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10 year anniversary of TC meet up at Dons in So. Cal.

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bigtikidude posted on 01/12/2010

As Hanford mentioned in this thread.

TC is now 10 years old, and he suggested we all support our Local tiki bars.
SO Sabu and I said tonight at Dons, that we should have a get together on Tues at Dons also, in support of Hanford's wishes. :wink:
So we will be there around 6 pm if anyone wants to Join us.

If the bar is too full, Marie said that she would let us TC peeps hang out in the Hidden Village.

Hope to see some of you there.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-01-17 13:57 ]

tikiyaki posted on 01/12/2010

I'm there !

bigtikidude posted on 01/12/2010

Come on People,
I know its last minute,
but its for TC.
come on out, and raise one to Hanford, and the crew.


little lost tiki posted on 01/12/2010

Hey Jeff!
Why don't you move the date over to Thursday?
Sam Gambino's gonna be there
from out of town
on Thursday Night after 8-ish....
and i know a crowd is gonna be there that evening!

What's 2 days?

JOHN-O posted on 01/12/2010

IMHO, 2 days is a lot when TODAY is the offical anniversary !! :)

I'm in Sammo today but I'm gonna try to battle rush hour traffic to make it out.

Thanks BTD.

Jason Wickedly posted on 01/12/2010

I'll be down after work...it's been at least a 2 rum barrel day :wink:

PiPhiRho posted on 01/12/2010

Seems like the right place to celebrate, especially since Tiki Ti is closed today. But making it down to Huntington Beach at a reasonable hour is unlikely, so I may have to do my anniversary toast today at Purple Orchid.

TikiG posted on 01/12/2010

Can't make it to DTB tonight after work, I'm bummed.

I'm there in spirit and I raise a toast to TC by proxy :)

Have a great time tonight.

CheekyGirl posted on 01/13/2010

Don's a bit far for me on a school night, as well as PO, but the Tonga Hut is just the ticket!

I'll do a celebratory toast at the Tonga Hut. Given my schedule these days, I won't be able to get down there until 8:30 or so...

Is there an "official" time for a TC toast?

suzanne posted on 01/13/2010

Good question! Need a time for the "official" Tiki Central toast!


happychi posted on 01/13/2010

Damn! Can't all this just wait 3 weeks until I move down there!!
Happy Anniversary TC!!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/13/2010

I was there earlier but no one was there...

( more stuff soon! :wink:

fire fire!!

crazy al posted on 01/13/2010

it was a far cry from the first so.cal TC bus crawl, or my first 'Sam's Sunday-brunch' safari back in '94 sometime... but dang Don's is the Place! good folks good times... see ya Friday... Yo!

bigtikidude posted on 01/13/2010

Thanks to all that came,
there was around 8 or 9 of us.

good times.

Jason Wickedly posted on 01/13/2010

Final count:

2 Mai Tais
1 Jungle Jetsetter
1 order of cheeseburger sliders
1 order of garlic fries

It was a good night, nice to see everyone, and also to meet some folks I hadn't met before (Traderpup, Sabu, Jason). See you all on 1/12/2020. Maybe we can do a 15 year salute at a middle-of-the-road Tiki bar...pretty sure there's one in Long Beach :wink:

tikiyaki posted on 01/13/2010

2 Jungle Jetsetters
Cheeseburger sliders
Chop salad
and various other edibles they were passing around for the other party that was there....oops, I wasn't supposed to say that.

Good Times.

Nice meeting Trader Pup too.

bigtikidude posted on 01/13/2010

Yeah it was a suprise to see Trader Pup walk in,
its been at least 5 or 6 years since I have seen him.
Hopefully Jonpaul will post the pic of all of us, that Marie took.


Don The Beachcomber posted on 01/15/2010

Happy 10th TC!! Thanks to all who came in to celeberat at Dons!!

JOHN-O posted on 01/15/2010

Next time put Marie in the picture. What does TC stand for again? The Testicle Club ?? :lol:

leleliz posted on 01/15/2010

On 2010-01-15 13:07, JOHN-O wrote:
Next time put Marie in the picture. What does TC stand for again? The Testicle Club ?? :lol:


I just thought the same thing :)

Thanks for sharing your photo of the man meeting!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/15/2010

And then all those beards! Santas in waiting?

JOHN-O posted on 01/15/2010

No, not Santa. There is a Tiki aesthetic here....

Coco Joe posted on 01/15/2010

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 01/15/2010

Hey Joe, I thought we agreed not to post those photos from later in the evening.

Jason Wickedly posted on 01/15/2010

Wow...Don the Beachcomber joined TC 5 years ago and that was their first post. Talk about lurking! :lol:

I did happen to notice the plethora of facial hair at the table, I felt very underdressed with only my soul patch to keep my face warm.

bigtikidude posted on 01/17/2010



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