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NEW Benzart Black Jade Marq 3-6-14

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Benzart posted on 10/28/2009

Yes and it will be in the mail probably tomorrodoubleyou
Soorry for being absent these past few days but I just needed to recharge my batteries and should be back to work tomorrodoubleyou!

Benzart posted on 10/28/2009

Laojia, Yes the smile was an afterthought because he was Happy I had decided to create him instead of sulk and do nothing he's happy!

Thanks Tiki godz, ''preciate the kind wordz.

Thanks Big Tiki Scott Thanks and Yeah I know what "take a break" means.....Take a break= ; stop: knocked off work at noon. To cease work:
It's after five; let's knock off. Informal. To complete, accomplish, or dispose
...A person may take a longer break from work, such as a sabbatical, ... Most of
the rest of the English-speaking world says holiday, rather than vacation. ...To take a recess: The investigators recessed for lunch. ... A pause or interval,
as from work or duty: break, intermission, respite, rest, time-out. Informal
breather. ... Idioms: take a break, take a breather, takefiveten. ...A short break from work or play; also, a punishment for misbehavior in young
children ... so much these days that I think everyone should take some time out
now and then, ... for purposes of rest, making a substitution, Or.....I think I can think of more should I contim=nue OR Take a brake from using the dictionaries???????????

Seeks, Thanks, Naw, Its ME who owes them because all this stuff they do leaving me holding the bag and I remember how it's done. It's like a hands on lesson but not my hands but they Are my hands guided by someone else, I think it goes something like that.

Bennella, Thank you but I think there Was another Smiler back a ways at the Trop.

GMAN, See photo above, I Think he was kinda smilin' too? Cheerz

amate posted on 10/28/2009

Benzart, All of your work is just off the hook amazing. I prefer the wood but that is just personal preference. I am a big fan of your art and greatly admire your talent. I suspect there are many more like me on this forum.


buzzard posted on 10/28/2009

man another great job!!!!
well i put it off long enough and tried my dremal on a rock,
mine sure did'nt look like yours(must be better rocks down there)
but i had some fun and burned a couple bits up,now i guess i need more tools

more tools more tools

crazy al posted on 11/03/2009

On 2009-10-27 20:16, Benzart wrote:

Bennella, Thank you but I think there Was another Smiler back a ways at the Trop.

GMAN, See photo above, I Think he was kinda smilin' too? Cheerz

i think he is smiling,,,,,,,

laojia posted on 11/05/2009

BUMP! Is what amazing new stuff from Port St Lucie!



benella posted on 11/05/2009

Dear Ben,

I KNEW there was a moari masterpiece that smile because it was your signature but I didn't know where to search for the bigger version of it...and now you post it... Thanks !



so cool ben but i know you can do biger

Kino posted on 11/06/2009

On 2009-10-27 20:16, Benzart wrote:

Kino Thanks You

[ Edited by: Kino 2009-11-05 18:52 ]

Benzart posted on 11/06/2009

Thanks Amate, I appreciate your words of wisdom. Most of the time I prefer the wood too but a couple years ago a couple friends twisted my arm and got me started carving jade and stone and it's like a real battle between the 3 of them and then some bone was thrown into the mix and in many ways bone wins out because it demands all your skills but I really like the media I am carving at the time the most. It's like I'm being torn between them all? :o :lol:

Buzzard, Thanks,, More tools wins All the time! What you need for stone is a water drip/siphon system (bucket with tiny hose) to keep the burs cool .

C'Al, Thanks for the pic, He can't Help but smile with you standing next to him! :o

Jerome, Thanks for checking inn. :)

Marcus, Thanks, but I think I'll leave the giant guys to you guys.
You are doing super well enough with them!

Kino, Well I thanks toy too! (Watch that dropped Jaw, it attracts flies.) :o :D :P

Thanks everyone, had a real mean back recently but am feeling better some. Here is some more work on the jade I started awhile ago.
Long way to go yet but I think he'll make it all right.

GMAN posted on 11/06/2009

he has ear fungus....ewwww

TikiMango posted on 11/06/2009

Must be a wrestler with "cauliflower ear", very cool Ben.

Clarita posted on 11/06/2009

:D he is looking good!

[ Edited by: Clarita 2009-11-06 15:58 ]

tikigodz posted on 11/07/2009

Ben nice to see you carving again, Luvin the new one. and glad to here your back is feelin better.

Benzart posted on 11/08/2009

Man, I can't Believe I wrote out a reply last night and hit "Preview" and never hit the Submit button. Dammit, I Hate it when I do that..
Any way.

GMAN , Yeah I know he has this ear thing but he will have to live with it I think.

Mango, Yes, in fact he Was a wrestler, at least thats what he tells me,, Thanks.

Thanks Clarita.

Tikigodz, thanks Much appreciated.

Here he is ready for his face decorations.

Yes, I'm working on this tusk again. Half done, half to go!

tikigodz posted on 11/08/2009

WHOA! Ben at first I couldnt imagine you being able to detail that small..
Taht is just amazing. Have you ever thought about postin. Whatyou use i.e your tools
Iam very interested in starting small designs, Such as yourself and Piapo.

laojia posted on 11/08/2009

A fine jade master piece, sensei carver. Can't wait to see the moko finished!
Yesterday, I wondered where had been forgotten the great tusk started some time ago... I am happy today to see the progress pics.

I stay tuned sensei carver!


Benzart posted on 11/08/2009

Thanks Tikigodz, I will get together a tool post for the tools thread, also for the stone carvers thread.

Thanks Jerome, I had not forgotten this guy, just had him on the back burner for awhile.

Benzart posted on 11/09/2009

Thanks Tiki Godz, and yes I'll be posting more tools pages soon.

Jerome, thanks, I'm still learning and from all you guys too! :)

Here is a short update. All these lines are preliminary and need widening and cleaning as well as more depth.

amate posted on 11/10/2009

Amazing stuff! What more can I say...

Benzart posted on 11/10/2009

Thanks Amate, and say no more for now anyway.

Here a quick update with lines a bit wider by not much

MooneyTiki posted on 11/10/2009

Another incredable carving and even more Amazing to see in person. See ya tommarrow got a lono mask and maybe a drum if I get off my butt n carve today. Your one talented person but not as creative as that boy of ours Ryan and his drywall art!!! Aparently it's a New medium carving Drywall!!!! Ahhhhhh sorry got to go and fix some drywall! Lol

SDshirtman posted on 11/10/2009

Benzart, have you ever considered posting a video of you working on these?

Babalu posted on 11/10/2009


Benzart posted on 11/10/2009

Hey Mooney, Thanks for the kind words. So little Ryan found out that drywall carves easy, That is SO Funny, Except of course the part about fixin' it up!

SDShirtman, I' thought about it but it seems uneasy to do. There is so much boring stuff in between the carving parts so lots of editing needs to be done. I'll hafta' see what I can do?

Joined a local rock and Gem club so's I could have access to some bigger tools and I have to take a course in cabbing before I can use the saws and stuff. It's OK, I can get the certification in a few classes maybe , did the second one today and I'm gonna cheat a bit and finish my cab at home.....Shhhhh!

TikiG posted on 11/10/2009

Hooray! Ben - you joined your local rock and gem club - glad to read that.

If you ever find yourself wanting to experiment with southwestern Agate and Jasper, don't hesitate to contact me. I can supply you with beautiful, durable and absolutely colorful material. My pleasure.

BIG tiki scott posted on 11/11/2009

hello benz!! the jade carving and tusk are incredable you just amaze me every time i look at your stuff!! you are THE MAN!! cheerz!

surfintiki posted on 11/11/2009

EEK! That bone looks naturally organic! Not carved by a HUMAN hand!! Perfect flow Benz.

laojia posted on 11/16/2009


seeksurf posted on 11/17/2009

What surfintiki said "Perfect flow"

Kino posted on 11/17/2009

On 2009-11-06 07:41, Benzart wrote:
Thanks Amate, I appreciate your words of wisdom. Most of the time I prefer the wood too but a couple years ago a couple friends twisted my arm and got me started carving jade and stone and it's like a real battle between the 3 of them and then some bone was thrown into the mix and in many ways bone wins out because it demands all your skills but I really like the media I am carving at the time the most. It's like I'm being torn between them all? :o :lol:

What a real challenge , cuz I'm sure the different materials act differently
under different circumstances. (that was too many big words)

Very nice work Ben.

Benzart posted on 11/18/2009

Thanks TikiG, Yes I Joined and was up front with them about my reasons, To be able to use their saws and other tool, and they didn't mind as long as I took a capping class . They allowed me to join one which was 4 weeks done already based on looking at my stone and jade work. Today was my 3rd class and they gave me the go=ahead to come to the open workshop where I can come in and use all the tools but they want me to give a demonstration of my work. I had taken the cab I created on my 2nd class and finished it at home and started a carving on it. It took a bit of time just to decide what to carve on this jade Cabochon. I finally decided to carve a Manaia and it hasn't been easy. There are sooo many variations of this thing And most do not make sense, to me anyway.So with all that in mind here is what I've come up with so far. He's a bit lumpy and bumpy but hopefully I'll be able to clean him up and ad some surface detail on him.

Sorry I forgot some peeps;
TikiG, Thanks, you never know? :D

Big Tiki Scott, thanks too, for being amazed all the time.

Surfin, Thanks, sometimes I don't feel very human too, glad you Like it.

Jerome, Thanks for the Bumps. :)

Seeks, thanks too .

Thanks Kino, Yes Lots of different tools Challenges and different methods for each material. Fun, Fun, Funny


[ Edited by: Benzart 2009-11-17 20:30 ]

[ Edited by: Benzart 2009-11-19 10:55 ]

MadDogMike posted on 11/18/2009

Awesome carve and beautiful colored stone, then I realize HOLY BATSH!T - it's carved on a stone the size of my thumbnail!!! And you hope to "add some surface detail" with what, an electron microscope!!???

We expect nothing short of spectacular from you Benzart and you haven't disappointed us :)

laojia posted on 11/18/2009

You too, you carve incredible Manaia... :o :o :o I admire the tail knot! Wow! In this scale is a real feat.


TikiMango posted on 11/18/2009

Great piece Ben! I was just at a gem and mineral show last weekend, I wanted to buy some jade cabs, but chickened out. I was thinking they were too small to do anything decent with. I should have known you'd be able to squeeze something wonderful from the stuff. I wish I could be there to see the looks on all those rockhound-lapidary faces when you show this.

Tikilizard posted on 11/18/2009

Ben, I see your still powering up that electron microscope to work on those details. Your last piece is coming along exceptionally as always. I really like the fluidity of this one. You just don't want to stop looking at it. Phenomenal work as always. Happy carving!

hodadhank posted on 11/18/2009

Gasp! Can't catch breath... motor skills failing... THUD

little lost tiki posted on 11/19/2009

i love his little arm!



Benzart posted on 11/19/2009

Thanks MadDog, Appreciate the comps and the big shoes. Hopefully I won't Disappoint!

Jerome, Thanks to you too, these are tricky little buggers to carve no? I only hope to make him turn out as well as yours. :)

Thanks Mango,If it was in Port Saint Lucie. I was at that show too and that is the club I joined. This coming weekend id=s a Giant show in Palm Beach at the Fairgrounds. The jade that guy had was Very thin,, come down and I'll fix you up! ( Oh yeah, Yhey Love it and want me to teach a class.)

TikiLizard, Thanks for the kind words, Ya, I Need one of those Scopes. :o

Careful there Hank, take a few deep breaths, There now. Thanks I'll get the other side done soon!

Thanks L'ilTiki, Lost or knot! Glad you likes this little guy. I could Swear the Cab looked Much bigger than this when I started!

Heere is the latest update, doesn't look like much but only a lot of shaping and cleaning,, getting the lumps and dips out.

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JohnnyP posted on 11/20/2009

As always, super pieces with an increadible steady hand. You certainly have a talent for fairing all those curves together.


Benzart posted on 11/21/2009

Thanks Johnny, the curves are not so long on the small pieces so are easier, right?? :)
Here are updates from yesterday.

GMAN posted on 11/21/2009

Ola senior B. Where you bean? Dems some groovy grinds. Youz sOK?

Benzart posted on 11/22/2009

Yeah, GMAN, I am OK mostly. Glad you likes theze guys.

TravelingJones posted on 11/22/2009

Benz-O-matic: itsy-bitsy-teeny-weenie-greenies... :P

laojia posted on 11/23/2009

Top shelf for the manaia! The inlay give him a beautiful finishing touch! Excelent!
I guess the number of hours of sanding and polishing on this piece... :o

Is that you put an ear pendant on this fabulous Maori head? I see a hole... :roll:


Ellly posted on 11/23/2009

How wonderful pieces... you are fantastic :)

surfintiki posted on 11/23/2009

AHHHHH the sunken inlays RULE! AHHHHHHHH

TikiMango posted on 11/24/2009

Ben, your pieces always amaze me. I think it's not that you carve so damn small, you just got GIANT fingers! That Manaia cab is eerily small. Great stuff.

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