work before we need to decide on the back! Maybe next year.

On 2009-09-28 10:28, little lost tiki wrote:
done and ready to frame...whassup Slow-pokes?


Hey youZE arteeeests! Post your progress shots! A lingering commission done I am now busting ass on THE HERMIT!

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-09-28 14:13 ]

Here's a quick 'work in progress' for my card - the chariot

More detail and colour to add. The darker turtle will become black. Plus stars and moon to come.


I think that is how it is spelled. AAAAARRRGGGhhhhhghghhghghrhrhrhrhrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!


Sigh...i loath Kinny. he makes me have to be productive.

so here's where i am on my card, "The Fool":

  1. translate da sketch to panel.

  1. Cut Da Board.

  1. Underpaint Da panel. the orange/ sepia under-paint is something new i am trying.

more soon.

[ Edited by: BigToe 2009-09-28 22:51 ]

this is a TAROT card show
not a Self-portrait exhibition!

Toe That fool is great! I love the dog biting his ass and how he's walking off a cliff!

Anyhoo heres my Hermit in progress, I must say anyone who knows me beyond a handshake will recognise this card as perfect for my current life situation. The universe working in mysterious ways perhaps.

Who knew a MUNKTIKI COCONUT BOWL could be a dispenser of such cosmic accuracy...

Vintage Imperial Beach tongue & groove panelling w/ freehand acrylic.

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-09-30 19:00 ]

I think the Tarot Card idea is freakin awesome!!! I wuz wondering if you are going to make a special Deck of cards of all the artists work. I would love to have a deck of "Tiki Tarot Cards".

Rock On Hank and all artist's who are involved!!

friggin Awesome,Hank!

you are THE Hermit Deluxe!

On 2009-09-30 12:39, The Sperm Whale wrote:
...I wuz wondering if you are going to make a special Deck of cards of all the artists work. I would love to have a deck of "Tiki Tarot Cards".

Thanks Spermy. This question has been raised a number of times and I shall consider it. It would be a great way to involve other artists who weren't included for one reason or another this time around. The short notice of the show for example excluded many who would have liked to participate. Thanks for the encouragement. FBG is a living breathing thing and I can see it evoling into gathering point for an international visual arts movement of like minded individuals not dissimilar to The Bauhaus.

Printing tarot cards? Sounds like a job for a print production manager. Gee, I wonder where we can find one? :wink: Hank, sending you a PM regarding this. Let's chat!


you take it kiki, i'll bow out. you're closer.


B.E. Boling just sent this pic of his JUSTICE frieze work in progress featuring a Maori tattooed Greek goddess and her Hei Tiki faced owl!

... I decided to do Athena, goddess of Wisdom, blind of course, with her owl, talons ready to rend apart the guilty! These are all the separate pieces that will be assembled after the painting is finished. Hope you guys like it so far!


Awesome work being posted so far! Love the in-progress shots!

I finally finished my piece...
So here it is, my version of the Empress. I went a little nuts with the imagery and symbolism, but everything in the painting means something or relates to the attributes of this particular tarot card.


[ Edited by: tobunga 2009-10-02 19:21 ]

BigToe posted on Fri, Oct 2, 2009 7:48 PM

awesome work kids!


On 2009-10-02 19:14, tobunga wrote:
I went a little nuts with the imagery and symbolism, but everything in the painting means something or relates to the attributes of this particular tarot card.

This type of attention to detail and symbolism is just what I was hoping for from the artists selected! Excellent Empress Eric! The Moa cracks me up!

Some great work going on, the fixed format will make the complete lineup amazing.

Got some more time on my piece, looking to get mine finished next week to ensure it gets over the ocean in time.


Looking good TR. Keep dialing that phat puppy in and you'll tie that sucker up in no time...
(Translation for American slang impared: Luvvly-jubbly TR! Continue to persevere on your mutt's nuts knock up and Bob's your uncle.)

Babalu posted on Sun, Oct 4, 2009 9:48 PM

Hey All,

Here's the start of the "Tower" mug...the sculpt part is done...several firing to go...

For more images, go to my thread...


yes, there will be real fire used at the top of the Tower....

What a great show this is going to be!! Great work everyone!

You say you want a Revolution?...Fun subject matter to mix with Tiki Hank! Lot's of killa content and symbolism to play with...thank you sir.

The stuff for this show is looking great..Thanks for including us...We'll try and post pics soon.

My finished piece for the show is complete and ready to ship.

The Chariot
10"x20" wooden panel and acrylics

Way to go Babs and TR!!! These pices look dy-no-mite!

Another WIP image from B.E. Boling. Looking good!!!

As promised..

Hodadhank-are those cutouts going to be linked somehow...

where's the "tiki" in your Tarot,Billy McEvoy?
did either of you read the piece requirements?

On 2009-10-11 08:44, little lost tiki wrote:
where's the "tiki" in your Tarot, Billy McEvoy?
did either of you read the piece requirements?

Well, tits start with a "T" and she's got a "KEY" around her neck, so...

Hey, they're Big Toe's bros and he passed along the instructions. Nuff said. :roll:

A beautiful & cool painting guys, any way you slice it. All the artists were given the parameters and left to come up with their own solutions. This was part of the fun. This actually reminds me... I haven't seen Tim Curry in Legend for ages.

I loved that flick.

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-10-11 13:13 ]

On 2009-10-10 16:45, McEvoyandRodriguez wrote:
...are those cutouts going to be linked somehow...

Yes indeed!

Here's the final assembled Justice Tikot by B. E. Boling! (Can't wait to see this in person Ben!) A Maori Diana, or Athena w/Rotoruan Ruru owl, roughly 10 x 20 inches, acrylic on wood. horizontal.

Like B.E. sez - "If any of you happen to be near Mission Beach, San Diego, stop on by the Freaky Boutiki Gallery and check out the show when it goes up. There's sure to be lots of cool stuff there!"

The Wheel in progress by S.L Grice!!

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-10-16 15:10 ]

Thanx Tiki Kate for getting this action shot of the elusive Toe working on his TIKOT! card, THE FOOL at Monkeyman's Choptoberfest ...

On 2009-10-10 20:25, Tiki-Kate wrote:
BigToe working on his Fool painting.

Steve Grice pouring on the steam!



and here is "Ke Hupo" (The Fool in Hawaiian) close to completion.

The "heavy lifting" of the painting is done at this point and I have done most of the detail work.

after giving it a day to dry and clear my brain, I will go back in and tweak some stuff to balance out any jagged visuals, then varnish and frame!

Toe's "Fool" piece is awesome in person!
go Orange Ground!
That wheel is looking pretty spiffy too
and the Minerva/Owl
and the Chariot!
and i saw NoName's start on his "World" entry at the CHOP!

Oh! and Brad "TikiShark" Parker
has been holding back....
"the Magician"

This is gonna be one great shew...


http://www.kenruzic.com http://www.myspace.com/kenruzicdotcom

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-10-12 08:35 ]

Hooray Toe & Brad!!!!


The card I have is this High Priestess. Here's my process so far, from thumbnail to tight sketch to value study to color studies. Final piece to be posted soon.

Spectacular Ula! I just knew you'd hit this one out of the park... so glad you're involved!


LOVE IT ula!!! can't wait to see the final!


Thanks Hoda and Bigtoe, I was worried that it was too different from the other cards done so far but I guess that's the point!

Great stuff guys! In an airport right now but I finished my card this week....can't wait to get home and scan it in! Droppin the sucker off tomorrow! Can't wait to check out the show!

Here is a crappy cell phone pic of my card in process...

TikiG posted on Thu, Oct 15, 2009 3:02 PM

Great stuff everyone - wish I could have been a part of this group effort. Maybe next time?!?

Hodadhank - I'm wondering two things now I've been caught up on the progress today:

  1. What's the status of the deck printing idea discussed earlier in this thread?

  2. Will the original works be on sale at FB gallery or will the artists ultimately retain their work?

On 2009-10-14 15:40, ulafish wrote:
The card I have is this High Priestess. Here's my process so far, from thumbnail to tight sketch to value study to color studies. Final piece to be posted soon.

She's beautiful! I love the purple/red colorway (that first one).

Just framed and scanned in my piece......here it is....

The Death Card....
11x14 Acrylic Ink on Hotpress paper

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