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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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BIG tiki scott posted on 10/23/2009

hello buzzy!!! choclate tikis!!! what a great new way to enjoy tikis!!! loook yuuuuuummmmmyyy!!!!! gotta get me sumadoes!!!! cheerz!!

Benzart posted on 10/24/2009

At Least you are doing something creative just don't over do it and re-injure that hand, so just take it easy and relax and re-charge yer batteries. Glad that you had a good vizit with Jonesey, he Said he might be running into you (not a good way to put it))lol)The tiki world is missing your carvings and there is a serious interruption in the Whole Tiki Continuum so hurry and get better or find a faster way to make the choklits.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/24/2009

Recent sunset:

TC milestone time:

2000 posts! Yipee!

On 2009-10-22 12:02, Clarita wrote:
this would be a good opportunity to read some of those fat books maybe you were intending to read and never found the time...? sending healing energy

Thanks for that healing energy.That,and everything else I'm doing seem to be working.I've watched 58 episodes of "Curb your enthusiam"that I had on my DVR and I still cannot figure out if I like or hate the show. Talk about a time killer...

On 2009-10-24 10:19, Benzart wrote:
Glad that you had a good vizit with Jonesey, he Said he might be running into you. The tiki world is missing your carvings and there is a serious interruption in the Whole Tiki Continuum so hurry and get better or find a faster way to make the choklits.

I ran into Jonesey last night and took him over to Babalu's studio. It think it's only another week until daylight savings time,so that means I'll probably have to go back to the night job for the winter season. I mean,whatgoes better with winter than mud. Since I'm not making any chips or chocolate, everyone else needs to step it up. That means everyone with a thread on page one of the carving forum needs to finish two tikis this week. Moais don't count, even if they have moko or rockabilly pinstripes.Tikis with those triangle beard things under the chin don't count either.

On 2009-10-22 18:40, TheBigT wrote:
Sounds like you have time to read/reread Kon-Tiki, Mutiny on the Bounty, Aku Aku, etc... :lol:

I grabbed several Charles Bukowski books at the swapmeet afew months back and have finished 3 of those so far. If I don't cleared for work soon,then I'll probably reread Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead. :lol:

On 2009-10-22 19:05, BIG tiki scott wrote:
hello buzzy!!!choclate tikis!!!!!!!gotta get me sumadoes!!!!cheerz!!

I've got some medical grade for $125. I'll be in front of the payphones at the Circle K in Clairemont at 10:30 tonight. I'll be the guy wearing this:

And remember, Frankie's Tiki Room first anniversary party coming up in December!

On 2009-10-22 16:09, seeksurf wrote:
Good looking box of tiki chocolates buzz.

Let me know when you're in town and I'll bring some to you at the Circle K in Clairemont. I'm usually there at 10:30,in front of the pay phones.

Buzzy Out!

TheBigT posted on 10/26/2009

I've got some medical grade for $125. I'll be in front of the payphones at the Circle K in Clairemont at 10:30 tonight.

On 2009-10-24 14:17, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Tikis with those triangle beard things under the chin don't count either.

Triangle beard things...???! You lost me there. Perhaps you've been eating some of your medical grade products?? :P

buzzard posted on 10/28/2009

heal buzzy heal

seeksurf posted on 10/29/2009

Nice! and there are two of them.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/02/2009

Since daylight savings time ended, it gets dark in the middle of the day. This picture was taken at noon yesterday:

On 2009-10-26 09:09, TheBigT wrote:
Triangle beard things...???! You lost me there.

Here are two examples I found on the net to help illustrate this subclass of tiki carving:

On 2009-10-28 22:28, seeksurf wrote:
Nice! and there are two of them.

That's what she said!

On 2009-10-28 15:32, buzzard wrote:
heal buzzy heal

Today was the recheck by the doctor. Things haven't stabilized enough yet, so I'm not cleared to work for another month. Oh well. I might have to start getting some shots in my neck and shoulders, but they're going to wait on that for now. Until then, I'm to just "take it easy", stretch a little bit, and continue with the therapy.

The weather is delightful today!
Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 11/02/2009

Go bother Squid and Bab's at Babalu's place.

TheBigT posted on 11/02/2009

On 2009-11-02 12:29, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Here are two examples I found on the net to help illustrate this subclass of tiki carving:


hiltiki posted on 11/03/2009

Buzzy, you could watch Dexter next and see if you like it. Get well quickly I need your help.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/17/2009

Here we have some recent sunsets:

And speaking of sunsets, here's a little flashback from the last sunset contest I had back in march of '08

On 2008-03-24 16:10, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

Sunday March 23, day 27

Freddie: You da winner! Congrats! What do you want?

So I never delivered on poor Freddie's sunset prize, but I had always intended on getting it done. The fact that I never followed through had been weighing heavily on me for the last year and a half. Freddie's been such a good friend to me that I felt like a heel not doing it right away. Everytime I started a new anything, I felt guilty for not doing it next. But, in the back of my mind, I always knew it would get done, and I convinced myself(and Freddie :lol: ) that I was just waiting for the perfect moment to start.
My opportunity finally came about two weeks ago when my good buddy Dr. G. said I needed to remain active, but not do anything that would strain myself. we talked about low impact activities that would keep my muscles active, but not affect my injuries or overall recovery. Clay work seemed low impact enough to him, so he's letting me work for 30 minutes a day, every other day. That's not much time, but it gives me something to look forward to in between tv watching marathons.

So here it is, two weeks in with just another 30 minute cleaning session or two away from it being all finished:

I think it's around 12" x 8". Inspired by Coco Joes puna rift plaques.

Soon as this sucker fires, I can have another contest! It's been a long time.

On 2009-11-02 12:32, GROG wrote:
Go bother Squid and Bab's at Babalu's place.

That's EXACTLY what I've been doing.

On 2009-11-02 12:51, TheBigT wrote:


Glad we concur...

On 2009-11-02 19:52, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy, you could watch Dexter next and see if you like it. Get well quickly I need your help.

I'm actually all caught up on Dexter. That's been one of my favorite shows since day 1. I'm currently loking for a new show. I've got some space in my schedule to fill. Any other suggestions?

I have all the channels...
Buzzy Out!

big daddy posted on 11/17/2009

nice work buzzy! what can't you do? oh yeah wok on big wood pieces. hope you getting better as i write. need some more of your big fella's out there.


TheBigT posted on 11/17/2009

Nice plaque. I don't see the hole to hang it with. Don't forget that. LOL :wink:

TV shows... TV shows... I'm out. The only thing I watch is Lost and it doesn't start till next yr. :( I would probably spend all my spare TV time surfing youtube anyway. :lol:

RevBambooBen posted on 11/19/2009

nice to see You and Zaya the other day. we got some Cookaberry licorice and it smells like cat pee. bloody awefull stuff!!! bring on the chocolate covered cockroaches !!! long undies next time....

p.s. californication?

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build stuff for you!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2009-11-18 19:57 ]

HOUSE OF KU posted on 11/19/2009

On 2009-11-16 18:45, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

I think it's around 12" x 8". Inspired by Coco Joes puna rift plaques.

Soon as this sucker fires, I can have another contest! It's been a long time.

Yo Buzzy! You the Bestist! :) I love your therapy...work those hands...(thats what she said) :lol: Glad to see you back in action....Doh...TWSS... Can't wait to see it fired!


Benzart posted on 11/19/2009

Hey Buzzy, that hurts, , 30 minutes every other day? It isn't work anyway it's Play so you should be able to play when you want, right? Love your clay Ku tu!

Tahitiki posted on 11/19/2009

Thanks Buzzy for sending the Brady Tikis. My buddies are going to be stoked.
I hope you feel better soon man.


[ Edited by: Tahitiki 2009-11-19 12:51 ]

danlovestikis posted on 11/20/2009

Oh Buzzy, you can always take a break and recooperate in our Buzzy Bedroom for special guests.

Gecko and Sean have both slept here. On different nights. Sean said it was weird to wake up to you staring down at him. I sure hope you will be well enough to take your next pinup photo, we know just where to hang it.
Best wishes, Wendy and Dan

teaKEY posted on 11/20/2009

Hey Wendy, That's smart having those Buzzy's there. Everybody likes guest to stay over but it totally keeps the long term guest from settling in.

danlovestikis posted on 11/27/2009

Good Thought Teakey. Hey Buzzy get your next shot ready for Oasis 10, I'll pick it up then! Wendy

GROG posted on 11/29/2009

Sorry about the accident messing up your training, Buzz. GROG really thought you had a good chance of winning The Bay Park International Bodybuilding Championship this year.

Before Accident:


Bora Boris posted on 11/30/2009

Congratulations Mr. Featured Carver! :D

Benzart posted on 11/30/2009

Yeah, Congrats Buzzy, I don' have my copy yet but I Just Know its On the WAY. Can't Wait!

MadDogMike posted on 11/30/2009

GROG, I don't know how you did that but what a great editing job. Very convincing :lol:

TheBigT posted on 12/01/2009

Buzz, what's the latest man?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/02/2009

On 2009-12-01 11:23, TheBigT wrote:
Buzz, what's the latest man?

Here's my last couple weeks update:

Starting with the sunsets

we're in the sunsets behind the bay time of year finally!

I developed a new product last week. Introducing my new matchbooks:

I used a couple free stamps I got from Vistaprints, some old blank matchbooks from my 10 for a dollar box, and some little resin tiki heads I cast from a cocojoes pendant to make these

Coolest matchbooks ever!

I love my new matchbooks!

On 2009-11-19 11:31, Benzart wrote:
Hey Buzzy, that hurts, , 30 minutes every other day? Love your clay Ku tu!

30 minutes every other day indeed hurts. I think I spend more time on my hair in the morning! I liked the nu KU tuu, so I made a couple more. I'm a regular over at babalu's these days. I've been having a lot of fun over there. Here's my last two weeks of work:

I made a smaller version of this tiki on a lava plaque last year . I liked it a lot and when it was done I wanted to keep it for myself, or give it to Freddie for the contest. However, I was a little cash poor at the time and took it to the Tonga Hut show, where it sold. So, this time, I decided to make it larger, and make three of hem. One for me, one for Freddie, and one to sell. after finishing #1, I started right away on #2 and 3.
I actually used the picture for reference on the second one. The first one I just did from memory and had a couple areas that I was uncertain of. Here's #2 with the corrections made and most of the rest of it done:

#2 finished next to #1

Next was throwing it on the lava slab. Here's the slab for it and #3 getting ready to be worked on next

Meanwhile, #1 got fired. It turned out fine. It's on the right. #2 is finshed in the middle and #3 has the tiki done

#2 and #3, which was finished today

I glazed #1 yesterday, and it's sitting on the kiln shelf

On 2009-11-17 07:18, TheBigT wrote:
Nice plaque. I don't see the hole to hang it with. Don't forget that. LOL :wink:

I hid the hanger hole thingies in a recessed section on the back. I also made three holes in case they get clogged by the glaze

On 2009-11-19 17:20, danlovestikis wrote:
Oh Buzzy, you can always take a break and recooperate in our Buzzy Bedroom for special guests.

Gecko slept here.

I'm sure your little slice of heaven room reminded him of home:

I think he has his in the bedroom too.

And while we're on the subject, Here's a couple of pictures of us at Oasises past:

Fun times indeed!

On 2009-11-19 17:51, teaKEY wrote:
Hey Wendy, That's smart having those Buzzy's there. Everybody likes guest to stay over but it totally keeps the long term guest from settling in.

My main concern would be that they would be stolen. That'd be a hard loss to deal with...

On 2009-11-27 09:44, danlovestikis wrote:
Hey Buzzy get your next shot ready for Oasis 10, I'll pick it up then! Wendy

On 2009-11-29 10:17, GROG wrote:
GROG really thought you had a good chance of winning The Bay Park International Bodybuilding Championship this year.

Don't fret! I've been working on my tan lately in preparation for next year's photo. I'll have plenty of time to add some bulk later next year

On 2009-11-29 10:17, GROG wrote:
Sorry about the accident messing up your training, Buzz.

It's funny because it's true! You should se my tan, though.

On 2009-11-29 17:22, Bora Boris wrote:
Congratulations Mr. Featured Carver! :D

Thanks Boris! I still don;t have, nor have i seen the article yet. But since it's about me, I know it's great!

On 2009-11-29 20:13, Benzart wrote:
Yeah, Congrats Buzzy, I don' have my copy yet but I Just Know its On the WAY. Can't Wait!

Thanks Benz! you had a lot to do with me being where I am right now. The part where I said that got cut out of the final draft, but I did say that and mean it.

On 2009-11-19 12:49, Tahitiki wrote:
I hope you feel better soon man.

Thanks, me too. Especially me too!

Medical update:
I went back to the doctor yesterday, and unfortunately, I have not been cleared to work for another month. I'm actually being referred to another specialist on Thursday, and will recieve some injections in my shoulders and neck. So hopefully, I'll make enough progress after that that I can get back to tearing up some wood very, very soon. Until then, I stretch, rest, and do whetever the medical team tells me to do to get better.

In the meantime, I'll be spending my 30 minutes every other in the center of the universe, hanging out with Babalu and Simon, playing in the mud,

I think I'll make a mug next. There are not enough of those things out there yet. But should I do a Moai, or a Tiki bob tribute?

Life is full of hard choices!
Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 12/02/2009

Glad to see you're Alive and Kickin', hows the healing thing coming, gonna be back to work soon? Better hurry up, you have a Lot of catching up to do.
Stay Cool.

TikiG posted on 12/02/2009


Hey man! - congrats on the latest Tiki Magazine article. Cool pics and I thought the story was well balanced. The line at the end about turning a neophyte on to carving because they may have bought a pendant "from a guy on the sidewalk" is so f'ckin true! Its all about the ripples - cause and effect - and you sir, have created ripples by the thousands. Trust that your influence has planted many moments of inspiration for many people. Also -
I get a kick from seeing you carve indoors on the carpet; Believe me if I didn't rent my home I'd be doing the same - you have to work comfortably wherever that may be to achieve max results. Rock on!

My thoughts are with you and your healing process, please take the time to heal properly so you may come back to carving with a vengeance...the world requires more of your hand-made musical drums distributed. They are beautiful to hear, beautiful to see and blanket us with joy.

Take care. G

GROG posted on 12/02/2009

Congrats on the Featured Carver article in Tiki Magazine, Buzzmeister. GROG not read article, GROG only buy the magazine to look at the pictures.

little lost tiki posted on 12/02/2009

Great article there Buzzy!

of course you KNOW that....

danlovestikis posted on 12/02/2009

Buff or not you be the number one tiki pinup, your da bomb Buzzy. Your article was terrific. I hope you are well soon. Wendy

Babalu posted on 12/06/2009

Your turning into a clay ANIMAL boss!! Go Buzz Go!

Benzart posted on 12/11/2009

Wake up Mr Bay Park, King of the BUZZ! Back to work, those Doc's are Milking you for all your tiki money and plan on keeping you on the hook a long time.
sharpen up the tools, skin the Logz, there's Tiki's out there Waiting to be carved. :o :D

finally, My Tiki Mag came in the mail and the wait was worth it, I Really enjoyed reading your story and it's about time too. I think you've carved enough tiki stuff to have 3 features infact you should have your own Tiki Mag corner.
Now,, Back to Wirk.

Cammo posted on 12/23/2009

I thought the most interesting thing about the article was that we finally discovered Buzzy's real name is "Auslott J. Krempenschmelder".

Jeez, no wonder he calls himself Buzzy.

tikiyaki posted on 12/23/2009

Buzzy....congratz on the Tiki Mag article !

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/25/2009

Hey man, who wrote that slanderous, New York Post-style jazz about you anyways? :wink:

Hope you can start chopping away in your living room as soon as possible and until then, may your Christmas dinner be Rogers & Parton-free.

Cheers to you and Zaya, pally~


ps Rest assured, your name is safe with me...(ahh..the POWER!)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/04/2010

Last sunset of '09:

Bye bye, crappy old year!

First sunset of '10:

Hello new year!

Today's sunset:

It's been a while since I updated here, so I hope I don't forget anything that came up since then

First off, I finally got something on my website(after 3 years!)
It's still in rough draft form...

Nothing's really new there that you all haven't seen here, except for this gallery of some of my tiki buddies:

Medical update:
I got those magic shots in my neck and shoulders a few weeks back, and have improved significantly since then. I have to go to the doctor on Tuesday, where I will hopefully be cleared to work again. Then I'll have to see if my wrist and elbow can handle my workload. At least I feel half the battle is over. Knock on wood. No pun intended. :)

A little clay update:

I had to refire the plaques a second time because the glaze had a few issues. They came out good enough. Here's one all done:

They're about as thick as a small Sharpie:

Here's how I rigged the hanging mechanism:

Wood/Carving update:
I had some stuff I was working on and never updated back around the time Kiva died. They were all about 95% finished when I had the car accident. There they sat after that, waiting for me to get em done for about three months. In the last week, I tested my current physical condition by sanding and staining them all. It was rough at first because my work day stamina was greatly reduced. Seems like they all took way more time than they should have. I had to take a lot of breaks, especially the first two days. Finally though, I got them all taken care of and I have to say, it's so nice seeing some nice new almost finished pieces laying around.

Here's the group of them waiting to be sealed now:

The tikis:

I think I carved the one in the middle about two years ago.

And the new drums:

I'll start doing the sealing tomorrow.

I'm going to end this post here and do a correspondence post in a little bit.

Until then, Have a Happy New Year!
Buzzy Out!

teaKEY posted on 01/04/2010

Like it

closettiki posted on 01/04/2010

Hey Buzzy !!!!!!!!!
i hope you had a great holiday!!

Glad to see the road to recovery is going well

hopefully you will be carving away like a maniac soon

And Oasis is only 8 1/2 months away...

[ Edited by: closettiki 2010-01-03 19:11 ]

4WDtiki posted on 01/04/2010

On 2010-01-03 18:21, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

I think I carved the one in the middle about two years ago.

Some great carving, esp the tiki on the left, the symetrical precision is very Bowanaesque!

Good to see you able to work again.

MadDogMike posted on 01/04/2010

So good to see you back in the swing, hope they give you a full release! Interesting hanger arrangement, anchored below center, hmmm.

GROG posted on 01/04/2010


hiltiki posted on 01/04/2010


TheBigT posted on 01/04/2010

On 2010-01-04 02:50, MadDogMike wrote:
So good to see you back in the swing, hope they give you a full release! Interesting hanger arrangement, anchored below center, hmmm.

Yep, great to see u back. Is the wire included with the plaque or sold separately? :P

Lake Surfer posted on 01/05/2010

Buzz, great to see you back and happy to hear that the road to recovery is nearly at its end.

This new grouping of work is amazingly refined and full of details. You've come so far in 221 pages bruddah!

I see good things for you in 2010. Keep up the great work and enjoy your warm weather... tiki carving here in 10 degrees sucks.

Look forward to seeing you again this year!

buzzard posted on 01/05/2010

he's back in the saddle again......

GROG posted on 01/06/2010

That's what she said.

Benzart posted on 01/06/2010

Well, It's aBout time! OK, Break's over, back to work.
It's Really nice to hear that bit of excitement in your posts again Buzzy, Glad you're feeling better now sharpen those tools nand Have some FUN!

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