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Tiki Central 10 YEAR Anniversary is Jan 12th, 2010

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hanford_lemoore posted on 01/12/2010

Hi Tiki Centralites,

Ten years ago, on Wednesday January 12th, 2000 at 10:56:01am Pacific time, The Tiki Central Yahoo Club went live. It gained some serious steam pretty darn fast, with some hardcore Tikiphiles joining quickly and making the place a fountain of information. Yahoo Clubs merged into Yahoo Groups, but I eventually moved Tiki Central to it's own server here on Tikiroom.com.

To say it has flourished is an understatement. It has grown beyond my wildest dreams, and along with it I think it helped nurture today's modern Tiki culture. I am incredibly proud of Tiki Central and the members who make it such a unique place, and I cherish the friendships and connections that it has brought about for everyone.

On January 12th, I encourage you to head on out and support your local tiki bar -- whether it's a modern pub, a vintage palace, an old school restaurant, or just your home bar -- and lift a drink to Tiki Central! Personally, I'll be at Smuggler's Cove to celebrate.

While I'm at it, I want to thank some of the key people who have helped out Tiki Central along the way:

  • Jennifer "DaisyMay" Thompson, who started Tiki Central with and really pounded the pavement to get new members signed on

  • Otto Von Stroheim, whose Tiki News was a partial contributor in piquing my curiosity in Tiki that eventually led to TC.

  • Jeff "Beachbum" Berry, who also indirectly influenced my Tiki interests when he self-published the Grog Log rough draft.

  • Sven Kirsten, who lent an early air of legitimacy to Tiki Central when he joined the Yahoo Group shorty after it launched, and who has been a staunch supporter of the site ever since.

  • Mig Ponce, who was the first person from TC who I met in real life. He helped me organize the first Tiki Central Bar Crawl

  • All our moderators both past and present, who have helped keep the ship sailing all these years, including (but not limited to) Martiki, Humuhumu, TikiWahine, Tikifish, Aaron's Akua, Basement Kahuna, Sabu The Coconut Boy. If I'm forgetting some, please let me know.

  • Tiki Crawl Volunteers: Martin Cate, Humuhumu, Mai Tai & Coco Loco, Notch, The Midnites, and countless others who pitched in to help out the Crawl all these years

  • All the Tiki Central Special Agents: While their deeds are confidential, my gratitude for them will always be front and center

  • Grand Members, Advertisers, and Tiki Central Collectible purchasers: over the years Tiki Central has cost close to $20,00.00 just to pay for web equipment, hosting, and occasional upgrades & maintenance. Whenever someone puts some money into the coffer, it is always much appreciated.

And of course, I don't want to underplay the importance of the Tiki Central members themselves. The Members & Grand Members, the posters and the lurkers, the askers and the answerers. Without you guys, this place would simply be one big, empty, lonely Tiki Hut. Thanks for making it a place worth visiting!

Once again, I encourage you to patronize your local tiki bar and lift a toast for 10 years of Tiki Central!


~Hanford Lemoore

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2010-01-13 12:11 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 01/12/2010

Congrats on the 10th Anniversary, I love it here and I will hoisting a Mai Tai tomorrow night in celebration.

Thanks to Hanford and everyone else that make Tiki Central what it is!


arriano posted on 01/12/2010

Considering how web sites come and go, 10 years is really quite an accomplishment.


OnlyATikiLad posted on 01/12/2010

I will drink to that..Congrats!!! :drink:

Big Kahuna posted on 01/12/2010

Yippee! Let's have a Mai Tai!
Thank you Hanford, for making my leisure time very enjoyable!

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 01/12/2010

Great, Hanford. Way to make me feel old!

Thank you for putting this site together and keeping it going so smoothly. The people, events, and information on TC have enriched my life immeasurably over the last 8 years I've been a member. I'll be drinking to your health tomorrow night.


Humuhumu posted on 01/12/2010


It would be very difficult, perhaps impossible, to accurately describe how Tiki Central has changed my life. It's influenced many of my major life changes of the past decade, and most of the people I consider my closest friends and confidantes I met through this website. Most of them on one night: March 8, 2003, the night of the Tiki Central Tiki Bar Crawl. Aside from greatly enriching my enjoyment and understanding of Polynesian Pop, it has given me the most wonderful family of people. It might seem that we toss the word around in a flip way, but: I truly do have an 'ohana here.

I am forever indebted to so many amazing people, for all that you have contributed either directly or indirectly to Tiki Central. Most of all, of course, my dear friend Hanford Lemoore.

Viva Tiki Central! See you tomorrow night at Smuggler's Cove! (Uh, and also tonight at Smuggler's Cove, and Wednesday at Smuggler's Cove. I'm on a bit of a kick.)

tikiyaki posted on 01/12/2010

On 2010-01-11 16:33, arriano wrote:
Considering how web sites come and go, 10 years is really quite an accomplishment.


I'll say....a message board that's lasted 12 years....That's a huge accomplishment, especially with the fact that it's grown so much.

Kudos Hanford, and than for giving us all a microcosm to get super geeky about tiki...the rest of the world just doesn't understand.

Here's to another 12.

Zeta posted on 01/12/2010

Gracias Hanford! and gracias to everyone who contribute to this amazing site.
Tiki Central is my favorite internet site ever!
:drink: Aloha amigos!

Dustycajun posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations and thanks Hanford, will hoist a Mai Tai in honor of Tiki Central tomorrow night. What a long strange trip it's been, have enjoyed the ride so far.


tikisobayli posted on 01/12/2010

Wow! congrats Hanford and everyone else that keeps this place alive. I don't post as often as I should but TC has influenced my life so much from that one afternoon sitting in the university library and Googling "tiki mugs" after stumbling on some WDW mugs. From that quick search to now a mug collection that is beyond my wildest dreams and our final realization of owning a atomic ranch...thanks to each and everyone one out there showing us the way.....

Cheers Hanford!

abstractiki posted on 01/12/2010

Mahalo Hanford, for all you have done. Tiki Central is the center of the Tiki online universe. Please don't ever let it stop.

I'll be at Minnie's on Thursday the 14th for a belated Mai Tai toast with the Jungle Trader. If any one can make it by please do. (6:00PM)

Jungle Trader posted on 01/12/2010

You're a great guy Hanford. Congratulations! abstactiki is correct, we'll be at Minnie's Thursday night toasting TC. All are welcome. See ya' there.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/12/2010

Thank you Hanford for providing this amazing opportunity to be connected to the world!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations Hanford!
Even though I got flamed on my very first post, I stuck it out and am glad I did. Tiki Central has definitely affected my life with nothing but positive experiences. I've made many sincere friends here, including yourself, and am thankful for the space you have carved out for us to interact, create, and inspire one another. MAHALO!

GROG posted on 01/12/2010

GROG hoist drink now.

Here's to Tiki Central and to Hanford who created such an awesome site. This is an amazing site about sharing. Sharing history, art, fun, food and drinks, music, fun events and places--old and new, and friendships. Thank you Hanford and all the friendly people who GROG has met, in person or just online (and maybe even Ruzic).


The Sperm Whale posted on 01/12/2010

I am so happy to have found this place we call Tiki Central and all of the friendships I have made through my fascination of Polynesian Pop and the love of Tiki's!!! For that I am forever greatful!!! Thank You so much Hanford!!! It has been good times since the day I joined in the fun with all of you guys!!!

hiltiki posted on 01/12/2010

I have had the best of times here on TC for the last six years. I have met a lot of nice people and have enjoyed every aspect of this website. thank you Hanford and I am looking forward to many more years.

TIKI-RAY posted on 01/12/2010

Congrats sir ! I had been carving tikis for years till someone told me about TC. Thanks for all your efforts and helping us all to keep in contact . Mahalos, Ray

hottiki posted on 01/12/2010

For He's A Jolly Good Fellow....And So Say All Of Us !!!!!!!!!!!

sneakyjack posted on 01/12/2010

...is good!
Made a lot of friends, spent a lot of $$$ on things I never thought I would have - ie tiki (or totems) mugs, witco, books, stickers, tattoo, rum and a few company logos.

thanks for bringing it together and helping make some cool friends to meet in random bars and events!!!

to another 50 (if the internet can last that long!)

Glad to have met you Hanford a long the ways! (and of course all you other fun peeps!)

MadDogMike posted on 01/12/2010

Here! Here! :sheckymug:

Thank you Hanford and all the great people of TC. My only regret is that I missed the first 8 years :)

EDIT - are there still Tiki Central promotional products? I would proudly wear a TC t-shirt.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-01-11 20:41 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 01/12/2010

On 2010-01-11 19:18, GROG wrote:
GROG hoist drink now.

Here's to Tiki Central and to Hanford who created such an awesome site. This is an amazing site about sharing. Sharing history, art, fun, food and drinks, music, fun events and places--old and new, and friendships. Thank you Hanford and all the friendly people who GROG has met, in person or just online (and maybe even Ruzic).


YES!!!!!! ( the caveman said it perfect ...:)

SoccerTiki posted on 01/12/2010

May the next ten years bring about more great memories through events, friendships and the sharing of love for all things "Tiki" (and not sometimes!) Hanford, you have truly created a magnet for good people and good times! Your Aku Aku must be happy with you!

Unga Bunga posted on 01/12/2010

I have asked myself a hundred times, "How could a god damn website influence my vacations and my friends?".

Hanford , you are a damn good man and thank you very much for all your time and effort for this website.

I raise my mug to you!

Bora Boris posted on 01/12/2010

Happy to be a fan of Tiki and Tiki Central!

When I finally got off my ass and went to my first Official Tiki Event "Tiki's and Terrors 2" all I wanted was a mug, I had no idea what a life changing fun ride it was going to be.

Thank you Hanford for creating Tiki Central and thanks everyone for making Tiki Central fun to be a part of.

Happy Anniversary!

:tiki: :drink: :sheckymug: (~~)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/12/2010

I raise a Mai Tai to you!

tikitony posted on 01/12/2010

Thank You Hanford!!! Tiki Central has been one of the best things to ever happen to a young artist, I went from my early 20's carving a tiki with a screw driver and an old hammer to learning the proper way to do things from fellow artists and friends who I've built life long friendships because of Tiki Central! Thank You for all you do! Tiki Central has been a connecting place for so much that I am thankful for and a launch pad for so many great ideas turned to reality through all the great relationships, events, and people.

bigtikidude posted on 01/12/2010

On 2010-01-11 16:42, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
Great, Hanford. Way to make me feel old!

Thank you for putting this site together and keeping it going so smoothly. The people, events, and information on TC have enriched my life immeasurably over the last 8 years I've been a member. I'll be drinking to your health tomorrow night.


First off, Congrats to Hanford and all the others involved with TC over the years. It really is a great place, and many people have become friends and lovers thru this site, and that is cool.

Tim(Sabu) and I will be at Don the Beachcombers in Sunset Beach around 6 pm if anybody wants to join us there. We will be raising a toast to Hanford, and TC.

Jonpaul said he's thinking about coming down too.

hope to see some of you there.

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-01-11 23:28 ]

Coco Loco posted on 01/12/2010

Hanford, thanks for creating Tiki Central. It truly has reinforced the 6 degrees of Tiki separation theory. It's been an amazing ride in sharing common interest's amongst people who share really unique interests, meeting some really wonderful people, and great friendships. Tiki Central is sort of like having a child: You can't remember life before it. Hanford, thanks for such a wonderful treasure!

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2010-01-12 00:15 ]

pdrake posted on 01/12/2010

thanks, hanford. you've provide an avenue of my interest and personal life that wouldn't of happened without you and the people of tiki central. it's grown into an integral part of my life.


Molokai Mike posted on 01/12/2010

Long live Tiki Central. I certainly has changed my life!!
A huge CHEERS to you, Hanford!!!!!

Beachbumz posted on 01/12/2010

Okolele Maluna Hanford!!!
Only wish I would have found this place a few years earlier!!
Oh well, hope to be on here maybe for the next ten...
Mahalo's again to you and all great people here that make up this ohana, what a great place to escape to and talk with people that enjoy the same things I do!

virani posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations !
Did Tikicentral changed my life ? Hell yeah !
I don't know how many hours/days I've spent on this website, but it has been a great long part of the last 10 years.
Bravo !

dogbytes posted on 01/12/2010

gosh, it's been that long already?
thanks for keeping the tiki torches buring for all of us.

captnkirk posted on 01/12/2010

Happy 10th Birthday, that must be like about 170 in internet years.

Google, Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern were all also born today!
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Have a Mai Tai it's your birthday.

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Bongo Bungalow posted on 01/12/2010

Thanks for the mammaries!

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AlohaStation posted on 01/12/2010

Cheers to you!!!

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little lost tiki posted on 01/12/2010



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WooHooWahine posted on 01/12/2010

WoooHooo! Hsppy Anniversary TC. Hanford Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo for all you do :)

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tobunga posted on 01/12/2010

Mahalo Hanford and everyone who has had a hand in making Tiki Central such a glorious celebration of TIKI!

To say that this website has changed my life would be an extreme understatement (and I never thought I'd ever say that about ANY website!)

There is such a sense of community here that is astounding... knowing that I'm going to be traveling 300+ miles at the end of the month (for the Tikiyaki Palo Alto show) and that there will be dozens of friends I'm eager to see again when I get there is amazing! And that sort of thing happens again and again!

I owe Hanford and TIki Central a heartfelt debt of gratitude... MAHALO!!!!

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SilverLine posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations on ten years of TC! And THANK YOU to everybody who contributes in any way to this site! The information and friendships gained here are priceless!

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TikiG posted on 01/12/2010

Thanks for the initial effort ten years ago to launch this site. Without that, well...

For me, the last two years involved with this site has been extraordinary to say the least.

Many new friendships have been made and I am a better person because of it.

Long Live Tiki Central!!

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tiki leki posted on 01/12/2010

I think TC has been a major contributor to the reassurance of TIKI. TC is a family where people who thought they were alone in the love of Poly Pop a place to go and share; with new people joining everyday I can't see a end. Thank you Hanford Cheers!

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martiki posted on 01/12/2010

Mahalo again, Hanford- it's been an incredible ride. May the adventure live on- Here's to 10 more!!!!

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ikitnrev posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations Tiki Central.

I may have missed the first 2 years of Tiki Central, but I certainly value and treasure the many years of interaction and wonderful friendships that came about because of this website.

There were some truly outstanding and dedicated efforts made by individuals in the pre-TC days (the 1990's) that recognized and nurtured the still burning ember of 1950's/60's Polynesian Pop Culture, but it wasn't until Hanford created this on-line meeting space, and others came, became inspired, and took part in the forums - it wasn't until then that tiki culture really caught on and truly revived itself.

In a sense, that initial spark has turned into a wildfire, resulting in creative artwork efforts too numerous to mention, friendships too treasured to ever forget, multiple offshoots that present their own interpretations of tiki, and it is quite impossible to keep track and honor all of these as much as they deserve. For myself, Tiki Central has also served as a 'gateway drug' to other tangental cultures (i.e. the handcrafted cocktail / speakeasy culture) that are not focused exclusively on tiki.

I consider Tiki Central to be the grandaddy of them all, the community that for most of last decade meant so much for me, and still the first place for me to visit when my life requires a quick refresher dose of tiki.

Thanks Hanford, for creating and maintaining the infrastructure here, and a very special thanks to the many contributors and lurkers, both past and present, who still value, respect, and treasure the presence of Tiki Central.


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Jason Wickedly posted on 01/12/2010

The first Tiki event we ever attended was Tiki Oasis 7, before we even had any idea of what Tiki Central was. 3 days of "you're on TC right?" and "what's your TC name?" - it was obvious at that point how crucial TC is to the Tiki scene. 3 years later and I've come to terms with the fact that I may never get my real last name back again...and I'm OK with that! Congrats on 10 years Hanford, I missed the first 7 but I'm trying to make up for it!

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GatorRob posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations Hanford! It's amazing to think of how different my life would have been had I not discovered Tiki Central. It's been shaped ever since by all the wonderful people I've met through Tiki Central and all the new experiences I've had. Just amazing to think of it all and how it all originated here. You've given us a place to gather and share bits of our lives and our passions and I'm forever grateful for it.

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