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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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MadDogMike posted on 12/16/2009

After all the crap you give Clysdalle! :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 12/16/2009

Laugh it up Chucklehead!

if you were paying attention,Mike
I have only done two Calavera type projects.....
Both were suggested to me
not my ideas.....
the Death card for the Tikot Invitation
and the Calavera Hula Girl...
the patron's always right...

AND if you haven't noticed...
they fit a lot more into the Tiki theme
than Kustom Kulture...
so Nyah!


little lost tiki posted on 12/16/2009

On 2009-12-16 13:45, little lost tiki made a double post....

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-12-17 07:58 ]

Swamp Fire posted on 12/17/2009

Great job on the logo Kinny.

MadDogMike posted on 12/17/2009

On 2009-12-16 14:27, little lost tiki wrote:
...those Ego-Driven e-mails he sends every week or so....

I bought a shirt from him a while back, do I have to put up with those emails forever?
(just kidding Dave :) )

little lost tiki posted on 12/17/2009

Buy an LLTee and we promise not to harass you with
"OH! LOOK AT ME!" Ego-driven e-mails....EVER!

and thanks DougHorne!

Monkeyman posted on 12/17/2009

You said something about ruffling feathers...

I dont see any feathers in this logo?

Is her skirt made out of feathers or something?


Are there ruffles that I am missing?

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/17/2009

Nice design!! But I don't know spanish??

TikiMango posted on 12/17/2009

Nice logo/graphic, I would have never guessed it was by your hand. Good stuff, and not just because you got paid for it.

little lost tiki posted on 12/22/2009

Hello Kids!
Just a little bit i can share this week
but don't worry...
i can feel an art spazz
right over the horizon.....

Thanks for all your nice comments!
What a joy to be able to share these scribblings with friends!

it would make a cool tattoo
not MY cup of tea,but it would be fun to see it on someone!

Thank you!
I try to avoid logos and graphic stuff
unless the project is compelling
or it's someone that's cool
and time permits....
cause I'd rather be doing artartart!
While i still got the mic...
YOU Mr. Giantman
have been pumping out some INfrigginCREDIBLE new work
with General Ursus,Shrunken Heads,Tentacles,and Hot Oil Moai Lamps...
right arm!
Pretty soon you'll be closer and we can ARTJAM mo!

MadDog-got your Christmas card yesterday...
Thank you

Thanks for all dose panels,Derek!
I gave Toe two for Christmas
but he prefers to paint on car doors i heared...
as for the feathers.... nevermind.
ruffles have ridges...

it means "the Life Aloha"
Lennie's had that name in mind for a loooong time...

Mahalos Man!
Back in the Day- doing tees for rusty and HIC
we would mimic a lot of art styles...
That's where the Art History knowledge came in
and it got reeeal fun...
Well anyways, Lennie was always drawn to the calaca's/calaveras of Posada
so you can see how this became a
"let's try to nail posada but keep it kinny" kind of challenge..
i did have some practice
with this one...
when Hank asked me to do the Invitation art for the TIKOT show...

so after getting my balance
i was able to tackle and develop the Vida Aloha Girl...
la-la-loooove her hipbones holding up the skirt
tried to give it a mix
of the naivete' of Posada's anatomy
yet also making it more correct anatomically
but not ruining the original flavor....
Does that make sense?

All of you!
Get out of my Brain!
it's time to show you some new work....

First piece,,,
"Waterfall and Palms"
acrylic and acrylic cel vinyl paint on 3/4"masonite panel lovingly cut by Monkeyman

This is for my bosses for Christmas
they likes Palm Trees..


this one begged for a quiet rhythmic simplicity...

i really like it...it's calming....
It's cool that it's starting to come to life...
And here's a piece where one can feel
new little legs
new little outgrowths
of a developing style..
kind of exciting..
Here's what i got so far
still a long way to go
but there's something
mysterious and compelling
like a secret or an artifact
waiting to be unearthed....

Haven't felt the spider sense tingling like that
in a while
and it's fun!

Well, that's it!
I'll get nothing done at the studio
if i just sit around and type all night!

LOL Tiki posted on 12/22/2009

On 2009-12-21 18:45, little lost tiki wrote:

First piece,,,
"Waterfall and Palms"
acrylic and acrylic cel vinyl paint on 3/4"masonite panel lovingly cut by Monkeyman

This is for my bosses for Christmas
they likes Palm Trees..

Ooooh - Very Nice!

little lost tiki posted on 12/24/2009

Thanks Roland!
This one does capture your quiet gentle personality
that's probably why you're drawn to it....

Wanted to take this moment to
wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Let giggles and hugs and warmth fill all your huts
this Holiday Season....
And take some time in those quiet moments
to reflect on the true meaning of the holidays.

I'd like to extend a BIG MAHALO to all of you who visit this thread
and leave encouraging and sometimes pretty durn funny comments..
It feels like I'm a t a big party and are able to talk to you all
without loud music blaring or distracting stuff....
Thanks for that!
Also, Thanks for buying my work!
i really mean that!
Your funds help me afford a studio,art supplies,
and among other things
3 frank frazetta books
Jack Kirby-King of Comics
R. Crumb's Book of Genesis
Basil Wolverton's bible illustrations..
(I've only seen his Book of Revelation drawings)
from just dipping into paypal sales...
That is truly a blessing and I'm grateful to all of you
for every trace of happy you leave on this thread...
Mele Kalikimaka!
Talk to y'alls soon!
now go drink some eggnog!
Smile big a lots!

Sophista-tiki posted on 12/24/2009

waterfall and palms. NICE

GROG posted on 12/24/2009

On 2009-12-21 19:00, LOL Tiki wrote:

On 2009-12-21 18:45, little lost tiki wrote:

First piece,,,
"Waterfall and Palms"
acrylic and acrylic cel vinyl paint on 3/4"masonite panel lovingly cut by Monkeyman

Ooooh - Very Nice!

Yes, dees one ees very nice.

little lost tiki posted on 12/25/2009

How come i only get nice posts from you two during Christmas?

Merry Christmas you kids
and Mahalo!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/27/2009

"Waterfall and Palms"
acrylic and acrylic cel vinyl paint on 3/4"masonite panel lovingly cut by Monkeyman

This is for my bosses for Christmas
they likes Palm Trees..

That IS really nice. Lucky damn bosses!

hodadhank posted on 12/27/2009

Yipee! Fun stuff Kinster.

Oh almost forgot! Meeeeeeeeerrrrrrrry Christmas!

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2009-12-27 09:45 ]

Robb Hamel posted on 12/28/2009

"Waterfall and Palms" is fantastic, Ken - familiar imagery made super-fresh and much more interesting. Every time I look at your thread I get a happy surprise!

tobunga posted on 12/30/2009

Kinny, you are a firestorm of creativity! A tornado of talent! A Tsunami of... well, you get the idea!

Love all your recent work... the La Vida Aloha logo in inspired! The collaboration with Babalu is outstanding! My favorite piece is The Approaching Storm... the skulls and masks you've been doing are incredible!

little lost tiki posted on 12/30/2009

Mele Kalikimaka Ohana!

Hope your Holidays are simply SPLENDID!

Brad-Welcome to your new home!
I see you've gotten the studio set up a bit!
You need to check out the Basil Wolverton Bible illustrations Book
Reminds me of that new Moai Hand Grab piece you're sketching out!
Lucky Bosses???
Hire me to work for TikiShark
and i will gladly move out there
AND paint you a painting for Christmas,my friend!

Hanks-Merry Christmas to you,buddy!
Here's to another year of Freaky Boutiki gallery exhibits!

Robb-Thanks man!
Whenever delving into the unknown
it's always good to start with the familiar
Glad to be able to provide an interesting spot in your day!
Didja get that FUNK CD yet,mah man?

How have you been,Art Brother?
Mele Kalikimaka to you and Manuel!
YOU,Sir, are the Tsunami of creativity!
Although sporadic,
each time you share work
soooo much!
You need to DO MORE collaborations.tobunga!
Would loooove to see those!
We're sooo lucky to have sooo many inspiring individuals in this scene!
Mutual Inspiration Pact goin STRONG!
thank you! :)

And now.....
the goods...
Still have a few more days of holiday break before returning to the Meat grinder...
Painted up these pretties in the past few days...

It's been awhile since i played with some Cannibal themes in this style
may i introduce....
"Cannibal and Dessert"
acrylic and cel animation vinyl on masonite lovingly cut by Monkeyman

This one seems a bit more cruel and aggressive than the others....
the psychology of the cannibal may produce
feelings of pity, lonliness ,regret,and the like..
But it always boils down to Hunting/Catching/and Eating..

Here's some terrifying close-ups.....

Here's one with NO Tiki,but it has some palms in it...
"Night and Jungle"
acrylic and cel animation vinyl on masonite lovingly cut by Monkeyman

This one was a bit difficult and I'm not sure if i succeeded on ALL the levels tackled
BUT,if anything, it shore turned out purdy....
Flatness and depth
movement by use of color/rhythm/and lighting
a 2-D image that acieves a wonky 3-D feel
abstraction of plants/reflection/depth...
and more,much more things
your puny human brains couldn't even begin to comprehend....

Here's some details
and if you remember hiltiki's observation of there being
Paintings within paintings
Here is that observation in application.....
Roll em!

and this last offering
is a request from a friend coming down from Utah and a wanting an "owl Painting"

I know it's not tiki
which is why i painted the Cannibal's Dessert
to distract y'alls while i slip in some non-content work
for jollies!
I promise that whenever i post non-content work
that i will offset it with Tiki...
Scout's Honor!
Not sure if she wants a Stained Glass Owl
but true art flows where it may
like a wild horse....
and this is where it took me...

acrylic and cel animation vinyl on canvas

That's it for now...
Happy New Year!

Swamp Fire posted on 12/30/2009

Love that "Cannibal and Dessert" piece Ken.

Happy new year!

Clarita posted on 12/30/2009

Me too! and "Night and Jungle" also, you are a tiki gem, hope you know that by now..
have a great new year!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/30/2009

Night and Jungle... no tiki, but beautiful! Inspiring! Me dig it!

Sneakytiki posted on 12/31/2009

Night and Jungle is really beautiful, Masterful even!!

little lost tiki posted on 01/02/2010

Happy New Years Ohana!

I hope all your Midnight wishes come true!
Unless they involve animal abuse or the like....

Thanks for the Sock Monkey Jack in the Box
and the potty mouth card!
a Happy New Year to you,Doug!
Let's see what kind of goodies you can kick out this year!

YOU are the Gem,sweetie!
What you can do with bamboo is AMAZING!
We'll have to have that picnic
inside one of those landscapes!
wishing you a Creative new year!

Brad!-a Night and jungle
are just perfect for the tiki teen Wolf you're cooking up!
Looking forward to the surprise and delight
each of your new pieces bring this year!

Coming from a Master,that made me smile!
Thank you

And Mahalos to all of you who visit,view,and verbalize!
and all the wonderful geniuses on this forum!
Makes life a bit more interesting.....

Here's a lil painting that was cooked up today
for a mini exhibition at my friend's
Empire Salon in Irvine...
Go getcha perm or weave there
and zone out on some kinny paintings!
Did this one today while waiting for a certain artist to come by and Artjam today
Thanks BigToe!
(more like BigSchmo right now....)
Anyways, while waiting for bratboy to visit
i started this lil 14x14 number
wanting to make a piece especially for the show...
So here it is...
first painting of the new year!
Cel Animation Vinyl and Acrylic on Canvas

Thought I'd try that approach on the one i did for my bosses
but opted for canvas instead
and it gave it a different texture...
so i went a bit more raw with it....
Here's some close-ups....

That's it!
Keg's tapped for now!
Talk to y'all soon!
Gotta go back to work in 3 days....

tobunga posted on 01/03/2010

Oh my tiki gods!!!

That waterfall painting is incredible!!! I love the two-dimensionality of it... a dynamic landscape squished flat into 2-D... totally awesome!

Keep 'em comin' Kinny!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/03/2010

I agree with the tiki/tree spirit/monster!

This is an amazing style you've created. a 2-D with a 3-d effect. Quite wonderful!
It blows away most of the stuff I'm seeing in gallerys around Hawaii.

and ... thanks to Kenny, now I dragged out my "Hair of the Dog" CD and I'm listening to it while I paint today.

little lost tiki posted on 01/04/2010

Now yo messin widdah Suminabitch!

Whiskey Drinkin Woman is by far,the saddest song on the album
besides love Hurts.....

Working on a 2-D 3-D Moai today
but took a break
ate some lunch with the wife
and hit the 99¢ bookstore
AND got a massage
but now it's
to finish this one last one before vacation's over....

TikiMango posted on 01/04/2010

Both Waterfall paintings are great, but really enjoy the latest one. I think it's the linearity of the waterfalls that contrast so dramatically with the sweeping and angled lines of the surrounding jungles that really draw someone into the painting. Great one (again) sir!

beadtiki posted on 01/04/2010

Just catching up on all your latest - beautiful. The Palms & Waterfall stained glass painting is so relaxing - as is the night jungle painting. I would love to just walk into either of those and take a nice, long nap! Happy New Year!

little lost tiki posted on 01/04/2010

and thanks to y'all for saying all those nice things
and for encouraging me onwards as i bounce around in the minefield!

I'll keep squishing if you keep creating!

It's been waaaay fun playing with form and flow and depth..
such a breath of fresh air
this playing with a still exciting-to-me style!!!
Hook a brother up with some Hawaiian galleries!
Nazareth RAWKS!

Mango-That's half the fun of these pieces
treating them as 2-dimensional/decorative/graphic
but then playing with the light and shadow
and giving them
not only a shallow depth
(like Indian Miniatures and stage design)
but also giving them a strange atmospheric depth...
and this latest one...
I think this one also got some FEELING injected into it..
a sad mournful longing
a hint of sad pasts
and an awaiting of an uncertain future....

Thanks again you guys!
hearing all this encouragement from peers
really helps with the "am i really nutso or what?" questions
banging around upstairs....

Well, it's 11:23 and i just got home from the studio
and i gots ta get a shower and some sleep 'afore work

:( :( :(

Before i return to my 4-day a week slavery
i thought I'd make a little Moai....

acrylic and cel vinyl on masonite

This one is a companion piece to
"the Approaching Storm"

I'll be sending these to Florida in a few months for the
"False Idols" show...That's all i can say...

Here's some deets from "Awaiting"

that's it for now....More adventures later!

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LOL Tiki posted on 01/04/2010

On 2010-01-03 23:40, little lost tiki wrote:

acrylic and cel vinyl on masonite

Four out of Five Dentists Recommend!

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MadDogMike posted on 01/04/2010

Very moody - I shoulda been there! :)

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Benzart posted on 01/04/2010

Damn you Kinny, you'd think they would have come back by now

(sniffle sniff)

its just,


here .

? ? ?

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TravelingJones posted on 01/04/2010

:D I like... you're nutz, SLAP CHOP! :D

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GROG posted on 01/04/2010

acrylic and cel vinyl on masonite

Looks like he is "awaiting" somebody to remove the toothpick stuck to the front of his nose.

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ZeroTiki posted on 01/04/2010

You never cease to amaze.

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/05/2010
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Hula Lula posted on 01/05/2010

Hi Kenny!
Been a while since I've been on TC,
I should check in more often...
Your latest work is through the roof AMAZING!

I especially like "the Approaching Storm" , "Waterfall" and "Awaiting"
You made them look so luminous, and with facets like a glowing jewel!
So beautiful!!


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Iokona Ki'i posted on 01/05/2010

Yeah! what she said!
Prolific and terrific!
You sir have just been tagged teamed
by Fluff!

Happy New Year!

TSA Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/06/2010

It's beautiful! (sob)

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Swamp Fire posted on 01/07/2010

Love the two new ones Ken.
I really like the texture detail. Makes me feel all textury inside.
Keep on with these stain glass pieces, really cool.

little lost tiki posted on 01/13/2010

Hello Friends!
Back for another update...
But first.....

Roland-These probably would liven up any Dentist Office!
And its got toothpicks included!

Mad Doggie!
Glad it did evoke a response...
Sometimes an emotion in place of a story
can still pack a wee whallop!
Thanks for the visit!

He's been waiting for centuries...
and all his friends are bones...
Now you're gonna make me cry!
Thank you for visiting,Mr. Carver Friend!

Is that like a SHAM WOW?
you da man!


Looks like he is "awaiting" somebody to remove the toothpick stuck to the front of his nose.

Actually, besides the obvious Dentist Office reference
I decided to hide a SLY TRIBUTE to your peeper size
in that painting....
Was hoping you wouldn't catch it,but i forgot...
you got Prehistoric hunter's eyes....
See you tomorrow,you bald lump of love!
BTW..kikekeki was asking about you!

So nice of you to pop by and look around!
Come visit anytime!
Our hours are Mon-Fri 10am -9pm Weekends Noon-5pm

Booker T!!!!!!!!!!
Now that makes me cry all joyful an stuff!

Can't wait to see ya Thursday night!
May 2nd?

Claudette and Jason-
Thanks you two!
speaking of jewels...
my eyes lit up when i realized that the talented FLUFF kids
came by for a TAG TEAM!
Group HUG!
I could squeeze you both forever!

Claudette-those lil ladies you sculpted are sooooo sweet and cute!
I still think of that red dragon you created
(saw it at Oasis)
is beautiful!
You kids RAWK!
give puppy a mouth kiss for me!

Glad you like!
Woofman turned out killer,BTW
but that Black Lagoonie is gonna RAISE THE ROOF!
Mutual Inspiration Pact ENGAGED!

hey buddy! Thanks for the visit!
Soon you will be in Long beach...
Close enough to Art Jam!!!
I'll work on one of them next time we jam
and show you how i get that texture!

Again...Mahalos to you ALL for poppin over and humoring me!

Okay... Here's some bad news i have for you all...
After much misgivings and soul searching
I've realized that Tiki no longer holds a special place in my heart
The crowds,the popularity,it's just gotten too Big...

So, I've decided to switch to another genre
equally misunderstood,but kitschy nonetheless...

I've decided to drop Tiki
and paint only Clowns
from now on!

Can anyone direct me to Clown Central?

"Sad Clown" (working title)
acrylic and cel vinyl on 16x20 masonite
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acrylic and cel vinyl on 14x14 canvas
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Just Kidding! :lol:
These are for Dave's Not Home's Birthday Celebration/Exhibition
"Send in the Clowns"
at the Gallery DeLa Cruz @ The Green Light Gallery - 1531 N. El Camino, San Clemente...i imagine around 8-ish????

So c'mon down and CLOWN AROUND'!!

aaaaaaaaaaaand to assure you all that i haven't gypped y'all out of a Tiki piece this week...
here is some more progress on an ongoing project "the Journey"
I worked on the water and transparency for a few days
helping this pup gradually come to life...

Here it is as of today...
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and here's some water details...
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That's it!
more exciting stuff in the future!
And remember...
Sam Gambino will be in town at Don the Combovers
this Thursday night!

starting around 8-ish
C'mon down and give Sam some props about his new haircut!

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croe67 posted on 01/13/2010

HEART the Moai & his friend - fabulous, as always!!!!!

But.....CLOWNS are SCARY!!!!!!!!

& your Clown Eating Clown gives a whole new meaning to CLOWNS ARE SCARY!!!!!!!!!

Hope you are well, Kin-Kin....been too long....I'm freezing my ass off here in the mid-west - I need another trip to SoCal!!!!!!!

TSA Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/13/2010

The clowns are very disturbing...

But all that work on the waves is showing. Beautiful work!

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ravenne posted on 01/13/2010

On 2010-01-13 08:35, little lost tiki wrote:
Can anyone direct me to Clown Central?

"Sad Clown" (working title)
acrylic and cel vinyl on 16x20 masonite
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acrylic and cel vinyl on 14x14 canvas
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I think you of all people know my experience with THE CLOWN...
and yet these dun freak me out as much!

'specially that Sad Clown piece!
He looks so forlorn; like Droopy
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Pretty sweet tho!
and whether intentional or not
nice homage to De Niro in Taxi Driver
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I remember watching that movie ALL the time because of my brother.
he even had that poster with De Niro in the hall with the 2 guns about to go off.
han't wait to see the clown piece in person!

And the Coulorophobia piece has so many diff personalities
but they seem all so sad to be clowns
or just bored with being a clown
while others just make light of the situation!

:lol: looking at it over all tho
it just makes me think of a Japanese game show title card show.


...followed by many flashing bright colors
giving the world the epilepsy...

On 2010-01-13 08:35, little lost tiki wrote:
Here it is as of today...
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and here's some water details...
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That's it!
more exciting stuff in the future!
And remember...
Sam Gambino will be in town at Don the Combovers
this Thursday night!

starting around 8-ish
C'mon down and give Sam some props about his new haircut!

Ooooh the Journey piece is lookin real good too!
I love the details in the waves!
can't wait to see more progress on this!

& YAY for tomorrow!
can't wait to see all you kids there!


M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b9f394dc69a9134df062764ec9564ebf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MadDogMike posted on 01/14/2010

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Sweet Ghost Paddle! "The Journey" has been a long time a'coming - it's going to be a beautiful piece, glad to see you're working on it again.

little lost tiki posted on 01/15/2010

just a quickie piece
i made for Sam and his wife..

Will reply later
Thanks for all your notes!

"Island morning"
acrylic and cel animation vinyl on masonite
lovingly cut by our very own Derek monkeyman!

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