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Started sculpting my own mugs...what do you think

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Blisskitchen posted on 11/18/2009

So I decided to give it a shot. I've never been much of a sculptor but it seems that suddenly I have a knack for it. I made all of these in one weekend. I am looking for feedback and tips. I should be able to fire them next week and work on glazes. I doubt i'll ever buy another mug since this is suddenly so easy...as a matter of fact i'm thinking of selling most of my collection and building exactly what i want. Granted...these are not really Tiki designs...but they are still cool i think. The Cyclops horn is a lid and I am thinking of drilling holes in for straws...or just leaving it as is and using it as a cookie jar.
I am considering seeing how they do on etsy or ebay...of If anyone has a personal interest let me know.

I also posted a couple of youtube videos of them being made



[ Edited by: Blisskitchen 2009-11-17 16:57 ]

MadDogMike posted on 11/18/2009

Well, at least the monkeys could pass as tiki :) Very whimsical sculpts, the cyclops especially made me smile.

On 2009-11-17 16:35, Blisskitchen wrote:
"I doubt i'll ever buy another mug since this is suddenly so easy...as a matter of fact i'm thinking of selling most of my collection and building exactly what i want."[/i]

:lol: As long as you still have your sense of humility, you'll go far :lol:

Big Kahuna posted on 11/18/2009

Not really Tiki, but very cool. The cyclops is killer! Keep posting as you make new ones, please. I dig your work.

little lost tiki posted on 11/18/2009

That homage to Harryhausen Cyclops is lookin pretty spiffy!
and the skull with the monkey ears is a great concept for a mug!
mahalos for sharing your art with us
and joining the fun!

Why would you wanna throw all your other mugs away?
Sometimes,even if it's not a mug you like very much
there's something that be gleaned from it
a glaze idea
a shape
a diff approach ...
so keep those around..

Blisskitchen posted on 11/18/2009

Thanks folks. Good eye for the Harryhausen...that was my exact inspiration.

In all reality my comment about getting rid of my other mugs was probably me being overzealous last night after a few rounds with Sailor Jerry. I'll probably just make a shelf so I have even more stuff to dust. Although I do plan on thinning the herd a bit. If you knew how much crap i collect you'd understand.
The monkey mug is my favorite right now...partly because the first one took 1.5 hours and the second and third took about 20 mins start to finish. So they are very easy to do. Guess what my friends are getting for Xmas?

Blisskitchen posted on 11/18/2009

Oops...double post

[ Edited by: Blisskitchen 2009-11-18 08:30 ]

BigToe posted on 11/18/2009

looking good man! love the monkey!!

Tikilizard posted on 11/18/2009

Lookin' good. Nice designs! What type of clay are you using? Look forward to the next one so keep posting.

Blisskitchen posted on 11/18/2009

Thank you, this was my first time using a clay called Columbine made by New Mexico Clay. Its incredibly plastic compared to whatever I was using before. When fired it supposedly is very like porcelain but does not dry as fast and is easier to work with than porcelain. I'm thinking I'm going to make more using some rough stonewear that fires brown. I'm thinking that it would make the glazes more interesting. I don't have much experience in glazing so I'm somewhat intimidated by that step because of not truely knowing what it will look like until after its fired.

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