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Interesting part of living in the Appalachians

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Basement Kahuna posted on 09/07/2003

We were leaving today to head to Lowe's up the highway from us for some plants...hanging out at the foot of our long driveway....about a 200-225lb male Black Bear (basically a teenager in bear terms). He just glanced at us, shrugged it off in that bear sort of way, and moseyed along...I guess hoping for that great bird feeder or beehive score. I understand about a 500-600 pound bull is known to tip trash cans around here as well. The males are fairly docile...but a female with cubs will rip you a new asshole if you get too close. I feel like the Grizzly Adams of Tiki! Sort of fun...

RevBambooBen posted on 09/07/2003

Dude! Yikes!

Here in H.b. they're fixing the canal behind us so all the rats bailed out and are invading our patios. Far cry from bears!!!

Jungle Trader posted on 09/07/2003

No bears here, but I did hear a chirping in my backyard recently, thought it was a pesky bird, so I ignored it. But it kept chirping and chirping. Finally I followed the sound and it was coming from underneath my BBQ. I moved the BBQ so I could see and a baby squirrel took off under the fence. I think the cat had cornered it and it was crying out. Poor varmint, once again the animals are being squeezed by all the home building. Too many people...screwin' faster then they're dyin'. What's going to happen when there's too many people and the earth has run out of resources? We're all doomed.....so drink up scalliwags! hmmm, but that might lead to more screwin' which would then lead to more people,,...oh never mind.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-09-07 11:11 ]

tikibars posted on 09/07/2003

No bears here, except the polar bear sweatin' in the zoo, but the big news in the papers yesterday is that the 5-0 are all freaked out that the gangstas here are wearing body armor now.

I'll take the bears, thank you.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 09/07/2003


Did ya poop in your pants?

While growing up in Fishkill, NY I ran across a black bear while taking out the garbage at night-no one believed me (until the poor guy got killed the next day on the highway).

While living in Lebec, CA I'd run into bobcats on a regular basis. And one moonless night I was grazed by a large critter while walking from my truck to the house- scared the bejeebers out of me. I think it was a deer.

Then there's all those sea creatures...


[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail on 2003-09-07 11:50 ]

seamus posted on 09/07/2003

We got 'em here!! You can see them in the woods right on the edge of town. When we used to live in North Idaho waaayyy off the beaten path we'd see them all the time and BK is right- the females w/ the cubs are the ones you gotta look out for. But worse than that was the young bull moose. Thems some mean MOFO's !
I've always wanted to visit the Appalachians. Hey BK, if we decide to head east for next years Hukilau, perhaps we'll swing by and take a tour!


[ Edited by: seamus on 2003-09-07 14:00 ]

Turbogod posted on 09/08/2003

NO bears here either. DId find a baby blacksnake that somehow got into our house. I've seen enough Croc Hunter to figure out how to catch it and took it out across the street and set him loose.

RevBambooBen posted on 09/08/2003

Do bears like rum drinks?? You should do a little experiment and leave a few out for them to "taste test!"

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/08/2003

Anytime, Seamus. And damn, Ben, I wouldn't wanna find out what kind of drunk that 600lb male is. He can have all my garbage he wants (and my Clif bar, too!)

MTKahuna posted on 09/08/2003

Da Bears...
I haven't see any yet. Nothin but racoons, possums, and a bunch of monitor lizards.

I used to have a really bad ant problem.
So... I bought the possums to eat the ants,
I bought the racoons to eat the possums,
I bought the monitor lizards to eat the racoons.

Now I'm over run w/ monitor lizards.
Solution: They're tasty, but very chewy.

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/08/2003

I took last week off work and surfed San Onofre 3 days. Last Tuesday it was 4 to 5 ft of glassey bowls, sunny and the water was about 67 degrees.

I was out at Old Man's, and about an hour into the session I saw a fin break the water quickly and go back down about 10 ft away from me.

I knew it was one of the adolescent great whites that had been seen numerous times in the area that week. Needless to say I got chicken skin, pulled my feet up on my board and thought about what to do next. I was thinking about my kids, my wife, and most importantly - my tiki collection.

Right then a couple of other surfers said "hey, did you see that fin!". But they passed it off as no big deal. Well, I wasn't gonna look like a wimp and paddle in so I stayed out. There are a couple of things I can think of that are so good, you just don't wanna stop...

(I did however paddle into the thick of the pack hoping that there was safety in numbers.)

Tiki-bot posted on 09/08/2003

Was the bear wearing a diaper and furiously masturbating?

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/09/2003

????? Must be an inside joke....

vintagegirl posted on 09/09/2003

Late Night with Conan O'Brien has a recurring masterbating bear character.

vintagegirl posted on 09/09/2003

Late Night with Conan O'Brien has a recurring masterbating bear character.

atomictonytiki posted on 09/10/2003

I saw a Sea Eagle picking the flesh from the body of a Neolithic man, last week.

(Well actually, i came accross the BBC making a history programme and they had this Sea Eagle that had been trained to eat meat from a skeleton. But the BBC had repainted the skeleton to make it more photogenic and the change of colour freaked out the bird, so it was hopping around threatening the film crew. But bloody hell are Sea Eagles big and all claws and beaks and protected by law so if they attacked your head it probably illegal to try to dislodge it with a rock.)

Turbogod posted on 09/10/2003

On 2003-09-10 05:29, atomictonytiki wrote:
...they had this Sea Eagle that had been trained to eat meat from a skeleton.

And what evil Dr./Scientist thought this was a good idea?

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