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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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wow you are so talented we must catch up

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/06/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Big Toe - yeah, Rach is soooooooooo wonderful!
LLT - All Hallows was sooooo much fun here on the BI. The street fare was not a let down, that's for sure. Paper said about 8500 folks showed up - and for this small town that's a LOT.
Hey marcus thorn, howzit?!

First off, we had a great orange-y halloween sunset!
They blocked off the street, hand three musical stages. At one end, local rock bands played, at the opposite end Reggae or "Ja-waiian" music bands played, and the stage in the middle had my favorite flavor...

...featured slack key, hapa haole and amazing traditional Hawaiian music!
It was wonderful to listen to so much talent from the islands.

Lots of home made costumes. (There's no costume shop in town!) I think this is some aspect of the goddess Madame Pele, or the great pumpkin...or both. What did I wear?

I just came in my usual duds - which is strange enough for Hallows eve.

And lots of local craftsmen selling their wares.
The Muse has struck, and I was up late completely re-painting, yet AGAIN , the back ground sky! but, I think I got it!

Here's it now.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/07/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Okay, I have never taken this long, or this many layers to create a sky. But here's yet another experiment...

I did a layer of spattering.
Just curious about what it'd do to help obliterate brush strokes. Now, I'm going in again with another semi transparent layer, so... not sure if this effect will even be seen much in the final work, but we'll find out...

And, I have not even gotten to the clouds yet! Sheesh!

Guess I'm taking extra care to get the effect I'm searching for because I know this piece is going to end up at a big show in Berlin. The X-mas Luau at Strychnin Gallery. This maybe the first time my work will be seen at a gallery that is a blip on the super hip radar of the whole "Art World", ( capital A in Art) and I'm nervous! I've been (very) lucky enough to show at private homes, special "tiki" events (big mahalo Tiki Magazine!), and "tiki" themed galleries, (big mahalo Hodadhank and Freaky Boutiki!) and big time "tourist fine art" galleries like Sargent's On Maui (big mahalo Sargents!). But..... this is the first time I'll be in a gallery that gets mentioned in the hipster high end art magazines. The art magazines that sometimes show art that I don't understand and, to be honest, I guess still scare the inner art student in my head. This fine-art-a-phobia comes from way back when I got thrown out of an advanced painting class in collage by a professor who proclaimed I wasn't an "Artist" but only an "Illustrator".... long story. I thought the gallery world was not open to me. Then, along came Robert Williams waving the flag of "low Brow Art" and all the rules changed... anyways, sorry, I'm rambling on... when I should be painting!

Mahalo Nui Loa for watching the paint dry!


Babalu posted on 11/07/2009

Hey Brad,

Living on the island looks all kinds of fun! I'm envious to beat the band.

Your painting teacher was wrong! He sounds like an ass. You Sir, are an artist...You belong right square dab in the middle of this upcoming show in Berlin. Fear nothing...this wave is yours...catch it.

All the best man...paint on brother, paint!

teaKEY posted on 11/07/2009

I really like the last one and my least favorite was the second to last. It just wasn't blended enough. Now it is "animated" with life much like a live volcano

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/08/2009

Babalu and teaKEY - thanks for the input guys... pondering and painting away.
(Hey...pssst....wanna' grab a "one off" artist proof at a tiki-rifficly good price? Check out my thread in the Marketplace. Got a few left.

teaKEY posted on 11/08/2009

I wonder since there is less background and foreground and the character is also the mug, if an extra piece of fruit could be added to his garish.

little lost tiki posted on 11/08/2009

someone needs to kick your old artteacher...
what a tool!
a teacher's job should be to teach AND inspire
and it sounds like he dropped the ball...
The sky is looking better
can we get a close-up
to see how it integrates with the strokes?
Looks great from here,at least...

and that green on the mug is very nice...

DIY costumes Rock!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/10/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
TeaKEY - Oh yeah MUCH garnish will be on Mr. Mai Tai!! He's way far from even being roughed out, really. We're still on the clouds and possible new layers of background sea mountains and bit of a cartoon version of Waikiki.
LLT - Malaho my friend. Kicking was indeed in order, but perhaps I needed my own behind kicked for being foolish enough to listen to such miss direction. I forgot my philosophy professor's words: "Don't let anyone tell you who you are - figure it out yourself."
But, I did have a lot of good times as a commercial illustrator. Got to work with some amazing folks: rock stars, movie stars, directors. Played with state of the art research and development video game toys. So, who knows if that path was right or not. What's important is I'm here now. And now I'm working on this painting to totally be the best it can be.
The sky is progressing. I took down most of the "spatter" effect on the sky - because it gave the sky too much detail, and brought it forward, when it needs to be more indistinct and recede into the distance. It dawned on me I'm gonna use stippling on the sandy beach, so I can't have it in the sky too.

Started on the clouds...
Big Mahalo from the Big Island!

TikiG posted on 11/10/2009

I'm always inspired with your posts Brad, and comfortable knowing I'm not the only one who may paint and repaint over again until the 'feel' is - I can't exactly say 'right' - but the 'feel' is just what it needs to be, you know?

I'm not embarrassed to admit that I just can't paint inspired...a single vision...from start to finish. That would be amazing considering the odds are against that ever happening for me. And who can resist those random 'yeah' moments when an un-planned mistake results in what may be termed later as a calculated risk?

As always - I say Thanks for your progress posts. They're equivalent to TIPS & TRADE SECRETS that are reserved for a lucky audience - the eyes of a chosen few. Hope I make sense :)

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Swamp Fire posted on 11/11/2009

Looking great Brad. I like the sky treatment with the Hibiscus clouds. I agree with Tiki G, always a joy to see you works in progress. And I also agree with Kinny, your art teacher is a tool.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/11/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe~
TikiG~ Mahalo for letting me know someone getting something out of this! You are totally welcome! Yes, I hear ya... some artists explain such a cool, calm way that make their art:

Rough sketch. Color Comp. Photo reference. Finished drawing. Then perfect transfer to canvas and just paint.

I've tired that process...but it seems my process wants to be a little more organic and messy. There's so many things I've never painted before, so it's always a new-first-time experiment. Like you said, you can discover some very interesting things by accident! I did. The sky on this one was one big long learning process on how to try to paint the sky in a completely different way. Some things worked, many didn't. But I think it gave me some new ideas.

Swampfire ~ THANKS! Your words keep me gong when things all look wrong and that little voice in the back of my head is saying "What the..?"

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Here's some work on the clouds
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Sketch with possible mountains, Palm tree, and cartoon Waikiki - thought this would ginve depth. Distance and layers of this cartoon Hawaiiana-world.

Have a good Veteran's Day!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/13/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Spectrum 16 just came out...
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...and if you happen to check out page 219...


Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/13/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Robb Hamel posted on 11/15/2009

'60's psychadelia updated! Cool.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/15/2009

Robb ~ G r o o v i e baby!
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More coming...
Aloha from the big Island!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/16/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe,
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some stars have appeared... more to come...

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Robb Hamel posted on 11/17/2009

Brad - you did a post 'cause you added some stars?

Now that is MILKING it, baby!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/20/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe~
Robb ~ Well, all you can tell are the stars, but I repainted the clouds and sky like a nut still. Layering in things no one can see with the naked eye. So Yep, I gotta get this done in time to ship to Berlin, so made some big steps last night.
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More to come...

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Tiki Duddy posted on 11/22/2009

Brad! havent checked your thread in a little bit- thought i'd say hi!
the light emmiting from behind the flowerclouds and in the stars like that is Grreat!!
so so cool. looking awsome :D

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/24/2009

Aloha tiki Tribe!
TD~ Thanks buddy. Been busy with all kinds o crazy life stuff - like now we are moving. Found a nice place further up the mountain (volcano) with amazing swanky sweeping views of the pacific. I'll get some pics of that to you when we get our living space/swank pad/art studio (meaning hundreds of boxes of junk) moved up to the new digs by next month. So, now that I know where we are going, (whew!) I can concentrate a bit more on making "da' art" again.
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Getting caught up on some special hand tinting of a some wood cut prints. (sorry guys, I know I'm way behind on getting this finished up and mailed to you... but it's coming out really nice! Here' a peek.)

So, now I have mere days to finish the painting "Mr. Mai Tai" so he can be Fed Ex-ed to Berlin in time for the big" X-mas Luau" art show at Strychnin Gallery. http://www.stychnin.com
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Working in the wave. Lots to go on Mr. Mai Tai himself! Er...quick where's the red bull!

Big Mahalo From the Big Island!

little lost tiki posted on 11/24/2009

Go Bradley!
The wave is just pounding!
Beautiful green in there!
Mr. Mai Tai ,at this rate
will paint himself!
Congrats on the new hut!
get that piece DONE!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/25/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
LLT Thanks for the encouragement man!
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Here's Mr. Mai Tai thus far.... almost there... I gotta finish it today...er...but tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I can't UPS it, cause the UPS store will be closed. So... guess I got today and tomorrow to finish it.

TikiG posted on 11/25/2009

Brad -

WOW!! Diggin' the wave addition. Diggin' the shoreline. Diggin'...hell, the whole piece!

teaKEY posted on 11/25/2009

Has a nice glow

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/26/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
TikiG - Mahalo!
teaKEY - I'm glowing with thanks.
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Here's Mr. Mai Tai thus far...still finishing up.
Have a great Turkey Day!

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Tiki Duddy posted on 11/27/2009

DAMN, Brad! looks magical
good luck on the move, sounds interesting!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/27/2009

Thank TD! I'm working on it.... didn't quite make UPS today. Tomorrow, fer shure.
Hey, I was just talking with Hodadhank on the horn, and he says the latest issue of Tiki Magazine is out! It has my art on the cover! I have not gotten my issue out, and it takes a while for the local Borders to get their new mags, so go out and see if you can find it around where ever you are. Hodad said it looked good. Can't wait to see it myself!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/29/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Here it is!
Mr. Mai Tai
24" x 18"
Acrylic on Canvas,


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GROG posted on 11/29/2009

GROG get GROG' Tiki Magazine in the mail today, and the cover you did looks great. The article about you inside the magazine shows off your art well. Congratulations, Brad.

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bigbrotiki posted on 11/29/2009

Ha, I just said the same but different over in marketplace, it's nice to be in agreement with Grog. :)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/29/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
GROG~ Thanks! Gosh, I can't wait to see it! I checked my local Borders, but still no new tiki Mag yet. They only have one old copy of the issue with the PIZZ on the cover. The last issue with Doug Horne sold out. Always takes a while for things to make it way out here. So glad it's out in the tiki world!
bigbrotiki~ Very exciting! Thanks! Sheesh, makes me wanta see it even more!
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Mr. Mai Tai
Acrylic on canvas
24" x 18"
Okay, I worked on it again...last night - a little. Just certain high lights. Now my internal art clock sez it's finally done.

Unfortunately, I guess that means the version my printer scanned in yesterday morning... is not the finished version. Sheesh! I'll have to have him print it out on canvas...then, I'll have to paint in the final high lights again, and then have him re-scan it again, so it matches the final final?

Next is the packing up the studio, and everything else, and moving to our new digs.

That was painting #21. So.... I think it is time for a new cycle. I do have a idea for a whole new theme for the next series - the new year will begin a new art cycle. It's still about tiki culture, but with the addition of some new elements. I think I have taught myself to paint to a certain degree where I feel comfortable to try some more complicated compositions again. I also, have the the very beginnings of an offer for a one-man show later next year (two different locations have shown interest). If it works out, I will let the tiki tribe know well in advance. If you all saw that full page ad I took out in the Doug Horne issue of Tiki Magazine, it talked about a one man show in So Cal... but that didn't happen. I had couple family emergencies, and business considerations, a physical doo hicky (getting old sucks), and well... "life" happened... the tiki gods declared it was not time yet.

Now, with the new location, the new idea for a different tiki-mythos cycle, we shall see if next year is going to be the time for a one-man show or not. If the Tiki gods will smile on this endeavor or not.

Big aloha from the Big Island!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
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[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2009-11-29 12:38 ]

little lost tiki posted on 11/30/2009

I think it is time for a new cycle. I do have a idea for a whole new theme for the next series - the new year will begin a new art cycle. It's still about tiki culture, but with the addition of some new elements. I think I have taught myself to paint to a certain degree where I feel comfortable to try some more complicated compositions again. I also, have the the very beginnings of an offer for a one-man show later next year (two different locations have shown interest).

Now, with the new location, the new idea for a different tiki-mythos cycle, we shall see if next year is going to be the time for a one-man show or not. If the Tiki gods will smile on this endeavor or not.

YAY! #21 is splendiddley-doodles! LoveLove Love his expression,the wave...the sky...
Most excellent!!

And Congrats on the 1-man show for later next year!
Soooo excited to see where this newest phase takes you..
Especially emerging from a year full of a range of emotions and challenges!
That's where the REAL art comes from
and i'm excited to see what Challenging masterpieces you Conquer!
Great Cover and article! Lovin the crispness!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/30/2009

Just outstanding work Brad, it has been very exciting to watch your process as it evolves, looking forward to hanging some on the lounge wall to admire in person.

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BigToe posted on 11/30/2009

Mister Tiki Shark!!

just wanted my voice to the chorus of congrats on the Tiki Magazine feature and cover!

Your art is so very inspiring and ur such a Kool Kat that it is almost impossible to hate u for being so talented!

anyway, i wish u a smooth transition to ART-SUPER-STARDOM...and hopefully u will remember us menehunes.

MAD love and alohas!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/01/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
LLT - BIG Thanks Kenny! Mr. Mai Tai was a lot of fun, and has a crazy 30's cartoon energy that was great to play with. It did push me in weird directions that sort of made me learn as I went, but I think I found a few things to help create depth in the paint. I may finally be getting somewhere on my quest for this deep glow folks talk about getting in transparent layers of acrylic paint. Maybe. One man show... maybe. Fingers are crossed!
atomic tiki punk - Thank you! I'm jazzed some of my work will hang in your tiki hut too! You picked two of my personal faves!
Big Toe - Mister Toe, BIG MAHALO! If it wasn't for kind wishes from friends like you I'd never be here painting!
I really liked it when Big Toe posted all his coverage in that way cool hot rod mag, so I'm going to post like dat!
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the cover
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Tiki cat makes a guest appearance in an ad on page 20
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I must complement Nick Camera, editor and publisher of Tiki Magazine. He really listened to my concerns about being able to reproduce my art so it looked good. Above is a side by side comparison of Tiki Magazine and a High End $50 art print. The magazine perfectly reproduced my art. Wow! Even the blues - a notorious color to print right in a mass production- are spot on. Every piece is a perfect representation. Maybe this doesn't sound like a big deal, but for artists, it's a huge deal. You always know a magazine will be off somewhere: The reds, or the yellow, or the blacks... something won't print right. Art is hard to get right. This came out right. Exactly right. I know that Nick spent extra money at the printer to get this right. I'm honored! Big big Mahalo Nick!

Oh holy crap! I just thought of something... I'm not posting this over in the Marketplace, That's for sure! Hey, why spend $100's when you can get perfect reproductions for $4.99 with a copy of Tiki Magazine! (Damn you Nick Camera! You got it too perfect!)

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/01/2009

So Cool.........

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/03/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Atomic tiki punk~ Big Mahalo!

The next painting. Stayed up late, inspired by that amazing moon last night. Worked out some rough sketches.
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Sketch #1. The title for this painting is "Faster than Disaster"
It's inspired by my friend Dale's Kustom '32 coup hot rod - he's building it himself. He lives over on Maui, and we met at my show at the gallery there a few weeks ago. He showed me photos of his hot rod, and the idea to bring some Kustom Kulture aspect into the next Tiki Art piece changed from a mere vague idea into a something a little more. The idea is a hot rod racing away from some "disaster". This first sketch has the disaster being a Godzilla like monster attaching Waikiki.
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Sketch #2. I decided I wanted to change the format to vertical instead of horizontal. This is to tie into a later idea, too soon to blab about here in case I can't pull it off. Here the disaster is a tiki god. I had just finished hand tinting another wood cut print of "Waikiki Mystery" and I had so much fun with that image I thought it might warrant a full on painting version of that visual. But, the more I looked at it the more "too busy" it became. What's the composition here? I needed to start more basic and not get lost in the details - like I often do.

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Thumb nails. So I drew small, which forces me to not put in a bee-zillion details. I was also not sure I wanted to paint the image of the angry tiki god reaching down from the sky yet. I might as well wait till I move all of the rest of those wood cuts - and there's not that many left. So, I thought up what other disasters could the hot rod be racing from? I liked the volcano idea. It's an ever present background dread (however subconscious) when you live on the Big Island.
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More Thumb nails: I drew in some foreground dark shapes to add depth. I want lots of depth in this one. Waikiki is now a Hawaiiana version of Gotham City. The Hot Rod (the actual car has been named "Kreepy Krawler" by Dale's wife Janet) may well be the "Bat mobile" of some Polynesian version of the dark night. I liked the idea of crossing the volcano with a tiki god - so the giant stone moai blowing his top is my disaster. The bottom right is blocking out the comp into more simple shapes to see if it's gonna work.

Still sketching... nothing ready to go to canvas yet.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/03/2009

Here's some more thumb nails...
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Getting a little closer to a finished idea.
Mahalo fer looking.

teaKEY posted on 12/03/2009

A nice tie in with your first one from long ago. Will make a great set

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Sneakytiki posted on 12/03/2009

Nice action sketches Sharky. Congrats on the Tiki News spread.

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hewey posted on 12/04/2009

Great to see some hot rods in your work man! :D Congrats on the great spread in tiki mag too :D :D

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/04/2009

Ohhhhhh, I like the Monster Moai idea, Brad, maybe a Bettie Page gal in the passager seat? or on the street.......

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/05/2009

Happy Aloha FRIDAY Tiki Tribe!
teaKEY - oh yeah. Good idea. I got ya. so I took the composition that was a mirror of the "Waikiki Mystery". That one has the big tiki reaching down into the picture from the left, so I put the big Maoi coming in from the right on this one.
sneakytiki - Thanks! I'm really happy with the magazine - did I say that about a thousand times already? Sorry!
hewey - Mahalo! Yep, time for another Kustom Kulture tie in. This will be the biggest so far.
atomic tiki punk - Big Mahalo! I think I'm gonna try to get a Fem Fatal figure in the door way of the Club Kapu.

Here's a tighter sketch. Think I'm getting close to all the elements I need to go in this one.
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Did this sketch on some old rag paper Earl, my wood cut printer, sent me. I like the old antique feel. As you might have guesed, I'm leaning towards a old "pulp" illustration feel on this one.

Have a great Week End!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/05/2009

I really like where this one is going Brad, looks like I going to have to bug you for a print of it when your finished!

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Big Kahuna posted on 12/05/2009

WOW, Brad! Sign me up for a print, too!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/05/2009

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Atomic Tiki Pink ~ Thanks! Hey, I think it'd be an honor to hang in the swank pad you got for digs! The printers still working on that special sized print of Jungle Witch (aka the Temptress) for you. I'll keep you posted on when it's posted to you.
Big Kahuna ~ Mahalo! Long way to go, but here's a finished ink study.
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It's on a 12" x 9" sheet that reeks of pulp.
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Here's a closer look.
Think it helped me work out some issues (and let me tell you, I got issues!) and ideas for this piece. Next, another sketch study and a twik on the comp.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/05/2009

Wow Brad, you are ripping it up, I am looking forward to watching this to finish.

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