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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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MadDogMike posted on 10/21/2009

Kiki von Tiki posted on 10/21/2009

No dying in a plane crash, for Pete's sake! Jeeez! Don't forget, if we lost you, we'd cry a bit and all get on with life. If we lost Squid and Doug, there would be weeping and rending of clothes, pandemic grief, a new world order - we would never recover! So please! No more talk of crashes. By the way did you find yourself a groovy cardigan to wear "up North"? See ya at the next Phil Shane you boring old coot!

And when are you going to make some real stained glass? It's really fun if you can be trusted with glass cutting tools and soldering irons. :lol:

Have fun!!!!

mp posted on 10/23/2009

Kenny, You blow me away again! I love perusing through your new stuff.
Crazzzzy creativity! Sorry for droppin the ball on your painting, I just got slammed
with stuff but I see light. Im back on it in a few days. Have fun on your trip.


BigToe posted on 11/01/2009

damn...how good was this sucker!!??!!

On 2006-12-09 17:43, little lost tiki wrote:
Aloha Tiki Central Ohana!
Oh how i missed you while immersed in Wooden Tiki Art Land!
I finished the "Wooden" side of the Wood vs Metal/Natural vs Mechanical Tiki Surfboard and it turned out fairly satisfactory...But before i post those, I should respond to some of the comments since our last Art posting....
Did you get my package yet? Hope so! It was blank on Thursday night-and i left the studio that evening around 1:30 and the rough undersketch and base colors in acrylic were sealed and drying when i left....the next day I got as far as what I had posted...Since then, I worked about 2 hours on it until Thursday night again when I busted out the rest-sealed it-left for home around midnight,then totally finished it between 9am to midnight...Not straight working tho! Entertaining visitors,watching some Samurai Jack episodes,reading a bit....so prolly about a good 5-7 hours on it-add a few more for the sealant drying between coats and it's Saturday and that side is dry-photographed-and forgotten in favor of the metal mechanical robot tiki on the other side! Don't cue the face melt animation yet,my brother....Save that for the Robot side!

to stick it to The Man & find their way back to Paradise...

Whaaaaaaa....? Love your Brain man! Thanks for the rant....Now less rant and more carving!
Mister Gambino,
Thank you! Glad you are delighted with the work! I know you know the feeling of labouring over a piece of art. I imagine we both are faster painters than the other realizes! That new Easter Island painting of yours is really spellbinding! The colors,the sense of Mystery,the font,you've created a whole world, a dialog, a context that is consistent and always amazing! You can spot a Gambino painting a mile away! No one can nail it like that! Seeing your work in person at the Tikis and Terrors and Spooky Luau is amazing! How many hours a week do you dedicate to painting? Do you share my fate of having a dayjob or do you just do the art thing all day? I am always waiting to see what the next piece has in store! Always surprising!
That piece is finepoint sharpie on Winsor Newton Watercolor Paper tinted with ink AND watercolor...I think I did one of the colors in a gouache as it faded the black sharpie in areas giving it dat misty feelin! Besides this thread I also have a website with tiki art and MORE!
I hope you and Sam will check back often as I can't stop and will probably manically post new pieces right up to my nervous breakdown!
TikiShark! Rockit my friend!!! Don't you have a couple of commissions to finish!?!!
Thank you Tiki Friend! I hope this upcoming Robot side won't disappoint!
When are you going to do a Tiki Wax Robot Candle?You have a Great Weekend too!
Thanks for stopping by.....
Well, anyways...
Here it is! The moment we've all been waiting for!!!! At least the moment I've been waiting for! The finished side of the Wooden Tiki Totem!

Here is a comparison with the original sketch next to the finished surfboard...

As you can see, I can never translate it exactly...There are always little adjustments and changes as the mind turns it over and over until conception....
Alright, here's some close-up Money shots of some of the details!



I Totally Heart this part of the Surfboard!

That face cracks me up every time I see him! That pug nose reminds me of that real fat kid in the really early Little Rascals! Chubsy-Ubsy or Porky or something! :lol:
It was a great week for finishing up paintings! Now it's onto the Tiki Robot side....and BEYOND!

Clarita posted on 11/08/2009

I don't know about the robot wax candle.. but that surf board is soo cool, drool! i make you the candle if you give me the surf board hahaha! keep rocking my friend!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 11/08/2009

That surfboard is a real masterpiece!
Beautiful execution! More of those
Maestro Ken!

little lost tiki posted on 11/10/2009

it's been like....almost 20 days
since there's been some new art for y'all to espy....

On 2009-10-21 16:18, Kiki von Tiki wrote:
No dying in a plane crash, for Pete's sake! Jeeez! Don't forget, if we lost you, we'd cry a bit and all get on with life. If we lost Squid and Doug, there would be weeping and rending of clothes, pandemic grief, a new world order - we would never recover!

I'm surprised ANYBODY would even cry....wouldn't wanna be responsible for a catatonic grief-wave ala DougHorne and Squizz!
well ,the trip was WONDERFUL!
Thanks to TikiJoe'sPop and family for sponsoring us three..
and the good people of Seattle who allowed us to wander amongst them for 5 days.....
If you'd like to view photos of our hi-jinx...

mp-thanks for perusing,my friend!
And quit apologizing about that painting
when it's done it's done....
you do realize that you wasted around 10 minutes with all those apologies...
10 minutes you could have used to FINISH that painting.. :lol:

BigToe-looks like you've been creeping around the crypt-like labyrinth that is this thread..
That surfboard was finished around 3 years ago
in 2006
and escorted to his new hut about 2 years ago..
Is this a hint to tackle another surfboard?
it IS about time.....

Clarita!-How funny! We've been friends for 3 years! Rock ON!

Jason- I will make more of these..
This one was painted while you were still in RocketScience College a few year's back!
i promise to tackle a surfboard again soon....
Way to go fancying up the tonga Hut with those luscious velvets of yours!!!!

New works...
3 new paintings and a new drawing (crappily photographed)
2 Tiki-themed
2 not tiki-themed
Y'see, i got's a one man show next year around April/May
and have to show a Wide Range of Subject matter
that encompasses this 20 year hobby
so expect less Tiki
and other weird stuff to fill in those gaps...
i will try to retain a high caliber of quality on the Tiki works
since there will be less of them...

If you do find yourself Jonesing for more LLT tiki work
there's 151 pages of it RIGHT HERE!
so no whiners,okay?

First off... found a frame for "the cannibal's brunch"
Nice and weathered,plus it picks up the natural and grayish hues
and plays off the cannibal's blue too! :)

here's the one i crappily photographed...Better shot later!
"the Skull Dance"
ink and colored pencil on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Something about the PNG shield with the skulls
seems to have grabbed my drawin hand...

This piece has some metallic gold sumi ink in spots
makes it hard as Hannah to shoot...
hello PNG boy!

Here's a happy lil skull laying in the flowers

"Moon,Forest,and Snake"
acrylic/cel animation vinyl/colored pencil on board
with a frame my sister bought me for my birthday!

As you can see in these recent abstract stained glass styled pieces
Experiment is the order of the Day..
This one i played with the depth of the leaves in the trees
AND used a white outline as well as dark shading (colored pencil)
in certain areas to lift certain planes off the surface...


more LEAFUS!


Here's another non-tiki piece
but you may recognize these SEA MONSTERS
as they've been harassing a few of the characters in previous pieces...
"the Hungry Sea Monsters"
acrylic and Cel Animation Vinyl on masonite

This one's goal was to create a choppy ocean

as well as showing a fleeing school of fish

both above and below the water..

dunno if i completely succeeded but
it still turned out funny!! :)

this painting was a lotta fun from both a challenging aspect
a narrative aspect (big fish eat little fish,etc.)
and a textural and depth experimentational approach...

Last piece was YET ANOTHER different approach to the stained glass abstract style...
Damn this curious brain! it can never be happy with just ONE style...
Anyways, this painting was interesting and a BLAST
because it started as a VERY ROUGH underpainting...

Then after some layering of some Raw Umber to mold some of the objects
and get a sense of light in a jungle valley undergrowth..
i began the blackline..
traversing into the unknown....
not knowing if this would turn out good

But... fortunately...it turned out pretty cool
with a look SLIGHTLY different from some of the other experiments...
"the Silent Valley"
acrylic and Cal animation vinyl on masonite...

i threw some tapas on the skulls
so it looked like they were carved and then presented to the shield
for some strange ritual or celebration....

Smile for the digital camera...

Christmas is.... RIBS!

Skull in the upper seats of the stadium...

Here's me favorite..
He's got afern growin outta his eye!
Crazy Skullboy!

That's it for now,friends...

ravenne posted on 11/10/2009

On 2009-11-09 19:49, little lost tiki wrote:
"Moon,Forest,and Snake"
acrylic/cel animation vinyl/colored pencil on board
with a frame my sister bought me for my birthday!

y'know I'm really diggin' the white outlines on this piece.
It's got such a "out of this world" look compared to your usual stain glass pieces.
I really hope you experiments more with the white outlines,
it could really trip people out :lol:

On 2009-11-09 19:49, little lost tiki wrote:
"the Hungry Sea Monsters"
acrylic and Cel Animation Vinyl on masonite

If you ever did this particular piece in 3D
you will definitely esplode some brain meats everywhere
Just by looking at it right now it gives you the impression that it's moving
I can almost hear the sea monsters attacking the poor fishies...

On 2009-11-09 19:49, little lost tiki wrote:
"the Silent Valley"
acrylic and Cal animation vinyl on masonite...

And this one turned out so rawkin!
I like the colors yew chose.
I don't know...it may be the cute shield and happeh skulls...
but this piece makes me smile


Can't wait to see more experimental pieces!


MadDogMike posted on 11/10/2009

Crazzzzy details Ken! Ravers is right about the white outline, very cool. Gives the snake a ghost-like transparent feel.

LOL Tiki posted on 11/10/2009

"Moon,Forest,and Snake"

I like this one a lot. Garden of Eden theme?

"the Hungry Sea Monsters"

Cool RAWRing Nom, Nom's. I think you nailed you choppy seas.

"the Silent Valley"

I like the skull theme you've been working with lately. This one is particularly nice.

Tikilizard posted on 11/10/2009

Really like the last one you did. The skull theme looks really sweeeet and would look outstanding hanging in a gallery or entrance to a Tiki bar. What size canvases to you use?

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Sneakytiki posted on 11/10/2009

Damn nice work LLT!

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Babalu posted on 11/10/2009

Dude, the inside of my skull just totally seared the hell out of my eyeballs!!

The new work is insane as always...keep beating the art drum!

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TabooDan posted on 11/10/2009

Wow Ken!! These pieces are awesome!! So much going on and tons of stuff to look at. I really like the vivid colors and details of "the Silent Valley".
Keep em coming and Mahalo!!


[ Edited by: TabooDan 2009-11-10 15:55 ]

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Swamp Fire posted on 11/11/2009

Love, love, love the "the Hungry Sea Monsters" piece Ken!

Never make eye contact with a hungry monster. It always ends badly.

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Bowana posted on 11/11/2009

Ow, my skull hurts!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/12/2009

Wow, a double left over Halloween treat!!!!
Hungry Sea Monsters... the Silent Valley... both excellent!
Great Work Kenny!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 11/12/2009

Most excellent offerings!
Me eyes are searing in a very good way!

'Moon, forest, snake' -- love the white outlines! Is that a new approach?
More please!

'Hungry Sea monsters' -- brilliant composition!

'Silent Valley' -- great progress shots! Can't believe it started so loose!

Bravo indeed!

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GROG posted on 11/12/2009

Time to peek outside your comfort-zone
now that you've nailed
and exhausted this so-called "artistic" genre...

little lost tiki posted on 11/12/2009

Before i answer Ernie's question
I'd like to give a BIG MAHALOS to...
ravers-Thanks gurl! Glad to be able to spread some smiles! :)

MadDogMikey-he white outline is otherworldly like raves says
but i think it's too stark...next time...Naples Yellow!

LOL Tiki-yes! Garden of Eden was the "hint" this piece strived for....

TikiLizard-that piece is 16x24 and on Masonite from our very own Monkeyman!
I'd love to do a huge mural in this style in a Tikibar...How fun would that be?

Sneaks!-Thanks buddy! I see you've been reacquainting with the brush after an oh-too-long-away spell!
Welcome back!

Babalu-I'll keep beating that Art Drum
as long as you keep making the Drums! :)

TabooDan-Mahalo! Glad i could transport you for a while....
In person they REALLY do something weird to your eyes and brain....
seriously! it's kinda skeery! :)

DougHorne-advice taken!
Did i tell you how much that Moon piece at Hank's makes me salivate?

Bowana-take an aspirin!

TikiShark-Thanks Man!
I only wish i had the intensity of patience and focus you take on your work..
I get impatient waiting for you to finish that max Fleischer Tiki Guy!

Jason- The white outlines thing with the dark colored pencil shading was a new approach...
and that extreme looseness over the tight outline is something that was just waiting to happen..
a few other piece were kinda loose
BUT this one was REALLLLLLLLY loose
and funner! Thanks for visitin!

On 2009-11-12 12:43, GROG plagiarized a post i put on Clysdalle's thread:
Time to peek outside your comfort-zone
now that you've nailed
and exhausted this so-called "artistic" genre...


To hear this from a lazyboy who can barely pull off a single comic strip for Tiki mag every 3 months
(and a handful of mugs....)
Maybe you should veer away from Cavemen/Tiki Bobs,and Moais
and expand your repertoire before it gets stale as well....
perhaps you haven't noticed,Ernie....
But over the past 3-4 years there has been much experimentation with variations in styles
(stained glass abstract/Chinese papercut style/graphic acrylic and paintpen/more cartoon realistic acrylic pieces/tissue paper stain with ink...)
and subject matter
(Cannibal Kings/Cannibal Psychology/Orongo birdmen/Surfboard totems/mandalas/
boats/huts/studies from actual objects/fabric print motifs....)
returning back to unfinished narratives
and a few more un-tiki routes...
I'll pop some of those pieces up here
every once in a while fer ya!

That's it til next time...
may not have time for Tiki this week
as I'm currently reviving an old piece and re-doing one of the characters....
It's titled GREED and was started in the mid-late 90's
as a response to Wall St..
Seemed like a good time to re-examine that....

Thanks for popping by!
Laters y'alls!

GROG- the Aunt of Ruzic
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BigToe posted on 11/12/2009

AHHHHHHHH, MY Eyeballs HAVE BEEN SEARIFIED right from inside MY SKULL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ur killing it my friend! these r simply GENIUS!!!

we are lucky to have u in our meaningless little lives.

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Lake Surfer posted on 11/13/2009

... sure are killing it!

Sea Monster Feast!

Love the PNG personality!

"ooops, now the skeletons have heard me"!

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Robb Hamel posted on 11/15/2009

My eyes weren't seared, but I sure was impressed! "The Cannibal's Brunch" is my new fave.

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Sneakytiki posted on 11/17/2009

Phenomenal new works... the quality/skill keeps increasing while the quantity remains equally high... bravo...

little lost tiki posted on 11/25/2009

Howdy y'alls!
What a productive spell since last we've chatted!
Must've caught some of that inspiration from AlohaStaion or somethin!
Anyways... You're not going to see most of them,as they're not tiki
and will probably bore all you non-artisto geeks
so I'm a puttin em on facebook and website when they're finished!


Toe! who the hell is BigToe? :lol:
(that's an in-joke..move along!)
Thanks for the visit!
Sorry about the Searamahfyin....
Now go finish that stupid commission
and work on something that'll make you grin from under that Sam Elliot stache!

Lake Surfer!
Glad you like the PNG Hecklers and the hungry Sea Monsters
i think this style is finally becoming more comfortable..
Like gettin used to the new truck or something!
Thanks for the chime-in and art-brother stoke!

figures a piece as sadistic as the cannibal's brunch would appeal to you...
Thanks for gettin a chuckle out of him!
i think the rube holding the thumb pushed it over the edge! :lol:
great Don Tiki art-wish they still made 33's tho! then it'd be bigger!
Glad to hear that you're clearing out the old and gettin prepped for a fresh new wave of incredibleness!

Thanks Man!
the quantity has slowed a bit,but i think the quality will increase even more..
Age,despite all of it's downers
does wonders for the experienced artist
as you know already!
Glad to see you posting some new work after such a long spell..
had me jonesin for mah Sneaks!

Alrightio then...
first piece...
"After the Feast"
acrylic and cel animation vinyl on masonite
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This one began as an UGLY failure piece until it was OBLITERATED by pure BLACK cel animation vinyl..
and there it sat.. propped up against some frames for a few weeks
black and sad and soulless...

it was finally saved by a rough application of acrylic and ....
cel animation vinyl
(side note: turned the Toe onto these and he just picked up some so WATCH-AOWT for some stunning paintings outta that guy!)
After that, i went over the whole piece with a light olive for the outlines
bringing out the skulls and shields and trees...

the first layer of rough color was just sketchiness to establish the elements in the piece..
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the second step was to push and develop the lighting,shadows,and mood of the piece..
i Loves that little skull area....
Whereas the Silent valley painting had a quiet moist musty twilight jungle valley floor vibe....
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this one, despite having a pure black ground
would glow with a different light
a different mood
a respite from digestion
and the quietness of discarded bones
amongst the mid day light
piercing through the trees.

here's the three shields...

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Next piece is one that had been sketched out a while ago (3-4 weeks)
but never realized...

Well, after working on/starting a BUNCH of non-tiki paintings

"the Battle of the Fish"

sorry....nada tiki
I'm just possessed by this painting lately..
here it is in process...
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two detailed intense studies from William Blake's "Vision of the Last Judgment"

and a forest full of monkeys in trees holding skulls (working title)
guilt set in....
a whole week had gone by without a tiki piece!
oh Dear!
What will the people say?

The challenge of this piece
was to capture the menace,dread,and atmosphere of an approaching storm...
but still keep it in fun kinnyland....
Wind was also a desired effect touched upon in this painting
and it kinda succeeded IMHO

But who cares what i think!
Whaddya Think?
Hope you like it!
"the Approaching Storm"
acrylic and cel animation vinyl on masonite
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Here's a closeup of the sideview ku fellow
he cuts into the canvas
acting as a visual and symbolic blockade
against the storm's dangers..
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Here's a REAL CLOSE-UP so you can get a feel of the roughness below the tighter lines...
kind of like distance..
Hazy in the background
but building up into focus and crispness....
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Here's his feets..
What are dem skulls doing in the vegetation?
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This poor fellow barely made it ashore...
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mmmmm.... i so wanna go HERE again!
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i hope these offerings take you away to faraway locales!
Thanks for keeping me company!

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Check out some KUKU paintings at...
http://www.kenruzic.com http://www.myspace.com/kenruzicdotcom

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-11-24 21:32 ]

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TikiMango posted on 11/25/2009

Ruzic, great stuff! You must have some sort of organic time machine crammed in your brain somewhere in order to will into existence the time required to do all these terrific paintings.

After the Feast- the black soulless background really lets your style of painting POP! Sometimes your backgrounds can get a bit too busy for me, but the black adds a tad of restraint. I like the lose brush work on the skulls and masks.

Greed- has great flow and detail. I enjoy seeing all your paintings, tiki or non. I can't wait to see this masterpiece completed.

The Approaching Storm- the purple sky really sets the mood for this painting, perfect. You leave us to interpret if the skulls are cannibalized remains or washed-up remains of sailor-explorers. A subtle lightning bolt might have been interesting, but obviously not needed.

An aside, I never commented on Silent Valley- the shade of blue you had used in the skull eyes was very complementary to the greens in the piece. I've been in that misty haze before, you rendered it well.

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TikiG posted on 11/25/2009

Mr. Ruzic -

"After the Feast" - "The Approaching Storm"

As I verbally incant the mantra above - fast fast FAST! - I realize the humorous connection between the words and the action...the action I'll find myself 'dooing' Friday morning inside a porcelain god :)

Joking aside, I love the new batch of material posted. No need to play by play each piece - trust that my imagination is exalted by your efforts. No ill-humored comments here because I freely admit I'm a fan of your work and obviously there are plenty of other creative types who share my feelings (example: Who else inspires T'Mango to comment on their work at 4:14AM? :wink:)

Oh yeah - that cel animation vinyl medium you use is kick-ass. I'll have to purchase some of that myself for experimentation.

Thanks for posting. Happy Bird-day! G

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GROG posted on 11/25/2009

Your skulls are looking a bit funky. Maybe you should get Clysdalle to show you how to draw skulls. (He draws them alot)

little lost tiki posted on 11/25/2009

Maybe you should stop charging 40 bucks for a coffee cup....

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GROG posted on 11/25/2009

GROG have a Kinny art piece GROG buy at Damons from Kinny for $75 and GROG know it took Kinny less time and effort to make than it does to make ONE these coofee mugs.

little lost tiki posted on 11/25/2009

but it was one of a kind
not a series of 25....
try again...

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hiltiki posted on 11/26/2009

Ken I really like your work above. I like the close up pictures the best. I think they look really good by themselves and are complete pieces of work individually. Does this make sense??

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Lake Surfer posted on 11/26/2009

Magic, Ken, just magic.

I say we build a tiki temple.

Then take your paintings and turn them into real stained glass windows.

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laojia posted on 11/27/2009

Excelent work as usual Ken, I like so much your png them painting!
And "the greed" Wow! That's remind me a character in a myazaki's manga: no face/kaonashi


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Babalu posted on 11/27/2009

Hey Kinny,

Killer work through out as usual boss, but the "Greed" painting is putting an extra special little gleam in my eye. Please post him up again when your done :)

little lost tiki posted on 12/01/2009

Hello Friends and TC Ohana!
Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and filling and you got to go see Ninja Assassin,like i did on that festive day! :)
Also had a mini 5 hour Art jam on the Fly with Toe on Saturday..
We watched Monty Python & the Holy Grail and painted and shouted at the TV...
Ah the life of the Artist!
Enough Smalltalk!
Let's answer some of your delayed conversations and get on with it!

Mango!-the "twister"! :lol:
No time machine-just work-work-work
the more ya do it-the faster and easier they get...
Most of the time...
Good observation on "After the Feast" the black DOES add a tad bit of restraint...
Stay tuned and scroll downward for yet ANOTHER painting with that infamous black ground
This time a more abstract style emerged and....you'll see...!
"the Approaching Storm" actually WAS gonna have a lightning bolt
but that would have mussed up the composition
so i gave the clouds a glow to SUGGEST those flashes and a'rumblins....

And Thank you so so much for the confirmation on the Silent valley piece
Glad to get a real live testimony! :)

Mango is a FREAK to be on TC so early! :lol:
Thanks for the nods of approval...
Next time you visit the studioI'll let you play with some cel animation vinyl! :)

hiltiki-Yes! You make Perfect sense,my dear!
Often, 4-5 good pieces will appear INSIDE a painting..
Sometimes i DO take those areas and make them separate paintings
I try to cram a lot into a piece
so the viewer ,especially the one hanging it in their home,
will never tire of it...will always find fun and new things in there...

Lake-if you build it....... i will come!
er...that didn't sound right! :lol:
If you build it
I'll design those stained glass for it!

laojia-YES! That's kind of how i imagined GREED eating
all sloppy and scrambling about
cramming gold and gems and priceless objects down his gullet!
Seeing as you dig the PNG paintings..
there's a new one below!
Thank you! :)

Mr. Clayboy mansion!
Thanks so much for the props,Sai baba!
I will share more of greed as he advances along...
December is gonna be my "finish up ALL OUTSTANDING PROJECTS month"
your HUGE platter is on the radar and list!

Well, thanks to you ALL for the nice comments
except GROG...
he can go suck his thumb! :lol:

Here's the newest one..
"Visit to the Waterfall"
acrylic and cel animation vinyl on masonite

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This one started with a black ground and i built it up
close to the same way as the other
tho paying attention to where the lines fly off to...

This one was trying to capture that area real close to the base of the waterfall
its shade and diffused lighting...
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you can see the black showing thru a bit and how it was layered up from there..
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and i did a lil work on this monkey piece too..
not exactly Tiki,but if DougHorne can paint em
then i guess that makes it Bona-Fide!
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and.... CHECK OUT THE NEW ADDITION to the backroom of the Studio!

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Here's a Shameless Plug from marketPlace.....
i got 4 tee shirt designs for sale in VERY LIMITED NUMBERS!
four designs printed on
XL 100% white cotton tees
and with a VERY soft hand!
in a very LIMITED RUN
of only 9 apiece of EACH design..
This will be a litmus test to see if people actually will wear and enjoy these designs...
So, if we never print em again-you just got a low-run item from a semi-retarded artist
and that's gotta be worth something!
This will be a litmus test to see if people actually will wear and enjoy these designs...

SIMPLY shoot me a PM and we'll go from there...
The cost is $15 apiece (plus shipping)

If you order all four they will be only $13 apiece (plus shipping)
I imagine shipping will be somewhere between 2-5 bucks....

These are Limited to only 9 apiece so First Come/First Serve
Please indicate WHICH shirt/shirts you want by title....
If you want me to title and sign the shirt
please indicate WHERE on the garment in your PM
and REMEMBER... these are ALL XL

and Yes! We do take paypal!
Here are all the shirts laying about on my uncomfortable couch in the studio....
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First Shirt... "Four Faces" (Hawaiian)
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Second Shirt... "the Nervous Guest" (PNG)
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Third Shirt... "the Gossips" (Rapa Nui)
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Third Shirt... "the Friend Collector" (Maori)
the pic of the tee shirt got all whited out from the flash... didn't turn out....sorry!
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Coffee Mugs with these designs are still getting tweaked
but will be ready to offer SOON!

Thanks for the visit!

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Check out some more Art at...
http://www.kenruzic.com or http://www.myspace.com/kenruzicdotcom
facebook too! :)

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-12-01 07:55 ]

Clarita posted on 12/05/2009

Oh visit to the waterfall is so cool, it has the Ruzic magic all over it, and the T-shirts very nice too and and and..
and free hugs too yay!

little lost tiki posted on 12/14/2009

Thanks for the visit and the Hugs,Clarita!
mmmmmmmm! :)

as i've mentioned...
December is
It's gonna be a minimal verbage day today kids!

Babalu/Ruzic Giant Platter Collaboration....
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Closeup of my contribution....
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also did some embellishment on the eyes/tongues/and the inner rim
just to spice it up....
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Second thing....
Maori Husband and Wife for WooHoo and Soccertiki!
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Also finished up a Gecko/Paipo Collaboration
from many months back...
Here's my original study for it..
trying to figure out how to approach and enhance an already beautiful piece...
I wanted it to retain a lot of symbolism from Rapa Nui
as well as some hints of the birdman cult..
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and here it is
in all the hand-held camera's glory..
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and some close-ups...
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and that's about it....Tiki-wise
i did work on this "Sleepwalker" piece
trying to get a good dynamic force/flow with a figure in this style...
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and mp sent me a painting from a long ago trade...
Here it is in the studio..
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the Lonely Isle enjoyed questioning these PNG cobras for awhile..
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and the lil guy underneath complained of a tummy ache
(he always does that)
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and,besides a weird staredown with a Maori Chief
i think they're fitting in just fine!
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Plus he has backup from another empee skullmug painting a few feet away...
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Thanks mp......Beautiful!

Well, that's it for now....
i still have more stuff
but can't share it yet.....

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Sneakytiki posted on 12/14/2009

The collab with Paipo is outtasight!
The waterfall and the monkey are splendiferous. I really like the non tiki piece ass well. I like your more involved pieces, keep up the great work!


Sleep Walkers is reminiscent of Boccioni's 'Unique Forms of Continuity in Space' (cast in bronze)and Duchamp's 'Nude Descending a Staircase'.
Sweet piece!

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2009-12-14 13:29 ]

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TikiG posted on 12/14/2009

Yay! The Babalu/Ruzik large platter is done! Nice collaboration, gents.

Four months ago I watched Babalu work on this at Tiki Oasis in San Diego

Two months ago I saw the platter again while visiting LLT's studio in Orange

(oh yeah, the other pieces shown are nice too)

Thanks for sharing, Kinny

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beadtiki posted on 12/14/2009

Wow! I'm flabbergasted! You are one busy guy! For some reason the opening in the Gecko/Paipo piece is strangely sexy! I LOVE the Maori pieces you did too! So much movement and fun. I'm quite moved by the Sleepwalker. I'm going to have to study that one some more. The MP contribution and all your comments had me laughing for quite a bit. Another good day for laughter!

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Lake Surfer posted on 12/15/2009


It was nice talking story with you last week during the snowstorm. Now I can see the pieces you spoke of and they are impressive!

MadDogMike posted on 12/15/2009

Soooo much good stuff! The "stained glass" will remain my favorite style of yours and the "Sleepwaker" is a powerful example of that style. And "Greed" is so cool :)

I love when you get involved in 3D projects, they always turn out so great! The Little Lost Babalu platter would make some PNG chief very proud to have it hanging on the wall of his hut. I must admit that the Birdman had me confused

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I couldn't figure out what this was - maybe his butt crack? Then I realized it's the opening to the mug :lol: (I'm not too bright)

Keep poundin' the paint Kinny!

little lost tiki posted on 12/15/2009


Thanks for the visit Art BRO!
more Boccioni's 'Unique Forms of Continuity in Space' than
Duchamp's 'Nude Descending a Staircase'...
Capturing slow graceful movement in this style is a little bit tricky.
This figure originally started many years back
in a sketchbook entry
of Moses hiding in the cleft of a rock wall
while God walks by.
(Moses is only allowed to view Him from the back)
The figure used in that was stretched and given a lighter step...
and that's the story on that....

TikiG-Yeah... I think your visit is what finally kicked the platter into gear!
Chop next month! :)

On 2009-12-14 15:01, beadtiki wrote:
For some reason the opening in the Gecko/Paipo piece is strangely sexy!

The flash made it a lot lighter..
and yes... that was the first thing i noticed when i opened the box and checked out the bisque....
i may actually do a few more washes in there..
The inside was supposed to capture that time on the island
when tribes were warring
and most folks hid in caves
deep in caves
and drew faces of Make-Make on the walls
and hoped for salvation...
but it DOES look like a healthy back-end
if viewed in the right light....
Thanks for the company,bead!
Yours and Carl's shirts are on there waaaaaaaaaaay!

LakeSurfer-Yes Sir!
Great chattin with you!
Feeling sooo blessed to have so many artist friends around the globe....
Makes life an interesting adventure....
it's always nicer to have a visual reference
especially when talking art....

There's a couple more 3-D pieces calling from afar
I'll tackle em as soon as i can corral em in!
I'm definitely going to have to darken that
before sending it back to Gecko! :lol:

Mahalos to all y'alls fer drivin up fer a spell!

More soon!
in fact... i have a 4-panel Journey/Rower commission
that's needing some attention...starting.....TONIGHT!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 12/15/2009

Killer collaborations Ken!

Love all the new pieces especially
"the Approaching Storm". Fantastic colors!
Looks like you're enjoying working with
animation cel vinyl a lot!

Great job on the Tees too!

So many your designs would make killer patterns for
Aloha wear! Reyn and others would be stupid not to
throw gobs of mullah at you! I say for 2010 and beyond
The 'Ken Ruzic Kollection' by....

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Babalu posted on 12/16/2009

That platter looks GREAT Kinny!!! DAYM fine...My turn again...I'll finished it up and make it hang, and add some doo-dads.

little lost tiki posted on 12/16/2009

Hello to you and Claudette!
Thank you for peeking your head in!
that cel vinyl paint is a Blast!
Just bought 20 new tubes on Monday
so i am committed!
may do a few more "Approaching Storm" style pieces...

and those collaborations were the Funnest!
Still have a couple more,so check in from time to time...

Haven't really pursued the whole fabric print thing...
Still kinda burnt out from doing SOOOOO many for Rusty and HIC
back in the day...
But who knows?
I'm calling YOU doing a big back hit
of one of them lovely wahines
on a black woven shirt..
or black ties!
Now that would be awesome!
big hugs to you
and bigger ones for Claudette!

Get back from Cold-oraro
and lets get this baby dialed up!
So happy you like it!
Thanks again for letting me play on one of your platters!
truly an honor....

I finally got permission from the patron to share this with you...
It's a logo for her newly-to-be-released Clothing line for LADIES!
The goods are being hand-made as we speak over on
the beautiful island of Kauai
and should break
round the beginning of the year...
YAY Lennie!!!! :)

The name of the Brand is "La Vida Aloha"
and after a brainstorm
we went with a Calavera/Posada-inspired Hula Girl....
I tried to suggest Clysdalle for the job
but i guess she decided it was my turn to exploit this genre....
or maybe she just wanted a calaca with better teeth and more anatomically correct...
I usually don't take many logo jobs and stuff
as they get on my nerves
(both the job AND client)
But Lennie is a sweetie and a good friend
Here it is....
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This design will make it to t-shirts sometime in the future
I'm thinkin a faded rainbow bleed,maybe a light distress over it eventually
so it reeks old school Hawaii....
Like this....
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also made an option of just the head of our calavera Hula girl..
i like the bottom option better,but whatever Lennie decides to go with.....
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That's it for now...
Just thought I'd share.....
Love Ya!
Mean It!

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GROG posted on 12/16/2009

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/4b292477.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=f8687bf488eda0fc553b8c2788623906

Could work as a tattoo.

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