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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/07/2010

Yesterday's sunset:

Today's sunset:

The weather was kind of nice here today. It was just like summer, with no fog and not too hot in the afternoon like summer is. I hear it kinda sucks in most other places right now though. Sorry about that anyone anywhere else that has sucky weather right now. It will get better, and it will get worse.

After seeing the doctor yesterday, it was decided that I'm supposed to continue therapy and slowly increase my workload until my stamina is the same as it was preaccident. Then they'll decrease the therapy and see if i can handle it. They still want to wait on the hand and arm numbnes issues I have until my shoulder gets better. Right now they cannot tell what's hand and what's shoulder/nerve related, so we'll dael with that hen we know more. I wish I could just tear into something full force right now , but I'll have to go slow and easy for a while, take real frequent breaks, and continually change my body/posture positions. No longer than 30 minutes of work without a break... A bunch of stretching routines...

At least I can be somewhat productive again. And that's good news to me.

After leaving the doctor's yesterday, I came home and cleaned up the factory. It had three months of accumulated neglect out there to take care of. By the end of the day, I had the thatch back up and everything in order, cleaner than it's been in about 9 months or so.
Here it is, all ready for action:

First order of business is to finish the Moai that I forgot about and stumbled across in my garage last week:

I just have to sand him. I did a little of that today.Not much because yesterday's cleaning and moving stuff kicked my wrist's ass.

I also did a short tutorial for Tikiville over on his thread on how I do the designs on the bell of the drum. that was the first time I held or used a mallet in forever. Thankfully, my arm didn't fall off in the process!

I got about 1000000 posts to answer still and i'm too tired to do it right now...

I'll be back.
Buzzy Out!

TheBigT posted on 01/07/2010

Buzz, great tutorial. I bow down to the drum master! And you cleaned?! :o

AlohaStation posted on 01/07/2010

Glad to hear you're getting back in the swing of it.

The weather here is beautiful except for the cold temps! I have taken my carving inside to the comfort of the couch. I know one carver that has essentially been "snowed" in because of the cold. Its crazy - I've had to wear long pants every day this week!!!

Babalu posted on 01/10/2010

The shop looks purdy boss. I sure hope you shot last nights sunset? It was one of those stop everything sit down moments for sure.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/11/2010

On 2010-01-10 06:53, Babalu wrote:
I sure hope you shot last nights sunset? It was one of those stop everything sit down moments for sure.

Yep. I got it...

One to remember.

Much better than today:

and the day before yesterday:

After I got the outside all cleaned up, I cleaned the garage work area substantially. I took the finished pieces in and am now in the final stages.

Meanwhile, I got this guy sanded and stained:

I was trying for a rounder look on this one. some times I think my stuff looks a little too linear.

I also got a log piece ready to go for a warm up carve:

I haven't done in carving yet because I'm still kind of messed up from cleaning up last week. I should be able to start tomorrow. The docs told me take it easier than I have been, and i told them I haven't actually done anything yet; so far as carving is concerned.

On 2010-01-03 19:00, teaKEY wrote:
Like it

thanks teaks1

On 2010-01-03 19:10, closettiki wrote:
And Oasis is only 8 1/2 months away...

that's only enough time to do about 30-35 pieces. I better get on it.

On 2010-01-03 20:04, 4WDtiki wrote:
Some great carving, esp the tiki on the left, the symetrical precision is very Bowanaesque!

I'm going for Bowana quality in a fraction of the time

On 2010-01-04 02:50, MadDogMike wrote:
Interesting hanger arrangement, anchored below center, hmmm.

A little above center. I put it where it's thickest, where the tiki's head is on the other side. The holes are on the bottom of the indent so it sits flush to the wall. The nail and wire will be in the recess:

On 2010-01-04 11:28, GROG wrote:

That's what she said...

On 2010-01-04 12:55, hiltiki wrote:

On 2010-01-04 13:10, TheBigT wrote:

Is the wire included with the plaque or sold separately? :P

Comes with it. I'm even going to throw in a nail. Some tools and assembly required, however...

On 2010-01-04 23:54, Lake Surfer wrote:
You've come so far in 221 pages bruddah!

Thanks Lake. It's funny what happens when you stick to something for a while....

On 2010-01-05 15:03, buzzard wrote:
he's back in the saddle again......

See below

On 2010-01-06 01:39, GROG wrote:
That's what she said.

Best joke, EVER!

On 2010-01-07 08:33, TheBigT wrote:
Buzz, great tutorial. I bow down to the drum master! And you cleaned?! :o

I filled up 2/3 of a dumpster. I had to have someone come haul it all away

On 2010-01-07 09:49, AlohaStation wrote:
Its crazy - I've had to wear long pants every day this week!!!

Wow! I must be serious when the long pants come out! It's still real nice here. A little cloudy yesterday, but still warm.

I'm getting closer, but I think I still have stuff to answer from page 220...
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-01-10 20:24 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/12/2010

Today's sunset:

We're supposed to have a couple more days of this nice weather.

I started the warm up carve today. Here's a step by step of the day's progress;

First step was tapering the sides of the head to the top of the eventual shoulders:

Side view:

Next was doing the top of the chest to the chin:

I next cutaway the material under arms. Now he has hangy arms:

making the front of the arms from the chest down came next:

Now to taper the waist and make the outer line of the thighs:

Next I had to make the body and legs rounder

Cut out under the arms:

That was it before sunset. I managed to punch all the way through the underarms before it got dark, and start on the lower legs.

More tomorrow...
Buzzy Out!

BIG tiki scott posted on 01/12/2010

very cool !!! luvin the step by step!!!! i luv doin this stuff and luv watchin others especialy a pro like ur self buzzy!! glad to see and here ur doin better the world will be a better place cuz of it!!! cheerz!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/13/2010

I typed " See No Evil" into google and this popped up just for you Buzz!

what's wrong with this world!!!

Lake Surfer posted on 01/13/2010

He's Baaaaack!

TheBigT posted on 01/13/2010


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/13/2010

Yesterday's sunset:

It's supposed to rain tonight, I hear. Finally a break in the weather. I hear the waves are real big too.

I got another chance at the tiki yesterday. Here are some more progress shots

Punched through the legs and started the shin area. I'm trying to do the lower legs a little different by making them concave instead of a straight line from knee to ankle

Now I had to round out the back of the legs because they were way too blocky

A lot more leg tweaking:

It's finally starting to make sense

Still a little bulky...

More off the legs and now the mouth started

Eyes and nose started

More face work

After a few more refinements, it looked like this at sunset:

After sunset I did the upper shoulders. Now I just have to hollow the back, do the arms and headress, refine the whole thing and I'm done.

On 2010-01-11 18:50, BIG tiki scott wrote:
very cool !!! luvin the step by step!!!!

I have to take more breaks now, so I'm snapping a shot after each one I take. Usually I'd just power through the whole daylight session and just snap one shot after I was done. Now, I figure since I have to stop anyway, might as well be informative while i'm at it. And, I want to widen my lead as TC's #1 photo contributer a bit...

On 2010-01-12 20:08, RevBambooBen wrote:
I typed " See No Evil" into google and this popped up just for you Buzz!

Looks like I'm going to have to revise my concept sketches a bit to include that fourth one. What exact evil is she concealing there, anyway?

On 2010-01-13 08:19, Lake Surfer wrote:
He's Baaaaack!

And I got some lost time to make up for...

On 2010-01-13 09:14, TheBigT wrote:


Today, however, needs to be a resting day.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-01-13 11:35 ]

TikiG posted on 01/13/2010

Very cool Buzzy!

Thanks for the progress pics :)

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hiltiki posted on 01/14/2010

Would you say you were back to semi normal?!! as far as carving goes!!!

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MadDogMike posted on 01/15/2010

That's "See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no evil, Have no fun!"

Buzz, it does my heart good to see you carving again :D

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/16/2010

Yesterday's sunset:
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Before I get on with the usual order of business, I'd like to introduce a new cast member over here at the House of Buzz, my new dog:
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I got her on Thursday. I still haven't named her yet. I can't decide between "Tiki Dog" or "Pepsi." Or maybe I'll name her after some defunct tiki bar's signature drink, if I don't name her after the tiki bar itself

She got right in to the routine around here:
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She doesn't seem to mind the mess either.

We hung outside yesterday and got some work done:
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And now on to the carving update...

The face got fixed up a bit here and there:
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Then I rounded off the shoulders:
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Next I started on the headress pattern. Since these are all diagonal to the grain of the wood, I used all super sharp flat chisels to do it.
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Center part done, moving left
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The dog gets comfy while I labor on:
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Headress done, now all I have to do is the shoulders:
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Side view:
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Rear view of it mostly hollowed out:
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Rear view of the rear:
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Even though it's a wall hanger and it will never be seen, I couldn;t resist carving it in while I was back there.

All I have left on it now are the arms.

I also need to get a haircut and name my new dog. Busy day.
Buzzy Out!

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The Sperm Whale posted on 01/16/2010

Buzzy I am glad you got a New Buddy!!! The Tiki's are looking sweet as usual. I really think you should grow your hair long.

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1961surf posted on 01/16/2010

Very very Cool dog , tiki is superb as usual , and the sunset shots are amazing.

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GROG posted on 01/16/2010

Is the tiki wearing sunglasses? You could call it "Sunset Watcher, and place him so he watches the sun go down.

Cute puppy. You should name her QT.

If GROG ever get dog, GROG name dog either "Society" or "Bitch". If GROG name dog "Society", then if anything is ever broken in the house or messed up, or GROG fart and not want anybody know it was GROG, then GROG could blame "Society". If GROG name dog "Bitch" then GROG can stand outside of house and yell, " Bitch, get your ass over here! Get in the house Bitch! Shut up Bitch! Bitch, don't make me smack you!", and etc. The neighbors will be calling the cops reporting domestic abuse, and when cops arrive, they find out GROG only yelling at GROG' dog.

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little lost tiki posted on 01/16/2010

why don't you just name him Mike?

That wallhanger is lookin TIGHT,Buzz....

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 01/16/2010

Nice work, there, Buzzy. You're really swingin again.
Super-cute pup, too! Good luck with the naming process.
Stay dry- I heard you've got some rain on the way!

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MadDogMike posted on 01/16/2010

GROG is crazy caveman! I had a dog I named Yahoo, so I would have an excuse to go outside and yell "YAAAAAHOOOOOO!!!"

On 2010-01-16 12:09, little lost tiki wrote:
why don't you just name him Mike?

I would be honored. But, there are other Mikes around - maybe I'm not the honoree :)

RevBambooBen posted on 01/17/2010

name her "HEY!"

(grog crazy!!!)

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Zaya posted on 01/17/2010

Little puppy came to meet Ringo for the first time, and we were all excited for them to become fast friends when suddenly the unthinkable happened. Ringo took one look at her then made a B-Line for under the couch, and didn't come out for two days! :-?

So here's a couple of cute pics of puppy when she came to visit...
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At least she started out with one new pal...
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The next morning Ringo couldn't stand it anymore, and came out from under the couch and went outside. Here's puppy trying to be incognito hoping Ringo wouldn't spot her...
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Ringo was quick and dashed away to have a "private" moment to himself only to find he had an audience!
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Here's puppy taking it easy, and keeping a close eye on Ringo in hopes that he'll come say Hi.
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Next I caught Ringo secretly checking out puppy!
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Then before you know it he thought that maybe she wasn't so bad. Here he is telling her some of the rules that Kiva taught him when he was a puppy. She's new around the factory so she's going to have to learn a few things first...
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The next thing you know they were out exploring, and hoping to find buried treasure...
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Here Ringo's telling her, "See this hedge? Behind that is where the sunsets happen!"
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It's great to have the start of a whole new adventure. Welcome Puppy!! xoxoxo


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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/17/2010

Hey Buzzy,

This may not be your bag, but we have always named our pets from characters from a book (Historical or Fiction)

We came up with a few good names that way, Mista,Loki & Titus are the names for our pets.
I have never been a fan of those cute names like Fluffy or Rover.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-01-16 18:57 ]

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drasticwagon posted on 01/17/2010

Great Job Buz and thanks for the step by step for us Freshman.

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HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/17/2010

Hola Buzzy! Nice Tiki and puppy...what a cutie! :)

Name suggestions?
Ilio = dog
Poki = general name for supernatural dog...which was deified
and worshiped
Nani = beautiful,pretty
Kea = white


BIG tiki scott posted on 01/17/2010

buzzy!!! beautiful pup!!! and luvin the wall hanger tiki!! esply the headress!!! happy for yah buzzy things are lookin up!!! cheerz!!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 01/18/2010

Congrats on the puppy and Ringo's new friend! Cute, cute cute!!!

[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2010-01-17 19:10 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 01/18/2010

On 2010-01-17 19:10, Queen Kamehameha wrote:
Congrats on the puppy and Ringo's new friend! Cute, cute cute!!!

[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2010-01-17 19:10 ]

Yes! too awesome!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/18/2010

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extremely cute!

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JenTiki posted on 01/20/2010

On 2008-02-21 12:04, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
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Super stoked to see this little face staring back at me when I opened my Tiki Magazine at FI tonight! I see that adorable tongue biter every weekday doing his duty on my desk!

Also, I'm glad to see you're feeling better and back to work. And the new puppy is adorable! Happy you have a new friend to keep you company.

Cheers my friend!

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buzzard posted on 01/20/2010

cool puppy

how about naming him after that handsome carver that used to live in sd ,what was his name ?

oh yeah buzzard

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Benzart posted on 01/21/2010

GO Buzzy GO!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/21/2010

A couple sunsets from when it wasn't raining
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1.25" first storm, .85 from this storm so far.

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Only two or three more days of rain.

I have these guys all finished up. Now I need to start the drum heads
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Crappy light picture for now

I finished carving this guy's arms today:
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He's pretty much finshed now. I just need to let him sit and dry for a while. He's about 14 lbs right now. I expect him to weigh in under about 9 lbs by the time he's ready to be sanded and stained.

On 2010-01-13 20:53, hiltiki wrote:
Would you say you were back to semi normal?!! as far as carving goes!!!

No. Not quite yet. I still have a little hand problem and also have to build up my stamina. I can only do about half the time I used to and I haven't tried anything big yet. At least I can put some work time in now.

On 2010-01-15 12:20, MadDogMike wrote:
Buzz, it does my heart good to see you carving again :D

I know what you mean. Just think if I stopped carving and started becoming a mixologist...had my own thread in Drinks and Food...

On 2010-01-16 10:17, The Sperm Whale wrote:
I really think you should grow your hair long.

It's happening by default. Still haven't made it to the barber yet...

On 2010-01-16 11:11, 1961surf wrote:
Very very Cool dog , tiki is superb as usual , and the sunset shots are amazing.

That list right there is the The House of Buzz Posting Holy Trinity. I'll try to maintain the highest standards in each of those subject catagories.

On 2010-01-16 12:03, GROG wrote:
Is the tiki wearing sunglasses?

I don't know what those are. My carving's more or less based on a cocojoes which is more or less based on this one:
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And that one appears to have some sort of eyewear looking things.

On 2010-01-16 12:09, little lost tiki wrote:
why don't you just name him Mike?

Mike has to be the coolest name, EVER!

On 2010-01-16 12:46, Tiki Joe's Pop wrote:
Super-cute pup, too! Good luck with the naming process.

After a couple of days of careful deliberation, she is now named.
And her name isn't yaaaaaahoooooo....

On 2010-01-16 15:35, MadDogMike wrote:
GROG is crazy caveman! I had a dog I named Yahoo, so I would have an excuse to go outside and yell "YAAAAAHOOOOOO!!!"

I once had a fireman roomate who was never around and he had a new puppy dog that I had to take care of in his absence. For some reason, I was at a point in my life where I had a lot of time to hang around the house during the day and play with the dog, so he kind of became my dog by default. Since he was mine,I tought it would be cool to train the dog to do all kinds of neat and funny tricks. One trick was to get the dog to think his name was "Fuck-O". You had to yell it in a Joe Pesci/Robert Dinero italian movie mobster accent for him to respond, but after a few days I got him to respond to that name 100% of the time. It's was funny when people wpuld come over and ask the dog's name. It would be even funnier when the dog would run over all happy and tail waggy when someone yelled "C'mere Fuck-O."

On 2010-01-16 17:49, RevBambooBen wrote:
name her "HEY!" (grog crazy!!!)

Maybe "Hey Fuck-o, you bitch!" I wonder if the vet would put that name in her records?

On 2010-01-16 18:53, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
This may not be your bag, but we have always named our pets from characters from a book (Historical or Fiction)

I actually took your advice and did that. I didn't really find anything suitable. i was cracking up at one of the crapier suggestions I found: Parzival's mother, Herzeloyde. Thatb would have been a mouthful...

On 2010-01-16 18:57, drasticwagon wrote:
Great Job Buz and thanks for the step by step for us Freshman.

I'll try to keep doing those for you chaps. As`long as I remember to take frequent breaks, it should happen.

On 2010-01-17 02:41, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Hola Buzzy! Nice Tiki and puppy...what a cutie! :)

Name suggestions?

Poki = general name for supernatural dog...which was deified
and worshiped

We have a winner! two syllables, easy sounds, neat background...

Poki it is!

Here's Poki today, playing in her pile of garbage and toys:
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She seems to fit right in amoungst the junk. I think she's like me and actually thrives in it.

On 2010-01-17 07:18, BIG tiki scott wrote:
happy for yah buzzy things are lookin up!!! cheerz!!

It's a happy house now. things were a little blue here for a while.

On 2010-01-17 19:10, Queen Kamehameha wrote:
Congrats on the puppy and Ringo's new friend! Cute, cute cute!!!

On 2010-01-17 19:24, RevBambooBen wrote:
Yes! too awesome!

I'm gonna have to drag her up the hill soon, introduce you guys to her.

On 2010-01-18 12:14, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

extremely cute!

Another shot of the puppy being cute:
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She sleeps on her back like that most of the time. Must be a comfort thing.

On 2010-01-19 23:30, JenTiki wrote:

Super stoked to see this little face staring back at me when I opened my Tiki Magazine at FI tonight! I see that adorable tongue biter every weekday doing his duty on my desk!

Also, I'm glad to see you're feeling better and back to work. And the new puppy is adorable! Happy you have a new friend to keep you company.

Cheers my friend!

Hi Jen! I had to get that tiki in there. Glad it stoked you out! Your tiki is famous!
I needed a new partner in crime. It was just a little bit too lonely around here lately.

On 2010-01-20 10:08, buzzard wrote:
cool puppy

how about naming him after that handsome carver that used to live in sd ,what was his name ?

oh yeah buzzard

Oh, too bad Bob! You just missed the name submittal deadline...

I was actually waiting until after the Chargers game to name her. I was planning on naming her Darran Sproles or LT, depending on which one did better in the Chargers win over the Jets. Good thing they didn;t win because SD will lose both to free agency real soon and I will not have to answer this question: Did you name your dog after that running back on the Phoenix Cardinals they picked up from the Chargers a few years ago?

On 2010-01-20 19:21, Benzart wrote:
GO Buzzy GO!

Gettin' to it Bennie! this is only the gathering storm.

Speaking of gathering storms, I need to go stand out in one right now until my dog goes poop.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-01-20 21:39 ]

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/21/2010

Poki it is! :)

Here's Poki today, playing in her pile of garbage and toys:
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  • looks like Poki got into the bedroom toybox :oops:...again

She sleeps on her back like that most of the time. Must be a comfort thing.

  • Thats what He said :lol:
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MadDogMike posted on 01/21/2010

Maybe "Hey Fuck-o, you bitch!" I wonder if the vet would put that name in her records?

I worked at a vet's office years ago. You would be amazed at the things people would sheepishly admit to when you asked them the pet's name :lol:

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cb732f34095f89ddbae6f64ba91d13ba?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TravelingJones posted on 01/22/2010

*************** :tiki: POKI ROCKS BAY PARK!!! :tiki:************
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*************** :tiki: CONGRATS BUZZY! :tiki:****************

RevBambooBen posted on 01/22/2010

Poki ROCKS!!!!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/22/2010

Crappy weather today so I was stuck inside. I worked on a piece I started in march of last year. I still had the second face to do, so I decided that today was the day to get back to work on it.
Here's side one, done last year:
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the start of today's side:
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Here it is after some work done:
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It was hard getting them the same when I couldn;t see the one I was copying while I was working on the copy. I had to keep flipping it back and forth to see if it matched. Here they are back to back right before I cut them apart:
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Side by side after a little more touchup on #2:
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On 2010-01-20 21:47, HOUSE OF KU wrote:

  • looks like Poki got into the bedroom toybox :oops:...again

The dog toys are made by the same company as the adult toys, except they're a fraction of the cost!

On 2010-01-21 11:38, MadDogMike wrote:
You would be amazed at the things people would sheepishly admit to when you asked them the pet's name :lol:

For instance...

On 2010-01-21 19:12, TravelingJones wrote:
*************** :tiki: POKI ROCKS BAY PARK!!! :tiki:************
*************** :tiki: CONGRATS BUZZY! :tiki:****************

Thanks Jonesey. I saw your post in the trade thread. Nice work!, and with that hair, you look like a hippie!

On 2010-01-21 20:19, RevBambooBen wrote:
Poki ROCKS!!!!!

Rocks ON!

And on, and, on, and on...
Buzzy Out!

Babalu posted on 01/23/2010

awww...I gots to come over and meet Poki. She's a sweetie Buzz Master.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/25/2010

A couple sunsets:
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The last of last week's storms brought 2.25" of rain. It knocked out half the channels on my usual satellite reception. It's getting fixed tomorrow, but another storm is probably coming on Tuesday.

Tiki update:
I did a little more sanding of the twins:
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and I gave them some asses:
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On 2010-01-22 22:53, Babalu wrote:
awww...I gots to come over and meet Poki. She's a sweetie Buzz Master.

well for now, you'll just have to settle for a preview picture of her napping:
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We'll see ya soon!

In other news, nothing else is going on.
Buzzy Out!

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mp posted on 01/25/2010

Cool work buzz. Glad to see your getting better and your back in action.
Really love your clay work your doing at Babalu's as well. Also,
The HOUSE OF BUZZZZZZ KICKS ASS!!!!!!! Keep'm coming.

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/27/2010

Yo Buzzy! It's here, it's here ... :D

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Looks awesome! Now I can complete my Tiki inspiration alter ... :)

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Thanks for having the contest... Freddie

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/31/2010

Some recent sunsets:
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Here are some shots of the last tiki I finished in better light:
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Side view:
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Here's how I did the arms:
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Now he will sit for a while and dry out a bit before I sand him

On to the next one. Full round log for this one, but it'sa short one. Step by steps for step by step fans:

I make parallel lines off the center line on each end. these mark to depth where I'll be carving later on. Right here I removed the sides of the head. What was round, is now flat.
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Next I round the edges of the head so its a rounded edged rectangle:
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Both sides done, I'l do it to the font and back next:
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Now I make the front of the arms:
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Bottom of hands, knees, and top of the feet started:
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A quick break from all that step by step mumbo jumbo: My dog chases every piece of wood that flies off the log when I'm carving
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Now I square off the sides of the legs and start the chin area:
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Rounded cuts in the chest sides:
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These will help facilitate cut throughs to the back, which I will be executing on this piece later on.

I took out some material on the back of the feet and started the ankles:
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A little more rounding with the sander and this is where it is now:
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One last picture of the puppy for the road:
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She likes to chew on wood chips. Saves a lot of money for me on puppy toys.One of the many side benefits of tiki carving!

On 2010-01-27 03:53, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Now I can complete my Tiki inspiration alter ... :)
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Thanks for having the contest... Freddie

Yo Freddie! I'm seeing those altars popping up herev and there these days. Enough that I hope one or two are left intact for archeologists to find in the future. They'd write a textbook about enshrined Buzzy deity!

On 2010-01-25 08:32, mp wrote:
The HOUSE OF BUZZZZZZ KICKS ASS!!!!!!! Keep'm coming.

Right on MP! Hope to see you in the hallowed halls of he House of Buzz one of these days.

Since the contest prize was finaly delivered to Freddie intact, I can have another contest!

Any new contest ideas?
Buzzy Out!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 01/31/2010

Longest penis.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cb732f34095f89ddbae6f64ba91d13ba?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TravelingJones posted on 01/31/2010

:tiki: Sunsets, tiki, Poki and idol worship... yep, that's all in da House of Buzz! :tiki:

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/01/2010

I got a little more done on the tiki last night.

Here's how he stands now:
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I got the punch outs under the arms done
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Legs make a little more sense now:
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Side view. I need to work out the shoulders a bit and do something to the back of the feet and legs
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I put a butt on this one too:
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Rear view of the rear:
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On 2010-01-30 19:13, GROG wrote:
Longest penis.

I rather not discourage some of my good friends from entering.
How about: Which week will Poki destroy her first tiki item?
Catagories are: Coco joe's, Original unfinished carving, original finished carving,Drum bell or pedestal, drum head only, carving tool handle, wood pendant finished, wood pendant unfinished, Scrubs resin tiki, Brad Bunch resin tiki, Swap meet find, etc.

On 2010-01-30 19:37, TravelingJones wrote:
:tiki: Sunsets, tiki, Poki and idol worship... yep, that's all in da House of Buzz! :tiki:

Ain't life grand...

I gotta get my hands on some Weinerschnitzel. I'm hungry!
Buzzy Out!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 02/01/2010

What? No puppy pic?

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