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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Holy Grail of Tiki!!!!

Pages: 1 25 replies

The Witch Doctor posted on 10/23/2009

you can look but don't touch..hehehe
found at a church auction for 25.00 bucks (i talked them down to 20..arnt I a Stinker)

Dustycajun posted on 10/23/2009

Nice Score Doctor of the Witch!

You could of had them all for $6.95 back in 1967!


The Witch Doctor posted on 10/23/2009

yea and to think how many are still out there in Grandma's closet, or old storage shead...and some people still make fun of me for digging in trash cans, or stopping along the road lookng in boxes from where peopel have moved out... never know what you may find..trash is king in my book


[ Edited by: The Witch Doctor 2009-10-22 20:41 ]

1961surf posted on 10/23/2009

I am your primary beneficiary on your life policy right Johnny ??

The Witch Doctor posted on 10/23/2009

yep....but you will need two trucks to haul off my collection..hahahah

1961surf posted on 10/23/2009

And quite a collection it is my man !

Haole'akamai posted on 10/23/2009

Whatcha gonna serve in 'em first?!

Unga Bunga posted on 10/23/2009

On 2009-10-22 19:46, The Witch Doctor wrote:
found at a church auction for 25.00 bucks (i talked them down to 20..arnt I a Stinker)


tikibars posted on 10/23/2009

Here I am, planning on liquidating half of my tiki collection beginning tonight, and still drooling over your score....

naugatiki posted on 10/23/2009

On 2009-10-22 19:46, The Witch Doctor wrote:
you can look but don't touch..hehehe
found at a church auction for 25.00 bucks (i talked them down to 20..arnt I a Stinker)

You're a lot more savvy than me, I would have talked them up on those.

TikiDiego posted on 10/23/2009

oh man! so jealous!!!

I just wish I could find just one of those!

great score!

nature boy posted on 10/23/2009

I think you should bring them to Antiques Roadshow. I am alway hoping to see some rare tiki on that show.

Or Got Rum? posted on 10/23/2009

Super find! I always LOVE getting a vintage item w/ the original box...how many were tossed immediately?

MondoMcGonzo posted on 10/23/2009

WOW- looks like it's going to be a great Christmas at the WitchDoctor house!

TIKIVILLE posted on 10/23/2009

You are blessed it seems huh?, GREAT find?...naw

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/23/2009

Fantastic find, Witch Doctor! God Bless them church rummage sales.

On 2009-10-23 10:20, nature boy wrote:
I think you should bring them to Antiques Roadshow. I am alway hoping to see some rare tiki on that show.

A friend and I brought some rare tiki stuff to the Antiques Roadshow as a test and believe me, the folks here on TC know a LOT more about tiki than the experts on Roadshow. Tiki just hasn't hit their radar yet as a collectible. They have experts on art-pottery & old English china, but show them a tiki mug and they will humbly admit they don't know. It might take a few more decades before Poly-pop collectibles become legitimate in the larger world.

The Witch Doctor posted on 10/23/2009

yea the road show is fun to watch but it just like anything elses you might have an itme worth 10,000 bucks..but who is gonna shell out the coin for it

Tikinomad posted on 10/23/2009

Ma halo for posting a pic of your wonderful find. I knew they came in a set of 4 but I never saw a picture of the TV logo on the cover of the box, very cool!

The Witch Doctor posted on 10/29/2009

this weekend, i found 8 tiki mugs, 3 coco joe's, 2 Hula girls and 2 Brass Gong's from the Kahiki..its Tiki Meca down here in the south..and i did't spend over 20 bucks.. gotta love flea markets and rummage sales..and yes i am the one who has 9 Suffering Bastards (all orgingal) + 4 in the box set so 13 total
Luckey Number?....heheheheh

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 10/29/2009

You trying to be the Hunt Brothers of Suffering Bastards? :wink:

The Witch Doctor posted on 10/30/2009

now to think about it... sounds like my new Quest...how many can i snag up by the end of the year?
I have 13 now let see if i can make it up to 24.. and i'll provide pictures to show the results...SWEET!!!

[ Edited by: The Witch Doctor 2009-10-30 11:41 ]

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 10/30/2009

How about flooding the market and driving down the price for us mortals?

harro posted on 10/31/2009

wow, nice find - i've never even seen one of those in person, but i've always loved the design - a tiki classic! one day i'd love to see one and maybe add it to my collection....

nature boy posted on 11/02/2009

So, what would be your estimated appraisal for these? They are highly valuable to collectors, but how high would these go for with the right collectors? I am curious.

uncle trav posted on 11/02/2009
1961surf posted on 11/04/2009

Was the decanter ever sold with the four pack set or was it sold separately ??

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