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BIG garage sale may 2nd at Bamboo Ben....

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/13/2010

Do'in it again.

Last year was the Nooner...

...this time it's the Garage Sale!


7950 Yorktown Ave. ( and or 712 city changed the #'s)
Huntington Beach Ca. 92648

100 yards west of Beach Blvd on Yorktown ave.


Sunday May 2nd

11:00 a.m.-ish to 6:00pm -ish


(tunes by)

The Hard Riders


The Squares ( pre- website)

(tiki art by)

Ken Ruzic

Tiki G

Hot Tiki

Happy Chi Jewelry

Doug Horne


Eric October

GoGo Tiki

Buzzy San Diego Tiki Factory

Lake Tiki

Matt Reese


Wiki Tiki Vicki

Big Toe

Badland Beads

Dave Lozeau

Big Ed

Doug Dorr

Tiki Farm


1961 Surf

lot's O tiki related Stuff @ Garage Sale Prices!!!

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build stuff for you!

[ Edited by: revbambooben 2010-04-16 08:48 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/13/2010

I am so there! Thanks Ben....

HB TIKI posted on 01/13/2010

looking forward to May 2, A year really goes by fast. Huntington Beach for Tiki

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/13/2010

I am going to start working out now,so I look good in a Bikini.

Lake Surfer posted on 01/13/2010

Last year was such a blast, how can I say no to this year!

Great to hear Ben, looking forward to it!

little lost tiki posted on 01/13/2010

Put me on the List,Sir!

Hell's YEAH!

I'll be bringin my kid brother again!

Daves Not Home posted on 01/13/2010


Put us (us, BigToe & Clysdale) on the list too!

tikiyaki posted on 01/13/2010

Nooner ? WHOO !

Luckydesigns posted on 01/13/2010


RevBambooBen posted on 01/14/2010

" Garage Sale!!!".

twang crunch.....

WooHooWahine posted on 01/14/2010

On 2010-01-13 19:10, RevBambooBen wrote:
" Garage Sale!!!".

WooooHooooooo! :)

bigtikidude posted on 01/14/2010

I could use a New Garage, ours is all full up.

any possible way to change the Date?


RevBambooBen posted on 01/14/2010

On 2010-01-13 19:22, bigtikidude wrote:
I could use a New Garage, ours is all full up.

any possible way to change the Date?


May 2nd it is!!!

There's a big 6 band surf show at the peir that day also for everyone to enjoy.

HB will be happeening!!!

1961surf posted on 01/14/2010

Surfbands and then Ben's...... Im in.Last year was a real hoot.

Tikitastic posted on 01/14/2010

Road trip!

Dartin Menny posted on 01/14/2010


bigtikidude posted on 01/15/2010

I need to figure how to split myself in half,
or make 2 of me to be at Both events.
I just know that everybody would love if there was 2 of me.
ha ha ha
:o :wink:

More INfo Ben....


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-04-21 20:57 ]

little lost tiki posted on 01/15/2010

Let me be the first to suggest a BIG AXE!
That should split Jeff BTD in two
and make a lotta folks happy in the process!

The Sperm Whale posted on 01/15/2010

Looking forward to the shindig!!! Hell Yeah !!!

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2010-01-14 18:47 ]

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Dustycajun posted on 01/15/2010

On 2010-01-13 08:28, little lost tiki wrote:
Put me on the List,Sir!

Hell's YEAH!

I'll be bringin my kid brother again!

Don't forget your sunscreen this year or you will end up looking like this!

my stupid kid brother forgot to bring the sunscreen...

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Or this

Can you say "Farmers Tan"

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Or this

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Good times looking forward to it


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RoseRed posted on 01/16/2010

Ben- is this party gonna be at your shop again... with the kiddie pool?

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Krisdrama posted on 01/17/2010

I love a good garage sale!

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happychi posted on 01/18/2010

Put me down for a booth Ben. Can't wait! I had sooooo much fun last year. I will TRY to behave:)

Daves Not Home posted on 01/18/2010

On 2010-01-18 12:14, happychi wrote:
Put me down for a booth Ben. Can't wait! I had sooooo much fun last year. I will TRY to behave:)

Now wheres the fun in THAT?!?!?!!?!

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KuKu posted on 01/19/2010

NOONER...!!! Can't wait... Wish it was sooner...!!!

little lost tiki posted on 01/19/2010

not a NOONER,KuKu...
Ben made a point last week at Don's
to INSIST it will be called a GARAGE SALE
for reasons unknown...


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tropicali*honey posted on 01/19/2010

I'm making it this year!

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bananabobs posted on 01/20/2010

Huntington Beach coast slammed by tornado-like storm that flips car, floods streets, strands motorists, smashes businesses.

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bigtikidude posted on 02/14/2010

More details please?

little lost tiki posted on 02/15/2010

a tornado came and flipped Boo's studio...
More information at 6 pm....

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suzanne posted on 02/15/2010

Flip me over too, I'll be there!


bigtikidude posted on 02/15/2010

Thinking about planing/doing a So. Cal. Tiki Bar Crawl that weekend.
Thurs. to Sun.
more details soon.


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Matt Reese posted on 02/17/2010

Ben, check you pms.

Daves Not Home posted on 02/17/2010

Reesenik - I hope that means you'll be getting in on this action!

little lost tiki posted on 02/17/2010

On 2010-02-15 13:40, bigtikidude wrote:
Thinking about planing/doing a So. Cal. Tiki Bar Crawl that weekend.
Thurs. to Sun.
more details soon.

Why don't you quit hornin in on the garage sale action
and do a Crawl when nothin's happening?
You're "thinking" and "planning"?
Sounds more like "latching onto" to me....

By the time Sunday comes around
it'll be a ghosttown
with all the kids staying at home nursing hangovers...
here's a suggestion...
Have it some time other than the 2nd...


Rumor has it
they'll be rides for the kids...
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GROG posted on 02/17/2010

Bar Crawl the days before B-Bens Garage Sale sound like a good idea to GROG. Should schedule a trip to Oceanic Arts in there, too.

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Get better soon Tiki-Kate.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-02-20 00:39 ]

tikiyaki posted on 02/17/2010

Sounds good to me too. The out of towners can have a whole tiki weekend.

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Jason Wickedly posted on 02/17/2010

I got a sneak peek at the Tiki Bar Crawl lineup on Monday night...if even half the places that were on the rough draft end up on the final, it will be a Tiki filled weekend indeed. Kinny, you have become jaded in your OC old age...we still love ya though!

bigtikidude posted on 02/18/2010

I ran the idea of the Bar crawl Idea past Ben, before posting it.
and he said it sounded like a GREAT idea>
and said it would be really smart to do something on the Fri. and Sat.
for the People that would be coming to town for his event.


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Mai Tai posted on 02/18/2010

I think a SoCal Bar Crawl would be awesome! A good way to check out a lot of the fine Tiki establishments for us out of towners, who are hitting some of those places unofficially on a weekend trip to The Nooner anyways. I also got a sneak peak at the list of venues for this crawl, and it's also awesome! Go Jeff! Keep us posted on the progress.

little lost tiki posted on 02/18/2010

i guess i'll be seeing all you hungover folks at the Garage Sale then!
I'll make sure to speak very loudly...

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Jason Wickedly posted on 02/18/2010

Psst..everyone was hungover at last year's garage sale/nooner too. It's becoming tradition. :P

bigtikidude posted on 02/18/2010

On 2010-02-18 07:50, little lost tiki wrote:
i guess i'll be seeing all you hungover folks at the Garage Sale then!
I'll make sure to speak very loudly...

dude, don't be a Eeyore.


little lost tiki posted on 02/18/2010


i think that nickname's already been taken...

MAY 2ND!!!!
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Jason Wickedly posted on 02/18/2010

On 2010-02-18 10:04, little lost tiki wrote:

i think that nickname's already been taken...

MAY 2ND!!!!
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Oh man I want the 70's 3 foot tall woodgrain Radio Shack speakers by the curb!

EDIT: Damn it, I used THAT for my #500???

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[ Edited by: Jason Wickedly 2010-02-18 10:26 ]

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Pixie D posted on 02/18/2010

Hi Guys,

Can you help a total newbie? I want to plan a vacation around this, and now I know when, but can you tell me exactly where the Garage Sale is going to be held?

Cheers :)

tikiyaki posted on 02/18/2010

I want the Poang Chair set from IKEA !

I'll give ya $10

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suzanne posted on 02/18/2010

Jim, no way. That chair set is mine... Ben, $12 here! Money talks!


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