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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Swizzel Stick help?....for Cursed Tiki's

Pages: 1 4 replies

The Witch Doctor posted on 11/03/2009

Hey the Witch doctor needs a bit of help..anyone knows anybody who does custom Swizzel Sticks (not the cheap crap from the dollar store)...i need some for the Cursed Tiki roll out in dec...any help

a free cursed tiki shirt to the one who helps.....WD out ( to stir the pot)

Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/04/2009

someone here made the frankies tiki room swizzle and the fratenal order of moai....perhaps they can help you with yours...i'm not sure who made them-perhaps someone else will chime in...

croe67 posted on 11/04/2009

yep - that's me :)

I shot the Witch Dr. a PM, so he should be all good :D

little lost tiki posted on 11/04/2009

Super Caroline!!!!!

The Witch Doctor posted on 11/04/2009

yea creo67..was a big help and gets a Free Cursed tiki shirt... thanks again

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