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Dick Dale with The Pyronauts @ Auburn Saturday, 12/19/09 with pre-party @ the VampTiki Lounge

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VampiressRN posted on 11/09/2009

SURFS UP in NORCAL...anyone welcome to join in on this action Saturday, December 19th.

Afternoon Cocktail Party @ the VampTiki Lounge (12pm to 5pm) just PM me for directions.

-then off to-

A DICK DALE & THE PYRONAUTS concert @ the Auburn Event Center (7pm)

More info to follow...

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2009-11-10 20:03 ]

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 11/09/2009

I'm in!

1961surf posted on 11/10/2009

Can't wait for this gig......this will be a rockin good time !What better way to celebrate
the holiday season then classic surf tunes with legendary Dick Dale and the Pyronauts .
I am flying up earlier then I originally planned just so I can make it to this great event.
I want to meet more Nor Cal TC peeps during my visit....so buy your tickets in advance
and let the good times roll!

bigtikidude posted on 11/10/2009

I don't think they have anymore of them.
but the Pyronauts put out a great surf x-mas cd.

try e-bay maybe.
or ask the band if they can make ya a copy.


VampiressRN posted on 11/10/2009

Thanks for the heads up Jeff. Brenda had The Pyronauts play at her last party and we had a blast...small intimate setting and surf...can't go wrong there...LOL

The guys signed their CDs at the party...I got em all. Had to email to get the rare Surf Motel CD. :)

1961surf posted on 11/10/2009

On 2009-11-09 18:25, bigtikidude wrote:
I don't think they have anymore of them.
but the Pyronauts put out a great surf x-mas cd.

try e-bay maybe.
or ask the band if they can make ya a copy.


What was the question Jeff ,you kinda left that out ?

bigtikidude posted on 11/10/2009

On 2009-11-09 18:46, 1961surf wrote:

On 2009-11-09 18:25, bigtikidude wrote:
I don't think they have anymore of them.
but the Pyronauts put out a great surf x-mas cd.

try e-bay maybe.
or ask the band if they can make ya a copy.


What was the question Jeff ,you kinda left that out ?

you said it would be great to see some surf music as x-mas time.
and it reminded me that they did a great cd of x-mas tunes surf style.
its outta print, but if you are real nice, they might have one set aside.
or can burn you a copy of it.



1961surf posted on 11/10/2009

Comprendo-Thanks Jeff

moondog426 posted on 11/11/2009

This sounds wonderful!!!!!! The Pyronauts are more talented than their years...they rock......and what can you say about Dick Dale......about 15 years ago my buddy turned 40 and hired Dick Dale to play in Manhattan Beach, it was a great night of music. He contacted him for his 50th birthday but Dick was riding high after Misirlou being on the Pulp Fiction soundtrack and his price went up, up, up and he settled with a DJ instead....Beth and I are planning on going to this show.

1961surf posted on 11/11/2009

Looking forward to seeing you Ken and good times are coming soon... Cowabunga Moondog !

thequin posted on 11/11/2009

Does anyone know where I can purchase tickets to this event in Sacramento? Dimple records knows nothing of this event. Thank you.


1961surf posted on 11/11/2009

You can call the Pyronauts direct @ 530-878-4675 for pre sale tickets

bigtikidude posted on 11/12/2009

yeah get the Tix from Pyronauts direct, and that helps them secure the gig there for this and next time.


pyronauts posted on 11/12/2009

Hey Everybody! So I finally joined Tiki Central... about freakin' time, eh?

So here is an update on this Dick Dale show for December 19th. I'm selling tickets directly! You can email me at [email protected] or call and leave a message at 530-878-4675. I will return your call within a day or so. Please understand that you must leave a message, this is to weed out the crazies! So email will get the quickest response!

We will be performing some Christmas tunes and have our "A Surfin' Christmas" CD available for purchase. There are only a few of these left! There will also be some great artwork on display with prints for sale by our local surf artist Jim Lee. You can check his totally bitchin' stuff out here: http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/jim-lee.html

Can't wait to see you all there!

Paul The Pyronaut

bigtikidude posted on 11/12/2009

Welcome to TC Paul.


bigtikidude posted on 11/12/2009

On 2009-11-11 20:29, pyronauts wrote:
Hey Everybody! So I finally joined Tiki Central... about freakin' time, eh?

So here is an update on this Dick Dale show for December 19th. I'm selling tickets directly! You can email me at [email protected] or call and leave a message at 530-878-4675. I will return your call within a day or so. Please understand that you must leave a message, this is to weed out the crazies! So email will get the quickest response!

We will be performing some Christmas tunes and have our "A Surfin' Christmas" CD available for purchase. There are only a few of these left! There will also be some great artwork on display with prints for sale by our local surf artist Jim Lee. You can check his totally bitchin' stuff out here: http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/jim-lee.html

Can't wait to see you all there!

Paul The Pyronaut

Welcome to TC Paul

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-11-11 20:40 ]

VampiressRN posted on 11/12/2009

Yee Haw...welcome to the board Paul. Just sent ya an email so will try to hook up with you on Friday...waiting to hear from the Sac Ohana to find out how many tickets to get.

pyronauts posted on 11/14/2009

Yeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwww!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 11/16/2009

Welcome to TC, Paul, I heard the girls gave you the run down when you dropped the tickets off! Here you will find a pretty friendly group of people, so don't get discouraged if you read anything negative!

I was listening to the Pyronauts long before I became a member here, in fact I remember seeing them play at the Sierra College parking lot sale a few years back, which, is where I bought my first of many Pyronauts CDs.

Looking forward to this event, got tickets in hand, thanks to Marlene. This should be an awesome show and I hope to see lots of my Tiki Central friends there on December 19th.


1961surf posted on 11/16/2009

Welcome Paul.Pleasure to talk to you the other day.I look forward to watching the
Pyronauts perform again.The Pyronauts really ripped it up at Brenda's house .
PTD stoked to hear you will be there ....good times are a comin soon.

Here's is a little something to hold you over for a while.
I like this Pyronauts vid put on the news-minus the commercial.
Second vid is vintage Dick Dale on the Ed Sullivan show way back in the day.
Cheers-Trader Bill



[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-11-26 17:35 ]

VampiressRN posted on 11/18/2009

Great links Bill. Boy that Ed Sullivan brings back memories...that was a "must watch" at our house. Just like you, I so clearly remember the anticipation, viewing and next day excited conversations about The Beatles. Truly one of the most memorable TV experiences...right up there with the man on the moon.


http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/pyronauts3 My favorite...track 6 "Under Toe"

moondog426 posted on 11/26/2009

This show along with good friends is proof there is indeed a Santa Claus.......If anyone wants to start their day a bit earlier, myself and a few others are gathering at 9am at 19th and J street (Starbucks) to take coats to the homeless. After that we will be stopping at my home tiki bar for a beer or a bloody mary or 2! This is not a tiki themed event and won't be a long gig but it will be a great chance to help those less fortunate than most and see my wretched mess...(which I am so happy and grateful to have!). If you can't make it and want to donate a coat or send money for a coat send me an e-mail. This is the 15th year I have done this and the feeling is incredible........in any event Beth and I will catch up with you at Marlene's or at the Show!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/03/2009

Bumping this thread...I picked up another ticket yesterday for Bo and they now have less than 25 tickets left at the Dimple Records store in Roseville. The Citrus Heights Dimple does not have any tickets. If you are going to buy some pre-show they are $20.00 and you need to ask for Dick Dale tickets featuring the Pyronauts on December 19th, otherwise the clerk has no clue.

Just a couple of weeks away now, see you there!


VampiressRN posted on 12/06/2009

Wow that place is going to be jumpin'...we're leaving my house by 5pm so we can get there early and get a good spot. I also am going to bring ear-plugs. :)

1961surf posted on 12/06/2009

We don't need no stinkin ear plugs LOL !!!

VampiressRN posted on 12/06/2009

WHAT!!!! :wink:

HelloTiki posted on 12/06/2009

Surfers rule. Dude! Have a great concert.

bigtikidude posted on 12/08/2009

believe me, I have seen DD at least 30 times,
you want to bring ear plugs.


VampiressRN posted on 12/09/2009

If you can, try to catch The Pyronauts, live December 13th, on Good Day Sacramento (CW31) from 8am to 10am. Join Cody Stark and the Good Day weekend crew for a "Surfin' Christmas" celebration!!!

CD's available here >>>>> http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/pyronauts

TikiG posted on 12/09/2009

A Dick Dale live tradition: If you can get close to the stage, reach out for a Dick Dale guitar pick while he plays. A must have memento of the evening.

While he plays you see the dust created from the shredding action of plastic pick against steel guitar strings. I have a few DD picks I have kept over the years - each one is shredded at least halfway down from the original tip. Plus they're marked Dick Dale (at least mine are.)

Long live Dick Dale...the 'Beast' is an American icon too (of course!)

Have a great show and enjoy. Wish I could be there.

bigtikidude posted on 12/09/2009

Dick is playing in So. Cal. too,
Jan 2nd at the Couch House in San Juan Capistrano.
and other shows in or around LA after.


moondog426 posted on 12/12/2009

one week til we get a double shot of surf gee-tar. The snow should be melted in Auburn, at least it will be after all this HOT GEE-TAR.

1961surf posted on 12/12/2009

Cant wait...looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting new TC peeps like Abstract!

VampiressRN posted on 12/12/2009

I'll serve a light lunch at my shindig, so we can imbibe in some drinkin' prior to the SURF GEE TARS!!!

moondog426 posted on 12/13/2009

The Pyronauts were on Good Day Sacramento this morning. They did a few Christmas songs and sounded oh so good. Even with their bass player missing due to illness...... they still kicked butt.

pyronauts posted on 12/15/2009

Hey Everybody! Ticket sales are through the roof since we were on TV the other day! There are a few videos on http://www.gooddaysacramento.com but you gotta search for em! Hope everybody has tickets that needs them because we are quickly approaching a "sell-out" situation!

I also want to mention that there will be Pizza by the slice available at the show. Some greasy-cheesy-bready stuff to soak up some of the booze!

Yeeee Haww!

Paul The Pyronaut

Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/15/2009

Wow, less than 5 days away...should be the Nor Cal show of the year! Ami and I will be brining Bo for his first tiki event since the initial get together we had a few years back and we all look forward to seeing everyone at Vamp's or the show!

Tickets in hand, see you soon!


moondog426 posted on 12/16/2009

This show is now SOLD OUT......Way to go Paul!

VampiressRN posted on 12/17/2009

AWESOME!!!! Can hardly wait to get surfin on the tunes. :)

1961surf posted on 12/18/2009

Marlene I need two more tickets for my parents .

VampiressRN posted on 12/18/2009

I'm on it!!! :wink:

I have 1 ticket and Paul says he has the other ticket for me...so you are good to go. (check your email)

[ Edited by: vampiressrn 2009-12-18 05:24 ]

Savage Tiki posted on 12/19/2009

Hi there,

I just came back from seeing The King of the Surf Guitar in Petaluma and was wondering if there is any way I can get a ticket to the Auburn show. He has always been my hero since I heard Misrolu from Pulp Fiction and fell in love with his music way back then. I just got around to seeing him live and found out that I am a true Dick Head.

Being that I'm in Napa I would do just about anything to see him again in Auburn. Plus going to the Vamp RNs Pre party sounds cool too.

Let me know just what I have to do to go.

[ Edited by: Savge Tiki 2009-12-19 01:05 ]

[ Edited by: Savge Tiki 2009-12-19 05:36 ]

moondog426 posted on 12/19/2009

I hope you get in Savge Tiki. Good Luck.

VampiressRN posted on 12/19/2009

Working on it Savg...please check your PMs.

TODAY...the the eatn' drink'n party'n VampTiki Lounge is open for your pleasure.

TONIGHT...Auburn rocks with Dick Dale & The Pyronauts...supported by the Tikiphiles.


VampiressRN posted on 12/19/2009

SAVG....got ya a ticket...read your PM so we can hook up. :)

Savage Tiki posted on 12/20/2009

I just want to say thank you to Vampirus RN for getting me a ticket to the Dick Dale show up in Auburn. I was still in bed from being too excited from seeing him the night before when I got the call that the ticket I was so desperate for had my name on it. It made my day and I got ready as fast as I could but we missed the DD pre party at Vamps. I got lots of pix of Dick and of the Pyronauts that I will post soon.

Also I met some of the Tiki Central Ohana and started what can only promise to be long and fast friendships. Being that I'm bad with names but good with faces, don't hold it against me if I don't remember your name next time I see you.

moondog426 posted on 12/20/2009

awesome night....Lots of familiar faces and great new ones. Beth and I had a blast. Thanks Marlene for putting this together. Thanks to David for the bamboo from the islander...and the coats for the homeless....The Pyronauts were awesome and even nailed Led Zep's ''Moby Dick''....Great seeing Duane and Amy, and Coco Loco and Mai Tai, Bo, Bill from So Cal, Brenda and others...What a great bunch of folks...Merry Christmas.

VampiressRN posted on 12/20/2009

This is my second time to see the Pyronauts...and they just blow my pantyhose off...LOL. What a great group of guys, keep us posted on any more local events, you've got a strong following in the Sacramento Ohana. My thanks to Brenda for introducing us to them at her last party...I am hooked. It was just awesome to see Dick Dale in a small venue, he is quite a showman and very personable.

Good to see the South Bay represented. :)

Sorry...my only pic is blurry.

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