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TikiG's San Fernando Valley ART/CHOP - January 23rd

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TikiG posted on 11/12/2009

Hello Tiki Central Ohana!

Greg (TikiG) here to pose a question...

I would love to host a CHOP and ART JAM at my home.

At this time a handful of members have expressed interest in a CHOP located in the SF Valley of So. Cal. and it would be my pleasure to open my home to such a creative social event.

I'm in Sylmar, located near the 118/210 freeways in the eastern San Fernando Valley.

The next step and the reason for this initial post, is to open the dialog between us to hash out a date that suits all interested parties. Any weekend date, December or next year?

My initial thought is to hold it Sunday, December 13th - the day of the Tonga Hut art show hosted by GROG. But due to concern by other members, I'm now leaning more towards January - after the holidays.

Who's interested? What date? - please join in the discussion and we'll see what happens.
It would be really, really cool if all my T.C. friends could make the scene.

Thanks everybody!


tiki since '67!

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-11-23 09:39 ]

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-12-07 10:32 ]

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-12-10 11:41 ]

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-12-14 15:50 ]

geedavee posted on 11/12/2009

My preference is for a Saturday in January. Weather permitting.

December is always a crazy month while January usually has nothing going on.

Looking forward to a local chop.

hiltiki posted on 11/12/2009

January sounds good, I work on Saturdays, Sundays are better. But if everyone wants Saturday I can get there around noon.

Babalu posted on 11/12/2009

Hey TikiG,

I think it is really cool that the Chops are growing to outside of the SD area :) Hil and Cheeky are Chop veterans from way back...It would be even cooler if we could figure out a way to have a Chop going on down here at the same time you have one going on up there next month...

Let the Chop grow! Think Global!

TikiG posted on 11/12/2009

Babs - Yeah baby! GLOBAL (and - if you can make it to my pad I would be honored as well.)

What potential this idea presents; Live internet communication between groups during the same day etc etc

This isn't a contest but let's face it there's a waft of friendly competition (maybe competition is too strong a word) There's room for everyone, all degrees of skill, all mediums and forms expression. Musicians are welcome to join in. Photographers. Writers. Everyone in a creating frame of mind - WELCOME!

Let me say early on it is not my intent to separate anybody from you south county guys.
Most of you have inspired me to continue with the tiki scene, even though I've only carved one tiki in my life and that was with a Dremel! My intent is to accommodate, at least once, local artists who otherwise may never have the chance to hang out for a while (I'm really looking forward to meeting some of you for the first time too!)

4WDtiki posted on 11/12/2009

G, that's what it's all about!
There's no competition. Nobody really want to drive long distances, so a closer alternative is a good thing!
All we ask is that you post pics! :wink:

TikiG posted on 11/17/2009


TikiMango posted on 11/21/2009

You know I would be there if I could. I hope you have a good turn out.

Krisdrama posted on 11/23/2009

January Saturdays sound good to me! Thank you for offering up your place, G!

TikiG posted on 11/23/2009

Hello all -

Two Saturdays in January are open to allow for a CHOP/ART session at my home:

Saturday January 9th
Saturday January 23rd

Preferences anyone? So far several people have expressed interest in this event. I hope all of you can make it!

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-11-23 09:47 ]

geedavee posted on 11/23/2009

Either one works for me. Looking forward to it.

TikiG posted on 12/07/2009


SAN FERNANDO VALLEY ART / CHOP!! in Sylmar at TikiG's!

More info to follow. Thanks to all that have expressed interest, this should be a fun day.

CheekyGirl posted on 12/14/2009

Jan. 23rd works for me! I'll be there with my router. I'll be making up some more tiki panels for the tiki bar. Just need access to some power. I need to get off my duff and stop (oops) bitchin' about how busy I've been and start doing!

I'll put it out there, I'll host a San Fernando Valley chop in March (Lake Balboa aka West Van Nuys). Rain or shine, tiki bar ready or not.

[ Edited by: CheekyGirl 2009-12-14 14:57 ]

TikiG posted on 12/14/2009

Great to hear there will be some wood-working project(s) happening!

Personally I'll be painting and crafting some swag lamps.

There will a free-for-all canvas happening. More on that soon.

This is going to be a great creative day for all. Hope to see you there as everybody will be ready and roaring to create some art!

CheekyGirl posted on 12/14/2009

If anyone is interested in carving, want to get their feet wet, but don't want to invest in chisels yet, I can bring a few sets of chisels for anyone to use.

TikiG posted on 12/14/2009

Cheekygirl -

Thanks for your generous offer regarding your chisels...

I have a few smallish logs stored in my garage that should be dry by January. I'll give them to anyone who is genuinely interested in carving a tiki from them. I may have a few chunks of Douglas Fir left-over from my first attempts at carving too.

Its coming together!!

Who else is in for a day at G's?

Murph posted on 12/14/2009

TikiG count me in.

TikiG posted on 12/14/2009

Hey Murph-

Good to hear from you, man! Awesome to see you'll be in the house :)

Are you working on anything special?

TikiGeeki posted on 12/15/2009

I'll need to see as it gets closer, but I'd love to go. I've been dying to get into carving, but having never done it before, not sure where to start. Would be great to chat to some carvers. At the very least I'll bring my art book along and do some sketching. :wink:

Murph posted on 12/15/2009

On 2009-12-14 15:50, TikiG wrote:
Hey Murph-
Good to hear from you, man! Awesome to see you'll be in the house :)
Are you working on anything special?

The neighbors cut down one of those "HUGE" Dr Seuss palm trees and, like an idiot, I said "Can I have it?"
so now I've got a big palm tree lying in my front yard and figure it's a good time to learn how to carve it.

So no, not working on anything special... well, maybe a hernia when I try to move the thing.

hiltiki posted on 12/15/2009

I will be there. :)

geedavee posted on 12/15/2009

I will be there.
All the logs I have are too heavy to move so I may have to work on something small.
Maybe an extra tiny log someone could spare?

I will bring my chisels as well.

Are power tools welcome or needed?

I am very excited about Art/Chops coming to this area.

TikiG posted on 12/15/2009

TikiGeeki - Hope you can make it out to the Valley on the 23rd. I'm unsure how many carvers will be present (as of today) but we'll get you started regardless. There will be plenty of painting and sketching going on so yeah, bring your sketchbook :)

hiltiki - Great to see you will make it! What project(s) will you be working on?

geedavee - Welcome aboard too! Power tools are welcome, of course - but you will have to bring your own along with a portable workbench or sawhorses. Personally I paint so my tool selection is almost non-existent. I do own a few chisels and mallet. Electrical hook-up is no problem, as there is a double outlet available in the backyard. I'll run a couple orange grounded extension cords with grounded power strips.

There is direct access from the driveway into the backyard. Of course if it should happen to rain on the 23rd I will make room in the garage for the carvers.

Thanks for the response so far. Without your support...well you know! More info to come later. G

PolynesianPop posted on 12/15/2009

Do you have a log to spare? If so, count me in. Sounds like fun!

[ Edited by: polynesianpop 2009-12-15 09:40 ]

TikiG posted on 12/15/2009

PolynesianPop - It'll be awesome to see you!

So... let me put the call out to TC Ohana:

Can somebody can bring a couple extra log pieces, palm or otherwise to the art jam/CHOP January 23rd-

Please do!! You will be helping our homegrown art effort(s) enormously and your generous act will be returned two-fold - a gesture of friendship :)

There is a tree nursery close to my house in Sylmar. I'll stop by after work this week to see if they can spare some log pieces for the chop effort.

Thanks! Greg

tikiyaki posted on 12/15/2009


I have a white Globe light that needs to become a fish float lamp.

Perhaps you can school me on this, and it will be my project for the day ?

Murph posted on 12/15/2009

On 2009-12-15 10:30, tikiyaki wrote:

I have a white Globe light that needs to become a fish float lamp.

Perhaps you can school me on this, and it will be my project for the day ?

Let's do it! I'll bring my fish float fixin's.

TikiG posted on 12/15/2009

Lamp building talk -


I'll be finishing one and shit - I guess I'll be starting another. I use whatever the thrift shops can offer up for the basis of a lamp (baskets, old non-polypop swag lights, bamboo items etc)then add polypop fabric, bamboo, rope etc to fill out the design. A little creative impulse and some elbow grease, you can really create something nice that's unique.

There's never a shortage of rough material available to create cool things with :wink:


tiki since '67!

[ Edited by: TikiG 2009-12-15 11:12 ]

CheekyGirl posted on 12/15/2009

I'm not using my horse, so I'll bring if someone needs it. Only caveat, I'll load it in my Element, but if you wanna use it, ya gotta unload it :) (Back Issues lately)

TikiG posted on 12/23/2009

Bump --

tobunga posted on 12/31/2009

Hey TikiG!

Not sure what I'll be in the middle of creating then, but I'm sure I can do it at yer place! (Probably something for the TIkiyaki show up north!)

Count me in, and maybe Manuel too!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 12/31/2009

The package will get there BEFORE your chop/art day so you've got some new materials to work with. Sorry for being lame about getting myself to the PO.
wish I could come and participate making art with evveryone. Dawn

TikiG posted on 01/01/2010

Very cool!

Eric, Manuel -Terrific news! Can't wait to see your latest project(s)It will be great to hang out and work on some art.

Dawn -Thanks for the materials, I wish you could be here as well in a couple weeks so if that isn't happening...I'm pretty sure we'll catch up in August to talk shop okay?

I've been very busy painting over the last week, with time off, I've completed several new canvases. I'll premiere them at this CHOP.

Thanks to all interested participants up to this point -

I'm stoked to realize the enthusiasm generated so far, it ensures this day to be a pleasant experience for all involved :)

TikiG posted on 01/05/2010


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little lost tiki posted on 01/06/2010

Still trying to get the TOE to go...
i mentioned it a few weeks back
but i imagine his A D D has swallered it up...
Can i get retard-proof directions?

TikiG posted on 01/06/2010


Cool! Yes, bring Tom will ya?

Just sent a PM to you with directions.

I'll be sending directions via PM to everyone else about a week before the event. This is going to be a great day because of y'all :)

hiltiki posted on 01/07/2010

Sounds great. Send us the address.

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little lost tiki posted on 01/07/2010

BIGTOE update...
8:01 Jan 7,2010

He's still wishy-washy about it
"Wah! I got too many paintings i gotta finish"
was what i think he said...
and then...
in the next sentence
he tells me how he recently just watched the whole lord of the Rings trilogy!
Now i KNOW that boy don't have a TV in his studio...only a bigazz rat
which means he wasn't painting while watching it...
What a Slacker!

So here's where y'all come in...
Send the Toe numerous PMs
asking him to come along to the Chop
promise him anything
and we can disappoint him there!
Thanks kids!

TikiG posted on 01/07/2010

Just sent BigToe a personal invite LLT...

...waiting for his response now.

This is a humorous situation for me -in my minds eye I envision a scene, an image of one of BigToe's backwoods hillbilly characters receiving an party invitation in the mail...I'm sure you could fill in a hillbilly punchline response or reaction (or lack of?!)

or - let me try an easier approach:
:) TOM - I want to see you on the 23rd Damn-It %^#@!&!)! :)

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little lost tiki posted on 01/07/2010

tell him that beer and tawdry strippers will be there...
that seems like the only thing that motivates him these days
besides money....

TikiG posted on 01/08/2010

WooHoo -

Received a thumbs-up from BigToe!

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little lost tiki posted on 01/10/2010

i knew that promise of Bimbos with Dollar Bills would push him over the edge!

TikiG posted on 01/12/2010


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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 01/13/2010

REALLY wish I could be there, Greg. Looks like you'll have a fine turnout. Be sure to keep EXTRA single bills on hand for Toe. He's like a monetary pez dispenser, I've done been told.
CHEERS & have FUN!~!

geedavee posted on 01/13/2010

I just picked up some 2 ft. palm logs so I can bring a few if needed.
(Washington Robusta I believe)
They were cut today so they might not be dry enough yet though.
Maybe a log guru can tell me if 10 days is enough drying time.

Let me know.

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ravenne posted on 01/13/2010

a chop in the san fernando valley?!
yew bet yer sweet cheeks I'll be there!

and Uncle Toe best be there too...

or he'll get a whoopin!

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TikiG posted on 01/14/2010

geedavee - Thanks for the palm logs...I'm sure somebody will really appreciate your effort of hauling them to the chop. I don't carve so folks...make sure to grab one if you plan to carve. I can't help anybody with the wet/dry palm log thing though. Maybe Kirby can instruct on this issue?

Ravenne - I'm really looking forward to hanging with you. Welcome!

TO ALL: I will send individual PMs with directions and cell phone number this weekend.

Thanks everyone! Greg

hiltiki posted on 01/14/2010

Since I am coming late I will bring some home made chocolate chip cookies.

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