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2010 January Mug Swap **Get Your Swap On People!!**

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leleliz posted on 01/19/2010

So if everyone who has not shipped yet can get your packages out by this Friday that would be awesome.

I really appreciate everyone contacting me to let me know they have sent theirs but I have so many pms I have lost track of who has sent what ..lol

I say if by NEXT Monday you have not received your box yet send me a pm and I will look into it.

Most if not all traders have said they will ship by this Friday at the very latest so not to worry.

Mahalos and keep the pics coming!

Easter Island Elvis posted on 01/20/2010

OK, I FINALLY found my camera! So without further ado...

The mugs are awesome and that pic of the zombie making the zombie is one of my favorites! Thanks so much, Tiki Pug!!!

1961surf posted on 01/20/2010

On 2010-01-16 20:24, abstractiki wrote:
Well I new TC'er included some extras in this swap, and I was looking forward to the boost to my Tiki stuff collection but WOW!!!

Tobunga went beyond my wildest expectation! I opened the box in my home studio and soon found it was severely lacking the open space to view all this Tiki goodness. I moved it down stairs to the kitchen table for some photos. I love the mug, I love it all. There is so much terrific stuff here. Tobunga did such a great job on the Stockton Tiki restaurant painting. I am so impressed, he even got the Hula girl on the Tahiti Iti sign. There is only one old picture I had found of that sign and its so bad you can just barely see that it's a Hula girl on there. I had contemplated posting a new comment on that thread just to point it out. Here is pics of the whole lot and a few close ups. Thanks so much Tobunga! Mahalo!

cool paper with Tiki art!

My table runeth over! Also got some great Tiki matchbooks today in a separate package that didn't make it in this photo.

Super sweet Tiki Farm mug!

Great book on Polynesian artifacts!

Awesome Stockton Tiki Paradise painting, Bali Hai Tropical Drink menu and Tikiyaki Airways art!

Hand painted Aloha note!


That's quite a hall David ....congrads .Two thumbs up to Tobunga .The brochure
from the Shag Forest Lawn tiki event was a great exhibition .There were very few of
those available at the event or given out.

catmomma posted on 01/20/2010

damn I missed out on another swap :P

KiltedTiki posted on 01/21/2010

Got one of my trades last week, then I went down south for the guitar geek fest and a day at Disneyland
so now I'm just getting around to posting my trade.
1st let me tell you when a camera gets sick it dosn't get better,
So sorry about the photos, I guess it's a new camera soon!
My trader was Sideshow Bob, Thanks Bob, trader vic mug and glass and a cocojoes ash tray
very cool.

I picked up my 2nd trade yesterday, opened it in the car, another mug that I didn't have
and oneethat I've been wanting, a Joe Vitale Viva Las Vegas 10 Rockabilly weeekend mug. , Thank you. Ran Tiki!!
Both of these trades made my day.


[ Edited by: KiltedTiki 2010-01-21 16:09 ]

leleliz posted on 01/21/2010

Kilted Tiki your other trader was RanTiki :)

I am sorry I have not posted updates.Its been like Nam here with the freakin' rain. Monsoon season sucks in California.

Heres where we are so far over the past few days:

House Of Ku there was a switch up so yours is being sent by Saturday



they are on the way.

If I havent posted your name on here and you are concerned just pm me. If you are having delays shipping pm me. If you have received your box but cant post pics please pm your trader so they know it came.

Packages need to be shipped by this weekend so get to steppin people!!

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-01-20 20:20 ]

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-01-20 21:34 ]

leleliz posted on 01/22/2010

Uncle Trav
Pikey's Dog

Yours are on their way!

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-01-22 11:27 ]

Bongo Bungalow posted on 01/22/2010

My swappage arrived! Two mugs, one I'm totally unaquainted with, and swizzles, flags stirrers, DTB coaster, match books and a great postcard. Now, I can't find a TC name anywhere to know who sent me this great stuff! But-- Under the layers of wrapping I find the box has been sent before, so... it looks to be from the United Kingdom... Sheffield? Could this be from Pikeys Dog? Thanks a million!

And can someone help me with the origins of the COCONUT T.R.O. mug? I'm still learning.

[ Edited by: Bongo Bungalow 2010-01-22 07:33 ]

Dustycajun posted on 01/23/2010

Went home for lunch today in the rain, it was dreary. Had some fish chowder with clams, it was good.

The mailman rang the doorbell and left this!

Opened it up and found these on top!

A Disneyland souvenir guide and a Trader Vics drink menu cover.

Then, the mugs. A three pack from the Stockton Islander

Wait, there was more! Some matchbooks and swizzles from the Beachcomber in Canada.

It was Friday, so I made a Mai Tai to celebrate my incredible mug swap.

I am speechless at the incredible package that Psycho Tiki D sent me.
My first Tiki experience was in Stockton as a kid and I have always wanted the Islander mugs, I did not have them until now! Have wanted these for ever.
I collect Tiki paper and have lots of matchbooks, but not those Beachcombers! Also, did not have the swizzles in those colors and with the lettering on the back.

PTD you rock! Thanks for the trade it was over the top and made my day, month, year.


leleliz posted on 01/23/2010

DC I know Duane (Psycho Tiki D) was stressing on what to send so it looks like he did well!

Bongo your trader WAS Pikey's Dog.


Big Kahuna posted on 01/23/2010

OK! I gots new battrees! Big thanks to Tiki-Pops for a great swap!
A Don's Rum Barrel,(now crossed off my wish list), aneat little KC mug & a Hawaii shot glass.

A cool little glass float, Don's coaster & swizzle, & Oasis 2006 matchbook:

Pack 'o napkins, a coupla stickers & some pin-up PCs. Oh, I love pin-ups!:

Thanks again, Tiki-Pops & thanks for all your hard work, Liz, you crazy broad!

tikipaka posted on 01/23/2010

Received my trade yesterday, and will post photo's asap.. Thank you Crushenstein (Noland) for one of my best trades ever! :lol:

Tacky Tiki posted on 01/23/2010

I'm still waiting.......I hope today's the day........

Great trade so far!!!! Awesome stuff!!

Can't wait.......tiki goodness on it's way!!!!


tikipaka posted on 01/23/2010

OK, so I take crappy photos. :(

Thank you so much for everything Crushenstein, you did good & I really love the Tropics mug. :D :D

Hey Liz can I get Noland, during the next swap, I want the other 5 Tropics mugs he has. :lol:

crushenstein posted on 01/24/2010


you are very welcome! i'm glad you like them. i was hoping i sent you something you didn't have.


Staredge posted on 01/24/2010

Got mine on Thursday, finally got a picture. Thanks KiltedTiki!!!! There's a shirt that isn't in the pic, which my 12 yo son absconded with!!!

Pikeys Dog posted on 01/24/2010

On 2010-01-22 07:32, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
Now, I can't find a TC name anywhere to know who sent me this great stuff! But-- Under the layers of wrapping I find the box has been sent before, so... it looks to be from the United Kingdom... Sheffield? Could this be from Pikeys Dog? Thanks a million!

Glad your package arrived safe and in good order.
My ID was part of the senders address on the back of the package - maybe you destroyed it in your eagerness to get to the goodies? LOL.

It's so difficult trying to choose mugs for folks when you don't know what's in their collection - but I thought the Coconut might be scarce/unusual enough to hit the spot.

It came from Cananda, but unfortunately I don't know if it was used in a bar, or if it was a hobbyist mug - I've saved his twin brother for my own collection.

Tikisgrl posted on 01/24/2010

My trader was Sweet Daddy Tiki! I'm thrilled with everything, wish I could remember where I stashed the camera? Pictures soon. Thank you, thank you, SDT for the great batch of goodies & the hockey player too!

TIKIVILLE posted on 01/25/2010

still waiting for word either way ...did my trade arrive yet?,has my sender shipped ?
this waiting is KILLING ME!( dont know if I like it lol)

leleliz posted on 01/25/2010

On 2010-01-25 11:32, TIKIVILLE wrote:
still waiting for word either way ...did my trade arrive yet?,has my sender shipped ?
this waiting is KILLING ME!( dont know if I like it lol)

Tikiville yours was already sent...but if something is being sent from the US to Canada it will take a bit of time!

TIKIVILLE posted on 01/25/2010

I meant no demand ....just scratchin' my head at the postman ...
I'm more excited to see if I did my job on the other end!
I'd feel the heel if I missed the mark dig?

exquisitecorpse posted on 01/25/2010

sneakytiki sent me this box of treasures:

many thanks!

Pikeys Dog posted on 01/26/2010

Many Thanks to Sneakyjack for this bumper bundle...

Two mugs, a tiki bottle opener, numerous stickers, coasters, napkins
and business cards.

2 issues of Bachelor Pad Magazine.

I only had one matchbook and one swizzle.

leleliz posted on 01/26/2010

Tikiville I know you are just excited!

Sideshow Bob posted on 01/26/2010

leleliz! This has been great! Thanks for setting this up!!! CHEERS!


MikeyTiki posted on 01/26/2010

I have gotten both of my trades, thank you guys very much! :)

From Staredge:

From Slacks Ferret:

Thank you leleliz for all the effort and time you have spent to make this happen!

[ Edited by: MikeyTiki 2010-01-25 21:47 ]

Coco Joe posted on 01/26/2010

On 2010-01-24 06:49, Staredge wrote:
Got mine on Thursday, finally got a picture. Thanks KiltedTiki!!!! There's a shirt that isn't in the pic, which my 12 yo son absconded with!!!

HA! I received the same thing from KiltedTiki...I'm very happy and a big THANKS to KiltedTiki and to Staredge for taking the picture for me!

Dustycajun posted on 01/26/2010

On 2010-01-25 22:14, Coco Joe wrote:
HA! I received the same thing from KiltedTiki...I'm very happy and a big THANKS to KiltedTiki and to Staredge for taking the picture for me!

Coco Joe,

The least you could do is post of pic of that damn shirt that Staredge's 12-year old stole!
Or did you lose yours too?


nuKKe posted on 01/26/2010

A package from House of Ku(?) arrived today. I'd only pick it up on the weekend but wanted to update regardless.
Thanks :)

leleliz posted on 01/26/2010

Tiki Shaker

your trader (same one) had a snafu so your was just sent out. You should get the packages in just a few days.

Hold tight!

Slacks Ferret posted on 01/26/2010

Got mine yesterday! Thanks Exquisite corpse! It's awesome! I will post pics later.

exquisitecorpse posted on 01/26/2010

trade #2 came in today from tacky tiki:

Thank you for the overwhelming amount of tiki!

KiltedTiki posted on 01/27/2010

On 2010-01-25 22:14, Coco Joe wrote:

On 2010-01-24 06:49, Staredge wrote:
Got mine on Thursday, finally got a picture. Thanks KiltedTiki!!!! There's a shirt that isn't in the pic, which my 12 yo son absconded with!!!

HA! I received the same thing from KiltedTiki...I'm very happy and a big THANKS to KiltedTiki and to Staredge for taking the picture for me!

it's not all the same stuff. and I didn't see the stickers in the photo, and you recived other kind of pennet.

Tacky Tiki posted on 01/27/2010

exquisitecorpse-I'm glad you like your tiki treasure!! I was just about to check the tracking number to find out what happened to it! I sent it out on the 15th! They told me it would be 5-7 days...not 11!

I'm still waiting for my box.....does this mean I'm getting tiki from far, far away??? Can't wait!!!


HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/27/2010

Aloha! Got Mine Too! Thank you Catmomma, Love it all...and you're right...I don't have that frat party mug, Trader Vic parrot or personal pineapple ice bucket either :lol:

Mugs,coasters, stirsticks, drink umbrellas, shot glass, ice bucket, stickers, keychain , rubber stamp set and more... great Tiki care package :) Thankyou Leleliz too!
MahaLO, Freddie

catmomma posted on 01/27/2010

hey Liz, got my box o goodies today! Been scrubbing my house all day and heard the "whump" when the box was tossed onto my porch. I ran out in my pajamas to go get it not even caring if the whole world was going to see me in my Hello Kitty pants :)

Ok so how did you know I am a Cheshire Cat fanatic? I did not have that little book in my collection so that was pretty awesome :wink:
Love all the tiki swag, especially the little pineapple ceramic dish, man that is cute. I am looking forward to finding nooks in my tiki bar for all the new goodies. THANK YOU!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 01/28/2010

Still waiting for my swap. I know it's been sent - maybe I should check the dumpsters.

leleliz posted on 01/28/2010

On 2010-01-27 14:19, catmomma wrote:

Ok so how did you know I am a Cheshire Cat fanatic? I did not have that little book in my collection so that was pretty awesome :wink:

I am glad you liked everything. As you can tell it was more Hawaiian themed then Tiki but hell..I am sure you can do something with it all!

Somewhere on a Disney thread that Tom Slick started you posted a pic of your collection on display at the fair.

I found that little book with a bunch of other stuff and knew instantly that it needed to go to you :)

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-01-27 18:14 ]

Unkle John posted on 01/28/2010

Holy cow!

I received a package yesterday from Tikiville all the way from the Great White North!

Included in the pic is a TikiFarm mug, a Daga Moai mug, and what looks like a Shonfeld Moai mug. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, Tikiville also sent me a plethora of paper goodies. Including two post cards from vintage Hawaii, a few comical horoscope cards, a tapa style napkin, matchbook from The Beachcomber in Edmonton, a table card (from the same Beachcomber), and a vintage refund check (what's the story on that one?). But wait, that's not all. I also got a smiling menihune figurine, an ashtray shaped like a melted bottle, a CD full of postcards, and a mess-load of swizzle sticks ranging from The beachcomber, to Trader Vic's, to the Trump and Ceaser casinos! I do want to point out that there is a yellow paddle swizzle in the center, it looks like a empty space on the table, I didn't think of that when I posed the sticks.


TIKIVILLE posted on 01/28/2010

well YEEHAW! as they say in Texas ( do they still say that in Texas?)
Glad ya got the haul and that you are pleased,I took a run at it and then I felt I should jam a couple more things in there to fill er up !Hope the mugs are needed for your collection and Thank you for posting a picture too!
Canada!....not just for ice cubes any more lol
(oh yeah , the refund cheque is a head scratcher huh? lol I figured you'd get a kick outta trying to cash it in for something lol )

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2010-01-28 11:26 ]

sneakyjack posted on 01/28/2010

got my trade in the mail today 1.28 - lots of cool stuff - Mike I didn't have anything you sent. I will edit this post and add a picture.


PMP mugs, Thatch mug, tiki coaster, tiki shot glass, napkins galore, stirrers plastic tapa round design and fun , stirrer monkey guy!

[ Edited by: sneakyjack 2010-01-28 16:32 ]

MikeyTiki posted on 01/29/2010

On 2010-01-28 14:34, sneakyjack wrote:
got my trade in the mail today 1.28 - lots of cool stuff - Mike I didn't have anything you sent.

I'm glad you received in good condition, and I was able to add to your collection. Did you notice that if you squeeze the flying monkey key chain it screams? :wink:

[ Edited by: MikeyTiki 2010-01-28 18:00 ]

Unkle John posted on 01/29/2010

On 2010-01-28 11:23, TIKIVILLE wrote:
well YEEHAW! as they say in Texas ( do they still say that in Texas?)

We outlawed it years ago, but no one enforces the law. LOL J/K

The refund check was a great unexpected gift. I like random stuff like that.
Many Mahalos!!

Tacky Tiki posted on 01/29/2010

Oy Vey!!! I got my tiki trade treasure from Nukke!!!! It arrived safe and sound from Israel!! I'll post pictures later...gotta get ready to head to Palo Alto for Tikiyaki tomorrow...macadamia banana bread to make for room party, etc.....but I LOVE my trade items!!! Mahalo Nukke!!!

As promised, here are my trade items...all the way from the middle east (the land of No Tiki!)

Here are my trade items from Nukke!!! The very rare Sheine' Moai mug made by Nukke, napkins, parasols and tiki picks, a swizzle/ice cube tray, Swiss chocolate filled with St James rum, 2 vintage postcards: the Kon Tiki raft (!) and the Hotel King Kamehameha in Kona, and a St James Rhum glass! She also wrote me a very nice letter, and now the Best part of my trade package...I have a new friend in Israel!! Tiki Central is such a fantastic place...bringing people together with tiki!

Here's the St James glass..a new promo item from them!

Mahalo Nukke! And mahalo Liz for keeping the trade alive!


The Lava Lounge...deep in the heart of the Enchanted Canna Forest!
On board the Tikiyaki Airways flight, waiting for a Mai Tai!

[ Edited by: Tacky Tiki 2010-02-07 13:02 ]

leleliz posted on 01/30/2010

Please let me know (VIA PM!) if you have not yet received your package so I can find out what the dealio is my fellow swappers !

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-01-30 09:02 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 01/30/2010

On 2010-01-25 14:31, exquisitecorpse wrote:
sneakytiki sent me this box of treasures:

many thanks!

Many Welcomes!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 01/31/2010

Behind a little on my posts. I do not know who my second trader was, but thanks for the mugs and goodies...

Someone from Walden NY. Thanks again!


Tiki Shaker posted on 01/31/2010

Thanks for the box of fun stuff MikeyTiki! I've especially been wanting the Thatch Mug!

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