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Kelly Hiphipahula'sTonga Hut Parties 2009-2012 Farewell pg.42

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Tonga Tom posted on 12/11/2009

Hey Kelly,
I'll see you somewhere between 5-8pm tonight! Gotta knock some more off the Grog Log.

Trader Tom posted on 12/15/2009

Okay, so I showed up at the Tiki Wonderland Party at 10:30PM...

Which was a little late to the ball...

But I really enjoyed visiting with the folks that were left! Ernie let me see his new mugs, which are REAL PURTY. We had several handcrafted Tiki drinks. I added the Blackbeard's Ghost to my Grog Log check-off list. I also got to try some cookies from the contest. Cass had some shortbread left, I had some cinnamon pinwheels, then tried the winning cookies. All winners as far as I'm concerned. I even took some rice krispie treats home to Ilene and it proved an excellent bribe for me staying out so late.

I ended up staying till last call. Can't wait for the next event!!! I'll try to pay attention to times next time. Promise!

[ Edited by: Trader Tom 2009-12-15 06:56 ]

Hula Lula posted on 12/16/2009

Hi Everybody!
Here are some pics I took from the event.
It was really fun, great tunes to set the mood from Jeff
and Kelly's drinks were amazing as usual!!
I had a Voodoo Grog and LapuLapu, delicious!

Thanks, Ernie for putting together a great show.
I love your new Moai salt and pepper shakers!


GROG posted on 12/16/2009

Thanks Claudette.

GROG move your pictures to the Tonga Hut Tiki Wonderland art show thread. GROG make same mistake a couple of times clicking on this thread thinking that it was the Tonga Hut Tiki Wonderland thread. Hiphipahula's thread title confuse GROG.


[ Edited by: GROG 2009-12-15 16:23 ]

Bora Boris posted on 12/16/2009


[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2009-12-15 20:02 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 12/20/2009

Aloha! Yes today Sunday let's get together 4-8pm I will be here so
come on in we
chat & sip tiki cocktails!
Doesn't get better :)

JOHN-O posted on 12/22/2009

Kelly, will you mixing cocktails this holiday weekend (12/26-27) ??

Hiphipahula posted on 12/23/2009

On 2009-12-21 16:22, JOHN-O wrote:

Kelly, will you mixing cocktails this holiday weekend (12/26-27) ??

Hey John, Yes I will be mixing it up with Hiphip's original cocktails all weekend! Y'all come see me now! Sat. & Sun. 4-8pm

the Tonga Hut since 1958
12808 Victory Bl. No. Hollywood

Thanks John for asking :)

GROG posted on 12/23/2009

Order the Melekilikimaka. It tastes like Christmas.

mahbookie posted on 12/24/2009

Who is this guy and does he have an online store?

My sister in law would go crazy for one of those "head vase" pin up girls.

tippy_canoe posted on 12/24/2009

I'm just catching up with this thread now. I used to live right around the corner from the Tiki Hut and often grabbed Thai food on the weekend from Vic's, across the street. Now I live in the South Bay and the Tiki Hut is a far drive for me. I wish these gatherings had been going on when I lived in NoHo. Ah, well.

danlovestikis posted on 12/25/2009

Hey Mahbookie, the guy with the table of fun girls is on-line at http://www.FluffShop.com. If you purchase something you are to enter the secret code:OASIS at checkout. Those girls are expensive but I've seen them up close at Oasis9 and they are outstanding. Wendy

mahbookie posted on 12/26/2009

Thanks a lot! My sister in law thanks you too. Though she wont know it until she gets her gift from there.

Murph posted on 12/26/2009

We're heading over to the Hut tonight, anyone else going?

Tonga Tom posted on 12/27/2009

Argh! We can't make it tonight, but we'll be there Sunday for sure!

JOHN-O posted on 12/27/2009

JOHN-O will be there on Sun as well (around 5pm).

I'm overdue. :)

GROG posted on 12/27/2009

GROG try and swing by.

TikiGeeki posted on 12/27/2009

I'll be swinging by today as well.

leleliz posted on 12/27/2009

Claudette those head vases are awesome!

Why aren't you posting more of your work on here lady?
All I ever see are Jason's nudie paintings...it would be nice to have some balance!

Tonga Tom posted on 01/02/2010

I think we've recovered from last night, so we're gonna have our first drink(s) of 2010 at the Tonga Hut tonight with Kelly.
Hope to see you there!

tyger jymmy posted on 01/02/2010

Needs to make one of these realy soon .

Hiphipahula posted on 01/03/2010

Tonga Hut today! Grog log time! Come on you can drink it! Tonga Tom is almost done! Party on Sunday as well. Thanks tikiphiles Happy New New!

Marty Lush posted on 01/03/2010

And yours truly will be spinning Ultra lounge & exotica from 5 to 9 on Sunday Jan 3rd!! DJ Lush in the hut!!!

[ Edited by: Marty Lush 2010-01-02 19:18 ]

hiltiki posted on 01/03/2010

Sounds very inviting, I will be there, I will bring cookies. Tomorrow!!!

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2010-01-02 19:39 ]

GROG posted on 01/03/2010

GROG bring log.

Hula Lula posted on 01/03/2010

On 2009-12-27 11:03, leleliz wrote:
Claudette those head vases are awesome!

Why aren't you posting more of your work on here lady?

Thanks so much, Leleliz!
I finally posted some of the girls in the marketplace.

Here is the link:

tonga hut posted on 01/03/2010

Aloha Tiki Centrelites! Happy New Year!

Please join us at the Tonga Hut Sunday Jan. 3rd as we Present "DJ Marty Lush" spinning Exotica, Hawaiian and Lounge sounds. We are ringing in the New Year "Tiki Style" beginning at 4:00 Join in the party! Tunes, food, good company and Original Handcrafted Tiki Cocktails by Hiphipahula(Kelly). Sport your Fez, Aloha Tiki shirts and feel free to bring snacks cookies or what ever you would like to share and we will see you here! Thanks for your continued support.

The Tonga Hut Staff, Jeremy, Hiphipahula (Kelly),Lisa-Marie, Kat, Lindsey, Katie and Trevor

The Tonga Hut Since 1958

12808 Victory Boulevard
North Hollywood, CA 91606-3013
(818) 769-0708

JOHN-O posted on 01/03/2010

I'm gonna try to stop by to see if Kelly's invented any new drinks for me. "The French Whore" is one.

Why isn't this called the "JOHN-O Special"? I wanna be immortalized just like Rasta Jim at Tiki-Ti.

Also is Marty Lush one of the Tikiyaki's?

Tonga Tom posted on 01/04/2010

Off to Tonga Hut!!!

tobunga posted on 01/04/2010

YAY! What a perfect way to end the New Year's Weekend!
Kelly mixing up great drinks, Marty Lush mixing up great tunes, great tiki friends, lots of nacho cheese, and TWO performances by Jeremy (that Coconut song is a classic!)!!!

Ok, 2010, bring it on!

Tonga Tom posted on 01/04/2010

Now here's a little bit of what Eric is talkin' about...

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 01/06/2010

Great pix, TongaTom ! With Marty at the musical helm, looked like a nice ring into the new year. AND the return of Ravenne from the East Coast!

Bean spillers, do tell what song it was that Jeremy happened to be singing. Can't imagine...must've been about a coconut.

Cheers & Happy 2010~!


[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2010-01-06 09:24 ]

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 01/08/2010

Any plans for a great set of HAPPIEST HOURS this weekend?
I'm trying to make it up to the Tonga Hut area this Saturday - so it would be great if Kelly is working! :)

Tonga Tom posted on 01/09/2010

Anyone going tonight between 4-8pm? If so, Sherriyaki & I hope to see you there.

Melekalikimaka posted on 01/10/2010

Saturday evening at the Tonga Hut was great! I signed on to the Grog Log and conquered a couple. TikiG and I introduced a newcomer, Darcy, who found herself enjoying a couple of Hiphiphahula's concoctions! TikiG presented a new painting as well. A good night, all in all.

after these, we got a little silly...

tonga hut posted on 01/10/2010

Aloha Tiki Central! Please join us again today Sunday for our weekly Tiki Party featuring Original Tiki Drinks by Hiphipahula! Also,the Grog Log is also awaiting you, become a member of the Tonga Hut "Loyal Order of the Drooling Bastard!" starting at 4pm until 8pm. Joining the party line up at 8pm is Mixologist, Tiki Bartender, the lovely Miss Lisa Marie. See you here at the Hut with snacks, tunes, amazing cocktails & the best company kept anywhere! Aloha & Mahalo Tiki Central!

Tonga Tom posted on 01/10/2010

Melekalikimaka and TikiG, it was great seeing you last night. I like the photos of the drinks with the Grog Log recipes, I wish we would of thought of that soooo many many drinks ago. Also, it's nice to see more boobies at TH...thanks TikiG!

Looking forward to lounging tonight with DJ Lush and HipHiPaHulA! It will be a good night for anyone to knock off the "Polynesian Spell" from their Grog Log list...they have grape juice, yes I said grape juice.

Hiphipahula posted on 01/10/2010

Marty Lush in the Hut today spinnin'. Tiki, Lounge &Surf Sounds! 4-9pm !

TikiG posted on 01/11/2010

I must say I had a most enjoyable time at the Tonga Hut last Saturday night during Hiphipahula's 4:00pm to 8:00pm shift.

Thanks Kelly for the beautiful cocktails as always - and Thanks to you I checked a few more off the Grog Log list. Slowly I'll catch up with...

TongaTom and Sherriyaki...good to see you two as well...always delightful company and TongaTom - Thanks for the compliment, it was an absolute pleasure to present more boobies to the 'Hut - albeit painted on canvas :)

Which brings me to Jeremy. Please do my painting justice with a hand built frame; I hope to see it hanging next time I'm visiting the 'Hut. Thanks for the kind response to it, I'm so pleased you like it. Its an honor having one of my TikiG works hanging on a wall inside your establishment.

Finally - Thanks Mel for posting the pics pre silly/post silly. I prefer post silly.

Tonga Hut. Enter w/residue of the outside world...leave refreshed and nourished. Awesome!

Tonga Tom posted on 01/12/2010

Dynamic drinks, terrific tunes, and cool company on 1/10/2010 at Tonga Hut...

JOHN-O posted on 01/12/2010

Hey Tonga Tom, have you completed the Grog Log yet? I look forward to seeing you immortalized on the wall of fame.

Just curious, what were your top 5 favorite drinks?

Melekalikimaka posted on 01/12/2010

Always a pleasure to hang with the Tikiphyles!

RoseRed posted on 01/13/2010

On 2010-01-03 11:52, JOHN-O wrote:

I'm gonna try to stop by to see if Kelly's invented any new drinks for me. "The French Whore" is one.

Why isn't this called the "JOHN-O Special"? I wanna be immortalized just like Rasta Jim at Tiki-Ti.

Also is Marty Lush one of the Tikiyaki's?

I thought La Prostituée Française"(The French Whore) WAS added?
(in your honor of course)

Hiphipahula posted on 01/16/2010

Marty Lushin the Hut again Sunday the 17th Spinnin' sounds 5-9pm ! Wear your aloha and join us for cocktails, snacks & Great Tiki Times!

Hiphipahula posted on 01/17/2010

Just announced!! Sunday Jan. 17 2010 The Tonga Hut is proud to announce we will
be honoring our first Tikiphiles Tonga Tom and Sherryaki who were first
to complete all cocktails in the "The Grog Log" !!

Please join us at 4:00 pm with cameras in hand as we present them, our first members of the "Loyal Order of the Drooling Bastard" On hand will be our in house Tiki Artist Kirby along with Owner Jeremy presenting Tonga Hut's custom made placard. Thank you Kirby and all our Tonga Hut "Bastards"!

Marty Lush in the Hut to spin all the great sounds of Tiki! Snacks are being served along with great handcrafted cocktail by Hiphipahula! Feel free to bring snacks, cookies
or anything you would like
to share. See you here! Jeremy, Hiphipahula, Lisa-Marie, Kat, Katie,Chad & Trevor

Tonga Tom posted on 01/17/2010

On 2010-01-11 17:42, JOHN-O wrote:
Hey Tonga Tom, have you completed the Grog Log yet? I look forward to seeing you immortalized on the wall of fame.

Just curious, what were your top 5 favorite drinks?

Tomorrow night is the night. Hope to see you there.

Still figuring out the favorite five.

Marty Lush posted on 01/17/2010

And its Hawaiian Shirt night too!! Wear your brightest, tackiest Hawaiian shirt as I spin classic Hapa Haole, Hawaiian and Exotica to take you deep in the boozy jungle!!

JOHN-O posted on 01/17/2010

I'm gonna try to swing by around 4:30pm from the "other Valley".

I may pick up some Vietnamese sandwiches to soak up the rum.

Anyone else want one? Just PM me.


[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-01-17 11:58 ]

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