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Tiki Central 10 YEAR Anniversary is Jan 12th, 2010

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suzanne posted on 01/12/2010

Hanford, Thank you. THANK YOU!

As many others have said here, this website - but more importantly, the community behind it, the community that you helped create - has changed my life. Simple to say, but pretty mind blowing to realize! What a positive and amazing thing it is. My best friends in the world I know because of this place. The craziest times and the best fun - the memories I'll carry with me forever - most wouldn't have ever happened if I hadn't known about Tiki Central. Thank you!!

Good to ring it in at midnight with you. Here's to another 10 years! Congratulations!


blue.octopus posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

This site is incredible - many books worth of information is contained in the forum postings and a fantastic glimpse in to the history that was Tiki.

Thanks to all the posters who make this such a great place to visit and ensure that we come back here on a daily basis.

inkylouise posted on 01/12/2010

I Luv Tiki Central!

Congrads and thank you, Hanford, for all your hardwork and dedication.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/12/2010

This reminds me of one my favorite photos, a rare meeting of the movers and shakers of Tiki from different parts of the U.S., converging on my Witco couch:

From R to L:
James Teitelbaum, Author -- Michelle Whiting, Ooga Mooga/Cry-Tiki Webmaster -- Hanford Leemore, Tiki Central "master"--Christie White, Hukilau "master"-- Jeff Chenault, Exotica authority

...hailing from Chicago, San Francisco, Florida, and Ohio! This is what TIKI CENTRAL does, it is our meeting place, our virtual Witco couch!
(and may I kindly remind some of those present to not be such strangers on TC) :)

Lake Surfer posted on 01/12/2010

Congrats Hanford, and many mahalos!

As Unga said, no other place has influenced friends and vacations so much!

From picking up a chisel and mallet in 2000, to discovering Tiki Central in 2002, nothing has influenced this art path in my life more than this community.

Along the way I've had the opportunity to express myself in ways I've never dreamed, and made great friends all over the world who inspire me.

Vacations and road trips are planned around tiki events and tiki bars around the country.

I continue to be in awe at the collection of talented artists, businesspeople and free thinkers here.

Thank you Hanford and thank you Tiki Central!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2010-01-12 12:12 ]

congatiki posted on 01/12/2010

Yahoo...thanks to Hanford and all the contributors for helping make "tiki"
such a fun hobby....errr....obsession.
Without TC and the myriad of inspirational artists I'd probably be carving
bears....and selling them :(

Or Got Rum? posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations Hanford...THANK YOU for the escape!

Tai Won On posted on 01/12/2010

Congratulations Hanford and Happy Birthday Tiki Central. I will be at Smugglers Cove tonight to celebrate this great occasion with the TC Ohana.
Here's to many more years!!!

Beach Bum Scott posted on 01/12/2010

Congrats and Long Live Tiki Central!!!!

I stumbled in quite by accident last year. I was learning to play the Ukulele and trying to find the chords/lyrics to the Hukilau Song and Google brought me here.

I had thought that Poly-pop had died with the comming of Disco and was amazed to find that there were people like me...
I'll be hoisting a Mai-Tai after work in the TC inspired basement as Denver is lacking in non-home bars.

Thanks to the folks behind TC and to those that keep me comming back to see your finds!!!!

Trader Bob posted on 01/12/2010

Thanks Hanford
Living in Australia the scene over here is a bit thin. This web site has given me a look at what Tiki is all about. It has inspired me to build my own Tiki Room/Bar, and I have learned heaps about the Tiki culture!
Trader Bob

aquarj posted on 01/12/2010

What a great milestone, and what a great community! Maybe this Internet thing might catch on!

Dunno if anyone will be interested, but here's a little history of how TC has consistently exceeded expectations for me.

Back when I first heard about the yahoo group, I remember thinking that "TikiCentral" sounded pretty optimistic, in the sense of really being CENTRAL to the world of tiki, which was small but very decentralized. Along with TC, I joined a whole bunch of yahoo groups at the same time, for all kinds of niche things. ProgressCity was a cool one. Even back then, TC was king in terms of the highest participation level. But it still felt pretty small, and in the back of my mind I figured it wasn't going to last long. Sure enough, all the other groups I followed pretty much died off (except for one actually, which is still active). But TC kept going!

Then when Hanford created the independent forum, I kind of figured again that it'd probably lose momentum after the transition. Hey, we've all grown accustomed to seeing the slow death of the things we're interested in. That's the sad reality these days if you're into any midcentury phenomena. But TC kept growing! Within a year or two, it started to be clear that TC truly is CENTRAL to this world of tiki and poly-pop.

I guess this might all just show that my crystal ball needs some polishing. But I'd like to think that it's even more of a testimony to the way TikiCentral is run, the nature of the people who participate, and also the power and depth of the subject matter itself - the imagery and even lifestyle. The thing is, the story of TC is not just one of becoming a central hub for an existing community that had previously been only loosely associated. The big story is about how TC has sparked and created a much larger community than ever existed before, or than ever could have existed without it. Not only has that community really brought life to the interest in tiki, but it's been a great icebreaker for solid friendships, and even marriages (and babies? I'm still curious if there are any TC babies!)

For that, and all the hard work making it happen, I'm very grateful. I'd tip my hat, but I'm not wearing one. Maybe I'll knock my socks off!

Less virtual reality, more ritual virility!


Thortiki posted on 01/12/2010


If it hadn't been for this web site I would have NEVER gotten into Tiki, creating my own space, meeting Cool Ohana & visiting groovy Tiki bars. Its been just GREAT! Thortiki

Tom Slick posted on 01/12/2010

Gdam it! I didn't post last night cuz I wanted to add my congratulatory post near the official launch time! haha, I forgot! Anyhow Hanford, thank you for creating this place in space for all of us tikiphiles to meet and throw back a few! I've met some great people through tiki central, and gained quite a bit of knowledge over the years! Thank you again, and here's to another 10!

Traderpup posted on 01/12/2010

Happy Anniversary from a semi old timer!

Mai Tai posted on 01/12/2010

See ya at The Cove tonight!

Deke Kahala posted on 01/12/2010

Congrats on 10 years! I love visiting this site.

8FT Tiki posted on 01/12/2010

Hanford, Congratulations and thanks from all of us out there across the miles. Tiki Central isn't just a website, it's like a home. It goes to show what a good influence one person's efforts can have on the lives of others. One of the cool things you get from TC is having a nickname that only your friends that "get it" will use. Sorry if this sounds a bit corny and THANKS for letting us play in your sandbox!!!!! 8FT

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 01/13/2010

Happy Anniversary and Mahalo for all your hard work and dedication! I'm better for knowing you and all the TC Ohana.

Mongoloid posted on 01/13/2010

A truly unique site that brings people together in person after communicating with or recognizing on TC. That alone makes it special and rare!! To all the new comers or lurkers make sure you pick your user name carefully because you will be referred to that more times then your real name when these interactions occur! That's ok, I'm usually in some exotic setting when this happens and its all part of the escape. Mahalo Hanford for creating a place for people to awaken their love of tiki or realize they are not alone in their quest to expand their present appreciation!

Haole'akamai posted on 01/13/2010

Yeah! We'll be celebratin' in line outside of SmugCo. Come visit, k?

Savage Tiki posted on 01/13/2010

I know I'm a TC newbe but I feel right at home here. Thank you HANFORD for creating a site where we can all find the tiki things we want and get and share tiki info or brag about our tiki swag. (which I'm now collecting) I have found out that I'm a Dick Head and have made a bunch of new friends who I now call my tiki ohana.

Mr. Lamoore, no offense was meant by my mistake. I'm still getting the names down so that's why I originally thanked Martin even though he had nothing to do with the creation of TC other than providing liquid inspiration and two very cool places to imbibe. Thanks to Coco loco for sending me a PM pointing out my blazing mistake.


[ Edited by: Savge Tiki 2010-01-13 14:19 ]

[ Edited by: Savge Tiki 2010-01-13 14:27 ]

jpmartdog posted on 01/13/2010

Mahalo Hanford,
Mahalo TC community,
Mahalo for the memories
Mahalo for the future.
many of you are my Ohana, and I appreciate that very much.

skootiki posted on 01/13/2010

Hanford, this a fun and inspiring site. Mahalos to you and all of the Tiki Central Ohana.
Let the celebration begin

Babalu posted on 01/13/2010

YAY Hanford!! YAY TC!!

TravelingJones posted on 01/13/2010

:tiki: Hale SsweeetT Hale...there's no place like TC! :tiki: Mahalo'z Hanford!! Cheers to 10 more... :drink:

kikekeki posted on 01/13/2010

Happy Anniversary, TC! This is a good place to be...
Have one on me...

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 01/13/2010

This is a wonderful thing you created, Hanford. Here's to many decades more of bringing like-minded people together, creating friendships and sharing information and aloha.

midnite posted on 01/13/2010

Ahoy hoy!

Well done, HL.

I'm going to get a visit from the Monolux Mafia now, aren't I?

tikibob posted on 01/13/2010

Congrats! What a milestone!

I remember not paying attention when it changed from the yahoo group to tikicentral.com and worrying that someone would take my tikibob moniker.

What is really amazing (and some of the long time tikiphiles will remember) is that way back, in the mid-1990s, the closest thing we had to TC was the Exotica Mailing List. It's main purpose was for discussion of music but just about anything related to tiki was discussed. Lots of the people I met there joined the yahoo group and then TC.

Boy, I can honestly say that the discovery of tiki and Exotica Music really changed my life.

And congrats not just to Hanford, but to everyone: What a great time I have had over the years meeting all the Tiki Ohana.

Simply fantastic!

ZuluMagoo posted on 01/13/2010

Thank you Hanford!!

The friends, the fun and the information I have gained/shared on this website has been incredible.


tiki1963 posted on 01/13/2010

Congrats and Happy Birthday, TC!

KAHAKA posted on 01/13/2010

That's cool man! Congrats Hanford to the success of TC! Mahalo!

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Tobor64 posted on 01/13/2010

Can't get through the day without making (numerous) daily visits to TC. Thanks for all that you do, Hanford!

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crazy al posted on 01/13/2010

you've come a long way baby.. Oasis will be ten years this year too! so it's been ten years of knowing some of you folks????? jeeeeeeeeeeezzzzz... plenty of good memories!!!

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faztiki posted on 01/13/2010

thats funny, I was also launched on January 12, just 39 years ago.
'long time listener, first time caller'
i've used tiki central a hundred times. whether looking for local watering holes or reading advice on carving or just following threads and getting to see how tiki life is something others are really passionate about has been a great tool and a great thrill.

Thanks for all your hard work!!!

you all don't know me yet, but soon the bay area won't be mentioned without san jose being honored. (and Hukilau and Smoke don't get to be in this conversation....)

2010, here it is.
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bananabobs posted on 01/13/2010

Grog said it so well...

On 2010-01-11 19:18, GROG wrote:
GROG hoist drink now.

Here's to Tiki Central and to Hanford who created such an awesome site. This is an amazing site about sharing. Sharing history, art, fun, food and drinks, music, fun events and places--old and new, and friendships. Thank you Hanford and all the friendly people who GROG has met, in person or just online (and maybe even Ruzic).

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And then the Tiki Puppet showed up...

On 2010-01-12 22:26, faztiki wrote:

you all don't know me yet, but soon the bay area won't be mentioned without san jose being honored. (and Hukilau and Smoke don't get to be in this conversation....)

2010, here it is.
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I thought I'd better get my CONGRATS in before it got any worse!
Thanks Hanford for the years, here is to 100 more!

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The Gnomon posted on 01/13/2010

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Mahalo, Hanford!

This is just my third year here and that's flown by so fast, I can imagine that ten years probably seems more like five.

That doesn't happen unless something is working really well. I don't know where tikiyaki came up with twelve years, but here's to the next eleventeen. 8)

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cheeky half posted on 01/13/2010

I remember the Yahoo days and this site is waaaaaaaaay better!

Thanks Hanford and everyone who has contributed to the communal well of tiki knowledge.

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tikiyaki posted on 01/13/2010

On 2010-01-13 07:50, The Gnomon wrote:
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Mahalo, Hanford!

This is just my third year here and that's flown by so fast, I can imagine that ten years probably seems more like five.

That doesn't happen unless something is working really well. I don't know where tikiyaki came up with twelve years, but here's to the next eleventeen. 8)

I misread the post for some reason ! I don't know why.

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kick_the_reverb posted on 01/13/2010

Hanford - Thanks for all the hard work over the years, besides what everyone already mentioned, for me, as someone who moved from another country to the USA, I am thankful for TC in that I instantly had friends here in the States. It has been a great community to be a part of.
I'm forever thankful to aquarj for letting me know about TC about 9 years ago...

Here's to another 10 years

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bongofury posted on 01/14/2010

Thank you Hanford for providing this fantastic escape from our everyday lives. It is an amazing source for information which has helped many people develop into artists, carvers, mug makers, and builders of Tiki bars. Mahalo my friend!

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MauiTiki posted on 01/14/2010

On 2010-01-13 20:03, bongofury wrote:
Thank you Hanford for providing this fantastic escape from our everyday lives. It is an amazing source for information which has helped many people develop into artists, carvers, mug makers, and builders of Tiki bars. Mahalo my friend!

Yeah, what Bongo said and also the good friends we have made through the site! I'm only a few days away from my 7 year anniversary as a TC member. Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a papaya. (I stole that from Humuhumu)

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tikiskip posted on 01/14/2010

Congrats Hanford!!
What a great site.
The info on this site just could never be
amassed without a Tiki Central.
People will ask about the lights I sell (Non Tiki peeps)
How did you get into this? how do you find people to buy them?
And the answer I give them is Tiki Central.
Don't think I could do my tiki light thing without Tiki Central.
Tiki Central and Otto, Sevn, Hukilau, (and some others)
came at just the right time and threw gas on a small flame,
without those influences who knows that flame may have died.
Would that have then killed the Mai Kai? and all the new tiki bars?
So thanks again, great job!
Here's to many more.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2010-01-14 15:31 ]

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pablus posted on 01/15/2010

I'm proud to be associated with this site.

I've made many good friends and spent time with them here at the Rusty Key, which many of you helped design and also created items which beautify it.

I've learned a lot about the culture my father and uncles and other family members were so enthralled by during the midcentury.

I've been surrounded by gorgeous, sarong-clad maidens who have danced about while I strummed the ukulele. Yowza.

I've been inspired to create many songs which pulled me out of a 5 year writer's block.

I've been able to visit many of your bars, both professional and home versions and had wonderful times, most of which I remember. Except for leaving the Kon Tiki Paradise Room and a couple of blank hours at the Hapa Haole Hideaway 3.0.

I've discovered new and exciting places to visit and have learned to truly love Polynesia in a way I never would have discovered on my own.

Mahalo to you all.
Goodbye, however, for I am now going to spend my time on Owl Central.

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thejab posted on 01/16/2010

In honor of this important landmark I renewed my lapsed Grand Membership. Thanks Hanford for your 10 year dedication to Tiki Central and thanks to everyone who contributed to making Tiki Central such an enjoyable place to visit!

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 01/17/2010

What they said.

Mahalo for such a fantastic forum for all levels of Tiki appreciation.


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ravenne posted on 01/17/2010

Cheers Hanford and everyone behind TC! :drink:

I'm so happy to have found this site 5 years ago,
I've learned a great deal thanks to this site,
and met so many awesome people
and made amazing friendships!

Can't wait for the 20th anniversary of TC :wink:



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rugbymatt posted on 01/21/2010

Congarats Hanford! I have met a lot of great friends through TC. Mahalo to all.

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